Summary: Looking back on it, Harry should have known this would happen. But he just didn't think it was possible at all this time around - he'd just saved their lives, hadn't he?

He supposed it was a good thing he was orphaned in the war. Draco shuddered to imagine what his father thought of the situation.

The ban Gran placed on Neville was pushing it. It wasn't just a ban - it was fortified with magic.

It was such a shame, really, that things worked out the way it did. Luna, of course, knew all of it would happen.

After the final battle, things go back to normal. Harry, Ron and Hermione all go to school for one last year and one last adventure, one without Voldemort. Harry and Ginny are living their lives happily and have great plans for a great future.

At least, that's how it was supposed to happen.

Instead, everyone begins to fear Harry. If he could defeat Him, then who's to say he won't follow the same path? Who's to say he won't go dark?

Harry is falling into a depression that he can't seem to escape. The ones he depends on most have abandoned him and the one who hasn't can't speak to him. He feels like he's drowning and there are leads attached to him, helping him along.

Neville does his best, honest, but there isn't much he can do, thanks to Gran. He wants to help, but he physically can't, and it's slowly killing him. Maybe... no, that wouldn't work.

Luna does her best as well. The creatures she sees are messing with his head, and no matter hard she tries, she can't help him get rid of them. Maybe someday, somehow.

Draco doesn't do much - it's not his place. He's been nothing but hurtful to Harry, but he regrets that, really. It will take time to get Harry to trust him. He wants to help but he knows it'll be rebuffed. Right?

A meeting where they all get to know each other gets interrupted. The ball of light shouldn't be trusted, but Luna say's it's safe. So when Luna wakes up ten years old again, she has four months to prepare for her friends' arrivals.



Looking back on it, Harry should have known this would happen. It had, after all, been a reoccurring pattern in his life. He does something good, everyone either hates or loves him. Or they all hate him for something he didn't do. But he didn't think it would be possible at all this time around. He had just saved their lives, hadn't he? Oh, but somehow it got out that his blood was used to revive Him – never mind the fact that it was Forcibly Taken. And now, his family was afraid of him. Ron and Hermione avoided him at all costs and Ginny had stopped talking to him. He was falling into depression already, and they just helped the process along. His only solace was the three people that didn't fear him. His only problem: one was banned from speaking to him, another was a Ravenclaw who spent all her time alone and the last... the last was Malfoy. Harry pretended he only saw the sneers and insults, and not the puzzled glances and slight upturn of the lips.

He supposed it was a good thing he was orphaned in the war. Draco shuddered to imagine what his father thought of the situation. Honestly, the world was better off without the man. Narcissa was an okay mother, he figured, as far as mothers went, but she always went with whatever Lucius wanted. It was funny, how they were Narcissa and Lucius, not mother and father, but honestly – they pushed him to become a Death Eater, and when he refused, they allowed Him to do what He wanted. As far as Draco was concerned, they lost the title of parents long ago. But the reason of the shuddering – Draco was... curious – what made Potter the so called "Chosen One" – why? And how, for Merlin and Morgana's sakes, did he walk to his own death? Draco admitted that he respected the boy for that. A longer search into what made Potter... Potter, revealed some rather interesting finds. Glances when no one noticed were often sent Potter's direction. Draco didn't notice the barest hint of a smile that often accompanied the looks.

The ban Gran placed on Neville was pushing it. It wasn't just a ban - it was fortified with magic. Neville couldn't speak one word about his friend, couldn't talk to him. The first time he tried, he went to the hospital wing for the rash that appeared everywhere and hadn't tried again. But he was also one of the only ones who still genuinely cared. Harry was falling into a depression. It was getting worse too. He'd have nightmares, but nobody felt the need to help him. They'd scoff and say that he was looking to gain followers like His. Harry was drowning and they were the lead balls tied to his feet. But Neville quickly found a loophole – he could offer comforting smiles and if he got lucky, the occasional hug. Neville took it upon himself to be the floaty that counteracted the weights. But his Gran had gone too far this time. Neville thought he couldn't ever forgive her for this. Nearly disowning him for possible lack of magic, yes, but choosing who he could interact with? Never.

It was such a shame, really, that things worked out the way it did. Luna, of course, knew all of it would happen. She wasn't a seer, per say, but rather had inherited an interesting trait. She could see past and personality and draw scarily accurate predictions of the future. She could also see magics – aura, most often, but the magical creatures no one else would ever be able to see also made themselves known. She knew that nobody believed her when she spoke of the creatures, but they were there – influencing every little thing. Luna knew what would happen to herself and the other three who had the neutral aura. It wasn't dark nor light nor was it a fixed shade. While everyone else's aura was a bright color – blue or green or red – the four (Luna included) had a color that was a mixture of black and white. While everyone else's aura was a single shade their whole lives, theirs shifted depending on mood and health. The sight was part of what made Luna so good at predictions.