Miku silently sipped her tea as she sat at the study table while Nero stood nearby without saying a word. The minutes passed by and Miku sweatdropped. The silence was honestly deafening…

A few minutes ago, Nero has lightly scolded Miku for picking flowers at the garden -even though in reality, she was merely framed by that idiotic thief (not that Nero needs to know). Miku of course, couldn't really explain herself and just apologized. He didn't ask how she managed to get the flowers to which Miku was somewhat relieved.

And now, the two weren't saying a word to each other which may Miku feel awkward. She glanced at Nero from the corner of her eye. He didn't say anything as he stood there, calm and composed. If anything, Nero looked like a statue.

Miku wondered if she should do small talk with him again but she had no idea how to start. Nero didn't seem like an easy person to talk to and she didn't know if he even wanted to talk, and so she didn't say a word at all.

The long silence lasted for a while before the door finally opened. Miku looked up to see the prince standing at the door. Rinto smiled as he walked into the room. "I apologized for the wait, Hachune-san." He said. "I hope I had not kept you waiting for too long."

"No, your highness." Miku stood up and bowed slightly. "In fact, I should be grateful that you had invited me over to the castle."

Rinto smiled and looked over to Nero, who still stood at the side. "Thank you Nero for bring Hachune-san here. You must have other duties to attend so you may go now." He said kindly.

"Of course, your highness." Nero then bowed and began leaving the room without looking back, leaving the two alone in the room. Rinto turned back to Miku and calmly gesture her to sit back down to which Miku did.

Rinto sat down across her and began to do small talk. "I hope Nero treated you well while I was busy."

"He did. He was quite nice, though we haven't really spoken much this whole time." Miku admitted as she picked up her cup and took a sip. Rinto nodded in understanding as he reached for the teapot on the table, pouring himself a cup.

"It can't be helped honestly. I assume Nero had told you about my mother's ridiculous rule of silence?" Rinto said while calmly drunk. Miku simply smiled.

Without waiting for Miku's reply, Rinto continued. "It is probably my younger brother's fault. He once stole a trumpet from one of the royal musicians and started playing around the castle. If I have to be honest he was a terrible trumpeter." He chuckled at the memory.

Miku smiled awkwardly and continued to drink her tea. "And what about you?" Rinto suddenly questioned. "Do you have any siblings?"

Miku paused for a second. "Sadly no, your highness." She answered curtly.

"Is that so. I often wondered what it would be like to be an only child, though in the same time I can't even imagine a life without my younger brother, even though he can be an awful headache at times." Rinto couldn't help but comment.

"Your highness seems very close with your brother."

"Well as his older brother, he is my responsibility. I care about him and want what is best for him though he seems quite annoyed with me at times." He smiled. "And now you. You don't seem to be a Lucifienia resident from what I heard. Where are you from? I don't want to presume but judging from your green hair …"

"…Your highness, as much as I like having small talk I have to ask." Miku said, setting her cup down. "Why did you invite here today?"

Rinto chuckled and leaned back against his chair. "Nothing much. I'm simply curious with the woman I danced with one night ago." He shrugged lightly. "To be truly honest, it was perhaps boredom that sparked my curiosity. Not many women –or rather any at all, would even think of approaching a prince and silently offer her hand without a word."

Rinto's eyes then met with Miku as an amused smile stretched on his lips. "And if I have to be as frank as you…I might even wish for you to keep me entertained for awhile."

"Entertained?" Miku raised a brow. She wondered what type of 'entertainment' he meant. Rinto didn't seem to have any bad intentions, judging from his body language and from what she had heard from the ladies in the ball last time, he was a gentleman, a true prince…but then again, it could be just a disguise and he was actually darker than his princely attitude is.

Either way…Miku wasn't going to back down. In fact, this was actually a good opportunity to get close.

But what was he planning?

"Yes." Rinto nodded. "Frankly, the life in this place is quite dull and uneventful so I believe…you can stay here as a personal guest of mine. I would definitely like to have you around to amu- no, to liven things around in this boring place for as long as possible." He claimed while that same amused smile as though he was joking but Miku could tell he was serious.

Miku was dumbfounded by this. This person wanted her, a person he just met, to stay in the palace just for his own amusement? What exactly was he thinking?

It's true that she believed this could make a good opportunity to get close to the princes and truly start her revenge plan but this was….

"Your highness, are you simply saying that you just want me here…as a pet or a toy?" Miku questioned but she wasn't offended. She was actually interested. 'After all, we'll see very soon who really is the toy here.'

Rinto just smiled, obviously not hiding his intent. "You could say that." He bluntly admitted. "Of course, you could reject the offer if you wish. I won't force you to stay as…in your own words, a pet or a toy."

Perhaps what Miku thought of him was somewhat right after all…His true personality was definitely interesting.

Miku pretended to think about it, taking her time as she picked up the teapot and poured another cup of tea. Rinto didn't seem to be in a rush either as he quietly sipped his tea.

After a few moments of peaceful silence, Miku placed down her cup and looked back at the prince. "Alright then, your highness." She finally said. "But under one condition."

Rinto arched a brow at this and leaned forward in interest. "And what may that be?"

"I wish to be paid." Miku said without hesitation. Rinto was surprised at first before he smiled, looking even more amused than before. "And why is that?"

"Well if I were to stay here for as someone for your personal amusement, I expect to be paid for it." Miku shrugged. It seemed shameless of her to even think of demanding pay from a member of a royal family but she wanted to test the waters of how far this person was letting her go.

Even though she was only staying for her revenge plan, she might as well make the most of it and take what she can from this strange prince. It would also make a good way to provide for Leon and Gumi, that way Gumo wouldn't be the only one to earn money.

It would be like hitting two birds with one stone.

Rinto hummed and now, it was his turn to take his time answering her. Miku was partly anxious as the silence stretched on. She wondered if she overestimated herself before Rinto began. "Alright."

Miku blinked at this and stared at him in shock. "What?" She couldn't help but utter, wondering if she heard him right.

Rinto looked at her with a smirk. "I don't mind paying you. After all, from our conversation just now it does seem like I'm hiring you to be my source of entertainment rather than a guest so it really isn't an issue to me." He said casually.

Miku actually didn't think he would agree so easily. Was he really so bored that he was willing to pay her just to stay in the castle? Apparently so…

"Okay then…" Miku quietly said and Rinto smiled. "Now that we are in an agreement, when would you be moving here?"

"…I would have to discuss that with my companion. She came to this country with me for the ball after all."

"I see then once you two discuss about this, please notify me. I'll have the necessary preparation for your arrival."

"…Of course your highness." Miku didn't want to ask what he meant by 'necessary preparation' so she didn't and stared into the tea.

There was a moment of silence before Miku finally glanced at the grandfather clock at the far side of the room. Looks like she has to go before Gumi gets worried.

"Your highness, I must be off now." Miku calmly said as she stood up. Rinto didn't ask why nor did he stop her and simply nodded. "I shall escort you out then." He said and stood up at well but Miku raised her hand.

"No it is quite alright your highness." She replied bluntly. "It would be troublesome if the crown prince was seen with a woman in the palace. Don't worry, I have already memorized my way out."

Rinto raised a brow at the fact she just called him 'troublesome' before he laughed lowly. "Alright then." He approached Miku then reached out and gently took her hand. He bend down and placed a feather-like kiss on the back of her hand.

Miku froze for a second and didn't say a word as Rinto straightened his form and smiled in a way that could make any woman's leg feel weak. "I hope to hear from you soon, Hachune-san."

Miku wince slightly at the brightness of his smile and nodded before she took a step back and curtsied then made her way to the door. She felt Rinto's stare as she walked to the door then opened the door and closed it behind her. Miku stood there for a moment, slightly dazed as she wondered. 'What in the world just happened?'

She didn't expect to be placed in the castle so easily like this. Miku found this suspicious and very odd. Miku thought of ways she could get close to at least one of the princes but this was a little out of her expectations.

Obviously right now, Rinto wasn't in love with her. His interest in her was simply in the same level as a child curiously poking a bug he just found.

'Well he did say he only wanted me here as a toy or a pet.' Miku thought to herself with a sigh as she finally began walking down the empty hallway. Well it was a start. At least she would be given the chance to get close to the prince but she didn't understand what the prince was thinking.

Was he not worried about what the people would say about a commoner staying in the palace? What about the king and queen? Do they even realize their son had just invited someone of unknown origins to come live with them in the castle as his 'toy'?

"The crown prince is certainly odd." Miku couldn't help but say aloud as she turned a corner. She yelped as she bumped into something –or someone from the yelp she heard- - roughly. Being trained by Leon, she regained her balance very quickly, if it were anyone else they would have fall to the ground harshly.

Miku looked up and realized it was boy probably close to her age. He had blond hair that was tied to a short ponytail and wore a simple white dress shirt and black pants. He was slightly taller than her but she still managed to be at eye level to him and saw that he was glaring at her.

"Watch where you are going." He said lowly in hard tone. Miku blinked at this. "I apologize." She replied calmly. The blond haired boy sighed. "Just be careful next time." He waved his hand, dismissing it.

Miku frowned slightly at the rude action but she didn't respond and simply nodded. She curtsied and walked passed him. He was probably one of the servants here. 'I really hope I don't see him much when I move in here.' Miku quietly thought.


Len stared after the teal haired girl as she moved through the hall. "Strange…I don't remember seeing her around." He muttered. There were very few servants here with green hair so it was easy for him to notice them once in a while. Was she a new maid? Or was she a guest? But that was highly unlikely since she didn't seem like she was a noble at all.

Len tilted his head a bit in wonder. "But…why does she seem…"


Miku walked out of the castle, nodding politely at the guards as she passed by. The guards smiled at her and nodded back as well.

As Miku strolled towards the town, she paused and glanced back at the castle. To think she managed to have access to the palace just like that. She still found it hard to believe.

But at least her plans were finally put on motion.

Miku smiled wickedly. 'Just watch. I'll bring Lucifenia down along with the rest of the countries.'

And she will make sure of that.

Miku then sighed and continued down the streets. The only problem now was how to explain this to Gumi. She knew Gumi wouldn't agree to leave her here and she was very sure Leon would be furious if he finds out about this.

Miku was worried Leon might charge to Lucifenia to get her. Miku understood how much Leon hated the five countries. If anything, he probably hated them more than her. After all, they destroyed his homeland, killed innocents, and even murdered his best friend, leaving their only daughter.

Miku was too young at the time. She barely had any memories of her beloved country besides her parents but Leon had a life in Elphegort. He had more memories of their country than her.

And for that, she had to take vengeance for not just her parents but for Leon as well.

Her plans may seem unreal and even impossible but it was the best she could think of, and she prayed Leon would understand why she had to do this.

Miku sighed heavily as she disappeared into the crowd of people.

A/N: Hello everyone it has been awhile!

I haven't updated this story for a really, really long time. I was honestly surprised that people are still reading this after so long. I would get notification once in awhile that people were following this and...well yeah ahaha. Hope I can update it more but...meh.

I have been busy with a lot of things and this quarantine isn't really making things better. In fact, its making me even more anxious and stressed (Im starting to hate online classes ahaha) I have more homework than when there were classes! Like wtf man. I get that I need credits but don't pile it up so much and the due dates are literally either on the same day or same week! I'm dying buhuu

Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter. Its a little short from what I originally wanted but I got too impatient and stuff so yeaaa.

Stay safe and healthy guys!
