Voltron epilogue

I do not own Voltron

It has been a few weeks now since the last battle. Since the team finally reunited. Lance, Hunk, Katie with her brother and Shiro went back to earth. Even though the mission of defending the universe was not over yet. To be honest it will never be. The paladins deserved to go home. Hunk and Lance were very happy to go home. But also a little bit sad to leave everyone else behind. But saying goodbye now would not mean forever. They went home with the blue lion, now equipped with a teledove. So that they could make a wormhole to go back to the castle of lions. They didn't go home directly after the end battle. It took a few days before it was safe for them to leave. It was also after Katie's father was located and released from the camp he had been working in. Another few buckets of tears fell at that reunion. So the three Holts also went back home. They were very worried about Colleen Holt, the woman they left all alone. At first Shiro wanted to stay with Keith, who had decided to stay with Allura and Coran. He said Shiro should go back to earth to see his family, to tell them he was fine. Shiro asked him to come with him, but Keith refused. The leader of Voltron needed to stay behind for now. Just because they won wouldn't mean there would be peace. Even if the rulers decided it was time for peace, the common people wouldn't. A lot still needed to be done and so reluctantly Shiro left without him.

Shiro's family was so shocked when they saw him, they all thought he was a ghost. But after the shock faded they hugged him so hard he was afraid his back would break. Hunk's and Lance's family had the same reaction though they scolded them after the hug for leaving suddenly. Everyone was just happy that their family was whole again. Colleen Holt punched all of the three first before she hugged them, telling them to never leave her alone ever again. They promised they wouldn't and began telling her everything that had happened.

Keith decided to stay with Allura and Coran. To help them with taking care that the peace would last. Together with the Voltron alliance, Lotor and the blade of Mamora they worked on rebuilding the empire. Making a step towards a better future for all. Slowly but still.

And It was not like Keith had any family on earth who he desperately wanted to see. His family was here and the others would come back visiting them in space. Keith found space not that bad. He learned more about the Galra culture and his heritage. He also enjoyed the flights with Allura in red. If only red stopped shaking so much.

When it finally was safe enough for Allura, Keith and Coran to take a small break they went to earth. Everyone together decided it would be better to hide the existence of aliens from the humans. Otherwise it might cause panic, or the desire to conquest. You should have seen their faces when they saw earth. They said it looked a lot like Altea and that they loved the flowers. But what Coran loved the most was the rain, he and Lance spend a lot of time singing in the rain.

The Alteans also met the families of the paladins. And what did Allura liked the most about earth? Definitely Keith's cabin in the desert where they would gaze at the stars while Coran was sound asleep. And Keith and Allura might have or not shared a kiss while they looked at the stars.

The future is looking as bright as the stars are shining in the dark night. When Allura is close to Keith she feels home, and Keith feels the same.

Home is where the heart is.

Author's note

This was the last chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I tried working some kallura moments in there. Season 3 has not influenced this chapter. Tell me your thoughts! If you likes this story you might also like my other voltron stories.