"So... how did Satsuki react? Did she kick you out and that's why you're here?" Nonon asked, still in PJ's as Ryuko sat next to her, jacket already shucked off leaving her in that white T-Shirt.

"Ugh. She kicked me out. She wasn't mad I'm seeing you. She was mad that I lied about it. We fought and then she booted me out." Ryuko said, still visibly irritated from the ordeal that must have gone most, if not all of the previous night and maybe some of the morning.

"Well... as long as I have you. I care about Satsuki like family and I've known her a very long time, but... you mean more to me Ryuko. If you're here, then it would be worth it. Even if mistress and I never spoke again." Nonon said, gently kissing Ryuko before stepping out of the room to get into clothes, as she was still dressed in a pair of panties and a robe.

Ryuko was touched a little. Somewhere in fire lit soul, the words penetrated her like a blast from a shotgun. Satsuki and Nonon were like sisters who knew each other from a very young age, yet she valued her one week relationship with Ryuko over her entire bond with Satsuki? It amazed her and realized how grateful she should be to have found Nonon in the first place.

Nonon stepped back into the room in some sweatpants and a beige T-Shirt. Ryuko was still pondering as she sat next to Ryuko again. Ryuko simply grinned and gently pushed Nonon's head onto her thighs. Nonon smiled back and laid back, feet up on the couch as she used Ryuko's thighs as a pillow.

She smirked at the thought. Ryuko was a voluptuous woman with a perfect rack, perfect curves, great ass and nice thick thighs. They were like spongy pillows and were very comfortable. Ryuko got lucky developing, being as gorgeous and having the perfect body that she did.

Sure, she could probably do push-ups with Nonon on her back and bench press Nonon, but still had the curves while being very strong.

Nonon was pretty skinny, and had some bony areas where she wished there was some flesh for curves, but she counted herself lucky with a C-Cup and fair body. She wasn't ugly and didn't care what others thought, Ryuko thought she was hot shit and that was enough.

"Hey... I should show you something." Nonon said, pulling out her phone. She scrolled to Mako's text and handed Ryuko the phone.

Ryuko stopped for a moment, reading the text and then processing the fact that Mako falling in love with her somehow eluded her.

"She's my best friend... how didn't I see it?" She said quietly, biting her nail. Nonon felt for her girlfriend, she became friends with Ryuko and never knew her feelings until she was kissed by Ryuko in the Noodle shop.

Ryuko began typing quickly, then sending a message and then handing the phone back to Nonon.

Nonon looked at the text Ryuko sent to Mako.

"Mako... this is Ryuko. I'm so sorry. I never knew you felt this way... I wished I saw it happen. I want to talk to you about this. Please contact my phone and we can find a place to meet and discuss this."

Seconds after Nonon finished reading the text, Ryuko's phone dinged and she immediately pulled it out of her pocket to read it. Nonon stayed in her lap, not wanting to intrude on something that must be private to her. She simply closed her eyes and settled down.

But she opened them again when she felt the teardrops fall into her face.

She sat up, wiped them off and saw Ryuko, one hand on her mouth, phone in the other, with silent tears running down her face and she had her eyes closed and slowly shaking her head, as if to say: "no, this can't be happening."

Nonon gently took the phone from Ryuko's hand and read the message from Mako.

"I'm very sorry Ryuko-Chan, but I cannot meet with you. I can barely talk to you. This isn't because I hate you, I love you Ryuko-Chan, but this is so hard I can't take it... I'm not sure if we can be friends. I'm not saying we aren't... but I can't handle this. It hurts too much. I'm sorry. -Mako"

Nonon felt her heart sink. Ryuko fought with her sister, had their relationship broadcasted, and was about to lose her closest friend.

Really, what more could happen to her?

Nonon placed the phone down on the table next to them and then hugged Ryuko.

Ryuko didn't even move. She couldn't hold back the tears as she now stared blankly into space, but she could barely hold in the sobs that were threatening to break free from her throat.

She hadn't felt this way since she watched her dad die. Mako had been there to comfort her and listen to her when no one else had, even after Senkestsu had died. She couldn't bear to lose more family.

Ryuko reached for her phone and shakily began typing out another message. Nonon read as she typed.

"Mako... please. I'm sorry I wasn't a good enough friend to see your feelings. I was too wrapped up in me. Please... we can't let everything slip away. I need you." Ryuko typed. She had to retype a lot of words because she was shaking too much. But she was able to send it. She got a response a minute later.

"Ok Ryuko-Chan. I'll see you. I can't lose you either. It just hurts a lot. I'm sorry too. That I didn't tell you when I should have. I just didn't know till I lost you. Now it's too late." Mako sent back. Nonon now understood. She and Mako were very alike, she didn't know how she felt until it was gone. Just like Nonon didn't know until it was right in front of her.

Ryuko hesitated a moment, then typed again.

"Meet me at the coffee spoon around the corner from your house. Ten minutes. I'll be there." Ryuko sent, then stood and put her jacket on.

"Nonon... I would love it if you came... but I have to do this on my own." She said before leaving, turning to her. Nonon just stood up and hugged her. Kissing her goodbye as she left. She hoped the fighter would be able to mend things.

Ryuko showed up at the small cafe, called the "Coffee Spoon" and took a seat. She showed up ten minutes after she sent the message, just like she said. Mako had responded, agreeing to show up.

She saw Mako walk towards the store through the window. She walked in and sat across from Ryuko.

The two sat in awkward silence for a moment.

"I'm sorry." They both said simultaneously. They both let out a laugh together. It felt better and lightened the mood for what was surely going to be a dreadful conversation. Neither of them would relish it.

"I... can't lose you. You've been there. You took me in and listened when no one else would." Ryuko said. Placing a hand on the table.

"I did this things because I love you Ryuko-Chan... but a sisterly love. I just didn't know that until I saw that I would never get to express it." Mako replied, lightly placing her small, warm hand on top of Ryuko's.

"I... want us to be the same. Obviously it can't though. So what can we do that we can work this out?" Ryuko responded. Slowly returning to the cocky girl she was. Lightening up a little.

"Well... I don't know Ryuko-Chan. It's so hard watching you and miss Jakuzure... even now, it's taking all my effort not to throw my arms around your neck and kiss your lips." Mako said. Ryuko already knew this, catching Mako's subtle but longing glances at Ryuko's lips.

"I can't... I couldn't... how could I even try to decide choosing between you and Nonon? How could I even try?" Ryuko said, standing, still gripping Mako's tender hand. As the two stood, Mako gave herself a few seconds to work up her courage.

"This could help you decide who you want." Mako said.

Mako wrapped a hand around Ryuko's head and the other on her cheeks and pressed her lips to hers.

Ryuko instantly placed her hands on Mako's chest, eyes wide open, ready to shove Mako off of her...

But she didn't.

Mako's lips on her own... they were foreign and new to her, but felt so natural and welcoming.

The warmth of Mako's embrace...

The feeling of her soft, tender lips on her own...

Mako's hands gently placed upon her skin as she did so...

It was both uncomfortable and blissful all at once.

Mako slowly pulled away, brushing her lips across Ryuko's again, sending a small shiver down her spine. Their foreheads pressed together. Mako tilted her chin up to meet Ryuko's eyes. Ryuko didn't need to be told. She placed her hands on Mako's hips...

... and this time it was Ryuko who leaned in. Mako's hands found a place upon Ryuko's back, fingers gripping the back of her jacket as she pressed in and kissed Ryuko hard.

Ryuko constantly thought of Nonon as she kissed Mako... but Mako's lips were intoxicating, as if they were meant to be kissed by only Ryuko's lips. And why deny it? She liked kissing her.

Still, it was eventually the thought of Nonon that made her break the kiss.

"Please Ryuko-Chan. My heart. My soul. My body. I will give it all to you. I love you. Please... I need you. Please accept me. I mean more to you than she does... right?" Mako spoke softly into Ryuko's ear as they embraced in each other's arms, faces in each other's shoulders.

"You do mean more... you've been there more and longer... but I can't... I can't I can't I can't I can't-" Ryuko said, visibly becoming more and more upset. Shaking her head as her voice began to break.

She wanted to be with Mako, oh, she wanted to feel her lips again. But Nonon was smiling in her mind, she remembered her assuring her earlier that morning. That happiness... she couldn't abandon it. And she was also certain that Nonon wouldn't want to share and have a three way relationship.

"It's okay... you love her. I understand Ryuko-Chan. I was simply too late I guess. But I promise I'll be there. Always. Just call my name I'll be right there." Mako says, with a hint of sadness but with that gentle understanding that came with the happiness only Ryuko could bring out in her.

Ryuko couldn't respond to her. The shame and guilt she felt rejecting her and receiving such a loving response was too much.

Mako walked out of the store feeling crestfallen but oddly satisfied with how it turned out. In a way... she was happy that she was loved back.

Ryuko simply walked out, got on her bike and drove. She didn't care where. She didn't even care how far.

She just drove until the pain faded.

But it would take a few hours and few miles before that would even begin.

Nonon was a little concerned. It was 7:30 PM. Ryuko left at 10:30 AM that morning. She didn't get a single response to her texts and Ryuko didn't pick up the phone at all.

She didn't know what was happening and feared what would come.

Ryuko couldn't believe that she blew through 5 tanks on her drive. Then again, she drove all day long. The pain didn't recede, but she just felt numb now. Hollow even. She couldn't tell which was worse. She knew Nonon had called countless times. But she never answered. She couldn't face her after what she had done. She didn't push away Mako's lips, but instead happily and eagerly welcomed them behind Nonon's back. Was it cheating? Was it not severe enough? None of it mattered anymore.

Ryuko didn't think she could fall any further into madness at that point.

She heard another ding. She automatically assumed it was another text from Nonon. She checked it against her better judgement anyways.

It was from Mako.

It read: "Ryuko. Come."

This surprised her, she NEVER called her 'Ryuko'. It was always Ryuko-Chan or Goofball. This wasn't like her.

She hopped on her bike and headed straight to her house. The door was locked when she got there. She knocked and shouted that it was Ryuko and to please open the door. She heard faint footsteps, then a loud thump.

Her heart instantly began to race, she banged into the door with her shoulder, quickly breaking through the pitiful door handle lock. It was easy to get in since the deadbolt wasn't locked.

She saw Mako on the floor. Wrapped up in a blanket, pale as a sheet. Cringing from evident pain.

"Mako... what happened to you!?" She shouted, closing the door and carrying her to her room. She placed her on the bed, feeling her forehead and seeing how cold her body was but her forehead burned.

She was sick. Something was terribly wrong.

"Mako... did you do this to yourself?" Ryuko asked, dreading the answer she hoped she wouldn't hear.

Mako shook her head that she didn't. Indicating that whatever was plaguing her, it wasn't by choice. She looked up at Ryuko, only her face visible as she shivered in her blankets, her pale skin white as she looked at Ryuko with pain in her eyes and fear.

"Ryuko-Chan... I feel awful." She croaked out. Her voice so ragged it was almost non-existent.

Ryuko ran downstairs, hurrying a quick bowl of soup from a can and rushing it back upstairs to feed to Mako.

She gently sat Mako up, gently encouraging her to move while lifting her up. She fed the soup to Mako. It only took a few bites before Mako threw it all up again. Mako wheezed and tears fell as she coughed up phlegm and other fluids.

Mako couldn't take food. Nor could she take anything except water, in small sips.

Ryuko has never been truly frightened before, but this scared her right into her deepest parts.

"Ryuko-Chan... I'm so tired. Can I sleep?" Mako asked weakly. Still bundled up and shivering. Ryuko feared the unthinkable would happen if she slept... but she didn't know what else to do. She volunteered to snuggle up to Mako and keep her warm for the night. But it was mostly to protect and watch over her friend.

"Ryuko-Chan. Im scared. It hurts." Mako cried. Ryuko never heard such a voice so full of pain, sadness, fear, and despair before in her life. And to top it all off, it came from Mako. It made Ryuko almost sob just from hearing it.

"I know... I know... but I'm here. I promise I won't leave." Ryuko said to her. Mako, still in visible pain, pressed into Ryuko and closed her eyes.

They sat like this for many hours. Ryuko wasn't sure, but guessed it was past midnight when sleep finally overtook her.

Ryuko woke the next morning with sunlight streaming through the window.

Mako was still asleep on her shoulder. She looked so at peace. No longer shivering. She wasn't cringing from pain. She was still pale and looked sickly... but looked more at ease. Maybe the sleep did help.

"Come on, we have to wake up now Mako." She said gently, lightly nudging her friend.

Instead of waking, mako's head tilted to the side, shifted, and flopped limply to the other side of the bed.

Ryuko shook her again, and she didn't move or respond in any way. Ryuko's panic rose as she began raising her voice and shaking her friend harder and harder until she gave Mako's face a small slap as she called her friends name.

After all of this... she didn't move.

Ryuko took a shaking hand and placed it in front of her mouth and face.

Mako wasn't breathing.

She rushed and grabbed her wrist and neck.

Mako had no pulse.

She lifted her friend up, and placed her head on her small, pale chest, expecting to feel the warmth of her body. The pounding of her heart.

Instead she felt and heard cold and silence.

She dropped Mako's lifeless body as she instantly registered what happened.

Mako had died.

She released a loud sob, grabbing makos body and hugging her friend tightly.

"Damn it! You said you would be there for me Mako! YOU PROMISED ME!" Ryuko screamed as she sobbed and gripped her lifeless body tighter, almost as if she squeezed hard enough, she would return life to Mako's body.

But it didn't work. Mako had passed on during the night from whatever it was that had taken her life. All Ryuko could do was stand and look down at her friend, wanting one last smile, one last kiss, one last hug. One more.

She stumbled down the hall. She nearly tumbled down the stairs. Ryuko was shaking like a leaf and the tears were heavily blurring her vision.

She stumbled outside and into the air around her.

The wind whipped her face and the breeze swept over her. Too much had happened to appreciate it.

She was kicked out by her sister.

She cheated on her lover.

And now... she lost Mako as well.