Day 1: Your Song

Hi, all! Another Klaine Valentine's Day challenge? I'm in! This is written for the prompt "Your Song" by Elton John. Rated T for one tiny naughty word at the end. Enjoy!

Life was a whirlwind at the moment. Blaine's debut album had dropped a month ago, and his tour was set to start next week. With rehearsals, promotions, and all of the other planning involved, it seemed that he was going non-stop. Kurt had just finished his very first run as the lead in a Broadway show, and was happy to pitch in as much as he could with the preparations now that he had some time off. They were technically working together, but the couple had had precious little private time lately.

Blaine was thrilled, then, one Sunday afternoon when he found that he and Kurt were miraculously both home at the same time and had no set plans for the rest of the day. Although Kurt was going to join Blaine on his tour while he started looking for his own next project, Blaine knew the next couple of months would be tough on both of them. He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to tell Kurt in advance how grateful he was for his love and support.

"Hey, Kurt?" he called out. "You have a minute to come here?"

"Sure," came the casual response as his husband padded barefoot from the bedroom towards the living room. "What's up?"

"I'm thinking of adding a song to my setlist for the tour, you know, just a little something extra," he said from his place on the bench in front of the upright piano where he spent so many hours. "Care to be my test audience?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. He reached over and patted the seat of a high-top stool that he'd commandeered from the breakfast bar and set beside the piano for this purpose.

Kurt let out a comical sigh and gave an exaggerated eye roll. "Oh, if I have to," he moaned, pretending like he had to drag himself over to the stool. He quickly perched himself upon it, however, and gave Blaine a wink.

Blaine huffed out a laugh and shook his head affectionately. "Some audience," he joked as he began to fiddle with the keys and play a random melody. "I'm going to run through my banter, too, just to try it out, okay?" he asked.

Kurt nodded. He'd been Blaine's most willing test audience any number of times, and never tired of it.

Blaine shuffled on the bench a little and started to speak, leaning over to talk into an imaginary microphone just to make Kurt laugh. It worked.

"I want to take a moment tonight to do something a little special. These past months have been crazy for me, between writing and recording my album and then preparing for this amazing tour. It's been wild, and fantastic, and I couldn't have gotten through any of it without having the love of my life by my side," he said, all teasing gone from his voice. Kurt bit his lower lip and blushed slightly, but remained silent as Blaine went on. "Through this process, I've been working really hard to make music to connect with all of you out there, and to share a little bit of me with you. But if you'll let me, I'd like to take this moment to do a song just for my love, because if there is anyone who deserves to have a song all his own, it's him. This is for you, Kurt."

With that, he seamlessly began the very recognizable intro to one of their favorite songs. Blaine looked up to see Kurt gazing at him with slightly wet eyes and his hand over his heart.

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I've put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

Kurt took advantage of the instrumental interlude to slip off the stool and settle himself on the piano bench next to Blaine, needing to close the small distance between them.

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses, well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see, I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

He had turned to look Kurt directly in the eyes, somehow managing not to fumble the notes as he was struck by the beauty he found there.

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I've put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

He played through the closing, letting the final notes fade away softly as he dropped his head slightly toward the keys. He suddenly felt that little bit of shyness that always surfaced when he sang just for Kurt. He felt Kurt press closer to him and reach a gentle hand up to tilt Blaine's face towards him to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.

"Thank you," Kurt whispered when they parted. "That was beautiful, Blaine."

"I'm glad you liked it," Blaine replied, his voice a little huskier than he expected. He leaned in and they kissed again, this time a little more passionately. "So," he muttered against Kurt's lips when they finally came up for air, "you want to get out of here? Maybe go for a walk? Dinner and a movie? Go to a club?"

"Why, Mr. Hummel-Anderson," Kurt cooed. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"I believe I am," Blaine replied with a grin. His smile fell a little as he continued, "It may be our last chance for a couple of months, I'm afraid." His eyes were downcast.

"Hey, no," Kurt chided, tilting his chin upwards again. "Blaine, we're good. I know it'll be crazy on tour, but we'll get to experience it all together. We've got this," he said, smiling.

"I love you," Blaine answered simply.

"And I love you," Kurt replied, kissing Blaine on the tip of his nose. "As for our date," he said, pulling back, "I say we take a walk, pick up some takeout, and then chill out here for the night. We'll be running non-stop for weeks. We should take advantage of the chance to relax."

"God, yes! You're a genius!" Blaine exclaimed.

"Let me go get my shoes on," Kurt said, sliding off the bench and heading back down the hall towards the bedroom.

Blaine watched the sway of his husband's hips as he walked away, and a wicked smirk formed on his lips. He started singing a line of the song with a slight change in lyric, "Yours is the sweetest ass I've ever seen…"

"Blaine!" Kurt scolded as he spun around to stare at Blaine incredulously.

"What?" Blaine asked innocently. "It's true. Hey, maybe I'll sing the song that way on stage when I dedicate it to you," he added with a wink and a chuckle.

"Don't even think about it. It's not funny!" he warned, biting his tongue to keep from laughing himself.

"Aw, come on, Kurt. It's a little bit funny…"

A/N: Feel free to throw a shoe at me for the cheesy joke at the end, but I couldn't help myself. ;) The song is, obviously, "Your Song" by Elton John.