Jacob Stone sighed as he adjusted his bolo tie in the mirror and looked over the suit he was already uncomfortable in. He'd tried, unsuccessfully, to talk his way out of attending this shindig with Lamia. But Lamia was very insistent, especially on his last attempt, and she did seem to have a knack for getting him to do things out of his comfort zone. This time, she'd said that there were going to be some very interesting people attending and that he would have no regrets. He grimaced, he already was having regrets and he hadn't even left his apartment.

He took a deep breath, trying to get himself psyched up. He really did owe Lamia, so he was going to suck it up and serve as her escort for the evening. They were probably coming to the end of the road anyway, at least in terms of them being a couple. There was only so far a non-sexual rebound relationship could really go.

Lamia had offered a sexual relationship, if he'd chosen it and they'd certainly had some fun fooling around. Lamia was an amazing kisser and he assumed she was equally amazing in bed. But Jacob had a firm rule about women and Lamia had so far respected his boundaries even though he hadn't exactly told her why he kept stopping. The thing was, he never slept with a woman while he was thinking of another one. Even in his wild oats days, he'd been focused solely on the girl he brought home, even if it was only for that night. It was easy enough in those days, given that he'd not been emotionally invested in anyone. That was part of the reason why it took him so long to get over a relationship and why there were such gaps between. When he fell he fell hard and he refused to break his rule just to scratch an itch.

The problem was, though, that in this rebound relationship, he'd realized he wasn't rebounding at all. He'd gotten over Mabel weeks, maybe months ago. But that didn't mean he wasn't thinking about a woman who was not his date . . . .

Cassandra. He groaned, looking at the time and knowing he had to get going. Lamia's words when she'd offered to date him had of course, brought his feelings for his co-worker into the forefront. He'd had them for a long time, but he had refused to acknowledge them. Now even though he was supposed to focus on Lamia, he thought of the redhead all of the time.

It didn't help that she always seemed to be everywhere he was. On a date with someone else, laughing, having a good time. He'd been starting to think Lamia was wrong about Cassandra being interested in him at all. Though today he'd heard Baird and Cindy talking and overheard a comment about Cassandra and Lucy ending things.

Which is why tonight was it with Lamia. He'd escort her to this party and then he'd thank her for being there for him. Lamia would smirk at him, probably be smug about being right all along and wish him well. Lamia was fantastic, she really was.

He grabbed his keys and headed out the door, humming the tune to Life is a Highway.

Jacob was actually having a really good time. Lamia was always a really great companion, no matter what they were doing. The food was fantastic and he probably would have been happy just hanging around the bar all night. Though he had developed an appreciation for wine since coming to New York, he still preferred beer. The bar didn't disappoint and he was already mentally making plans to track down the imported European beer he was enjoying.

Lamia wouldn't let him just eat all night, however, and she had him make the rounds. There were, of course, the usual socialites but this party had also attracted academics and intellectuals. Lamia made sure to introduce him to people she knew he'd enjoy meeting. He'd been having an interesting discussion about Dutch painters when Lamia went off to say hello to a friend across the room. The gentleman he'd been conversing with eventually excused himself to find his wife and Jacob was scanning the room for Lamia. He didn't see his date, thinking she may have gone to the restroom. He was debating just heading back to the buffet when his eyes caught someone across the room. He did a double take just to make sure.

Cassandra. His eyes hadn't deceived him. She was smiling on the arm of the older British man she'd had a few dates with. His name always escaped Stone, though he knew it was something French. For whatever reason, the man had always rubbed Jacob the wrong way. He thought Cassandra was through with him, but he was mistaken.

Cassandra looked beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous in a vintage green cocktail dress that gently hugged her figure. He hadn't quite noticed her curves before, given that she had his fondness for layers. The green was the absolutely perfect shade of green for her, bringing out her hair and her striking eyes. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. If he'd actually noticed, he would have seen Lamia's knowing smirk as she re-joined him. But Jacob only had eyes for Cassandra and he really wasn't sure what he was going to do now. Cassandra giggled at something her escort said and Jacob clenched his fists.

"Easy there, cowboy," Lamia said softly.

"Huh, oh, hi Lamia, I was just uh thinking."

"Thinking about the beautiful ginger in the green dress?" Lamia asked, smiling.

"Lamia, look, I . . . .I was going to talk to you after tonight."

"Ah, I had a feeling our arrangement was coming to a close. I can't say I won't miss you, darling, but it was always the plan."

Jacob sighed. "I don't know if I have any hope with her now, though, honestly." He looked dejected and headed over to the bar.

Lamia stared after him dumbfounded. As if Dulaque was any competition! She had overheard the girls talking at the coffee shop. She knew that Cassandra was only doing this to make Jacob jealous. But it was backfiring as while the man was clearly jealous, he was so damn noble that he was going to give her up without a fight.

Lamia threw her hands up in the air. "For heaven's sake. Do I have to do absolutely everything?"

Cassandra hadn't noticed that Jacob and Lamia were at the party until she had seen him walking sadly away from Lamia. Her eyes had followed Jacob, so she'd not noticed Lamia's expression. Had they fought? Jacob looked rather upset. Cassandra really wanted to go to him, above anything else he was her friend and she wanted to offer him her support. But she wasn't really sure it was her place, especially since she didn't know why he was so upset.

She was still looking with some concern toward the bar when she heard Lamia's voice. Her eyes were wide as she turned toward the woman and Lance greeted her.

"Have you met Cassandra Cillian, my dear?"

"We have indeed. Actually," Lamia reached over and put her hand lightly on Cassandra's arm. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I borrowed your date for a few moments?"

Dulaque lifted his eyebrows but simply nodded. Cassandra was too perplexed to really speak, so she just followed Lamia. Oddly enough, Lamia lead her to a spot that was directly in Jacob's line of vision from where he was leaning against the bar.

"What's going on?" Cassandra asked.

"Do you have feelings for Jacob Stone?" Lamia asked bluntly.

"Well I . . . ." Cassandra stammered, she certainly wasn't going to tell his girlfriend how she felt.

Lamia rolled her eyes and huffed. "Oh for the love . . . .Apparently you didn't get the memo."


Lamia shook her head. "Jacob and I aren't in a committed relationship. I wouldn't even call it a relationship, more like an arrangement. Enjoying each other's company for a while. I have absolutely no claim on him and I won't bite. I just need to confirm a hunch."

Cassandra's eyes went wide and she looked over to Jacob at the bar. He obviously had been watching the women as his eyes quickly dropped to his beer. She looked back at Lamia and on an exhale said, "yes. Yes, I do. But I thought . . .and nothing I was doing . . . ."

Lamia smiled. "Ah, darling, men are just not that bright. And Jacob Stone? He is everything you could want, but one of his virtues is also his undoing. He's far far too noble. He thinks you don't want him. Your little game backfired, sweetie."

"Oh no," Cassandra looked downcast. "Should I go talk to him?"

"Possibly," Lamia looked toward the man. She did have an idea that might possibly light a fire under the cowboy. If it didn't at least she might have a bit of fun tonight after all, given that she wasn't going to have any with Jacob. "But I have an idea that might light a fire under him."

"What?" Cassandra asked.

Lamia crept closer, her hand moving up to caress Cassandra's cheek.

"Oh . . ." Cassandra murmured. "Do you think it'll work?"

"I don't know, but I think it'll be a bit fun. If this works, I'll never have a chance with either of you again." Lamia winked and Cassandra blushed a little.

Lamia paused, letting Cassandra back out if she wanted to. But Cassandra was curious and if it got her knight to finally fight for her, what could it hurt? She slowly nodded and her eyes slid shut as Lamia's lips met hers.

Lamia was an amazing kisser. Cassandra knew she wasn't even on the same level and hoped at least she was keeping up. They were both started to get into it, when there was a crash that sounded like a bottle being dropped on the floor. Startled and remembering why they'd been putting on the show in the first place, they pulled apart.

Cassandra's eyes opened just in time to see Jacob's face go completely pale before he turned, a look of devastation on his face and walked away, leaving the broken beer bottle at his feet.

Cassandra was a bit in shock over what she just did and Jacob's reaction to it. She stood still and Lamia touched her face in concern. "Cassandra?"

"I know what he sees in you," she murmured.

Lamia laughed. "It's mutual, darling. You are the sweetest thing. Now, go, go get your man, okay? I'll be rooting for you."

Cassandra hurried after Jacob, with a bemused Lamia watching. Dulaque joined Lamia.

"What on earth was that?"

"I just sent two souls on a path toward eternal bliss. Which in my book calls for champagne. And seeing as how we both just lost our escorts, perhaps I could interest you in a visit to my favorite champagne bar?"

"I'd be delighted," Dulaque chuckled, offering her his arm.

"Jacob, Jacob, please!" Cassandra called after him, really not being used to walking this quickly in heels. "I'm not good at running in these shoes. Please, I need to talk to you."

Jacob had made it into a little park next to the museum. He stopped, letting her catch up. It wasn't her fault that she wasn't interested in him, though he wasn't sure what exactly she wanted to talk to him about. It was a little too late for gently letting him down.

"Oh thank goodness," Cassandra stopped, panting a little. "I need to get back to running. Jacob, please what you saw tonight . . .it wasn't quite what it looked like."

Jacob looked at her a little incredulously and lifted his eyebrows.

"Okay, alright, we kissed, but it wasn't . . ." Cassandra bit her lip not sure how to proceed.

"Look, Cassie, I get it, okay? You have a new lease at life, you're sowing your wild oats. I don't really blame you for casual dating. You told me you're looking for more than that and you know it's not my place to tell you that all of those people are . . . ."

"Are what?" Cassandra asked, a knowing look on her face.

"Bad for you alright? They're not right for you. Not even Lamia and believe me I understand her charms. I know how great she is with all of that. But she's not long term. None of them are. And I just can't take watching you make these mistakes anymore."

Internally Cassandra was doing the biggest happy dance she'd ever done in her life. But she was trying to hide her excitement. She could feel herself shaking so she crossed her arms, trying to look upset. "It's nice for you to care, Jacob, but I don't see what business it is of yours."

She thought it had been the right approach but it turned out to be the wrong thing to say. Jacob looked more than dejected, he looked defeated. "It isn't any. So really, Cass, go back inside, have fun with Lamia or that British guy or whatever."

"Oh my God," Cassandra huffed, losing her patience. "What is wrong with you?"


"Lamia was right, you are too noble for your own good! What did you think I was doing tonight? Do you think I just kiss other people's dates for the hell of it?"

"Um . . .I don't?" Jacob backed up a step from Cassandra's fury.

But Cassandra just stepped closer to him, close enough that he could embrace her. Her hand raised and she started to poke his chest. "I was trying to make you jealous!"

"What?"Jacob realized he was starting to sound like a broken record but he couldn't say anything else.

"I want you! I don't want anyone else. I realized it that night at the wine bar. But you were with Lamia and I thought you were in an actual relationship with her."

"But I wasn't . . . ."

"I know that now! But I got some crazy idea from Ezekiel to try and make you jealous. That's what all that stuff with Lucy was. And Lance well . . .that was just a coincidence really. You didn't seem to be jealous with Lucy, so I gave up."

"Oh, Cass . . .and Lamia?"

"That was her idea, last ditch effort to make you fight for me instead of running. Jacob, why did you run?"

"Because . . .because I'm not good enough for you, darlin'. First loves, they're sweet when you're 17 but I don't know if I can be what you need for a first love at 30."

"Jacob," Cassandra sighed. "I don't think I'm worthy of being loved like you love someone either. But I wanna try. Don't you want to try?"

Jacob didn't answer her, instead he stepped the last bit of the way into her space, his hand reaching up to cup her cheek. They simply stood there, looking into each other's eyes for a handful of heartbeats, until he slowly nodded. She smiled and bridged the tiny bit of distance between them, their lips meeting.

Lamia might have been a fantastic kisser as far as technique went, but the emotion behind this kiss blew that earlier one out of the water. Cassandra felt a little overwhelmed, her head swimming but she poured everything she had into kissing him back, letting him know how much she cared, how much she wanted him, wanted this.

Cassandra was sweet, the sweetest thing he'd ever tasted. He was pretty sure that he'd never get enough of her, not ever and he was completely okay with that. He'd finally found the right girl. The girl who knew all of him and loved him anyway. He wasn't gonna let her go, wasn't gonna mess this up, even though he knew that it might be a rocky road sometimes.

"Wow," Cassandra murmured when they finally broke the kiss. "I thought she was a good kisser, but you put her to shame."

Jacob snorted. "She's fantastic but she ain't you. That, what we got, it's better because there's feelin' there."

"Yeah," Cassandra giggled, feeling giddy. "This wow, I didn't think tonight was gonna end like this."

"I was gonna break it off with Lamia and talk to you," Jacob said putting his arms around her. "When I saw you with him, I thought I'd missed my chance again."

Cassandra shook her head and sighed. "I really should have just talked to you in the first place. Had I known you weren't serious about Lamia . . . ."

"Let's just forget all that, okay? Wanna get out of here?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

Jacob took her hand in his and they walked off to the taxi stand together. A new chapter of their lives open before them.