The Challenge Begins! Searching For Love

Up in the heavens the most beautiful woman ever seen watched over the humans and their affairs wondering if there was any romance she should stir up. Her long curled locks of golden hair bounced as she looked around. She sighed when there was nothing worth her time.

"Is something wrong mother?" a voice came behind her.

"Ah Anteros where have you been?" the woman asked the man who had entered her territory . The man's butterfly shaped feathered wings flapped as he tucked them in before putting down his lead bow and arrows.

"There was an incident on Earth which I had to deal with " he simply put although his green blue eyes showed his slight annoyance

"Ah yes nowadays it seems that more humans need of your help when it comes to unrequited love" she bemused with a slight shake of the head.

" It's not getting any easier for me either it seems" another more confident voice came from above them

" Eros, where have you been brother?" Anteros asked as the man who looked older than him landed in front of his mother and himself. The man's smirk visible through his chocolate eyes

" The same as you younger brother. Humans have been….. Embracing sexual love instead of pursuing other types and I've been made in charge of making them fall out of it if needed" Eros shook his head as he tucked in his wings and placed his golden arrows next to his brother's.

Eros, or as some humans refer to him Cupid, was the god of sexual love and desire. He used his golden arrows to help the humans fall in and out of love, although he mostly did the sexual type. He was older brother of Anteros, God of Requited love and avenger of Unrequited love. Anteros had his own set of lead arrows which he would use to punish those who mocked others' love. Their mother was none other than the Goddess of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite.

" Well you two seem to have your hands full. Meanwhile I am here just waiting for some excitement to occur" Aphrodite said overdramatically making her sons chuckle. Although she was a Goddess it did not mean she could not be a good mother, or at least better than Zeus. There was also the fact that Eros and Anteros were results of an affair she had with Ares, but she was hardly to fault ( at least in her opinion).

" Eros is that you?" a young woman who tied in beauty with Aphrodite peaked around until her eyes fell before Eros

" Psyche, my love, I'm sorry I am late. I hadn't planned to take so long today" Eros said quickly going to embrace his wife. Psyche had been a princess back in the ancient times who had (unknowingly) caused a decrease in worshipers in his mother's temple. In retaliation Aphrodite had ordered Eros to force Psyche to fall in love with the ugliest creature on Earth. However, as soon as his eyes laid before her he had fallen in love and she with him. After testing their love Aphrodite had blessed Psyche with eternal life so that she and Eros could be together.

" It's alright Eros as long as you are away I will always wait for you" she said cupping his face for a kiss. It didn't take Anteros or Aphrodite to know that their love for each other was strong and shared.

However, this did not mean that Aphrodite wouldn't play with their love life every now and then. After all meddling with humans seemed to backfire most of the times. She had not bothered to hide her smirk as she called to her sons. Honestly both already knew that their mother was itching for some drama and it seemed that this time they were her victims.

" Yes mother" they both responded although Eros had instinctively moved in front of his beloved Psyche.

" I believe you both are in need of a break and what better place than on Earth" she said pointing down from their place on the sky. The Earth and the people had sure changed since they had first been around. The three of them looked at Aphrodite as though she had something up her sleeve and sure enough she did.

" However why don't we raise up the stakes by having you reincarnated as humans with no memory of your past selves? Let's see how strong your love for Psyche and Anteros and their love for you truly is" she said quite excited

" What do we get out of this?" Eros finally asked curiosity getting to him. It's true that they, as gods, have been curious as to how life as a human was and even Psyche could not be counted as human anymore

" Other than test your love you will be able to live as a human, something none of you have truly done, as well as getting a vacation as I will cover for you" she said with an innocent seeming smile

" What happens if we don't find each other?" Psyche asked gripping onto Eros in fear of their potential punishment

" Because you both are so sure of your love for one another I believe that a proper punishment for failing to find each other is one of you giving up your immortality" Aphrodite began to fan herself as she saw fear in Psyche's eyes, she was never fond of the princess after all.

" Mother that is absurd " Anteros countered. The human population outnumbered their own and was steadily growing. There was only a slim chance that they would all find each other once on Earth. Before Aphrodite could respond Eros spoke

" I accept your condition mother, so long as you restrain or attempt to restrain from meddling and we change up the betting to be more fair" Eros said his smirk mirroring his mother's

" Oh do tell your changes Eros" Aphrodite said in reply

" One is that if I can accurately guess how long it will take me to meet brother and my wife on Earth than you must not meet any of your lovers in the amount of years for each combined." Eros announced before Anteros took over

" Two is that unless you think we are ready that you do not return our memories by force." Anteros tried to emphasize his point but they knew that she would still do it.

" Third" Psyche started " Is that you not use the arrows to help you win this bet. You wouldn't need it if you are so confident that we will lose" Psyche said as her fighting spirit emerged

" Very well. Now, Eros how long do you believe it will take to meet Anteros on Earth?" Aphrodite said as she sat down on her cloud throne

" 23 years" Eros said confidently

" What about dear Psyche?"she said amused at her son's confidence

" 23 years as well" he said not showing any signs of hesitation

" If that is your final guess then we will commence" she said raising her staff as they all looked at one another for one more time. The brothers shared a silent agreement that they would find each other as Psyche gripped his hand.

Many things could happen whilst on Earth. Psyche could be reborn as someone unlike herself, the same could happen to Anteros and himself. She could fall in love with another. They could be bitter enemies or siblings. They could die early or could have a large age gap. But that didn't matter to him. He believed in his true love. The deal was made and their journey was about to begin.

" I've looked around the Earth for you once and I will do it again" Psyche said determined yet her eyes showed her fear.

" I will find you my love. I will always find you no matter what" Eros replied giving her a quick but passionate kiss.

" Brother" Anteros began looking a bit nervous in Eros' eyes. Anteros was his cute baby brother, a gift from his mother to him; his equal, his playmate. Eros wrapped a wing around his brother comforting him just as he did years ago

"Do not worry my little brother, we will be reunited," Eros wrapped his other wing around Psyche having a group hug of sorts

" We all will and we we can explore the world all we want" he said as they all shared one last hug as Aphrodite began to glow indicating that they would be commencing

" Are you ready?" she said as they nodded. She would miss her youngest children, however, she knew it would not be long until they'd meet again. Especially since time flew differently for her being immortal and all. Her body radiated a heavenly light and with one swift move of her hands the three began to glow; Eros radiated a golden light, Anteros a silver light and Psyche a white light. The light swallowed their bodies before intertwining and rising higher in the sky before falling through the sky and towards Earth. Aphrodite watched as the lights became dimmer and dimmer until she could not see them any longer.

" Now to see how this story will play out" she said amused before hanging Eros and Anteros' bows where she would keep them safe until their return.

On November 29,1990 their game began.