Part 2/2

A ragged wind whipped at Cloud's clothes as he stepped into the Shadow World and the portal closed behind him. Everything was silent and grey, the bare rock beneath his feet coarse with dusty gravel, and the ominous sky above was dark with rolling clouds. Lightning flashed in the distance but carried no thunder with it, and for a moment, Cloud began to worry that he had lost his hearing. Tightening his grip around the hilt of First Tsurugi he grit his teeth and called out.

"Sephiroth!" The sound was flat and muted, but loud in Cloud's ears, and he turned on his heels to scan the far horizon, seeing nothing but miles and miles of empty barren wasteland.

A chuckle rose up on the wind, deep and earthy and rich with dark satisfaction, and Cloud recognised it immediately. He lifted his blade, settling into a fighting stance, shoulders tensed and the muscles in his thighs poised for action when the sound of the laughter drifted away, only for it to be replaced with a low, drawn out moan of pain.

It started quietly, rising to its peak over Cloud's head as he continued to turn slow circles in the dust, and was followed by a desperate plea, the strained and frightened voice so familiar to Cloud, that he almost dropped his guard. Cloud lowered the tip of his sword a fraction, his scowl softening as he listened to the voice on the wind and recognised his name amongst the breathy, feathery cries of anguish.

"Leon!" Cloud called, his throat suddenly tight.

The reedy whispers began to grow in volume and tempo, coming from everywhere at once as they assaulted Cloud from all sides, the warrior turning his head left and then right as he tried to pinpoint the source of the distress.

"Leon!" Cloud called again, louder, a touch of panic beginning to colour his tone as he fought the urge to drop his sword and cover his ears.

The terrible din peaked with a shrill scream that cut straight through Cloud's mind, flashing lights dancing behind his eyes as pain erupted in his temples, and Cloud let go of his his weapon and dropped to his knees, pushing his hands into his hair, pressing them to his skull to alleviate the pressure, his eyes screwed shut in agony as a cry of pain escaped his own lips just as the scream on the wind died away, leaving him panting and shaking with residual tremors.

He felt weak and disorientated, gasping through the adrenaline that still coursed through his veins, and with a groan of effort, Cloud reached a shaking hand out and grasped for the hilt of his sword, his head snapping up as that soft, menacing chuckle carried to him again over the thick silence.

Sephiroth stood in the great, empty expanse; a single solitary figure draped in shades of silver and black, Masamune shining long and deadly in his hand, waiting for Cloud.

"You are," Sephiroth began, a small, pleased smile tugging at his lips, "So predictable."

Cloud grit his teeth, shaking off the weariness that had temporarily atrophied his limbs and climbed to his feet.

"Where is he?" He growled, gripping his giant sword in front of him, dropping easily back into his fighting stance.

"He is close." Sephiroth answered, his gaze travelling the length of Cloud's body. "We have enjoyed our time together. I understand now why you chose him."

Cloud's scowl deepened, his grip tightening on his sword. "Show him to me."

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow, a mockery of authentic wounded pride. "You don't trust me?"

"I'd have to be a fool to trust you," Cloud sneered, his top lip curling. "Hand him over and we can settle this once and for all."

Sephiroth did laugh then. A genuine sound of amusement. "Once and for all?" He mocked. "Oh, Cloud. You should know better than anyone there is no 'once and or all'. This," he gestured between them, "This never ends. So long as you resist the Darkness you will never be rid of me. So long as you have people you care for, you will always be weak."

"I've killed you more than once before, I can do it again." Cloud reminded him, letting the sting of guilt pass over him for now.

"And for how long do you intend to keep on fighting? How many more people will you let suffer because of your stubbornness?"

Cloud grit his teeth harder, his jaw aching from the pressure, but he refused to give in to the guilt Sephiroth's words caused. He had fought too hard, and battled against his own mind too many times to be sucked back under by a few well chosen words.

"As long as it takes." He replied firmly, piercing Sephiroth with a fierce glare.

The winged man smiled. A small, almost private smile of mirth as he stared straight back. "I wonder," he began, his voice smooth like silk, "Would your friends be so willing to pay the price with you? Would Squall? I will admit, he was much more resilient than I'd anticipated. I expected him to break far sooner than he did."

Cloud felt his throat close over, and the retort that had been sat on the tip of his tongue die away.

"But for all of his talk, he crumbled anyway. Your light." Sephiroth mocked, sneering the word. "Entrusted to the fragile strength of a man who has so much darkness of his own. Foolish boy!"

Cloud pulled in a shuddering breath and managed to clear the choke hold in his throat. "What have you done to him?" He growled knowing he shouldn't ask. He couldn't afford the distraction.

"I have shown him who he really is." Sephiroth lifted his blade a touch and stepped a little closer, Cloud raised his own sword in answer, firming his stance. "And like so many faced with their true self, he did not like what he saw."

"You mean you twisted the truth? Made him believe what you wanted him to believe? I know Leon, and there's nothing you can say that can change the way I feel about him."

"What about the way he feels for you?" Sephiroth asked, watching the way his words took Cloud off guard. "All this pain and doubt… all for you. Will you still be so certain of the strength of his feelings when he blames you for his anguish?"

Cloud frowned and hesitated, his gaze slipping to the rocky ground as his thoughts were side tracked.

"I understand, it will be hard to let him go. He is a very receptive lover."

Cloud's gaze flicked back to Sephiroth, his eyes growing wide as his words settled; Cloud felt like he had been winded.

"What did you just say?" He threatened lowly.

"You've been very fortunate to have him; he makes the most beautiful sounds. All he needed was a little… persuading."

Rage swelled so fast within Cloud he barely noticed the moment it sprang free, releasing the tension from his limbs like a hairpin trigger. He charged forwards with an enraged cry, lifting his sword above his head as he jumped at the last second, ready to bring the impossible weight down on Sephiroth's head, when he was met with a blast of energy and white hot light. It threw him backwards and he landed with a heavy thump in a cloud of dust. Rolling quickly, he narrowly missed the slash of Masamune as it sent sparks up from the rocky ground, and he sprang to his feet, bringing his sword up to block Sephiroth as he stepped into his inner circle.

"It's too late, Cloud. You've failed him." He taunted over the cross of their blades, watching how Cloud's pupils dilated, the green around the iris' flaring with anger.

"Go to hell!" Cloud bit back, shoving against his blade, knocking the taller man back a few steps before he aimed a few well placed hits at Sephiroth's flank.

Masamune deflected them all, Sephiroth's arm moving so quickly Cloud could hardly keep up and he jumped back to give himself more swinging space.

Sephiroth disappeared, vanishing with a shimmering pop, only to reappear above Cloud's head, hanging in the sky as his large black wing swooped lazily and Cloud jumped, rushing up to meet him in a clash of steel as Sephiroth parried his blow, sending sparks out to fall onto the dusty ground. They span in the air for a few revolutions, before springing apart, falling to the earth with a heavy thump of boots and then Sephiroth was charging him again, the blows coming swiftly and mercilessly as he pushed Cloud back and back, getting closer to slipping past his guard as Cloud struggled to keep up.

Cloud felt the energy build, and he released Cross-Slash with a cry of anger, forcing Sephiroth to stagger backwards as Masamune slipped and the blows struck his across the chest.

Sephiroth disappeared, the momentum of Cloud's blows bowling him forward into thin air as his rival reappeared a few feet away, the slashes across his flesh closing over under the glow of healing magic.

"Would you like me to tell you how he suffered, Cloud?" Sephiroth mocked, beckoning him to attack again with a curl of his fingers.

Cloud roared in anger, charging forwards again as Sephiroth vanished and appeared behind him, bringing Masamune down across his back in quick, slicing strokes, making Cloud collapse forwards and fall to his knees. He rolled away and sprang to his feet, staggering at the pain, feeling the flare of Climhazzard burning under his skin as the limit break crackled along his blade. The moment he sprang forwards, he saw Sephiroth lift his own sword, the momentum of Cloud's leap bringing him down onto its point as Masamune entered his shoulder, leaving his hung, suspended in mid air, dangling like a squirming worm. The limit break faded into nothing, the latent energy still burning through Cloud's muscles.

"He refused to call for you, you should know that." Sephiroth smiled, watching Cloud's struggles with rapt fascination. "His stubbornness was admirable, but it only added to his suffering in the end."

Cloud grit his teeth, pulling his blade up in front of him and he dislodged one or the smaller swords with a satisfying click. Ignoring the pain in his shoulder, he swung his arm up, slicing through Masamune with the blade, cutting the tip off of Sephiroth's sword, freeing himself, dropping the few feet to the ground with a grunt of pain. Gripping the shattered remains of the sword, he puled the tip out of his shoulder.

Sephiroth's smirk turned to deadly menace, his eyes glowing with anger as he charged forwards, catching Cloud unprepared as he battered him back with savage blows across his body, the ruined tip of Masamune catching his arms and unprotected side, ripping the material of his sweater and slicing the skin.

Cloud fell backwards, rolling over onto his good shoulder and away from Sephiroth's reach, turning sharply he didn't stop, and ran straight back into his circle, the length of Masamune now shorter but no less deadly. Throwing the shorter blade upwards, he blocked Sephiroth's downwards stroke and brought the rest of First Tsurugi up, impaling Sephiroth through his middle with a cry of effort, releasing the latent energy of his last aborted limit break, and let Climhazzard go.

Cloud watched the shock widen Sephiroth's eyes as the powerful blow took effect, before he pushed off the ground and ripped his sword the rest of the way through Sephiroth's body, leaping into the air and away from the carnage below him.

He landed a few feet just outside of Masamune's reach, and watched as Sephiroth staggered and gasped, the solidity of his body already beginning to fade back into the Darkness.

"He will… never be… the same, Cloud." Sephiroth gasped, managing a small sadistic smile even as he disappeared. "I will… return."

Cloud lifted his sword and pointed it at Sephiroth. "I'll be waiting." He promised, heart hammering in his chest.

The moment Sephiroth faded from sight, his presence completely disappeared from the Shadow World, Cloud collapsed to his knees, hissing out the pain of his injured shoulder and ribs. He sat there, slumped forwards, breathing heavily for long moments, and allowed the relief to surge through him.

Winded, sweating and panting, Cloud finally staggered to his feet, leaning heavily against First Tsurugi as he clutched to the gash at his side. Wiping the perspiration from his brow, he turned around, looking out at the grey horizon and the nothingness all around him.

"Leon!" He cried, this time, his voice carrying across the desolate landscape. It echoed to silence, and nothing responded. He called again. "Leon!"

Out in the distance, a shimmering mirage appeared. On the deceptive plane it was difficult to tell how far away it was, but Cloud immediately began to run towards it. Growing nearer, he could see that it was a small rocky rise, with tall pillars of stone mounted around it, and long swathes of billowing curtains draped the spaces between.

Picking up speed, Cloud rushed up the small incline, sheathing his blade as he reached the top and with a jagged breath in he tore the curtain away, his gaze immediately falling on the bed and the grey, lifeless figure sprawled out amongst the sheets.

His pounding heart stilled and Cloud's blue eyes grew wide; his mouth hung open in a soundless gasp as he looked at Leon. Letting go of the curtain, he stepped forwards, not too certain that his legs would carry his weight, and he let out the breath he had been holding in in a long and ragged exhale.

Leon was not moving. What skin had not been marked by a blade or bruised by forceful hands was greyish and sallow, and everywhere was spattered with blood. He lay on his side, arms slung up above his head, wrapped in chains, tangled hair obscuring his face, and his chest moved with small, barely perceptible flutters of breath.

"No." Cloud heard himself moan as he stumbled a little closer. He couldn't make himself move. His eyes tracked the obvious scene of Leon's torture again and again, details imprinting themselves onto Cloud's memory in vivid colours.

The small groan of pain snapped him from his trance, and in a moment, Cloud was by Leon's side, the bed dipping under his weight as he knelt beside him and placed a shaking hand on his head, gently brushing the tangled bangs away from his battered face.

Leon's eyes were closed and he didn't stir, but Cloud called to him regardless.

"Lee?" He spoke softly, thumb ghosting his temple. He didn't move.

Swallowing past a tight knot in his throat, Cloud reached up and unfastened the chains, metal clanking against the headboard as he gently lifted Leon's head to release his neck, feeling fury bubbling underneath the numbness at the bruises it had left behind.

Freed from his bonds, Cloud gathered him up, wrapping him in the ruined sheet, and lifted him into his trembling arms, quietly shushing him as he let out a small groan of pain. Quickly, he turned and walked back down the rise and out onto the empty wasteland.

The portal was waiting for them, and he hurried towards it, cradling Leon closer to his chest as the Shadow World disappeared behind them.

Aerith descended the stairs slowly, wiping her hands on a blood stained rag, each foot fall heavy with fatigue as she emerged into the silent and dimly lit kitchen. The clock ticked, and water dripped from the tap over the sink, and Cloud sat alone at the table, still covered in dust and grime and the blood of his battle, though some of it probably belonged to Leon, she thought darkly. He was staring blankly at the table, faced pale and devoid of any emotion, his eyes glazed with private thoughts, and he did not look up as she entered.

Carefully and deliberately, she walked to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder, startling him from his revere as he jolted upright a little.

"Let me look at this." She said softly, pulling apart the ruined sweater to reveal the sword wound on his shoulder.

Cloud barely noticed it, but he let her. Aerith retrieved her first aid kit in silence and settled down to work, keeping a careful watch on Cloud out of the corner of her eye.

"How is he?" He finally asked when she was almost done.

"He's not good." Aerith replied, snipping the thread with a small pair of scissors. "You should go to him."

Cloud nodded his head distractedly, the silence filled with the question he so desperately wanted to ask but didn't have the courage to.

"His injuries," Aerith began, sensing his distress and taking pity on him, "They happened in the Shadow World. I can't heal them with magic." She told him, knowing the implications of her words would settle very quickly. "They'll have to heal naturally, if they heal at all."

Cloud swallowed hard, forcing himself to ask the question he didn't want to know the answer to.

"Will he make it?"

Aerith looked at him forlornly, her shimmering green eyes so impossibly large and round, and she shook her head. "I don't know." She watched Cloud take her words in, the implications slowly sinking in through the fatigue and the heartache, and with a small nod of his head he lifted himself out of his chair and started towards the stairs.

"I'm going to sit with him. You should go home and get some rest." He said, placing his hand on her shoulder, squeezing slightly, silently thanking her.

Aerith reached up and patted his hand, debating whether to forego the walk home and sleep on the couch instead. "I think I might stay here. In case you both need me." She told him, watching as he slowly trudged up stairs.

Their bedroom was quiet and dark, the light from the single bedside lamp shining a soft and gentle glow over the figure lying still and peacefully beneath the clean sheets, and Cloud felt disquiet in his heart at how out of place Leon looked in such familiar surroundings.

Aerith had done all she could, and it was an improvement on how Cloud had found him; his face, although still bruised and scuffed, was clean and peaceful, the wounds that littered his body dressed with clean, white bandages; both hands were wrapped up tightly, resting over his chest that laboured in and out, slowly but steadily.

Cloud removed his boots and gloves, and peeled off the ruined sweater. He disappeared into the bathroom and cleaned himself quickly, slapping on a few adhesive bandages to his own superficial wounds and returned to the bedroom, pulling on an old pair of sweatpants and one of Leon's T-shirts. Carefully, he reached down and lifted Leon forwards, slipping in behind him, and rested him against his chest, adjusting the pillows to cushion him against the headboard, and wrapped his arms around the older man.

Cloud sat with him like that all night, pressing the damp cloth Aerith had left against his forehead when his fever rose, and ran comforting fingers through his tangled hair when those same fever dreams tore uncomfortable moans from his ragged throat. He sat with him, and felt all of the flinches and shudders as Leon fought with his body to heal the damage that should have killed him, and Cloud prayed wouldn't. He hadn't expected Leon to wake so soon, but by the time morning arose, he stirred from a troubled sleep to find Leon awakening, his breathing growing deeper as he groaned and finally fluttered his eyes open.

"Lee?" Cloud whispered after a few moments of silence. He ran his hand down Leon's arm and squeezed his fingers slightly, a small reassurance that Cloud was there behind him. From his angle, he couldn't really see Leon's face, but he felt the older man try to clear his throat, and he wiggled his fingers minutely, returning Cloud's signal.

"It's alright, I've got you." Cloud told him, running his other hand through Leon's hair soothingly. He felt Leon struggling to talk, the strain on his throat obvious as he turned into Cloud's touch ever so subtly.

"W… where… w-where am I?" He finally managed, his voice so hoarse Cloud hardly recognised it.

"You're home."

There was a long pause as Leon worked up the energy to speak again, the silence littered with small coughs and mewls of effort.

"W-where's S… S-seph-" he began, Cloud cutting him off as soon as he realised what he meant to say.

"He's gone. I took care of it, I promise." Cloud replied, pressing his cheek to the crown of Leon's head as he closed his eyes and attempted to control the sudden swell of rage. There was nowhere to direct it; Sephiroth was gone – for now at least.

More heavy silence followed as Cloud forced himself to relax and breathe in the stillness of the room, registering Leon's every small breath and muscle twitch, reminding himself that he was still alive – still with him – no matter how broken and injured. He wasn't expecting Leon to say anything else. He'd thought he had fallen asleep again.

"How… how did you find me?"

Cloud opened his eyes, the question pulling the most basic of emotions from him as he answered as honestly as he could.

"You're my light. I'd be able to find you anywhere."

He heard Leon breath out slowly and steadily: an almost sigh.

"Y-you know... what happened? W...what I did?"

The question had Cloud's eyes growing wide with understanding, his mouth turned down in painful mourning at the implications. He pressed his cheek to the side of Leon's face, screwing his eyes shut.

"I know what he made you do." He replied, voice low and gritty, impressing the word on Leon as much as he could. He felt Leon convulse a little, as if holding back a cough or a hiccup, and then moments later felt a warm dampness against his cheek.

"I-I'm sorry." Leon replied in a broken whisper, the fingers still entwined with Cloud's stiffening and squeezing as much as the broken bones in his hands would allow; a subtle affection that had always been Leon's way of apologising, back when neither of them had very much to be sorry for.

"Don't say that," Cloud ground out from behind clenched teeth. "This isn't your fault."

I'm the one that should be sorry.

When he didn't answer, Cloud felt compelled to continue.

"This is what he does. He messes with your head. Don't let him do this to you, Leon."

"It's not… that simple any more." Leon rasped, clearly beyond his limit as he drifted on the cusp of sleep once again. "If you knew… what I've done..." He trailed off, voice growing weaker.

"I don't care." Cloud replied firmly, letting go of Leon's hand and crossed his arm over his chest instead, wrapping him up as tightly as he dared. "You know how I feel about you. Nothings changed."

Leon didn't reply and Cloud let him fall back into sleep, hoping that it would be dreamless and peaceful, and tried not to succumb to the raging, swelling Darkness that stirred inside him as Leon's words repeated themselves in his mind. He couldn't let it in, not after everything. It would be like letting Sephiroth win, despite all of Cloud's efforts and Leon's sacrifice.

Cloud bit the inside of his cheek and focused on the pain, using it to push away the tempting whispers as he slowly breathed his way back to peace, and tried to get some sleep of his own.

Leon stood in front of the mirror and stared at his reflection. It had taken him six weeks to make the short distance from his bed to the bathroom, his strength returning to him in painfully slow inclines, and he still had to use a crutch for walking. It rested by the sink, propped up next to a small mountain of painkillers and tablets. The pain in his leg had never really left him, and Leon was beginning to wonder if it ever would.

His eyes travelled the mangled mess of his torso; traced the angry, puckered outlines of scars still fresh but fading, and finally, settled on his face. He could never look at that for too long, and he averted his gaze, reaching out a stiff hand to pick up the shirt that hung on the rack. He fumbled with it for a moment, struggling to find the hem, his clumsy, awkward fingers refusing to cooperate with him.

He'd lost all feeling in the last three digits of his left hand, and the thumb on his right still refused to bend. The thick scars down the centre of his palms prevented him from closing them into fists and they ached constantly and spasmed often as he tried to force the dexterity back into them. All of those fine motor skills he'd taken for granted before now lost to him. He'd had to relearn how to hold a pen, a knife and fork, even tie his own Hyne damned shoelaces. He hadn't even looked at his Gunblade. Couldn't bring himself to even open the case.

He felt eyes on him and turned to see Cloud in the doorway, watching him silently, and Leon felt his cheeks heat with now familiar embarrassment.

"Here, let me help." Cloud said quietly, stepping into the bathroom and plucking the shirt from Leon's hands. He found the opening quickly and guided it over Leon's head, helping him into the garment in fractious silence. Helping him tuck the shirt in, however, was a step too far, and Leon exhaled loudly, brushing Cloud's hands away.

"I can do it." He bristled, wincing at the pain in his hands even as he said it.

Cloud backed off, biting his tongue as he watched Leon struggle in silence, his eyes narrowing as he watched Leon's fingers tremble and jerk in small painful spasms. He'd never let on how much it hurt him to see Leon out of breath and exhausted just from getting dressed, but he doubted it hurt him more than it hurt Leon.

"They still giving you trouble?" He asked as he caught one of Leon's hands, meaning to massage the palm slightly and ease the painful knots. Leon snatched it back, ducking his head, his bangs obscuring his face as he turned to pick up his crutch.

"No more than usual." He muttered.

Cloud bit the inside of his cheek and tried his best to ignore the small sting of rejection.

"I'm taking off for a few days." He said, changing the subject. "Got some business to take care of on Olympus." He hadn't forgotten his deal with Hades. Keeping details from Leon wouldn't be too tricky; they barely spoke any more.

"Fine." Leon answered, hobbling past Cloud out into the hallway and back into the bedroom – now just Leon's room. Cloud had been relegated to the spare bedroom some weeks ago, a defining moment in their relationship which had begun to solidify the widening chasm that had opened up between them in the days after Leon's rescue. Cloud had relented of course, but the inertia behind Leon's decision spoke volumes.

"Should be back in two or three days." Cloud added, watching as Leon stiffly lowered himself onto the chair in front of his desk, blueprints and schematics for half finished projects that he might now never be able to complete scattered across the top.

"Whatever." Leon mumbled, rubbing at his thigh distractedly, his back to the door.

Cloud frowned down at the floor, lips pinched in silent frustration, and he slowly nodded his head. Pushing off the door frame, he quietly collected his things and left without saying goodbye.

Leon heard the back door close and he breathed a sigh of relief. The constant feeling of anxiety when Cloud was around him was exhausting and he hated it. Those already broken eggshells he walked on were a constant reminder that something irreversible had happened, something neither of them knew how to fix, and the confusing feelings of anger and guilt were draining what little energy Leon had.

You've failed him… Sephiroth's words came back to him more and more often, those flashes of memory disturbing even his waking hours as he closed his eyes and tried to control the sudden onset of panic, despite the tranquillity of the silent house.

It's over, he's gone. Leon told himself, clenching his jaw as the swelling emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

Have you ever wondered what true betrayal tastes like?… The memory made Leon gag, his hand moving to cover his mouth as he sat forward in his chair, perspiration beginning to shine on his forehead as his heart pounded in his chest. It took him a long while to work through it, but eventually the panic subsided, the sweat on his skin cooled, and the acrid taste on the back of his tongue mellowed, leaving Leon hollow and tired, his arms and legs heavy, and the aches and pains in his body echoing a thousand times louder. For a moment, he considered going back to bed, but his dignity refused to allow him. He wasn't a cripple. He wasn't infirm.

Instead he sat staring at the papers on his desk, half finished and untouched, the monumental task of picking up a pencil and resuming his work comparable to the thought of picking up his Gunblade again; despite his refusal to admit that he was injured, he'd never felt more useless in his life.

This is what he does. He messes with your head. Cloud had told him more than once. Hyne, he'd got that right. Leon had never really been overly confident with his own convictions when it came to Cloud. Too many doubts, too many failed attempts. Sephiroth had known exactly which fears to fan; which insecurities to prod. But hadn't everything he'd said been true?

You know how I feel about you. Cloud had told him. Nothings changed.

Except that everything had. Leon's own fierce loyalty and devotion would always stand, he couldn't expunge those parts of himself so readily, but things were different now.

Cloud needed light. He needed strength and courage and someone who could withstand all the Darkness that his own shadowed past brought with it. Leon had tried, he truly had. But his feelings for his lover would never been enough. Not on their own. It would hurt him a thousand times more than Sephiroth possibly could, but Leon knew, in the quietest, most private parts of his heart, that he would have to let Cloud go. Wasn't that what you were supposed to do, when you cared for someone?

You know how I feel about you, too. Leon thought, pressing his fingers to his tired eyes. At least, I hope you do. Its why I can't do this... For both our sakes.

Leon sighed heavily and brushed away the dampness on his lashes. Giving in to his weakened body, he stumbled back to the bed and lay down, quickly falling into an exhausted sleep.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you up and about today." Aerith greeted Leon cheerfully as she breezed into his kitchen, bag of groceries in her arms. She set them on the counter and watched Leon's back with pointed interest.

Leon hummed a non-committal response, stirring the spoon in his mug slowly. "I made coffee." He added, ashamed to say that it was something he should be proud of.

"I just stopped by with some things for dinner. I know Cloud is out of town for a few days and I thought you might need the help."

"I'm fine." Leon replied, offering her a cup. Aerith took it, frowning a little at Leon's obviously sullen mood. Not that she could hold it against him.

"I know you are. But I thought you'd want something other than your own cooking. It is notoriously bad, you know." Aerith smiled, trying to lighten the tension.

"Cloud left meals." Leon replied pointing to the fridge as he hobbled over to the table and sat down.

Aerith tapped her fingers on he counter top, a long pause extending between them as she watched Leon silently drink his coffee.

"Is everything alright?" She asked gently. "Between you and Cloud, I mean? Its just, things have seemed a little off these last few weeks. More than expected, given the circumstances." She amended when she saw the sceptical look on Leon's face.

"Everything's fine." Leon lied, feeling awful even as he said it. A fleeting look of pain flashed in his eyes and Aerith recognised it immediately. She pulled the chair out next to Leon and sat down.

"Are you upset with him?" She asked, reaching out a hand to cover his fingers curled around his mug. "About fighting in the tournament for Hades again?" She was certain she was on the right track.

Leon's heart skipped a beat, and he looked up through choppy bangs with wide eyes.

"What?" He asked, brows slowly drawing down into a troubled frown.

"Cloud's gone back to the tournaments. He made a deal with Hades, when he was looking for you. Didn't he tell you?" Aerith's surety was slowly melting as she realised Leon hadn't got a clue what she was talking about.

"No." Leon replied, his thoughts drifting away to all those days and weeks after he had woken up; countless hours of tedious recovery, Cloud's nervous, awkward ministrations as he'd hovered close by, helping him eat and drink and wash and piss. Not once! He'd never said a damned word. Hadn't he asked him? Hadn't he asked him how he'd found him?

You're my light… I'd have been able to find you anywhere.

"He's using Darkness again?" Leon asked, his tone low and angry. Aerith pulled her hand back, suddenly regretting opening her mouth.

"I don't know." She answered honestly.

Leon couldn't help it, he felt the betrayal first before he felt the concern. After everything he'd been through, after everything that had happened, Cloud was going back to the Darkness?

This is your fault. You failed him, remember? You were the one that pushed him away. His treacherous mind whispered. Suddenly, just like that, it was guilt eclipsing everything as he realised he'd left Cloud exposed and in danger. He stood up as quickly as his leg would allow, and picked up his crutch, hobbling to the back door as he grabbed his coat off the hook.

"Where are you going?" Aerith asked, her chair squeaking loudly on the wooden floor as she stood up.

"I have to go. I have to find him." Leon shot back over his shoulder, slamming the door behind him.

Leon landed the gummi ship in a haphazard manner, already too exhausted to fight with the controls much and hurriedly clambered off the gangway and into the jostling crowd. It was hard keeping up with the pace of the people that walked beside him, his crutch getting knocked and his aching hand struggled to hold onto the grip, but he fought his way towards the Colosseum, giving himself a moment to rest by the toll gate. He felt oddly exposed without the reassuring weight of his Gunblade at his hip, but there was no way he could have managed the heavy sword. It would have crippled him in just a few short yards.

The games had already been going on for a day and a half, and spectators were filing in and out in thick swathes, meandering between levels as they queued for food and drink and merchandise.

Leon pushed his way through, looking for the entrance to the hypogeum and huffed his way down in to the darker, cooler lower levels.

The high vaulted brickwork was dusty and cracked, the shifting sands of the arena above sifting down through the boards leaving a fine haze in the gloomy atmosphere, dust motes dancing on the beams of light cast by the flickering torches in the sconces on the walls.

Leon was finding it hard to breathe. Whether it was the close, cloying darkness or the fatigue that was quickly creeping up on him, he didn't know. But he felt winded and thin, stretched beyond what his fragile body could accomplish in its healing state.

He sensed the tell-tale pull of Darkness wafting down the echoing corridors long before he saw the shadowy figure, and he sped up, gritting his teeth against the screaming agony in his leg and hand.

"Cloud," He called, watching as the figure slowed and then turned, stopping completely when Cloud recognised him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"You shouldn't be here." Cloud replied tersely, walking back to meet him. Not even hiding the fact that his wing hung out behind him like an overbearing shadow.

"Don't give me that bullshit, you're not my mother. Answer me: what are you doing here?" Leon bit back, eyeing the appendage, struggling not to recoil at the familiar taste of Darkness in the air; struggled to hold back the memories it was creating.

"Keeping a promise. I made a deal with Hades." Cloud's gaze travelled Leon up and down, a hint of worry glinting in his eye when he saw the fatigue and pain on Leon's face.

"And what about the promise you made to me?"

Cloud's gaze snapped back to Leon's eyes, wounded anger flaring in them as he recalled that conversation, many months ago, back before either of them had been tested by Sephiroth's cruelty.

"That's not fair, Leon." He said, remembering how desperate he'd been.

"Fuck 'fair'" Leon hissed "You think its fair I have to watch you succumb to Darkness again? Because of me? Because of what happened to me?"

"I'm doing this for you." Cloud briefly wondered how they'd got here, after so many weeks of not talking, suddenly Leon was bombarding him with all of this, now?

"Well, I don't want you to. This isn't what we agreed, Cloud. You promised you'd never use your Darkness again, you promised you were done with Hades." Leon cut his hand diagonally, the motion making him wobble slightly on his good leg "You can't sacrifice everything you've fought for, not even for me."

Cloud scoffed. "So you're the only one who can make sacrifices now?"

His words seemed to catch Leon off guard, and he floundered for a reply, his thoughts disappearing back into terrifying, murky places as the tendrils of Cloud's Darkness grew; growing on the spiking anger that was swirling between them.

"That was different." He eventually replied, voice a little distracted. "I didn't… I had no choice."

"Neither did I!" Cloud shot back, angry that Leon was here to chastise him. For something he had done to protect him. "I needed a way into the Shadow World. Hades gave me one. If this is what I have to do to pay him back then so be it. You really think there was anything more important to me than finding you?"

Leon swallowed thickly and looked away, his boiling anger melting away, giving way to the slithering guilt that ate at all of his confidence.

"You shouldn't have..." He began, meaning to tell Cloud that he shouldn't have bothered, shouldn't have put himself at risk like that. Not for him. Not when he'd betrayed him like he had.

This pain can be over… all you have to do is call to him… Leon felt himself stagger, that flash of memory throwing him off balance. A firm hand around his arm stopped him from falling too far and he looked down to see Cloud gripping his bicep.

"I know what you're going through." He heard Cloud say, quietly, the younger man closer than he had been. "I know the kind of mess he leaves in your head. Believe me, I know."

Leon tried to shake the disorientation away, a pressure building up in the back of his mind.

"I won't let you use Darkness again. Hades won't stop with just this one time, you know he won't." He said, looking up at Cloud through thick lashes.

"I don't have any other choice. I made a deal."

"You always have a choice. That's what this whole thing has been about. You choosing light. You don't have to give in to it, Cloud."

You're my light… I could have found you anywhere. Leon recalled those words, holding on to them as he tried to make Cloud understand."You came to find me, because everything we've accomplished together was worth defending. Don't throw it away."

"You really believe that?" Cloud asked sincerely, though that hard edge to his voice had still not disappeared. "Is that why you've been pushing me away?"

Leon couldn't ignore the painful pang in his chest. Even the very thought – the very mention – of losing Cloud hurt him.

"That's different." He shook his head, steeling himself, "I can still believe in you even if we're not together."

Cloud shook his arm hard, "I don't want anybody else!" He growled, feeling the panic rising in him as Leon started to pull away.

You've failed him… your place is to be forgotten… You're nothing but a lonely, cold, insufferable boy who can never be close to anyone… The Darkness swelled and Leon recoiled, stumbling backwards until his shoulder hit the wall, his fatigue and pain crashing down on him all at once as he slid down the brickwork, panting heavily against the onslaught of images as they bombarded him.

"Leon!" Cloud cried, alarmed at his sudden collapse. He knelt beside him, hand on his shoulder as he shook him back from the brink of unconsciousness.

Leon's eyes flickered open, his mind suddenly blank and free of the sinister whispers, and he looked over Cloud's shoulder to see the darkness shifting into the shape of a man.

"Well now, Cloudy-boy, don't tell me you're getting cold feet?" Hades spoke, breaking the silence in a rush of blue flame.

"Get lost, Hades. Now's not the time." Cloud glared behind him, feeling Leon's hand slip into his own, his fingers squeezing gently to catch Cloud's attention.

"Oh I'd say now is the perfect time. Looks like you're about to welch on our deal, and you know how I feel about people who go back on their word."

Leon tugged on his fingers again, arresting his attention. "You broke free once before, Cloud. You can do it again." He reminded him as Cloud turned back to look at him, his eyes locking with Leon's as he held his hand tighter. The line of Cloud's mouth firmed and his jaw took on a hard edge. He stood up, turning to face Hades, standing between the God and Leon, his fists curled at his sides and his eyes hard with determination.

"Sorry Hades, the deals off." He said.

"Is it now?" Hades smiled smugly, the amusement dying on his face just as quickly. "You know what will happen. You break an agreement with me and your Darkness will make sure you suffer. Think you can handle that?"

Cloud didn't relish the idea of having to fight through all that again, and when he compared it to the sweet, promising voice of Darkness that called to him, he almost changed his mind. He took a look back down at Leon, who was watching him with tired, pain-bright eyes, still so determined and sure of him even as Cloud stood in the shadows with his wing outstretched. He had no idea what he had done to deserve it, but he knew he couldn't let it go now.

"I know I can." He replied firmly, watching as Hades scoffed, the blue fire of his hair rising higher.

"Insolent little weasel." He spat. "I should have ordered Sephiroth to kill your precious light."

Cloud's eyes widened, his nostrils flaring in anger as he began to quickly connect the dots. "What?" He growled, knowing there was more to Hades deal than he'd first realised.

Hades smiled coyly, the expression sickening on his menacing face.

"Who do you think told him where to find him?"

Cloud's Darkness exploded in a shower of thunder and lightning, ripples of energy snaking out towards the God as Cloud shot forwards, halfway to pulling his sword from its sheath when he heard Leon call out behind him.

"Cloud, don't!"

He stopped and turned. Leon was slumped over, hand pressed to the old wound at his chest, face contorted in agony as he tried not to fall under the thickening tendrils of Darkness, and Hades was laughing behind him, taunting him, working hard to coax him into fighting a battle he knew he couldn't win.

Cloud let his hand fall to his side, letting go of the anger that fuelled the storm clouds overhead, the thunder receding as the Darkness disappeared. Closing his eyes, Cloud lifted his chin and with a short, sharp yelp, he pulled his wing back into himself and staggered there, wavering for a moment as all of the chaos in his mind cleared.

Hades had stopped laughing now, and as Cloud opened his eyes, he saw the God gathering up his own dark shadows, his face thunderous as he began to fade from sight.

"You'll regret this, Cloud. I'll make you suffer for defying me." He promised, before disappearing into the underworld.

There was nothing left in the gloomy corridor but silence and the sound of heavy breathing. Cloud turned and rushed back to Leon's side, kneeling next to him as he helped him sit up and a hand quickly found its way to Leon's cheek.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, his whisper loud in the quiet.

Leon nodded. "I'm alright. Just tired." He admitted, the relief in his voice palpable as the pain subsided now that the Darkness was gone.

Cloud rested his forehead against Leon's, breathing in time with him as they both took a moment to recover.

"Thank you." Cloud eventually said, placing a brief kiss to the bridge of Leon's nose, right over the scar that divided his face in two. "For not giving up on me." He clarified pulling away just enough to peer into Leon's bright, silver eyes.

"Sometimes," Leon began, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he stared back "It makes me mad that you'd so easily give up on yourself."

Cloud reached up and tucked a stray bang behind Leon's ear, returning his half smile with one of his own. "That's why I need you." He said, enjoying the closeness of the older man after so many weeks of feeling torn apart.

Leon's smile faded, replace by a sad melancholy.

"I don't know if I can be what you need." He said quietly, wanting to pull away from Cloud's gentle touch but unable to make himself.

"Then just settle for being the person that I want." Cloud shot back, forcing Leon to meet his gaze with a gentle finger under his chin.

Leon hesitated, staring at Cloud for a long time before he responded by raising his arms, snaking them around Cloud's neck, and pulled him down into a firm hold, his face buried into the crook of his neck as he breathed a sigh of relief at finally being held. He was weak and he was fallible and he was a poor excuse for light, but he couldn't deny that it felt good to give in to Cloud's words.

Cloud held him close and felt all the tremors run through Leon's body as he finally relaxed and became heavy in his arms, his fatigue catching up with him as he pulled away slightly, dragging his mouth past Cloud's ear, along his cheek to press his lips against his; the kiss sloppy and tired, becoming fierce and needful as Cloud turned into it, bringing his hand up to cup the side of Leon's face as his arms fell away from Cloud's neck.

"I'm gonna need you to help me up." Leon said against his lips, voice husky in the quiet.

Cloud let out a breathy chuckle, mouth curling at the edges as he placed a soft peck to the end of Leon's nose and then stood, holding out a hand to help him up off the ground.

Leon groaned with the effort, but he staggered to his feet, leaning heavily on Cloud's shoulder as he braced himself for the long walk back to the ship.

"Come on," Cloud said, picking up the crutch from the wall where it had fallen, handing it to Leon as he shuffled away from their spot in the shadows. "Lets get you home."

They left the dark recesses of the hypogeum and the sounds of the roaring, baying crowd above it, and walked slowly, leaning against each other through the jostling streets, heading back towards Radiant Garden, and home, and everything that still needed rebuilding.