A/N: It's been a year! Don't think many of you expected to ever upload another chapter again. But well, here it is. Thank you all who are still reading.

-One day later-

Horatio was looking at the evidence again. It wasn't much... It was actually very little. Unless you counted the evidence that pointed towards his youngest CSI. Besides the blood and hair they had found yesterday, they had also concluded that the smudge Eric had found could be Ryan's. The smudge itself didn't mean much, there were not enough details. But counting in the other evidence, it looked like Ryan had been there.
Besides that, sister Johanna had sent another nun. And that nun had told the same story as sister Johanna. That Ryan had hated sister Agatha when he was still in the orphanage.

For the first time in his career Horatio felt like he didn't know what to do. Well, he did know what to do, he just didn't want to do it. He had to interrogate his CSI and arrest him, something he rather didn't do.

Horatio took a big sip of his water and stood up. He cleared his throat and walked towards the break room. The rest of his team, except Ryan, would be waiting there for him. Horatio had told Ryan to stay at home. He could work this case.

When Horatio opened the door of the break room all his team members stopped talking. They stared at him. Horatio decided to not sit down. He would be more clear when he was standing.

'I have some bad news,' he started. 'I don't see another possibility than to arrest Ryan.'

'But H! You can't do th...'

Horatio held his hand up to silence Natalia. 'There is no one in this room that wants this for Ryan, Natalia. Especially not me. But at this moment, we have no other choice. Mr. Wolfe will have to come with a good explanation. Tripp would you... you know.'

Horatio didn't know how to ask Tripp, but Tripp had understood him. He nodded and stood up.

'Take good care of him,' Horatio told him when Tripp walked out of the room.


Ryan was sitting on his couch and staring in front of him. He thought about yesterday. All those things Horatio had told him and than that orphanage. He wished he hadn't gone back to work yet. He had rather not known. All those memories, he hated them.

The doorbell rang and Ryan walked towards the door. He saw Tripp was standing outside. Ryan knew what was coming. For one moment he thought of running, but that was a stupid idea. Then he opened the door.

'Hey Tripp.'

Tripp sighed. 'I'm sorry Ryan, but I have to ask you to turn around and to put your hands behind your back. You are being arrested for the murder of sister Agatha.'

Tripp wanted to continue his mandatory explanation, but Ryan signed him to stop. He knew how it worked. So Ryan turned around and Tripp cuffed him. It wouldn't help to resist anyway. Ryan rather had it over with as fast as possible.

After a short drive in the back of Tripp's car and the "Walk of shame" at MDPD, Tripp led Ryan to a interview room. Horatio was waiting there for them. Tripp uncuffed Ryan and sat down next to Horatio. The chair opposite Horatio and Tripp was meant for the suspect, in this case Ryan.

Ryan sat down and acted like he didn't care. He actually did care, but Ryan had decided to not show anything of the emotional rollercoaster he was in at the moment.

Ryan stared at his hands, so his boss couldn't see his face. He saw the red marks the cuffs had left on his wrist, but he wasn't going to rub his wrists like every other criminal demonstrated. He didn't want to be associated with other criminals. Or at least as little as possible at this moment.

'Ryan,' Horatio started. 'I am really sorry we had to do this, but at this moment I don't see any other possibility. All the evidence is leading us in your direction. Do you have any explanation for this?'

'I have no idea, lieutenant Caine. Isn't that your job to investigate?' Ryan answered. He felt furious. How dare Horatio to claim that he didn't have a choice? Off course he had a choice, there is always a choice. For starters Horatio could try to trust Ryan.

'Ryan, please. We need your help,' Tripp said friendly.

They could be as friendly as they wanted to, Ryan thought. But that wasn't helping him. He just wanted them to believe him.

'I don't know. I really don't know. I just know that I didn't do it.'

Horatio sighed. 'All right then. This is what we are going to do. We are doing it by the book. I don't want any of us to get in trouble later on. Tripp, bring Ryan to a cell. Ryan, please try to think about anything that could help you. Meanwhile the team and I will search for evidence that could help you to get out of this mess. And Ryan, don't think I enjoy this. I really hate this Ryan.'


Ryan was sitting on the ground. His back leaning against the cold metal bars of his square cage. Tripp had left him there alone to think about an explanation. But Ryan couldn't think. He heard voices coming from the suspects from other cases. Who were being held in other cells. It didn't make Ryan feel safe that there still were some bars between him and the others. The metal bars didn't help either. Ryan felt like the bars were closing in on him, that his cage was getting smaller and smaller until he would suffocate.

Horatio had saved Ryan from a wardrobe once, could he save Ryan out of this closet as well? Ryan doubted it. He still had the feeling that his boss didn't trust him completely.

'Hey Ry.'

Ryan looked up from his thoughts.

'Natalia,' he said surprised.

'How are you feeling?'

Ryan made a face.

'Sorry, stupid question. Horatio sent me.'

Ryan frowned this time. 'Why did he do that for?'

'He thinks you might listen to me. That you trust me more then you trust him. He really does found this a difficult situation Ry.'

Ryan sighed. 'Maybe he does. But he could have waited a bit longer before arresting me, right?'

Natalia didn't answer that question, which Ryan took as a yes. She did also believe that Horatio had made this decision too quick.

'Ryan, please try and think about something or someone that could help you get out of here,' Natalia said.

'Like I said to Horatio, I just don't know anything that could help me Natalia.'

Natalia sighed. 'Please Ry, think.'

Ryan looked at her and saw those beautiful begging eyes of his favourite colleague. He nodded then and thought.

Something or someone... something or someone... someone... someone! Ryan's head shot up. He hadn't thought of someone before, just something.

'Natalia, there is another nun! Sister Christina. She sort of liked me... and Rowan. Maybe she knows more! But... would she still be alive?'

Ryan's enthusiasm vanished as fast as it had come. Natalia on the other hand was already on her feet and walking towards the door.

'I'll find out Ryan! Don't worry, it will all be all right.'


Horatio watched how Natalia was jumping from one foot on the other nervously whilst Calleigh was searching for a still living sister Christina on the computer. The whole team was standing around that computer and Calleighs fingers were rattling at top speed over the keyboard.

'All right,' she said eventually. 'I think I found someone who could be the sister Christina Ryan was talking about. She is old and in a retirement house, but she is still alive.'

'That's great work Calleigh!' Horatio said with renewed hope. 'So this is the plan. Calleigh, you'll give me the address of the retirement home. Then Tripp and I will pay this sister Christina a visit. Eric, Natalia, go find a specialist to look at the evidence we have found this far. Ask him to look at the hair and blood again. Maybe a specialist can prove that this evidence is old.'


-3 hours later-

Horatio was sitting in the passenger's seat in Tripp's car. Meanwhile Tripp was driving through the traffic. Horatio's phone rang and he answered it.

'Tell me what you have found out, ms Boa vista.'

'We did it H! The specialist found out that the blood and the hair are old indeed!'

'Good job! The nun was very helpful as well. She gave us some astonishing details. I think we might have found the real culprit with this information. We are on our way back to MDPD at this moment. We'll see you there.'

Horatio hung up and looked at Tripp, who was concentrating on the road.

'Have they found something, H?' Tripp asked with a hoarse throat because he had been screaming at the nun. Not to be rude, but because besides being very helpful, she was very deaf as well.

'Yes Frank, they did. So let's get Ryan out.'


Ryan looked up when the door of his cell opened. For a short moment he had thought it was Tripp who was coming to get him out. But then he saw that it was another police officer, escorting two suspects of some case in the cell. The officer closed the cell door again and walked away.

The two new visitors stared and Ryan. And then one of the men started smiling.

'Hey, aren't you that cop? Look Josh. He is that cop from last time, isn't he?'

Now the second man, Josh, started smiling also.

'Yeah, I think you are right. That is him,' Josh said to his friend. 'Did you find yourself on the wrong sides of the bars this time, idiot?' He then asked Ryan.

Ryan swallowed when the two men started to close in on him. He stood up so he could defend himself a bit better. But there was little defending against two of these big men when you were just alone...

Ahh finally. Another chapter finished. Thank you all for reading this! I think there is only one more chapter to this story. I hope to finish it this summer, but I can't promise you anything. It could also take another year. Although I certainly hope not.