Disclaimer: I do not own FFXIV nor Heavensward, or several of the characters mentioned in this story, or the FC featured.

Corvus Trading Company

We make governments stand or fall, safeguard the people or destroy them, and we control the markets.

Disco was a naturally boisterous person.

But when she was in the presence of Ragnar nowadays, it was slightly difficult. He was always brooding, silent, and looking off into nowhere, nothing could pull him out of his sorrow. From all she could gather, there was none, many unsaid issues seemed to run through his mind these days.

Regardless, she stayed with him, as did Pax and Wolfie. Comrades until the end after all.

Ham had led them through the streets in the early morning. No one was out at this hour, normally.

They walked in complete silence, something Disco was never comfortable with. Not when she was young, not even now today. As a result, she took to humming to fill in the gap while they traversed. Every so often she would whistle as they headed down the stone path that led to the docks. Eventually they arrived and the ferryman greeted them.

"Sir," the ferryman addressed him, there was a quick exchange between the two before they set off onto the lake that led to the residences of many.

The boat gently skimmed over the water as Disco sat by the edge, her hand hanging out of it and glazing over the glassy surface. She had forgotten how peaceful life could be when she was not bounding over the next ledge or turning a corner in a dark dungeon. At times she wondered what it would be like to settle down but that was an impossible task for her.

She craved action, she thrived upon the thrill of battle.

Perhaps one day she would settle but for now, her life was just an endless adventure, something very few can live.

It took an hour to reach one of the districts; they walked onto the dock and let Ham lead them once more. This time, they were going passed houses where some lived with families or others with Free Companies.

"Seems a bit out in the open for you secretive people to have a base," Pax commented as he saw a group of kids running by.

"In plain sight is how we operate," Ham replied.

They arrived at a small cottage nestled between one high above and one far below. Crossing the bridge, they found that it was sparsely decorated compared to most of the houses here. It had a simplistic sort of appearance with several wagons on the side- a well and a small fountain, then a garden patch tucked in a corner of the yard.

On the plaque at the gate, a small inscription said: "Corvus Trading Company"

"In plain sight too much?" Disco said.

"Technically, you have to be real close to read that," Ham countered as they strode through the small lawn and got to the door. Ham opened it and a small bell rang, signifying to the owners that guests have arrived.

Inside it seemed to be a simple bookstore. With wooden flooring and crimson wallpaper, bookshelves lined the walls en mass. A simple counter to the right had a cashier and a map of Eorzea behind them. To the left of the wall were fliers posted, most could not be seen as they stood far. Ham stopped before the cashier and the cashier spoke,"What brings you here?"

"New recruits," Ham said simply, he then continued on and walked over to a bookshelf. His fingers brushed over several spines of books before finding one that took his interest. He pulled it and the sound of gears shifting and latches going undone resounded throughout the store. Soon enough, one of the bookshelves groaned and moved, revealing a passageway that led to the basement.

They were taken down a dark hallway where light came from the shop and from the bottom of the stairs. Along the sides, even more bookshelves were nailed in place. Disco wondered what they held and why there was a need to have so many but she would have to snoop around another time as Ham opened a door at the bottom of the stairs.

Ushered into a large room that was converted into some kind of meeting room, they brought the attention of a lone, Hyur woman who was reading from one of the many books in her collection. She glanced up and then adjusted her glasses to see them better- she was a bit shorter than Ham and she dressed much more richer than him.

At her hip was a sword too thin to be called a sword of a Paladin but that was the least of their thoughts as she placed the book down and looked at the four who entered her home.

"These are the ones you spoke about?" She asked, of course she was expecting them, no doubt Ham had sent word at any given time.

"Indeed, Sinclair," Ham began, he went down the line, gesturing to each of them. "Disco, a talented Bard, don't let her looks fool you into thinking she doesn't have eyes of an eagle. Pax, a swordsman who uses the Darkness as his armor and weapon. Wolfie, a Paladin whose conviction is stronger than anyone I have ever met. And finally-"

"-Ragnar," Sinclair finished.

Ragnar had remained quiet the entire time, his ears had been pricked down to show his tense composure.

"You brought a famous face into our midst," Sinclair said, she got up and turned away from them. She went through a hallway and then returned with a singular bottle. "We will have to fix that."

She offered this to him but Ragnar, for the first time in a long while, spoke,"What is in this?"

"Our line of work requires faces unseen. If I can recognize you, our enemies will as well. After all, you were fit to be the Savior of Eorzea years ago, were you not? You could hardly walk into the city without someone calling your name. No, that will not do here, it means danger not only to you but to all of us."

"Will this hurt him?" Disco inquired, she cautiously eyed the potion.

Sinclair shook her head,"Not at all, though he will be disoriented for a while. No harm done. Just drink this, sleep at night and when you awaken, you will live a new life."

Ragnar took it and gently held it, he brought it above to see the contents in the light of the fire. Inside it was liquid clear, almost like water, though there was a weight to it. He popped the cork off and sniffed it, then asked,"It will change me?"

"To someone one would never expect," she assured. "If you want to go after your enemies, you will do best to follow what I say. Understand that this cannot be undone. Do this and then we will begin our work."

Without another thought to stop him, Disco watched him take a drink of whatever the woman offered him. He downed it easily and slammed the bottle onto the table, he wiped his mouth as he began to stagger. Pax held him up as best as he could as Ham led the two to a room to rest. When they were gone, Disco and Woflie sat themselves at the table.

"I take it you're his companions," Sinclair said as she went to a small stove by the fireplace and brought out a kettle.

She began to pour tea out for them.

"I promise you that he will be alright in our hands," she went on.

"He belongs to no one's hands, ma'am," Disco corrected her,"we're here to ensure he lives through this and if your hands turn out bad, we will not hesitate."

"Is that a threat?"

Disco took the teacup and sipped from it, she smiled ever so sweetly as she told her,"That depends if he's in good hands."