Chapter 17: Apathy

Having winter break away from school allowed her to reflect on herself and the bizarre turn of events her life had taken. She never thought that her life would become more turbulent than it already was. She was a crime fighter and thought she'd seen it all, but boy was she wrong.

The beginning of her winter break took her on a hunt for the mystical objects that would grant any wish, and despite reluctantly finding all but one ball over the past few weeks, she felt uneasy taking such a drastic option to heal herself. According to her, the consequences could be unfathomable if she tried to wish her troubles away because there was so much unknown by making such a wish. A daunting thought kept appearing in her mind whether Gohan deserved such a reckless option given that it appears he has led a life of selflessness. According to Krillin, Gohan had fought against galactic tyrants by traveling through space to another planet, among other insanities. What Krillin said was among the most difficult truths to accept. Did Gohan really watch his father die? Was he really kidnapped to train by a ruthless teacher? She had her doubts, but something she couldn't explain was pulling her to believe his stories.

Videl was unsure what to do about the last dragon ball. She could feel her anxiety swirl within her, especially for her future. She went against her master, Tien Shinhan, and while he didn't explicitly say not to find remaining dragon balls as part of her training, she knew her master wouldn't approve. Approval didn't even include Bulma Briefs, the person who gave her the dragon radar. Without either of them, she had no path forward, and yet deep inside her, she felt she was taking advantage of them.

But they don't know what I went through with Gohan, she reminded herself but deep down, she couldn't help that she was being self-centered.

At the very least, Videl believed she should check in with Bulma since she had the dragon radar for a few weeks now. Why did Bulma trust her so much with an object that could potentially change the course of destiny itself? She already knew Bulma had knowledge of her father's lie, and probably well before they met. It astounded her that the group of mysterious warriors who all seemed to have backgrounds not fit for heroic feats were so functional and willing to help her. These appeared to include aliens and humans, and of course Bulma despite her not being a fighter.

Videl shook her head distraught by her current situation. Sighing, she threw a capsule on the ground releasing her state-of-the-art jet copter. She jumped in, entered the coordinates for Capsule Corporation, and attempted to prepare herself mentally for meeting with Bulma Briefs.

She needed to answer the questions in her mind regarding the dragon radar. Why did she have it for so long? What would she do when she obtained all the dragon balls? And, what about the last dragon ball which, according to Tien, was the one that belonged to the Delivery Boy, a person she wanted, no needed to meet to help set herself free. Most importantly, she felt an intense need to apologize given that child received no credit when she and her father got everything.

Another thing crept in her mind as she was questioning herself and assessing her mental stability. It was Sunday, the day before school started back up after break, and she was expecting to see Gohan once again. Videl wasn't even sure she could even see him let alone be within his presence given all his feats, trials, and tribulations she now knows about her ex. Over the next several minutes, those questions spun in her mind, but soon enough, she was descending toward Capsule Corporation. She landed on the front lawn and released her copter back into its capsule. Videl snatched it out of the air, and then, she walked toward the back entrance.

The Briefs trusted her enough to have access to Capsule Corporation, something Bulma had set up for her last time she was there, the time she obtained the dragon radar to collect the balls for herself, she reminded herself.

She sighed and entered a code on a door, opening it. She walked down the living quarters and carefully performed a ki sweep of the immediate vicinity. After a few seconds, she was able to lock on to Bulma's ki. She felt a short victory being able to sense such a small ki. It was the little things that count since she spent a lot of time attempting to perfect her sensing abilities over break.

She knocked on the lab door and waited a moment. The door opened revealing Bulma Briefs. Despite seeing her several times now, she still felt uneasy in the presence of greatness. But at the same time, Bulma had a bedside manner about her negating much of that uneasiness.

"Hi Bulma," she greeted while releasing a breath she held in. "Hopefully I'm not bothering you right now."

"Hey Videl," she said offering her a smile. "You are always welcome here. You know that right?"

"Umm, thanks," Videl said apprehensively still surprised how inviting she was.

"How is the dragon ball hunting going?" Bulma asked as she organized her papers over her desk, slightly embarrassed at her messy work situation.

"Good, I guess," she hesitated while twirling her foot on the ground. She cleared her throat. "Do you think it would be okay if I kept the radar for a little bit longer?"

Bulma paused for a moment causing Videl's anxiety to be heightened. Did she know the real reason why she was obtaining them?

"Of course, honey."

Videl let out a quiet sigh of relief. Now she could use the radar to obtain the last ball when the time was right, but when was the time actually right? Ever? She mulled over those questions for some time now. She couldn't just show up without getting Tien's approval. Right?

"Thanks, but umm," Videl started but was unsure how to phrase the next question.

She wanted to know more about Saiyaman, or Son Gohan. Even now, she was reminded of Gohan's contagious smile and caring nature. After hearing everything from Krillin, she felt something pulling at her, telling her that Gohan's lies had more meaning behind them. If what Krillin said was true, she felt uneasy with her treatment of Gohan to put it lightly. She also felt she was missing a big piece of the puzzle, something that if she learned, would help calm her anxiety and brighten her future.

"What is it?" Bulma asked with an inviting smile.

"I was wondering if you knew who Saiyaman is?"

Bulma blinked for a few moments slightly taken back by the question.

"Saiyaman? Wait a second, you also fight crime in Satan City," Bulma said and then slapped her face with her palm coming to a realization. "Of course, you do, and you work with Saiyaman. How did I not see that connection? You both work at the police department in Satan City. Silly me."

Videl's eye twitched. "Well, he doesn't exactly work for the police department as I do."

"Well of course," Bulma said offering her a smile. "But he might as well work there. He's done so much good for the city."

Videl had no argument for that because, in reality, he has done more than she could ever do, but not for long. Her goal was to become better than Saiyaman and save more lives and help reduce even more crime, thus benefiting society. Thanks to Tien, she reminded herself.

"True," because there was no denying that Saiyaman was helping. Videl had to admit she was a bit jealous of how naturally it came to Gohan, especially since he was just a teenager like herself.

"But to answer your question, yes, I know him," she beamed thinking about when she created the suit for her godson. "What about Saiyaman do you want to know?"

Videl took a moment. What she really wanted to know was the connection between her and Gohan, because thus far, it seemed that Krillin had deep connections with her ex, so what's not to think Tien, Bulma, and the others know him? She was certain there was a connection but didn't know how deep it ran.

"I already know who he is," Videl admitted.

"Oh, he told you?" Bulma asked tilting her head.

"Well, not really," Videl said but spared her the details. "I found out by accident."

It wasn't by accident, or maybe it was. It was clear Gohan didn't know of her trainings and capabilities to sense energy. He just assumed she was never going to find out so therefore, he could live a life in secrecy while she continued increasing her public image. She easily could connect with Gohan's reasons to remain secret because she too was oftentimes tired of the public image she created for herself, especially after finding about her father's lie.

"Really? He's not one to like people to know of his identity," Bulma explained.

"Yes, but you see, Gohan and I go to the same school, and I actually know him quite well, so for him to hide his identity from me hurt," she explained surprised how open she was being about her feelings.

Normally, she would close up and not make her feelings known, but for some reason, talking to Bulma or at least being in her presence felt like a safe space, despite how successful she was. Videl broke her thoughts and rose her eyebrows by the expression Bulma was giving her.

"Wait a second, exactly how close are you two?" Bulma insinuated with her mouth gaping open.

Videl chuckled for a second. "It's not what you think, but we used to be close."

There was no reason for Videl to explain the intricacy of she and Gohan's relationship, but for some reason, she felt called to offer Bulma at least an explanation given all that she's done for her. But she hesitated for a moment.

"Wow, I had no idea," Bulma said shaking her head. "Of course, Gohan wouldn't tell me that you two were close," she mumbled that last part.

"Wait," Videl paused. "Why would he tell you anyway? Do you know him well?"

Bulma smiled. "Well, after all, I am his godmother, so I would hope he would tell me."

Videl didn't think she could be surprised after all that has happened, but yet again, she was taken aback. Her shock faded away as she remembered they were connected with that mysterious group that her master belonged to.

But Bulma continued. "Why aren't you two friends anymore?"

"Well we were actually together for a little bit," Videl added ducking her head.

"What?" Bulma said taking a step back. "You two were boyfriend-girlfriend?"

Videl nodded her head.

"So, let me get this straight," Bulma said raising an eyebrow. "Son Gohan dated the daughter of Hercule Satan."

Videl nodded once more.


Videl rose an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not sure I should be the one to tell you."

"You mean that he knew my father was a fake and still decided to date me?"

Bulma chuckled.

"You two are perfect for each other! I can't believe I missed all of that gossip. Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" she said delightedly while Videl's eye twitched.

"Well, he lied to me about Saiyaman, and that's after I asked him like a thousand times whether he was Saiyaman."

Bulma bit her lip. "I see, well, we all love Gohan, and I bet he had his reasons."

"After all the trust I put in him? There are no reasons."

"Perhaps, but Gohan didn't have an ordinary life as a kid, so I wouldn't be too upset at him."

"Oh," Videl said rolling her eyes. "You mean the time he had travel through space to defeat a galactic tyrant?"

"Oh?" Bulma perked up. "He told you that?"

"No," said Videl. "I wish he did, but it was someone named Krillin."

"You know Krillin?" Bulma said taking another step back but then nodded her head. "Figures. If you have trained under Tien, I suppose it would only be natural that you would meet Krillin someday."

"You know him also?" Videl asked.

"Yes, and what he said about traveling through space is true. In fact, it was me, Krillin, and Gohan who traveled on a spaceship to a planet called Namek."

That's exactly what Krillin said, but suddenly, her suspicions decreased hearing it from Bulma. She was much more interested in this space travel.

"How on earth did you go through space?"

"Well," Bulma began. "We didn't have the technology, but thankfully, there was a spaceship available that we could use."

"But why? Just for fun?"

"I wish," Bulma sarcastically said while reminiscing those days. "We were actually looking for the dragon balls to wish back some people that got killed by those Saiyans that showed up all those years ago. And apparently Frieza, that galactic lord you've probably heard about, was also looking for the dragon balls. So, it was just me Krillin and Gohan against Frieza and his galactic army."

Videl was incredibly intrigued by this story. Hearing it from Bulma felt so much more real than hearing bits and pieces from different people. It was unlike any story she'd ever heard before. Bulma continued.

"So, we had to go through a lot of trouble on Namek to get those dragon balls."

"That's insane," Videl added. "Did you beat Frieza to the dragon balls?"

Bulma smiled putting her hand on her hip. "There's no one better than I at finding dragon balls."

Videl nodded her head. After all, it was Bulma who came up with the technology to find dragon balls.

"But did you ever run into Frieza?"

"Mmhmm," Bulma affirmed. "And all hell broke loose, but you better believe Gohan and Krillin fought their hearts out. I heard that Gohan fought close to the death against Frieza and his minions."

Videl's face twisted in shock. "Wait, how old was he again?"

"Hmm, maybe six or seven. Yeah, crazy, I know," Bulma explained.

"B- But, how?" Videl stuttered.

"Gohan's really strong," was all she said.

"But Frieza was supposed to be the ruler of the galaxy?"

"Yes, but we did have help. This is crazy, but one of the Saiyans, some of the Namekians, and Gohan's dad helped too. In fact, it was Gohan's dad who finally defeated Frieza."

Even after all she learned, she kept finding herself asking: Who is this Son Gohan? She clearly knew so little while they were dating.

"So Gohan knew all these ki manipulation techniques that Tien's teaching me? Even as a kid?" asked Videl.

"Yes, and he was very very good at them."

Gohan knew my father was a fake all this time, she thought realizing he had the ability to sense ki during the Cell Games, but her thoughts were interrupted.

"So, things like this are why he was probably reluctant to tell you about Saiyaman, because his strength came from not the best experiences in the world, but the old saying is true, strength comes from struggle."

Bulma's words rang in Videl's mind as she contemplated everything she's heard. Finally, at the snap of a finger, she felt it was true, all of it. Gohan lived a childhood nothing compared to any other childhood in existence. No child should ever have to be out in the battlefield.

So, even though he knew I was a fake, and had all these insanely traumatic experiences, he was still happy as ever toward me, she realized. She remembered even on the very first day, Gohan was surprised to hear of her father. At the time, Videl was almost insulted but mainly surprised that he didn't recognize her, but now, it all made sense. He knew the truth the entire time, and despite their break up, it appeared that his affection for her was real, and that he was merely trying to push those traumatic experiences under the rug. His contagious smile crept in her mind and that smile was there even on the first day she met him.

Her head shot up remembering what Tien and Krillin said. After all, they said she still had to open her mind further than she already had.

That's why he was reluctant to talk about his childhood. That's why everything was so vague. He was merely trying to live a normal teenaged life. Why couldn't I figure this out before?

And, through her father, she sort of ruined that in some aspect. Gohan liked her for who she was as he said many times, and she broke that off due to his lies. But the more she thought about it, perhaps those lies might have been justified. He just wasn't ready to relive his past in such vivid detail, she realized. Her pushy nature to obtain the truth, which allowed her to gain trust in someone, didn't work with everyone, and certainly didn't work with Gohan.

"Crazy, isn't it?" Bulma said breaking the silence. "I have other stories just as crazy as Namek."

"…And Gohan was part of them?"


Was there no end to those insane traumatic experiences that Gohan had to deal with? How was Bulma, Tien, Krillin, and of course, Gohan, so darn happy all the time. Did they find that much joy in saving the world? Was it just in their nature despite some of them having seemingly bad pasts? She had a lot to think about, that was for sure.

"You should just talk it over with Gohan."

Videl closed her eyes. "I've tried."

"Yes, but now that you know some of his history, perhaps you could be a little more understanding?" Bulma said with slight hesitation.

Normally, she would blow up on someone suggesting she had a lack of understanding or compassion. She was Videl Satan, savior of Satan City. She helped those in need. Of course, she was compassionate, but what Bulma said was correct. She needed to further open her mind and be mindful of Gohan's past. But she didn't think she could go back to how things were, not after everything that has happened. Realizing Gohan's past help put her mind at ease but she certainly still had questions.

She nodded, looking forward to that conversation with Gohan. At the very least, it would help set her free and come to a better understanding. Suddenly, the dragon ball option seemed like a very bad idea in the end. Did Gohan really deserve that? Shouldn't she just heal on her own? Why was she thinking so inwardly about herself? Why did she lack so much empathy?

Finally, Monday arrived, and it was the day all the students were to return from school after a long restful winter break. A fresh coating of snow had fallen the previous night, so Videl bundled up and made it to school without any problems.

Today, she felt nervous, because she was hopefully going to approach Gohan and try to get some closure. She knew things couldn't go back to how they were, but perhaps having someone like Gohan in her life wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. She just didn't want him to lie to her anymore, because it was just too painful, especially after what happened with her father but she was going to try to force herself to have an understanding of his past. She's only heard stories from others, but never from the source himself, Son Gohan. Who knows what else is behind the young man.

Prior to entering the classroom, she could pinpoint her friend's kis; Erasa and Sharpner. Additionally, she felt Gohan's stronger ki sticking out like a sore thumb as it didn't seem like he was trying to suppress his ki like last time. She made a mental note regarding ki suppression. Perhaps her master could teach her how to control the ki which emanated from her. It sounded like a useful technique to be able to suppress one's ki. She took a deep breath before opening the door.

Upon opening the door, Videl could see her friends sitting where they normally sat. There was certainly not enough time to talk to Gohan now because the class was about to begin, but in an attempt to start something fresh, she walked up to her seat with the intent of a bright future, a healing future.

She shuffled to her seat when she could feel her Erasa, Sharpner, and Gohan staring at her.

"Good break I assume?" Sharpner asked noticing the smile on her face.

"Good morning Videl!" Erasa greeted.

"Hey," Videl said and then cautiously turned toward Gohan offering him a smile.

Gohan blinked his eyes, not understanding the sudden change. A few weeks ago, before class broke up for winter break, Videl wouldn't even notice him, but something has changed as of today. He believed that perhaps the break allowed Videl to heal or see things differently, or so he hoped. But knowing Videl, he doubted much had changed, so maybe she was just trying to be nice because after all, he didn't think he was going to leave Orange Star High.

"So, umm, what did you do all break? We only hung out once! What gives?" Erasa called her friend out.

"Sorry Erasa," Videl said surprising her. "I needed some time to myself."

Erasa couldn't blame her. After all that has happened, some time alone was probably good, but also part of her thought being around friends would also help her heal. To each, their own was Erasa's doctrine.

The teacher entered the classroom, putting an end to the chit-chat. Videl wasn't paying too much attention to class because she was putting more thought in her conversation with Gohan later.

Finally, lunch came around, and now was the time she wanted to talk to Gohan. Not after class ended, because tracking down Gohan was a challenge at that point, but during lunch when there was more time.

"Come on Videl," Erasa said grabbing her hand. "Let's get to our lunch spot."

But to Erasa's surprise, Videl pulled back. Turning her attention from her best friend, she turned toward Gohan who was packing up his bag with his notes and books.

"Hey Gohan," Videl said turning her attention to the young Saiyan, shocking Sharpner and Erasa.

The young Saiyan perked up, surprise to hear her voice. "Umm, yeah?"

"Do you have a minute?"

Gohan's mouth gaped open, but he quickly shut it. "Uh, of course!" he said in a cheery voice offering her a smile

"Great!" Videl said offering him a smile. "Let's go up to the rooftop."

Gohan hesitated wondering if this was some sort of test or something. It was highly usual given the circumstances over the past several weeks.


"Come on!" Videl demanded.

"Okay," Gohan said following after her.

He looked back and gave Erasa and Sharpner a confused look. Erasa shrugged her shoulders while giving a look of concern. Gohan was also concerned but then turned back and continued.

"What the heck was that about?" Sharpner asked Erasa.

"I don't know!" she hissed surprised by this development.

"Do you think she still hates him?" Sharpner asked.

"Hmm, I'm not sure," Erasa said as her mind spun wondering what was going on. "She has hardly talked to me all break."

"I don't know. I kind of feel bad for whatever's going to happen with Gohan."

"I don't think so," Erasa said causing Sharpner to look at her weirdly. "She was smiling."

Sharpner continued to blink his eyes, unsure what was happening.

Meanwhile, Gohan continued to follow Videl, but reluctantly and perhaps a semblance of hope? That had been literally the first time there had been a positive interaction from her toward him since they broke up and Videl found out the truth. He didn't have his hopes high because while he still loved Videl, he couldn't just get back together if they don't sort out their problems, because she felt betrayed by him. Plus, there was so much tension and anger that he doubt could heal. In a harsh reality, he knew she would have a difficult time finding compassion and understanding of his past. Let's be real, there's no going back, he thought.

Upon opening the door to the roof, she trotted through the snowfall. Gohan was wondering why they were up here in the cold weather when they could have talked elsewhere. There were even snow flurries falling from the sky. Videl threw a capsule on the rooftop revealing her copter, further confusing Gohan.

"Umm, are we going somewhere?" Gohan asked uneasily.

"No," said Videl. "Now get in!"

"Uh okay," he said entering the copter. The door automatically closed. The copter was small, but there was plenty of room for two people.

"If we aren't going anywhere, why are we in your copter?" he asked.

"Well," Videl started but hesitated slightly. "I just wanted some privacy to talk and some warmth. If we stayed in the halls or something, people might hear."

It was clearly much warmer in the top-of-the-line Capsule Corporation copter, so it made at least some sense to Gohan, but also being in close quarters with her made him slightly uneasy.

"That makes sense I guess," he agreed.

"Great!" Videl said. "Now, let's see, how to bring this up, hmm."

"Umm." Gohan was confused.

Videl cleared her throat.

"I was hoping you can clear up some things for me, for my conscious," she said while trying to relax. "And to help me heal."

Gohan paused a moment. If he told her everything, there's no way she'd understand. But also, he owed her anything at this point.

"Of course, Videl," he responded.

"But," she said causing Gohan to flinch a little. "You have to promise me that you will tell the truth."

She wanted to mumble, not that it means much, at the end of that, but she decided against a sarcastic remark because if there was really some potential for healing, she should try to show understanding and empathy as Bulma told her.

"I promise."

Videl nodded and took a moment. "Well, you see, I've had some conversations with some people. I think you know them."

Gohan turned away slightly. He was aware that Tien Shinhan was training her in ki manipulation, which was actually the primary reason Videl found out his secret, but that didn't matter so much right now in the moment for some reason.

"Umm who?" asked Gohan curious to potentially others, not including Tien.

"Well, I have spoken to Tien, Krillin, and Bulma Briefs. Know any of them?"

Gohan blinked his eyes surprised. He was aware of Tien, but Bulma and Krillin too? How deep did her connections run now? How did he miss all of this?

"Well, I know all of them well. They are kind of like family," he said offering her a smile.

"Your godmother really is Bulma Briefs?"

Gohan chuckled while rubbing the back of his head yet a wave of anxiety swept through him realizing where this conversation might go to. There was really no turning back now.


She slowly nodded her head, still attempting to take it all in, but glad he was telling her the truth.

"Well, she and Krillin were telling me about your travels to Namek and a few other things," Videl mention, carefully eyeing the young Saiyan's reaction.

"Oh," he said passively avoiding her gaze.

"Not something you want to talk about?" Videl wondered.

"No, it's not that."

There really was no turning back now. Videl appeared to know almost everything about him at this point with the exception of Cell. They were no longer together, and Gohan was reminded that she needed some closure, at least according to her. That was the least he could do for after how hurt she felt.

"What is it?" asked Videl.

"Nothing," Gohan murmured. "But, yes, I have been to Planet Namek."

"I see," said Videl as a smile tugged at her lip. "Guess everything is true."

"Everything?" asked Gohan blinking his eyes.

"That you really did fight these monsters like Frieza as a child," Videl said as Gohan nodded. "I'm so sorry"

"Sorry?" Gohan repeated.

"Yeah," she affirmed. "No child should ever have to deal with that."

Gohan closed his eyes and cracked a smile. "My dad did the same thing. I just wanted to help."

"I know I've said this before, but your dad sounds like an amazing man," said Videl.

"He really was, and I so wish he was still here today," Gohan said turning his head out the side window of the copter.

Videl was reminded of the stories of Krillin regarding Gohan's father. She remembered every word that Krillin told her despite dismissing the man at first. She also remembered Gohan telling her that his father's death was a result of her ex, which she still rejects to this day. It was clear Gohan blamed himself for his father's death, and she wondered if she should say anything more about that subject, but decided against it. As curious as she was, the intricacy of Gohan's mind was something she hardly understood. Why would she hurt him by bringing up his father's death?

"Well, it sure sounds like he made an impact," said Videl as she was reminded of her father's fake accomplishment. It sure sounded like Gohan's father was leagues above her own. "You really do take after your father."

"No," he said dismissing the compliment. "He did things I could only dream of doing."

"Huh?" Videl blinked her eyes. "What do you mean?"

Gohan turned back toward her. "He didn't care if he thought he couldn't win but fight anyway. He had no ego even if he was the strongest in the universe. He valued everyone over himself."

Sounds like someone I know, Videl thought. "And you?"

"I've made mistakes," explained Gohan. "Mistakes that have cost people's life, namely my father thanks to my ego. He never did that. And now, my little brother doesn't get to grow up with his father."

"How?" asked Videl. "You are the strongest person I know! Everyone says you are! Krillin once told me you were infinitely stronger than himself."

"Strength doesn't always win a fight, and my opponent knew my weaknesses," he explained.

"Was it that Frieza monster?"

Gohan hesitated. "No, it wasn't him, but he was horrible also."

"Was it Cell?"

Gohan's mouth gaped open. He took a deep breath. "Did Krillin tell you?"

Videl rose an eyebrow. "He told me you fought with him at the Cell Games, but that still doesn't make any sense to me."

"What do you mean?" asked Gohan.

"The whole games was televised, so the entire world saw the games. I just don't remember you there. Maybe the camera wasn't focused on you?" she suggested.

"I was there," he said narrowing his eyes. "That day is the most vivid and horrible memory I have."

"Huh?" Videl blinked her eyes confused because she also remembered The Cell Games vividly. "I don't remember any children there except," but her words trailed off.

And then her heart thudded as she was reminded of the Delivery Boy. The golden-haired child, roughly the same age she was when the games took place, was the only child on the battlefield — the Saiyan. Her eyes blinked as she took in this information. She'd seen the transformation first hand from what looked like a regular human into a super Saiyan as Trunks had shown her. And she was reminded that his best friend was Goten, the brother of Gohan. She'd heard vague stories about the Saiyans here and there after becoming a student of Tien, but now she was coming to a realization.

Son Gohan was a Saiyan.

Or at least that was her understanding.

Gohan felt his heart racing as he saw Videl's changing reaction. Even he could tell her thoughts. He didn't fully know how she knew, but somehow her ex connected the dots that the golden hair was associated with the Delivery Boy to him. Gohan assumed Krillin or Bulma mentioned it at one point. Did it even matter anymore though?

"There was one child," Gohan affirmed realizing there was no turning back. "I guess you know about the Delivery Boy."

Videl slowly nodded her head as her mouth gaped open.

"That was me."

Her mind was racing by the confirmation. Over the past several months, her goal in life was to finally meet this Delivery Boy. Perhaps it was just his persona that awed her, but she really wanted to apologize for her father's actions. But more importantly, at the moment, she knew Gohan and the Delivery boy to be one and the same. All the dots were connecting themselves.

After a moment of awe, she realized that the boy that she treated so harshly when they first met due to trust issues, was the man she admired the most. When he first came to school at the beginning of the year, she was wary of letting him into the tight-knit friend group of Erasa and Sharpner, but Erasa was just so open to letting him in. I was befriending the Delivery Boy, she told herself.

Figures my best friend would know I needed him in my life, she winced remembering her treatment toward him.

The Delivery Boy, an 11-year-old kid, defeated the monster that scared her to no end. And his name is Son Gohan. She had to let that sink in for a moment. Her father had taken credit from the awkward, quirky boy that Erasa had allowed into their friend group. This was the same boy she dismissed several times over the past several months.

The Delivery Boy was the boy she broke up with him because of his lies. He only wanted to protect himself and his identity. He just wanted to live a normal teenaged life. The Saiyan attack. Frieza. Cell. And then Orange Star High School. Only to be dismissed as a liar. Who was she to even say that? A hero to a single city? An up and coming fighter? A daughter of a fake? While Gohan was a hero to the world, even to the galaxy. Every human on earth owed him an incredible debt. She shook her head and felt profound disappointment in the way she treated Gohan over the months.

This was someone she looked up to after she learned her father's lie. She shivered remembering all the things she said and done over the past several months. The Delivery Boy was her boyfriend. How could the true defeater of Cell be willing to date her, the daughter of a fake? Why did the defeater of Cell fall in love with her, a broken teenager? Her eyes swam in tears. But she had to know why.

"Why?" she whispered, rubbing her eyes.

"Huh?" he said breaking the silence. "Why what? Why did I hide myself from the public?"

"What did you even see in me?"


"Why did you love me dork?" he asked as her face flushed.

Did? He still loved her but a large gap had developed between the two since she found out about Saiyaman. There was no denying that. Those feelings inside of him were something he could never explain, despite all the perfect marks at school. He just couldn't put the why into words.

"I don't know."

And she was about to wish him out of her life. What was she to do now?

A/N: Hey everyone. The previous chapter was definitely critically reviewed and some of them were tough to read. I apologize if the story is going too slow, or if there's too much drama, or if Videl is too bitchy. But things are changing…and for the better. Please have some patience as I develop Videl's understanding of something as intricate as Gohan's past especially all the drama that's happened in Videl's life in this story. Thank you.