Chapter 2

Lydia sighed and she felt the arms around her tighten. She didn't open her eyes. Instead, she tried going back to sleep.

She was almost there when she felt a pair of lips on her shoulder. Stiles. She smiled to herself as she turned her head to face him.

"Good morning." She said softly, not trusting her voice. She had just woken up.

"I can't believe I get to wake up next to you."

She felt herself blush as she turned her body so that she was facing him fully. The strawberry-blonde reached her hand up and stroked his cheek with her thumb, then leaned forward to kiss him. She opened her mouth and he deepened the kiss, rolling her back onto her back. Her hand went around to the back of his head and pulled at his hair, and his hand caressed her body down to her waist where he let his thumb rest at the top of her leg.

He pulled away from her and she looked up at him. "Well, I could get used to that." Lydia whispered, as she silently wished he would move his thumb about two inches to his left.

Instead he rolled off of her, and onto his back, pulling the covers down as he did so. The sheet stopped right below his waist, giving her a nice view of his torso in the light. He was still looking in her direction as she stared at his chest. All of a sudden, she was reaching out and tracing his abs with one of her fingers.

"Were you going to meet up with Scott today?" She asked.

"Scott who?" His eyes were partially closed. The way her fingers were lightly touching him was sending goosebumps down his arms.

She bit back a smile. "Scott McCall. Your best friend."

He shook his head. "Hmmm doesn't ring a bell." Lydia pursed her lips as her eyes got a faraway gaze in them. She knew he was only joking, but it was still too real for her.

He let out a groan as he put two and two together. "Hey," He said softly, as he grabbed the hand that was on his chest and linked their fingers together. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"I know." She gave him a small smile. "It's just still too fresh."

"But in answer to your question..."He began as he rubbed circles with his thumb on the back of her hand, "Why the hell would I want to hang out with Scott McCall, my best friend since preschool, when I can just lay here with you for the rest of the day?"

He kissed her lightly and she pulled away with a huff. "You know, we will have to eat at some point."

"True." He sighed. "Although," he continued. "We could eat out." Lydia's eyes narrowed at him as he quirked his eyebrow suggestively. She wanted to scold him for the joke, but instead, she giggled and buried her head in his pillow. When she looked back at him, she groaned. "What?" He asked.

"I have to go to the bathroom." She pushed herself up, but he reached out for her and pulled her back on top of him.

"No, just stay,"

"Stiles!" She let out a laugh as she kissed his cheek. "I'll be right back."

He sighed as he released her. "Fine."

She pushed herself off the bed and surveyed the pile of clothes before picking his flannel up off of the ground and slipping it on, looking back at him as she bit her bottom lip.

"That's my shirt." He grinned.

"Yeah..." She sighed as she began to button the shirt up. "The romper from last night was definitely not the best choice in sleepover outfits. I don't have enough patience to deal with that thing just to go to the bathroom."

"I'm not complaining." He told her as he shook his head.

"Good, because I'm thinking about stealing this shirt."

"Keep it. It looks 100 times better on you than it ever did on me anyway." She smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"I'll be right back."

Lydia walked out of Stiles's room, closing the door behind her. She took two steps toward the bathroom when the door to his father's room opened.

Lydia froze as the Sheriff looked at her and paled. A blush crept into her cheeks as she realized she was wearing his son's shirt (and only his son's shirt.) It didn't leave much to the imagination as to what had to have happened. She folded her arms in front of her as neither of them made any effort to move.

"Sheriff." Lydia finally nodded at him.


Stiles's door swung open and he stepped out wearing his sweatpants, but no shirt. "Hey, Lyd, I- Da-ad!" He quickly tried to pose nonchalantly against his door frame. Key word being: tried.

"Stiles..." His father addressed him.

"Um.." Lydia started. "I was just...going to the bathroom." She pointed to the last door on the left.

"I was just going to work." Noah nodded toward the hall that led to the front door.

"And I..." Stiles began as his father and girlfriend (!) looked back at him. "Was just going to go a a...very...very big hole."

The three of them were quiet again, looking back and forth at one another.

"Okay," Lydia finally broke the silence. "I really need" She pointed toward the bathroom again.

"Oh!Yeah... go..." Noah took a step to the side so Lydia could walk past him. Lydia looked back at Stiles after she passed his father, and bit her lip to stifle a laugh. He widened his eyes slightly at her before turning back to his dad. The sheriff sighed then smiled. "I'm happy for you. Truly. I am."

"Thanks!" He replied, then saw the look in his father's eye "...But?"

He wrinkled his forehead in concern. "I'm not ready for grandkids."

Stiles's eyes bugged out for a moment " I'm not..." He shook his head, and scratched his neck "I'm not either...for you... to have...because those...those would be my... my... and I...I just...I'm not-" He stuttered,

"Just safe."

Stiles gulped. "Absolutely!" He replied quickly, praying for the conversation to end.

"Okay! Well, I'm going to work." Noah began to walk toward the front door.

"And I'm gonna start digging that hole!" Stiles yelled after him. Once the door shut, he took a huge breath and leaned back again the door frame.

The bathroom door opened., (Stiles had barely heard the toilet flush) and Lydia walked out. "Oh my God!" She was laughing,

"Did you hear him?!"

Lydia nodded as she walked toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands went to her waist and he held her in front of him.

"Was that his version of the safe sex talk?"

"I guess? I mean... it wasn't the first time I've heard it, but it certainly was the most memorable."

Lydia scrunched her face in thought. "Do you think he heard us last night? I mean...we were quiet bu-"

Stiles couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up inside of him. "That was not quiet."

Lydia glanced at his lips ,before averting her gaze back to his eyes, and softly scratching the back of his neck with tips of her nails. She went up on the tips of her toes, pulling herself closer to him. He thought she was going in for a kiss, so he leaned his head down to meet her lips, but she hesitated just as they were millimeters apart. When she spoke, their lips grazed.

"I don't think you realize just how much I was holding back." He tightened the grip on her waist, and she took his bottom lip in her teeth as a response.

"Oh my God." He groaned into her mouth as he forcefully closed the gap between them. He took a step forward, her back hitting the other side of the door frame. He quickly grabbed the back of her legs and hoisted her up, and moved his hands up her legs until they rested on her ass. He moaned again, when he felt her bare skin and remembered she was in only his shirt.

He felt her smirk against his lips, and took a moment to remind himself: Lydia Martin was his girlfriend. She was letting him touch her, and kiss her, and fuck her.. (and maybe the terminology didn't feel right when talking about the girl he'd loved since the third grade, but the fact of the matter is that's what it was.)

Lydia rocked her hips against him, desperate for any sort of friction and he felt himself harden beneath her. How did he ever get so lucky? He wondered as he tried to match her movements.

His lips left her mouth and went to the her neck.

"God..."She moaned. "I both hate and love that you found that spot already." He could feel her heat through his sweatpants, and pressed forward and pulled her closer at the same time, nibbling at her neck.

"Fuck." She gasped and felt sweat at the nape of her neck. Confident that Stiles had her, she released her hold from around his neck and went for the top button on the flannel she was wearing.

He abruptly pulled away, keeping his hold on her with one arm, but lifted the other hand to grabbed her wrist. "What are you doing?"

"This is too hot." She told him. "And not in a sexy way."

"Really?" He asked as he let go of her wrist and slid his hand underneath the shirt. His movements were slow, and Lydia sighed and rested her forehead on his, biting her lip. As his fingers caressed her skin, he felt the heat radiating off of her stomach and the sweat that had formed under her breast. Lydia kissed along his jaw line, and down to the crook of his neck, as she brought her hands back around him and dug her nails into his back. "Because I think it is hot in a sexy way. Like...crazy hot." He began to knead her breast and Lydia nipped at his shoulder.

He pushed her hard against the door frame again. Had it not been for the other wonderful sensations he was making her feel, the door frame between her shoulder blades would have hurt a lot a worse.

"Well," When she spoke, she was out of breath and had gone back to working her hips over his. "If you're going to insist on this staying on, you're going to need to make something happen and quick. You know...for health reasons."

As one had stayed on his back, she moved her other hand between them, pushing his band of sweatpants down. Apparently that was all he had thrown on in the process of coming out of his room. She stroked him and kissed his lips before sliding herself onto him.

Stiles let out a chuckle. "Did you miss that whole speech my dad just gave?" He asked as they attempted to find their rhythm.

When Lydia replied, she spoke between heavy breaths. "No, I heard it. ...Don't worry... No grandkids here... And if something were to happen... he'd get over it."

"Yeah, but what about you? Would you get over it?"

"I'd live." His hands went back to her waist, and his knees were starting to feel weak.


The sound of his father's voice startled him, and he slipped out of Lydia as he stumbled backward, tripping over his feet and bringing Lydia down with him. He hadn't even heard the front door open.

"Dad, what the fucking hell?!"

Stiles could see his father standing above them, like he was looking at a car wreck, wanting to look away but seemingly unable to.

"I could ask you the same thing!" The sheriff screeched. Lydia had buried her face into Stiles's shoulder as she was still straddling him on the ground.

"You were gone!" Stiles covered his face with his hands.

"I left my lunch!"

"I'll bring you lunch later! Just get out, Dad! Get out, get out, get out!"

"I'm leaving!" Stiles heard the door close and dropped his hands off of his face.

The door opened again, "Lunch is at 12:30."


"I'm leaving!" The door closed again.

Lydia finally lifted her head, face blood red in embarrassment. "I think it's safe to assume the mood has officially been killed."

"Oh, thanks, Captain Obvious." He smirked playfully and Lydia smiled, the red in her cheeks slowly fading.

"I should take a shower." She sat up further, but was still on top of him.

"I'll get you something to wear. Unless you want to change back into your dress." Lydia opened her mouth, but Stiles beat her to it. "Sorry, romper."

She smiled. "I'm not changing back into that thing."

"Then I'll find an old t-shirt or something."

"Okay." She said, but didn't make any motion to move.

"Okay." He replied after a moment. She still wasn't moving. "You know, I can't get up if you're still on top of me."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah... and I was thinking of making breakfast.'

At the mention of the word, her stomach began to rumble and she sighed. "Okay." Lydia slowly climbed off of him and Stiles pulled his pants back up before standing up and walking back into his room. He quickly found some clothes and passed them to Lydia.

"Towels are in the linen closet inside the bathroom. Let me know if you need anything else."

"That smells amazing." Lydia sighed as she walked into the kitchen. Stiles had since put a T-shirt on. Which, she had to admit was slightly disappointing.

"Blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs." He told her.

"Yum." She leaned against the island in the middle of the kitchen and reached into the carton of blueberries, popping one into her mouth as he turned to look at her.

"Enjoy your shower?" Her hair was still damp, he noticed.

"Very relaxing." She replied, as she pushed herself up. She walked around to where he was standing in front of a stove and wrapped her arms around his waist. He moved an arm around her while using his other hand to continue to stir the eggs.

Stiles scooped a bit onto the spoon and brought it up to Lydia's lips.

"What do you think?" He asked her as she took a bite.

"Mmm." She moaned with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and looked up at him shyly. "They're perfect." She gave him a peck on the lips.

"How about you grab some plates for us." He suggested, and tilted his head toward the proper cabinet.

Lydia took another blueberry with a smirk, before getting the plates and setting them next to the stove so that Stiles could put the food on them. He handed her the full plate and the two of them sat down down at the kitchen table.

"So,"Stiles began as he looked at the time. "It's almost 8:15. We need to leave here by noon if we're going to have time to pick up lunch and get it to the station by 12:30."

"Didn't your dad already have lunch made? Can't we just bring him that?"

Stiles raised an eyebrow, "Lydia, my father walked in on us mid-coitus. I think he deserves a fucking steak."

"A steak?"

Stiles shrugged. "Maybe just a hamburger and some curly fries. I'll let him eat the unhealthy stuff for once."

Lydia nodded and smiled. "Well, if we're going to go somewhere, I'd like to go home and change first. These clothes are fine for hanging around the house, but..."

Stiles nodded. "Okay, well then what time do we need to leave then?"

Lydia thought for a moment. "11:00."

"11:00? How long is going to take you to get dressed?" She shrugged and smirked as she took a bite of her eggs. He sighed as a smile played at his lips. "Well, then that gives us two and a half hours. Until we have to leave. What do you want to do?" She licked the syrup off of her fork flirtatiously. Stiles shook his head. "No. I feel like if things get remotely heated, he's going to just waltz back in here and have a heart attack. I will have killed my father. And he's the only parent I have left, so..." He tried to say it in a joking manner, but Lydia looked down at her food, not sure how to respond.

"Yeah..." She finally said forcing a small laugh. "You're probably right." She looked out into the living room where a couple of weeks before she had been trying to convince Claudia and the sheriff that they had a son, not knowing that Claudia wasn't who she was pretending to be. "I remember your mom." She said suddenly.

Stiles's head popped up in surprise. "What?"

"And I don't mean that fake version that tried to kill you...I mean... I remember her extremely well...but I'm talking about your real mom." She closed her eyes a moment, as a memory flashed behind her lids. "I was seven. I walked into the kitchen and our moms were sitting at the table. They had cups in front of them... I guess they were drinking coffee or tea or something...and they were crying. My mom saw me and asked me what I needed, and I told her I wanted a glass for some water, but I couldn't reach the shelf." Lydia chuckled. "Let's be honest. I still can't reach the top shelf on a good day." She took a deep breath as she was sucked back into the memory. "My mom got up and Claudia...Mrs. Stilinski...your mom...she turned to me and said, 'Oh, Lydia. You're all grown up. You don't remember me, but I was there the day you were born. One of the first people to hold you." Lydia looked up at Stiles, and he was staring at her, listening with full attention, eyes shining with unshed tears. Lydia looked off again. "'You know, Natalie. I don't think I ever told you, but do you remember how I was pregnant with my son at the time?' and my mom nodded, 'The minute I held your little girl, he started kicking so hard.'" Lydia felt herself tearing up, "And she reached out to me and put her hand on my wrist, and said 'I just knew in that moment I was holding a piece of my son's heart.'" Lydia covered her mouth with one of her hands to mask a sob and Stiles reached across the table to grab the other one. She took a deep breath and moved her hand off of her mouth, but Stiles kept his on hers, rubbing soothing circles on the back her hand."My mom wasn't looking. She didn't see the way your mom was looking at me. I think she was only half paying attention, because she asked her 'Oh how is your son?' Your mom picked up her coffee and said, 'He's doing okay. He's my little mischief.' Then she winked at me." She looked back at Stiles again. "None of that made sense at the time and I'd forgotten about it. Until I remembered you again and we saw her in the hallway. I haven't thought about that in almost 12 years."

Stiles shook his head slowly. "My mom never told me that story. The one about holding you."

Lydia chuckled ."Well, imagine if she had. You'd be way more obsessed with me than you already were."

"I wasn't obsessed." Lydia gave him a look. "I was determined. And this just goes to show, never give up on your dreams, no matter how far-fetched they may seem."