Disclaimer: I do not own Ed, Edd and Eddy, they belong to their creator Danny Antonucci. I simply own the plot.

I got the idea for this story after watching the episode "Look into My Eds", during the last minute where the Kanker Sisters hypnotizes the Eds.

Please enjoy.


Edd threw back his head and howled.

He was hungry, thirsty and cold. He had been a good boy and kept quiet when he heard strangers approach his territory, so why wasn't his Master coming with his food and water? She had never gone this long without feeding him, not since she first moved him out of the trailer park and into the woods.

It had been years since that day, though Edd didn't know it. He was just 13 when he was hypnotized and at 19, he had lost all sense of time. All he knew were the seasons...the cold; where Master would drop by daily to make sure he was warm, the thaw; where he would play in the mud, the heat; where he slept in the shade for most of the day and the falling leaves; where the trees around him would change from green to different shades of fire.

Edd whined and paced around on all fours in a circle, the collar around his neck tugging when he tried to venture past his allowed territory. He sniffed his bowls and nudged them with his face in hopes that maybe there were small pieces of food hiding under them in the dirt.

Sadly, there wasn't.

Whining all the more, he climbed up into his small house and curled up in his filthy blankets.

The young boy that was obsessed with cleanlyness and keeping things in order was long gone...in his place was a young man who no longer remembered being human. The clothes he wore were stolen and haning off his thin frame and his shoes were long gone and his hair was shaggy and falling past his shoulders. The only thing that had survived his transition from human to pet was his hat. Any time Master had tried to take it, he howled and cried and darted away whimpering. After a while, Master had stopped trying to take it and instead trimming his hair when it got to long for her liking..

His stomach growled, reminding him it had been almost 3 days since he last ate and 2 since he last had water, but there was nothing Edd could do.

Instead, he closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into his blankets, willing himself to sleep away the hunger.

Maybe when he wakes up, Master would have come and giving him food...


Kevin was silent as he jogged through the woods. He had changed a great deal over the past six years, having sprouted up to 6 feet 3 inches and replacing whatever fat he had and replacing it with muscel. After all, ever since Double D had vanished, he refused to loose anymore of his friends in the cul-de-sac. He had gotten stronger and watched every stranger coming and going, even now with them all out of high school and most going off to collage.

There were new kids living there after all...

The police had searched far and wide for Edd, but after 6 months of no leads, they had declared it a cold case. Edd's parents sold their house shortly after and moved within weeks of the news. Eddy had almost, and Kevin stressed almost, given up his scams and Ed had cried for a good long while before hiding away in his room, watching his monster movies and eating buttered toast and gravy.

Sarah had stopped picking on her big brother so much...

Jimmy had actually put on a bit of muscle mass, scared that he would be the next target...

Rolf spent almost all his time on his farm, tending to his animals and going as far to name a new sheep, which happened to be born with black wool, after their lost friend...

Johnny became even more obsessed with Plank and was convinced it was an inside job...

And Nazz had created a small memorial on one of the lightposts, trying to keep hope the hope alive that Edd was out there and would come back to them...

Grunting, he picked up the pace of his jog and angerly scrubbed at his eyes. He would NOT cry dammit! He was the man his friends and the new kids looked up to for protection. There was a kidnapper out there who had yet to be found and he wasn't going to rest until justice had been done.

He would do what the police had failed to do for years...

Kevin would find the kidnapper and, if Edd was alive, bring him home...


And there you have it...hopefully you all like it and expect more chapters in the future.

Remember! Reading + Reviewing equals one happy Deadly Fangs!