A Second Chance for Liam Jones

This is a Frozen Jewel story, with Captain Swan, some Outlaw Queen, Snowing, and Rumbelle, and whatever Anna and Kristoff's couple name is. I've had this idea since the Underworld arc, so I'm going to roll with it. For those of you who have not read my other fic Return to Me: Captain Swan Style, you should check it out.

In this story, Captain Liam Jones has been in the Underworld for a long time, but not for the reasons stated in the show. Upon his arrival, Zeus decides to take pity on the poor captain (believing that he can be redeemed). However, because his soul has already entered this realm Liam will have to work for his second chance. That does not mean he won't do it alone. He will have some help along the way…hopefully leading to his second chance at life and at love.



Liam Jones cannot believe he was that stupid. Why didn't he just listen to Killian? Killian believed the boy when he claimed the dreamshade was poisonous and he was right. Now Liam's dead and worse, he left Killian alone in the world above.

Liam looked around at this strange place. The sky had an orange hue. Then a street appeared out of nowhere. He looked at the buildings and something seemed familiar to him. This place replicated one of the many port towns that he and Killian frequented when they worked for Captain Silver, however it seemed everything was in a state of decay. He noticed the inhabitants of the place seemed to walk around in a zombie-like state, with no purpose and no destination. That's sad, Liam thought to himself. Then he realized something; he was now one of these lost souls. This realization depressed him, wondering how long he was going to be stuck in this place. Liam should have paid more attention when he was having his moment of self-realization for then he would have noticed the wall that was in front of him. Instead he ran straight into it. He fell to the ground and everything went black.

When Liam opened his eyes, all he could see was light. It was so bright that it was hurting his eyes. Then he heard a voice, "hello Liam." It said.

Liam put his hand out to try to block the light. "What happened? Where am I?" He asked.

"You're still unconscious, Liam. And I needed to talk to you." The voice said.

Liam looked at the figure that stood between him and the light. "Who are you?" He asked.

"My name is Zeus. I am the God of the Skies." The voice said.

"Zeus?" Liam questioned. "As in Zeus, the ruler of Mt. Olympus Zeus?"

The figure nodded. "The one and the same." Zeus replied. He extended a hand to help Liam stand.

"What do you want with me?" Liam asked, once he was standing upright.

"Well," Zeus said. "It's about the predicament that you now find yourself in."

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"The place you arrived in is the Underworld. It is where all lost souls with unfinished business go." Zeus explained. "Because it is my brother's realm and I cannot enter it. But that doesn't mean I can't communicate with those I need to."

Liam sighed. "So, am I stuck there for all eternity?" He asked.

"Well, for some that is their fate. For those who never figure out what their unfinished business is. In the Underworld, there are only two ways to leave; to a better place or to a worse one." Zeus explained. "That is easier said than done if you don't know what it is. In most cases, righting your wrongs involves another person and that is hard to do if that other person isn't dead, which is the predicament that you find yourself in." Zeus revealed.

Liam was stunned. "You know?" He asked.

"Yes, I know about the deal you made with my brother and condemned an entire crew to death, even worse than that…they remain as lost souls in the Underworld." Zeus told him. "All of those poor souls are there, and they don't know why. It is because of you, Liam."

"So, I just tell them the truth and it'll be done." Liam offered.

Zeus sighed. "It's not that simple, Captain. Those men are not the only ones you deceived. There is someone else who knows nothing of your deal."

Heaviness came over Liam. "Killian." He replied.

"Indeed." Zeus said. "And that is where your problem lies. You see, I have the ability to know certain things. And I have been watching you and your brother very closely and I can tell you that you won't see him for a very long time. Several centuries, in fact."

Liam was confused. "So, why tell me this when I have to wait centuries to do anything about it?" He asked. "That seems a bit cruel."

Zeus put his hand on Liam's shoulder. "Well there is another reason." He said. "I've watched you live your life and you have missed out on so many opportunities. You thought being a naval captain and setting the bar really high for Killian was what you assumed you were destined to do. The truth is that you set that bar so high that Killian that he would never be able to reach it. All you have done is set him down a really dark path. Piracy is his profession now. The Jewel of the Realm is now the Jolly Roger and your brother will become the infamous Captain Hook whose sole purpose in life is to get his revenge on the man who will take his love and his hand."

Liam was crushed. "So I basically ruined his life by trying to be a good example into making him into a better man?" He asked.

Zeus shook his head. "Right now it might seem that way." He told Liam. "His quest vengeance will lead him down a very interesting path. You see, the Dark One is immortal and Killian will have to wait a long time for his revenge and that will lead him to the greatest thing he will ever come to experience in his life…true love. His true love is a Savior who will break the Evil Queen's curse that was created by his nemesis. Love will change him, Liam, and it will bring him the greatest happiness he has ever known. It won't be easy but it is worth fighting for."

Once again, Liam was confused. "So what are you trying to tell me?"

Zeus smiled. "You were also destined to live a life filled with love, but your arrogant actions got in the way."

"So I missed out on my chance, is that what you're saying?" Liam asked.

"No." Zeus replied.

"How?" Liam asked.

Zeus smiled. "Because she hasn't even been born yet."

A/N: So, the central focus of this story will be Frozen Jewel, but there will be some Captain Swan later on. Some parts of the Underworld and Frozen arcs will be relatively canon to the show but the majority of it will be entirely original. I want to give Liam a happy ending he could enjoy. In this story, Zeus will have a serious soft spot for the Jones brothers.

Also, if anyone is going to the OUAT convention in Vancouver next month, PM me. I would love to meet some of you fan-fic writer and readers.

I'm also working on another Captain Swan movie fic, loosely based off of Stroke of Midnight (If the Shoe Fits). I hope to get those chapters up soon.

I hope you will enjoy this story and let me know what you think.