AN: Uhhhh, it's been a while… I have zero excuses. Uhhh, I merely beg forgiveness. Anyway, on with the story

The flash of lightning caused Percy to flinch, the thunder causing a full out jump of fright. Clint and Nat stood at the doorway of Percy's room, knowing why he was so petrified of the thunder and lightning, but not able to help

"Fuckin' Zeus," Percy suddenly yelled, seemingly causing the thunder and lightning to become louder. Clint and Nat simply stood there, looking upon Percy as he screamed, eyes an endless pit of worry and pity.

"Fuck you," Percy screamed, his voice cracking from grief, tears streaming down his face. "You took her from me, you took the love of my life from me, and you did it with a smile, you motherfucker," Percy slowly sinks to his knees, Clint catching him before he can hit the ground.

Clint slowly cradles Percy in his arms, lifting him as though he were a baby. Opening his mouth to ask Nat to pull back the covers of Percy's bed, Clint found she was way ahead of him.

"He killed her," whimpered Percy, tears continuing to stream down his face, the demigod having never gotten over Zeus' betrayal.

"I know Pearce, I know," Clint soothed, hating the anniversary of Annabeths death, and the pain it brings to Percy.

Clint gently set Percy on his bed, wiping tears from the mans usually smiling face.

"I was going to ask her to marry me that day," Percy whispered, "she was perfect for me, she… Uh, she wouldn't let me get away with anything, and it was amazing," Percy spoke with a teary smile, reminiscing about the love of his life.

Nat smiled at Percy, "she sounds amazing Percy, I wish we could have met her,"

"Oh Nat, you would have loved her," Percy spoke sleepily, about to pass out.

"I'm sure I would have, but you need to sleep, Percy," Nat said, tucking him in, and kissing his forehead.

Within seconds Percy was sound asleep, more than likely not willing to speak of the night in the morning.

Clint and Natalie moved to the door way, the need to protect Percy running through both of the spies body's.

"We'll keep him safe, Nat," Clint spoke quietly, "nobody will hurt our brother like that again," Clint vowed, intending to keep it as though he swore on the River Styx.

AN: thanks to all y'all who favorited this and all that jazz, and I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, but you guys know how it is. Now this is a short chapter, but I hope it'll tie you guys over until the next one.