Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, Aaron Hotchner
After her injuries at the hands of Ian Doyle, Emily slips into a coma. When she wakes the lines between her mind and reality begin to blur. How can she and the team function when she cannot tell what is and what isn't real?

Author's notes: This one came to me after I read a fantastic fanfiction (by 'Stretch' and called 'Dreaming of Butterflies' - it is truly wonderful and I would highly recommend it) and thought 'hang on, that could work as a cool Criminal Minds story if…' so I make no claims at originality. But the story just continued from there. I will be using aspects from seasons 7 through to 11 (I have yet to see season 12 though Australian television will catch up soon) but think of this as beginning sometime after 'Lauren.'

"Sometimes we need fantasy to escape the reality." – unknown.

The thrum of the air-conditioning, and the shrill 'ring' of JJ's cell phone were what woke Emily that Tuesday morning. She didn't bother opening her eyes as she rolled onto her side and reached out, searching for the phone that lay on the bedside between them. Her mind felt… foggy and she wasn't ready to break into the world of the wakened just yet.

"Jayje?" she called softly, her voice hoarse. Her throat was impossibly dry as well and burned with that one word.

Her mind was becoming more lucid now and she stretched out toward what she thought was the bedside table. Only to be stopped by a bedrail. Her fingers clasped around the cold metal and her eyes snapped open. Over her hand she recognised the outline of the IV, she could feel the needle beneath her skin. As her eyes continued to adjust, she saw the machines at her bedside, the fluid bag hanging from above. The mattress was hard beneath her back and the gown papery against her skin.

She frowned, confused. She was in a hospital.

But why?

"What on earth…?" she breathed.

She pushed herself upright when her eyes found JJ across the room from her, curled up across three hard plastic chairs, using her bag as a pillow and her jacket as a blanket. Her hand searched her jeans pocket for her cell phone.

"Jayje?" Emily called, louder this time.

JJ's eyes snapped open at her voice and she was at Emily's side in seconds, an expression of sheer joy on her face. She flung her arms around Emily's neck and pulled her close. "Em," she breathed, "oh, god, Em."

She reached above Emily's bed with one hand, still not letting her go and pressed a button that sounded an alarm. Footsteps rushed down the corridor and Emily flinched as the fluorescent light from the hallway flooded into her room. JJ was pushed to the side by a male nurse and Emily looked over his shoulder, trying to bat him away as the blonde began dialing. She strained to hear what she was saying but the nurse grabbed her chin and forced her to look forward, shining a torch into her eyes. She reeled back, still trying to hear JJ's voice and caught the words 'Hotch' and 'awake.' Which were comforting, but still didn't answer the question why JJ was here and calling their former unit chief. How long had she been out for?

None of this made any sense.

"Call Doctor Monash right now," the nurse called over his shoulder as a woman stepped inside. "The patient is awake."

The woman nodded and Emily listened to her retreating footsteps until they faded away. The unnamed nurse had a stethoscope against her chest now, listening to her heart and she flinched as the cold metal brushed against the clover on her breast. She'd wanted to have surgery on the burn but the location had made a skin graft all but impossible. The nurse pushed her gown aside more than she deemed necessary and she glared at him as she pulled back, nudging his hand away.

"I'm just checking your heart," he said gently.

"Well it's strong enough not to want you near me," she snapped harshly.

The nurse clenched his jaw, clearly annoyed, and opened his mouth to retort but another figure entered the room and he immediately retreated. This must be the elusive 'Doctor Monash.' He was tall, almost impossibly thin, much like Reid, his trousers hanging low on his hips and he gave her a reassuring smile as he moved forward.

"Where am I?" Emily asked. "What am I even doing here?"

"Please," Monash responded softly. "A few checks, then I promise we can talk."

Emily glanced over his shoulder, saw JJ in the corner, still talking on her phone. "I want her here."

"Of course, she's here and not going anywhere."

Emily nodded and tried to relax as Monash came closer. He leant down as he stood by the bed until they were eye-to-eye before he held a finger up. "Just follow this," he said calmly. Emily didn't argue as he moved his hand back-and-forth, not once looking away, wanting this to be over and done with. Monash had his own stethoscope out now and pressed it against her skin, careful not to touch the clover for which she was thankful. A quick temperature check finalised the tests and he pulled across one of the chairs JJ had been sleeping on and sat down at her side.

"Okay. First things first. Can you tell me where you are right now?" he asked.

Emily fought the urge to roll her eyes. "In the hospital," she answered drily.

He grinned, making it impossible to resent his questioning. "Correct. And what's the last thing you remember?"

"I was on a case in London which led me to New York," she stopped mid-sentence and shook her head. "It's not complete and I need to know if you have clearance…"

JJ got off the phone and moved forward to stand at Monash's side. She was crying, Emily noticed, tear tracks on her cheeks. "He's fine, Emily," she assured her with a soft smile, wiping away the tear trail with her hand. "I promise."

Emily winced as she swallowed, and JJ grabbed the water jug on the table to pour her a glass of water that she pressed into her hand. Emily drank quickly before answering.

"Interpol have been aware of a killer who is emulating 'famous' serial killers. He was previously in Russia and is now in London, copying Jack-the-Ripper. A police officer from Scotland yard was killed. I tried to get him but… but he got away."

JJ and Monash exchanged concerned looks and it was JJ who spoke next.

"No, Emily," she said softly, the tears starting again. "Your last case was Ian Doyle and…"

"Ian Doyle is dead," Emily interrupted. "A long time ago."

"No," JJ disagreed, shaking her head, causing several tears to land on Emily's sheets. "You were severely injured by Doyle. You lost blood, suffered massive head trauma and internal injuries…"

"I know that," Emily snapped, "but…"

"Emily," JJ said, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "You've been here, in a coma for the past three months."

Emily blinked, taken aback. "Where is 'here'?" she asked finally.

"In Washington," answered JJ. "We've kept everything quiet. The team…"

"Think I'm dead," Emily finished, "you gave me money in Paris."

JJ bit her bottom lip and brushed away new tears before responding. "No, Emily. Why would we do that?"

Emily swallowed, wishing she had more water. JJ silently took the empty glass from her hand and filled it, giving it back to her with a small smile. Emily stared back, dumbfounded. "But, JJ… we were in Paris. You gave me identification and…"

JJ closed her eyes for a brief second and reached out to place a hand on Emily's shoulder. "Emily, that didn't happen."

Emily blinked as she felt her throat tighten and reached upward to clasp JJ's hand. "Jayje," she whispered. "I don't understand what's going on."

The blonde gestured for Monash to move so she could sit in his place. "Emily," she answered, not letting go of her hand. "Doyle kidnapped you. He beat you, smashed your head against the concrete floor and the head injuries were… god, I have no idea how you're even conscious. Nearly everyone was sure you'd never open your eyes again."

Emily turned her face away, stared at the white wall opposite. This didn't make any sense. She had recovered, done rehab, been through a judicial hearing, been reemployed by Clyde. She lived in London now. That had all happened… hadn't it? JJ traced circles on her hand and tucked a strand of hair behind Emily's ear as her shoulders began to shake.

"Em," JJ breathed, "I don't know how to explain this but you've been out for three months and…" She paused, and took a deep breath. "It's complicated. But you will get through it. The team will be ecstatic you've awoken." She gave a small grin. "We take turns at night," she admitted, nodding toward the line of chairs. "Reid will be disappointed he missed you waking."

Emily closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to make any sense of what was happening. The last thing she remembered was JJ's hand, squeezing hers, as a chill ran from her skull, through her body, towards her toes and blackness engulfed her again.

Author's notes: I have no idea how long this will be and I apologise in advance for updating times. Hope you enjoyed nonetheless.