A/N: This story is going to be more fluff and hurt/comfort. I also have decided to write in third person, so I can capture both Harley and Floyd's POVs at the same time. I also feel like I write better in third person as opposed to first. Let me know what you think with a review?


She slept more peacefully in her nights in a large Gotham city apartment curled up next to him than she ever had before. A deep, dreamless slumber that made her feel refreshed each morning when she woke up. It had only been a few weeks, but she had never felt more well rested and at peace with her life than she has lately.

He, on the other hand, did not share in this peaceful ability to sleep through the night without any incidents. He often just stayed awake, watching her. At least, that's what he did for the first week nights. Just watched her. She looked so peaceful. Her smooth, pale skin, the half smile her face naturally sets to when she's asleep, the way her entire body would lay completely still. At peace. It intrigued him. It also made him a little nervous. He would often check her pulse the first three nights. She slept so deeply it was hard to tell if she was still breathing at times. He stayed awake for other reasons as well. His daughter sleeping in the bright pink and blue bedroom (curiosity of Harley) down the hall. He had finally gotten it all. All the things he wanted, and all the things he never really knew he wanted, but definitely needs. But when you finally have the whole world, it's easy to lose it.

Floyd's terrified, though he'd never admit it. He's terrified because he knows what it's like to lose everything because he's lost it before. Now, he has more than he'd ever dream of, and no real way to protect them. Harley did refuse J, but he's still out there. Zoe's mother was less than pleased about Zoe moving in with her daddy too. There are threats to him and his family already, and it's only been three and a half weeks.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, hunched over and rubbing his eyes harshly when she rolled over, reaching out for him and waking up when her hand touched the empty space in bed where he should've been. She shot up quickly, still a little disoriented from her half asleep state.

"Floyd?" She mumbled into the darkness, her voice groggy.

His ears perked up as he turned around, stretching a little bit before his eyes found her in the darkness. Her eyes were baby blue mixed with confusion and slight concern. She ran a hand threw her long hair, pushing it out of her face before suppressing a yawn.

He turned around and crawled back to the head of the bed where she sat.

"Hey, Dollface." he mumbled softly once he got close enough to plant a soft kissing on her lips. She smiled slightly into it, but pulled away rather quickly, tilting her head at him.

"Why are you all the way down there?" She stressed the end of her question, stretching her arms towards the end of the bed and pouting playfully, as if he was sitting oceans away from her just then.

He chuckled slightly, "I'm sorry, I thought you were sleeping," he replied as he wrapped his arm around her small, strong frame and pulled her into his lap. Her bare legs wrapped around his waist as she got comfortable in his lap. She was wearing his old Gotham City Rogues football tshirt. She wore it to paint in when she was helping Zoe with her room, after the first day, she deemed Floyd's old t shirt hers. He didn't mind much, she looked adorable while she wear it, seldom sporting pants underneath when she used it as pajamas. He played with the slightly fraying end of the t shirt for a few moments, avoiding her eyes. When he finally looked up to meet them, they just looked concerned.

"What's wrong?"

He shrugged one shoulder before shaking his head.

She rolled her eyes, but a smile was creeping on her face as she lifted his hand to her mouth and bit it lightly, increasing pressure quickly.

"Uh-ow!" He hissed as he let out a pained chuckle. "Fine," her face contorted into a triumphant smile, and he couldn't help but mirror it as he looked at her happy face.

"I don't like sleeping with you two in the house," he admitted softly, feeling dumb for saying it out loud.

She tilted her head, clearly not getting what he meant. "Why?"

"I wasn't able to keep you safe before," He recalled J slamming her head into the concrete at Belle Reve, almost killing her in front of him. He reached out both hands rubbed the sides of her head before pulling her close and kissing her forehead. "He could've killed you and I don't want that to happen again,"

"So, you're just going to stay up waiting for something like that to happen again? Every night?" He could tell she thought his idea was far from his best, but there was no sense of condescension in her tone whatsoever.

He shrugged, "Whatever it takes,"

She huffed softly, putting on of her hands on his face, "Why didn't you just leave Gotham and take us with you if you're so worried about all this?"

"Is that what you want?" He asked, beginning to stand. He'd pack up their stuff and get them out of there tonight if that would make her feel safer.

She jumped up on the bed quickly, grabbing his arm as he was about to walk over to their large, shared closet. "No!" She hissed laughing slightly. "No, I want to stay."

He nodded slowly, getting back into bed with her. "But I want you to sleep," she finished, raising an eyebrow at him.

He stared at her for a moment, considering her words.

"Floyd," she scoffed once more, "I'm not afraid to be in the same city as Mistah J. We've been here for almost a month and nothing's happened to us. You're gonna worry yourself to death if ya don't close your eyes and get some sleep."

He was still in a sitting position, "Does he know we're here?"

She shrugged, "I'm not sure. I haven't seen him. But," she giggled, "To be fair, we haven't really left the house. We've been living off takeout for the last three weeks. The soap we have is from the hospital. Plus, the only clothes I have came from our boxes at Belle Reve. And, while I look great in metallic shorts, I don't think ya daughter should have to see us walking around in our squad gear. Have you been wary of going out because of Mistah J?"

He nodded slowly, "I don't want anything to happen to you again,"

Harley took his face in her hands once more, "Floyd," her tone was serious, her face locked in a hard expression. "Nothing is going to happen to me, but I won't sit up here and never see the sun again because of ya fears. That's not really fair to me or ya daughter," she nudged her shoulder to the right where Zoe's room is.

He nodded and put his hands up, accepting defeat. "You're right. I'm sorry,"

She nodded, "Tomorrow, we're going shopping." She bit her lip slightly before letting her signature smile take control of her face. Floyd had insisted neither of them needed to work, considering before Belle Reve, a single job granted him a payment that was equal to a CEO's yearly salary. Money was the furthest thing from Floyd's mind. He could provide for his family, and he gladly would.

Harley laid down with her back to him. He laid down facing the back of her, wrapping his arm around her waist and lightly pulling him to is body. She wrapped one of her bare legs around his, rubbing her foot against the top of his softly.

"Did you and J ever do stuff like this?" He blurted before really thinking about it. Ever since Belle Reve, J had been sorta a sensitive topic for her. She hadn't talked about it much when they were together in prison, even less now that they've left, and she's cut ties with him altogether.

She rolled over, facing Floyd completely. Her expression was reflective. "Mistah J had his own room. I had one too. He thought sharing a bed to sleep in was too traditional and boring for people like us. He never really went in my room. Only when he was angry and I was trying to hide, or if he was in the mood." she spat out the last part as if it had put a horrible taste in her mouth. Floyd felt his hand stiffen protectively around her frame at the thought of what she'd said. How could a man do that to a woman who loves him? He knew what J was capable of, especially now that he'd seen it in person. It's just still hard for him to believe.

"I'm never gonna let him near you again, Dollface." He said, hoping to pull her from that far off look in her eye. He knew that look, she was remembering her time with J. Those looks were never happy ones.

She stared off into space for another moment before meeting his eyes and nodding. "Yeah, I won't let him near me again either,"

It felt good to hear her say that, if he was going to be honest with himself. The clown was crazy, but Harley loved him so much. Her body was dedicated to how much she loved him. Random tattoos of his name were riddled all over her body. Some with intricate patterns and designs, others looked like they were done with a needle and pen ink in a prison cell (which was probably where those were done).

They laid back into a comfortable silence after a few moments of staring at each other fondly, followed by Floyd placing a delicate kiss on her forehead. She fought a smile as she laid back down, her back to Floyd. She enjoyed their time together, way more than she enjoyed her time with J, even at their best. When she had to stay at the hospital in New Orleans, she felt herself cry a couple times. She only allowed herself thirty seconds at a time to cry for her situation. She never felt herself mourning her dead relationship with the clown, or even worrying about him. She let herself cry to mourn the woman she was before Mistah J came into her life. He had taken a lot of things from her, but she didn't blame him for her descent to madness. She welcomed it while it happened, he didn't force her into a vat of chemicals. She jumped in on her own accord, and she hasn't looked back since. Or she hadn't. Not until he tried to take her from Belle Reve. After that final altercation, she began to ponder on their time together often, as well as her life before she became the crime queen of Gotham City. She didn't miss the woman she was, but she longed for the sense of normalcy she gave up when she took an oath for live for Mistah J. The void in her heart for a family was never filled by Mistah J. In fact, one December morning she woke him up holding a positive pregnancy test and a big smile, only to be punched in the jaw and kicked in the stomach until she miscarried their unborn child. She'd never tell Floyd about that. She'd never tell anyone. It was a memory she tried to suppress every day. Whenever it would come back to haunt her, it would wrap her in a cocoon of self loathing and disappointment. What kind of woman would stay after something like that? Was that any reflection of what kind of mother she would've been to their child? She snuggled into Floyd's now limp, sleeping frame, shaking her head harshly at the memory, willing it away for the evening. Maybe she'd tell Floyd one day, if they ever tried for a child, but for now she was happy right where she was.

"I can keep you safe,"

She felt a smile creep onto her face. She doesn't need Floyd to protect her, but it sure felt great to have someone in her corner for once.


Next chapter: Floyd takes Harley and Zoe shopping. Harley considers trying to find a job. Flag pays a visit to their apartment, while Harley runs into an old friend.