Disclaimer:I do not own anything.

"Rose..." Dimitri growls. I scowl, we are not in the best place right now. I am a little angry to be honest. We are in the middle of training when I brought up a touchy subject, Mori.

"Dimitri! Come on, you know you can't guard Lissa and you are not making the effort to go ask around for another charge!" I say bitterly, biting out at him. I love the man but damn can he be annoying and lazy. It is one of his flaws, to say he'll do something and then not do it simply because he forgot. Men...

Dimitri groans, putting his head in his hands. "Sometimes you are so infuriating!" He bites back. I gasp, hurt flushing through me. Well, more like anger. Let me tell you something about relationships, they aren't perfect. The s*** you read in books or watch in movies are not true. Some of it, yes, but there are times were you just want to punch the person you are attracted to.

"Damn it Dimitri! Get on you f*** phone and call someone! For the love of God, it's not that hard!" I yell. Screw it, I'll do it. I stomp over to his duffel bag and pull his phone out. "What's the number?"

"Wh- what no!" He walks over and takes the phone from my hands. "I'll do it! Geez Rose, you have to have some faith in me!" Dimitri is sneering and I just roll my eyes. If you are to meet my man, you would probably think he never yell or really get pissed but he does. Dimitri gets mad, oh he does.I am one of the few people that can make really mad.

"I told you to do it a month ago!" I sigh, closing my eyes. I start to rub my temples, breathing in and out.

"Rose, I can take care of myself. I've been doing it for the last 24 years!" My eyes shoot open, glaring at him.

"Oh really? What about the last year Dimitri? Are you telling me you don't need me?" Yes, I know, that's not want he meant. But hell, it felt good to say it.

"What? No! Oh God- no!" He looks at my face and realizes his mistake. "Son of b***..." That should tell you folks how pissed Dimitri is. He just swore in English

I scoff and stomp out of the gym. "Well, Dimitri if you can so called be alone, then I'll leave you be! When you want to come, and apologize to me, I'll be in my room." I say coldly, slamming the door behind me.

I hate fighting with him, I hate it with all my being. But my anger reminds me that he was being lazy and he should have asked for a new charge instead of telling me he would do it.

When I get to my room, I open it and go to the shower quickly. When I am done there, I get dress and reenter my bedroom, stopping when I see Lissa, Eddie and Christian.

"You really should lock your door," Christian tells me. I roll my eyes and wrap my head in my towel.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, plopping myself in my desk chair.

"We want to play hide and seek." Eddie says with excitement. I raise my eyebrows.

"And all of a sudden, we are 5..." My sarcasm drips from voice like honey off a stick.

"Oh, shut it, you will love it!" Christian claims, crossing his arms. My eyes turn towards him, my smirk taking place on my face.

"Uh huh, because that's what I want to do right now. Hide and hope no one finds me..." Lissa snorts, rolling her eyes.

"We did it for two years, you can do it for the next hour." I laugh, shaking my head. I agree never less, Dimitri wasn't going to come around anytime soon.

"Okay, so we decided we would be on teams." Lissa says. I look at her with a grin but she only gave me a frown. "You are with Christian."

"AW HELL NO!" Christian yells, getting up. I do the same, angry at her statement.

"Aw hell yes, me and Eddie have a plan." Both of them share a knowing smile, as if they plan to take over the world.

I look at Christian, cringing. Then again, we could beat them and shove it in their faces. We work pretty well together if we got along. I sigh, agreeing with their arrangements.

Christian glares at me. Leaning over I whisper. "We can beat them and gloat about it. So, for the time being, we actually like each other." Christian just shakes his head. A slick smile rests on his face. "I'll take that smile as a yes."

"Well, I love to gloat so this should be fun." I laugh nodding at his statement. I wasn't much better, I do love gloating.

"So, who's it?" I ask, realizing that no one is going to find us.

"Adrian and Dimitri, are it." Lissa answers. I scowl, my face grimacing at his name. So, he had time to play this game but not call to be reassigned.

I got weird looks from them but they didn't comment on my scowl. "What are we waiting for?! Let's go hide!" I grab Christian and we haul a** out the door.

We ran around for a bit, trying to figure out where to hide. "What about the Cabin?"

"Ha-ha, no. It's too obvious." Christian gives me a questioningly look and I just smirk.

"I did things in there and I know Dimitri will look there first." Christian became even more confuse.

"I still don't understand, what did you do? Murder someone?" I roll my eyes.

"Dimitri and I had sex there Christian." I say bluntly, my eyes looking at him as if he is stupid. Christian face fell turning into a disgust look.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Ewwww, you didn't have to tell me that!"

"Well, you kept suggesting it! And you weren't getting my hints!" I laugh, stopping in the kitchen. I look around and I see the perfect place to hide. "There." I point to a corner where the stove was. Christian raise an eyebrow. I walk over, him in my tracks, and show him the hole hidden in between the wall and the stove.

"Oh, that's awesome." Christian whispers, already pushing his way into the hole. I laugh and follow. It is nothing special. It is small and there was barely enough room for me and Christian. I kick his legs and he curses me. I just flick him off.

Once we are comfortable, we become silent. My head rests on the wall, my eyes close.

"So, what's going on with you and Belikov?" Christian asks. I open my eyes, which are no adjust to the dark, and stare at the figure.

I'm not one for advice, especially if it came from Christian but he is being nice and seems actually concern.

"We had a fight." I mumble. Christian laughs softly and nods.

"Yep, it tends to happen. If you don't mind, what was it about?"

"He won't call to change Mori. I asked him a month ago, and still has yet to do it." My voice was snappy, my anger coming back. I recap what had happen. "I don't understand why he can be so lazy!"

Christian stays quiet for a moment before answering. "I can see why you are mad, but I think Dimitri is in the right."

My eyes burn into Christian with astonishment. "What do you mean!? I'm the one concern with him being able to protect a Mori! Why are you taking his side?!" I whisper yell.

"Geez Rose, be quiet! And calm down!" I did a little before he continues. "First of all, what if he had called a month ago, and they decided to move him then and there to another Mori in another state or country. He might be going around and asking if he can switch to them so he didn't have to be away from you." I see him point a finger at me. I frown, that's a good point. I bite my lip, guilt starting to rush through me.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I whisper, my voice no longer angry.

"Probably because he doesn't want to worry you. He could have totally gone at in a different way but he is a man and men tend to be stupid." I laugh at his joke.

"That makes sense. Oh, God I feel bad now!" I put my head in my hands, groaning. Christian pushes my leg with his. I look up to him, and if the light had been on I probably see a comforting look.

"You made a mistake. He made a mistake. Now that you realize that, you can apologize. The thing about relationships is that it's all about forgiveness in the end. You fight, you realize you made a mistake and then you own up to it. It's the others person choice to decide whether or not you are worth of their love. Rose, you are in the beginning of your real first relationship and you guys for so well together. Fighting is a natural thing and only some make it through. And you will be one for sure." Christian pauses, leaning over and taking my hand in his. It wasn't romantic, but soothing. "I'll request Dimitri as my Guardian, if you want."

"Really?" I say softly. He only nods and I threw my arms around him "Thank you Christian." I whisper, my voice breaking.

"You're welcome petal. You are my girlfriend's best friend anyway and if I plan on spending my life with her, I got to get along with you." I pull back and push him in the shoulder.

"I love you, you know? I know that's weird to say, and it's nothing romantic. I just love you. You are one of my closest friends, and as much as we pick on each other you will always be a somewhat brother to me. Lissa did well." Christian laughs, pulling me into another hug.

"I love you too Rose petal." I hug him tighter before letting go. "And besides I have a saying. 'Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty.'"

I burst out laughing. "I'm going to get a tattoo of that! That's good Christian! Didn't think you had it in you!" Christian snorts.

"I have a lot of things in me..."

"That's what she said." Christian glares and I only stick my tongue out.

We were found soon by Dimitri. "AW DAMN IT!" Christian yells, crawling out the little hole, falling in the process. I laugh and follow him. We stood back in the light, shielding our eyes.

I look at Dimitri and blush. Christian saw this. He tells me he will see tomorrow and leaves us be. Once he leaves I turn to my Russian.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, tugging at my hands.

"Me too. I just don't want to be sent away." Dimitri says just as softly. He comes over and pulls me into his arms.

"I should have realized that. I'm sorry I didn't look at your side." He chuckles, pulling away slightly so he could look at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just assumed you would know." I smile and tugged him down. Our lips meet, something in me did a twirl. Even after everything we have been through he still gave me butterflies. I sigh into the kiss, my arms wrapping around his neck. It is a sweet kiss, it wasn't rushed or filled with lust, just a sweet moment between him and me. Sometimes, it was simple acts like these, that I realize how lucky I got.

We pull away, his eyes fill with love. "I love you." He says, leaning his forehead on mine.

"Me too." I kiss his check, pulling out of his arms. "We have to go, I've got dinner to attend to and you have to go talk to Christian." He raises one of his eyebrows. "Just go talk to him. He will explain." Dimitri nods.

I start to leave when Dimitri sweeps me back into his arms. He gives me another kiss. I giggle, leaning over and whisper "later."

"Okay guys, too much! I'm getting sick just watching you two!" We turn to see Lissa, Adrian and Eddie.

I flick them off before walking out of Dimitri's arms. I link my arm with Lissa's and we were off to dinner.

Hey! So I wanted to start of by telling you guys why I wrote this chapter. I know this is not like my usual goofing off chapter, but I really wanted to write this scene between Rose and Christain. I know she would never admit she loves him in the books but I honestly think that is because she never got to. I also think she would, and since Dimitri was never turned into a deathly vampire, I think she matured a bit. She had come to the terms that she loves Christain even though they pick at each other. I also think Christain would never hesitate to help Rose, I think they form that friendship. I read stories where the authors make Christain and Rose brutal to each other. I don't think it would be that brutal, I think deep down Rose would never hurt or betray Christain as he would help her with her problems (as shown in the chapter.) I really wanted to write that scene between them. I also think Dimitri matured Rose a lot, cause we all she would have never said that if Dimitri was never in the story. Rose has a lot of dignity and a big ego and I just wanted to write where she puts that aside and show her friendship between them.

I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and always remember Stay Cheezy Folks.
