Prologue: Wish

"When your heart is broken and your life is falling apart what is there left to do besides wish?" Those were the last words my grandma said to me. Those were the last words I ever heard. I was ten when I went deaf. The doctors didn't believe I would ever hear again. They didn't know what caused it. They told my uncle and aunt that I should see a therapist but I never went. I thought it would be good for me but they never took me. They didn't even think it was an option anymore once they started getting money from the state for taking care of me. My family and I were never close, I never had any friends, and so when the night came and I made my wish, I knew I wouldn't miss anyone.

Finishing dinner, I left my family, I felt their eyes on me as I got up and went to my room. As always, I stomped, my family liked to tell themselves and others that I just couldn't hear how loud I was being, but really, I just knew it annoyed them and if they were fine with lying, then I was fine with not arguing with them, I mean I couldn't really argue with them anyways the words never made sense coming out of my mouth.

Laying in bed I stared at my ceiling until a bright light shined in the corner of my eyes stealing my sight fully when I looked out. It was almost like having a flashlight shined in my eyes for a second it was so bright. Then it started falling, my grandmother's words echoed in my ears as it always did, and I made the wish I always made when I got the chance to wish. "I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to stay with anime in a land apart." My lips formed the words but no sound left me.

I know, who wishes for anime when they could wish for their hearing back? Well obviously, me, because the idea of being in an anime seems like a much better time than being with these horrible abusive people. Noticing the realistic world around me, I give up, close my eyes, and get comfortable in bed, falling asleep an hour later.