Rolling her shoulders Rae looked at the spell in her hands and cursed her mother, she was in hiding from the coven of witches in the area and now she was having to do magic even though she didn't want to. The hope was with a few warding spells she could stay here without any problems but that required Rae to use the meager abilities she had. It was like scratching an itch that had been bugging her for years and it annoyed her to no end that she needed the spell in the first place. Freya had reminded her that the wards would not only keep herself safe but Elijah as well.

The Original didn't need her protection from the coven of course but it was more that thought that had her out here doing the spells in the first place. He might not need her protection but she felt better all the same anyways. It was not lost on her that Elijah was probably in more danger from her than the coven. She couldn't kill him but she could hurt him and that bothered her. Rae didn't want to hurt Elijah, the power within her? That however was a different story, the power just wanted to burn the world.

As unused craft flowed from Rae while she cast the spell she felt odd. It had been a long time since she'd used even the smallest of spells, she hadn't wanted to over the years other than for the club when she'd first opened it. She couldn't tell if it was just the length of time since she'd used the craft or if the entity inside her was adding something to the mix but it felt... different though she couldn't explain why she felt that way. Before when she'd used spells she'd done it to please her mother, she was using the gift to protect herself and someone she cared about. Rae had put down the mantle when her mother had died, it hadn't seemed right after that to use magic.

Quietly Rae moved around the cabin in slow circles, casting the warding spells in layers that would hopefully strengthen them. A good witch would see the spells right away, Rae wasn't all that skilled anymore with this stuff. The knowledge would be with her forever but the finesse of using it was a little rusty after so many years. She was in the middle of a third layer when she sensed Elijah on the porch watching her. Finishing the spell she glanced in his direction and if she didn't know him she would have missed the slight flinch that crossed his features as he looked back at her.

Arching a brow she tipped her head in question as the original moved down off the porch towards her. She was surprised when he hesitantly reached out to take the spells from her hands, "Perhaps that's enough warding for now. We'll be safe for the night I think."


He frowned just slightly as he lifted his dark brown eyes to meet her green ones, "When you looked at me just a moment ago. Your eyes..." He seemed to be searching for the right word which was a little upsetting. "I saw fire in your eyes, bright and intense as if I had been inside staring into the fireplace."

Oh. Well that was certainly cause for alarm she supposed. "I had thought it might just be that I hadn't used my craft in so long but... I think this power was intensifying the spells." She wasn't sure how she felt about that. Was she being used? Was she giving this thing an outlet she wasn't aware of?

In the back of her mind it whispered, "but it felt good didn't it? We can help you gain more power than you've ever dreamed of."

With a shutter that didn't go unnoticed Rae closed her eyes and tried to push the being away. She didn't want to hear what it had to say. Her jaw muscle ticked as she tried to maintain control. When she felt like she had it again she opened her eyes to find Elijah watching her very closely, "This thing has another thing coming if it can appeal to my need for power. I never wanted the gift of the craft in the first place."

"What happened just now? You were here with me and then you were inside your head, it felt like you were miles away."

Rae sighed, "It spoke to me. It's trying to win me over with the promise of power. Honestly the damn thing sounds a hell of a lot like my mother."

While the comment was meant to be an off hand joke Elijah could tell it was anything but. Rae had fought for a long time to get away from her mother, even after her death Rae had been forced to fight to get out from beneath the woman's shadow. To now have an entity or power inside her that was acting the same? Elijah felt his heart go out to her.

Elijah watched her face for a moment, the emotions that played across her features. He could see clear as day the anger, the fear, and the resolve. Rae was fighting this thing but he had to wonder how long she could keep it back. It was extremely worrying, if this power broke loose of the control Rae had on it right now what could it do? They still didn't know what this was exactly though before they had left Freya had confided in Elijah that she felt like she was closing in.

Realizing he was watching her closely Rae frowned a little, "I'm not going to burst into flames you know."

"That is a possibility. After you started my bed on fire I'm not certain anything it outside the realm of possibility with you," he with a grin.

Rae rolled her eyes as she looked at him and shook her head, "Haha... very funny. I've apologized for that."

"Yes and you haven't slept beside me since then either."

Turning she headed for the cabin without comment. She wasn't trying to push him away but she was afraid she'd hurt him, she'd been sleeping last time and hadn't even realized what was going on. Why would he want to sleep next to her after she'd nearly burned the house down?

Having seen the look on her face Elijah used his speed to move into her path to stop her, "Rae."

Rae wrinkled her nose at him, "You're using that tone again."

"Yes well... I feel like this is one of those moments when one should tread carefully. I think sleeping separately is non-sense at this point. And there isn't much in the way of furniture here," he said softly as he brushed his hands along her arms. When she wouldn't meet his eyes he touched a hand to her cheek, his thumb pressing just beneath her chin until she finally looked at him. "Rae, I'm right here. Don't shut me out."

For a moment she merely looked at him before breath escaped her and she moved into his arms to rest her head on his chest. Instead of words she merely hugged him tight. She was frustrated and scared but he had been a patient strength beside her despite everything trying to pull them apart. She should leave him, get as far away from him as she could because there was only pain for them. But what if there was good in there too? It would be entirely worth it.

Having this unknown... thing inside her she wasn't very sure about her future. Rae was only human unlike Elijah who could drink blood and replenish himself. She could die.

No, you can not. We can't allow that to happen.

Rae felt a shiver run down her spine at those softly whispered words. Did the power listen to all her thoughts? Immediately she knew the answer. Yes it did. That presented a whole new problem, one she didn't even know where to begin with.

"What was that?"

She sighed as she leaned back to look into his dark eyes, "Elijah...I don't know how to beat this thing. It knows everything I'm thinking and it's so strong."

"We'll figure it out," he said with more confidence than he felt as he pulled her back again, sliding a hand into her hair which she'd let down at some point. They had no idea what they were up against but they had to figure something out. With his arm still around her he turned and headed towards the cabin with her, "Let's focus on settling in tonight and see what tomorrow brings."

Rae didn't sleep well that night, tossing and turning mostly as Elijah had lay beside her. He'd watched her face, listened to whatever sounds or words she said though none of it had been intelligible. What must she be suffering in her dreams? He was curious but all he could do was gently brush his hand along her skin, a gesture that seemed to calm her for a short while.