Alright, let's get back on the horse with this chapter!

Let's go have all the fun we can, because heaven knows the world's gonna blow up at some point in this story and I plan to make it glorious.



Ozpin was having one of those days.

In all his many years, and there were many, he'd learned that trying to get bureaucrats to do anything in an expeditious manner was simply impossible. Even with the many corpses he now had of the Beasts, thanks to the regular hunters and huntresses running into them now, the damned Council still wouldn't listen.

The worst part was the Beasts were almost entirely small-fry, easily replaced by their larger versions. If there's one thing he hated about those damned raptors it was their propensity for breeding, especially since the females rarely left the dens.

Then came the next bad news. Team JMPR had, as was their nature, taken the initiative and started their own investigations. While he was quite sure they could take care of themselves, as shown by the security video he was watching, infiltrating a White Fang rally was simply reckless.

Not to mention the collateral damage, which he ended up getting screamed at for.

That aside, he'd barely finished dealing with that before Jaune Arc sent a priority message. If the message was true, and the boy had no reason to lie, then the waterways would need to be sealed swiftly.

"Professor Ozpin?"

He looked up and closed the video, eyes finding Glynda. "Yes, Professor Goodwitch? Was the damage seen to?"

"Of course," she confirmed. "But if I may ask, what are we going to do about the Ball? Students from the other academies are still arriving and we've had several high-profile incidents occur at the same time. Rumors are spreading, and I've been asked more than once if the traditional festivities are to be… postponed."

Ozpin sighed and turned to face the windows. "We cannot do that, Glynda. Rumors are just that, but if we do anything to make it look like there's even a small grain of bedrock in them, panic is bound to set in."

"Then what about the student committee?" Glynda asked with a sigh. "I've been attempting to contact Ms. Adel and her team, but they haven't responded yet. As far as I know, no one else would be interested in helping organize the event."

Ozpin sighed and took a moment to think before it came to him. "Actually… I believe there are two teams that would gladly take the reins, assuming Team CFVY is still unavailable. I'm sure they'll be beside themselves with joy at the news."

Glynda frowned before shaking her head. "Very well, I'll inform them of the opening. I assume we'll be tacking on extra work if they don't agree?"

"Why Glynda, how else do we motivate students?" Ozpin asked sardonically, making the woman roll her eyes. "Though be sure to inform them that, while I praise the initiative, they should think out their plans a bit more just so something like this doesn't happen again."

Glynda nodded her agreement and left, Ozpin looking to the window again before noticing something in the distance. With a frown, he departed his office and made his way to the back of Beacon, where a small door with a pair of security cameras kept watch on a patch of woods that led out to an impassable gorge.

A moment later, he pulled out his scroll and typed in a series of commands that put the pair of cameras on a loop. Once that was done, he looked to the forest and took a breath. "Alright… out with it, Selan."

The trees were quiet for a moment before their tops rustled in an unnatural wind, the crackle of electricity filling the air. Then, out of the forest strode a great equine beast, its hide a rippling cyan and dark blue with a mane of pure-white hair flowing about it. The grandest part of its appearance was the electric blue horn that grew from the center of its head, the point glinting in the daylight.

Energy hung around it like a storm, the creature striding forth until it was only a dozen yards from Ozpin, each looking the other in the eye.

"You are unsurprised by my awakening." A voice said, projected directly into Ozpin's mind. "I can only assume many of my fellows have awoken as well in that case."

Ozpin nodded. "Indeed, many have awakened. However, it has not been those who are aware of the true threat."

"Hm, then those who follow the majority." Selan's voice rumbled, its head shaking. "Sadly, I was alone upon waking. Those who follow me and my desire to see the Witch ended above all else still lie sealed. On the other hoof, most of the Elders and our generals are also still asleep. The Mountains and Serpents especially remain deep in the stone."

Ozpin breathed a sigh of relief, but he had to ask. "You say most. Who amongst them awoke?"

The Beast neighed and stamped its foot. "Ha'rok, The Lord of Hell. To'ev, the Comet. Rai'Ke, the Storm."

"Ae'sor, The White Godling."

Ozpin almost dropped his mug. While To'ev and Rai'Ke were not the worst possible things to have awoken, the other two… this wasn't good.

"It will take them many weeks to regain even a percent of their powers." Selan assured. "Even now, I can scarce call forth a single bolt and I was amongst the first. Your fledglings have time, though I do wonder why it is you have not told them of me and mine."

Ozpin sighed through his nose. "Truth be told, I didn't know if you'd awakened until I saw your signal just now. That, and my so-called fledglings are not to the point they'd be able to work alongside you and yours. The lower tiers of your original forces have nearly killed two of them, and it is only our advances in medicine that have allowed them to recover fully."

Selan snorted and pawed the ground again before turning to leave. "Very well, but be aware that Ha'rok was sealed not far from these shores. If what I've seen is true, then it is likely he and his commanders that seek to infiltrate your city."

"For the sake of our collective future, I hope the fledglings will be ready soon."

Selan strode back into the forest, Ozpin watching him go. Once all was still again, he restored the camera feed and returned to the school.

The missions couldn't come sooner, the teams needed the experience badly. Especially if Ha'rok was truly plotting against them.

If they didn't do something to uncover the designs and true mastermind, the city could very well be drowned in blood.


When Ren came back to our beds, he didn't look happy. "The speaker was Velvet's. Team CFVY heard the entire conversation."

Were I Yang, a curse would've met that news. Instead, I settled for a long groan. "That's… not good. Now we'll have Coco corner us later and demand an explanation."

"All while looking like she's propositioning us." Weiss sighed, making me snort. Coco did have a bad habit of literally cornering people and blocking their escape with an arm. Darned intimidating to the victim, but it looks like she's trying to be seductive to everyone else.

Ren shook his head. "That's not the biggest issue. What are we going to tell Professor Ozpin? Or the others?"

"We'll see what we can do." I said, not wanting us to get caught up in speculation. "The others will be ok, I think, and I'm sure Professor Ozpin will be too. We just have to be calm and patient."

A cleared throat drew our gazes to the infirmary doors, our collective guts sinking at the sight of Professor Goodwitch. "What's this about you all being calm and patient? I thought such words were beyond your diction."

Weiss looked insulted, but I had a quip ready. "Only with Yang and Nora, Professor. Even I can be discreet more than once in a blue moon."

My partner clearly didn't believe me, but Goodwitch had better things to do than give us the usual lecture. "I'll hear what's happened in a moment. For now, I've come to inform you all that your teams have been chosen for a special privilege."

The mention of this 'privilege' made a smirk rise to her face. We all knew that smirk very well and shuddered. There was about to be a lot of work dumped on us.

"You have been put forward to help organize the Vytal Festival Ball." Goodwitch informed us, my jaw slamming into the floor. "Based on what you're soon to tell me, Team CFVY may very well be joining you all. It's a prestigious position to hold, as the Ball is considered the cultural center of the festival for students."

I could see Weiss starting to get excited, stuff like this right up her alley.

Goodwitch's smirk grew. "Also, this isn't a mere offer that you can turn down. The Headmaster has determined that, as punishment for your entire team's reckless investigation and battle on the highway, you'll be doing this. Or, you could spend the next two weeks under Professor Port's Hyper-Dense Essay Assignment SeriesTM.

I could hear the trademark, which meant that the thing she was threatening us with actually existed. As leader of the combined Team JMPR, I couldn't let such a travesty consume us all. Besides, social aspect aside, at least a dance would be fun! "We'll do the committee."

"I'm glad you saw the light." Goodwitch said, smirk still in place. "Now, what does Team CFVY have to do with you all being patient?"

I looked to Weiss, knowing she would be better at putting the whole problem into a few words.

"We believe that Coco Adel and her team were eavesdropping on our conversation about the latest Beast sighting." Weiss supplied, rolling her eyes at me. "Ren spotted a two-way speaker and just sighted them fleeing the corridor when he went out to investigate."

Ren held out the crushed remains of the speaker. "This is one of Velvet's designs. Blake and I have been working with her on devices like this, so I'm sure its hers."

"It looks like we'll be having lessons in counter-intelligence soon then." Goodwitch noted as she took the speaker remains. "I will inform the Headmaster of this news. No doubt he'll be forced to give a brief overview of what's going on to Team CFVY, but do try and keep anything he deems secret a secret."

She looked right at me as she said that. Look, I know I'm a motor-mouth, but even I'm not that bad.

…Most of the time.

…Except when I get excited.

…Or on sugar…

Ok, point taken. "We'll be sure to keep quiet Professor. Um, we'll have a talk with them when the rest of our teams get back."

Goodwitch sighed and turned away. "Very well, just be ready to cover your bases. Ms. Adel is especially sharp at spotting inconsistencies, so if any of you flub even once, she'll latch onto the opening and never let go."

With that, she left. While Ren went off to call his team about the new situation, I started talking to Weiss. "What are we going to do? Coco and friends are going to be difficult to convince nothing's too far out of the ordinary."

"We may as well just tell them everything." Weiss answered, making me gape at her. "They're one of the best teams in the school that aren't in their final year. Having their help in future missions would be invaluable."

I could agree with that, but it wasn't the problem. "Weiss, that's just it, they're some of the best Grimm fighters in the school. They've been at this longer than us, sure, but they've never faced anything like the Beasts. Who knows what would happen if they dove in with us?"

Weiss scrunched her nose in that cute way she did when thinking. "I suppose that's the case, but I'm sure they'd be cautious. I mean, they've seen what we look like after our fights with the Beasts, so there's that."

"Glad we're considered models for what not to do." I sighed, though Weiss didn't keep the banter going. "Ok, that aside, what does a Ball committee even do?"

Weiss perked up and started explaining the many things our new job required. Decorations, running the guest book, figuring out catering, designing a theme for all the above, and a bunch of other stuff I didn't care about. She was excited at least, so it wasn't all bad.

By the time she finished giving me an overview of what the dress code would be like, the rest of our team decided to show up. They all started cackling at us, which made me realize Weiss had sat up and leaned towards me in her excitement while I just had a grin on my face.

Dammit, now Yang had more material! I swore not to let that keep happening!

The situation turned grim quickly though, much to my disappointment. Yang gave us a thorough rundown of what happened out in the city from her viewpoint, followed by Jaune and Pyrrha explaining their findings in the waterways.

Blake shared her story after that, and I couldn't help but share a look of disappointment with Yang. "Blake, I know you want to believe that the White Fang wouldn't work with people like Torchwick, but there's been nothing we've seen to back up that belief."

"I know," she mumbled. "But the more I see of this, the more it looks like a splinter group. The White Fang has done a lot of things I don't agree with, but Sienna's too deep in her ways to ever consider working with a human."

I heaved a mental groan at that. Why Blake insisted on this made no sense to me, but there wasn't much I could do. Persuasion just wasn't my strong suit, but if nothing else, Yang would probably get through to her at some point.

While I mused on that, Weiss started explaining our day. "Well, you've all been quite busy and at least we got some decent information out of it. On our end, Dr. Nadya made sure to keep us in our beds, so we were watching various shows until Team CFVY dropped by. I was then dragged into a game tournament by our dear leader's endless whining."

I pouted at her, but got a haughty smirk in return. "Well at least I didn't get my butt whooped by Coco. I know you don't play much, if ever, but that was just sad."

"For that, I'm confiscating your snacks." Weiss shot back, making me cry out in horror. "But that aside, the most important part of our day is two-fold. First, Ruby and I can understand what the Beast Pyrrha recorded is saying."

I kept going before anyone could ask questions. "Our best guess is because we went feral. Tapping into our power so much may have implanted the ability to understand their language, if not speak it."

"Our ability to roar notwithstanding, no human throat could make those noises." Jaune pointed out. "But if you two can understand what they say… maybe we can learn something?"

I wasn't so sure about that. "So, what? You want us to have a conversation with something trying to kill us?"

"Not something that dangerous." Pyrrha assured, apparently reading Jaune's train of thought. "However, were we to subdue and capture one of the Beasts then you'd be able to interrogate it."

I shared a worried look with Weiss. "Um, that doesn't sound like the best idea… I mean, what if it breaks out while we're not there? It would cause so much damage."

"I'll break all its legs first, don't worry!" Nora cheered, a spark of glee in her eye. "Yang can give a good few knocks beforehand too, just to show it who's boss!"

They bumped fists, much to my annoyance. I'd given them the 'Bash Sisters' title as a joke, but even I felt like it had run its course at this point.

…Boy I was getting really annoyed today. Usually I was all for these antics.

Maybe I was getting sick of being in this bed?

"That's all well and good." Weiss said, interrupting their schemes of broken bone. "However, we have Team CFVY to worry about. They eavesdropped on our discussion of the Beast appearance and the attack by Torchwick, so they'll want answers even if Professor Ozpin tells them to drop the issue."

"You bet your skirt I do."

I'd swear on Crescent Rose that Coco Adel strode into the infirmary with the roar of thunder around her and a whole party of howling spirits at her heels. Her eyes were still hidden behind ever-present sunglasses, but I could tell by the sight of her team cowering behind the door that there would be hell to pay.

Then glasses came down and we saw 'The Glare'.

"Who's going to explain? And it better be good before I start laying people out."

All eyes were on me, even Weiss abandoning me to the storm of Coco along with everyone else.

Yang was no surprise, the fashionista scared the crap out of her.

Ruby, stop with the cursing and get on with it, your life's at stake!

I took a deep breath and bet my life I wouldn't screw up.

"Uh… We fight monsters."

Coco was unimpressed and I could see the others silently praying for me.

I'm not dead yet guys, stop planning the funeral!

Ignoring my dramatic teammates, I tried again. "Well, we fight different monsters, not Grimm. They're large, scaly, and prone to sending a bunch of students to the infirmary on a regular basis…"

Coco was still not taking the vague answers and her hand was inching towards her purse.

Shit! No, Ruby you promised yourself you wouldn't curse in your head! Come on girl, pull up your straps and do this!

"Alright, look! I can't give you the answers you want unless Professor Ozpin says I can, ok?! It's not my choice or my want, but that's the truth!"

I tumbled out of the bed and rose on my knees, eyes filled with tears in the hopes it would sway her. "That's the truth, please don't kill me!"

All was silent for a moment before Coco sighed and put her glasses back on. For a brief moment, I thought my impassioned plea had swayed her and the anger was gone.

Then she pulled out a pop-gun and sent the cork straight into my poor forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

Coco huffed and put the toy away. "For being a drama queen, Red. I wasn't going to kill anyone, just knock some sense into those who think keeping secrets from their friends is a good idea. Especially when said secrets involve life and death."

With that, the storm was gone, and the room could breathe. The rest of Coco's team entered, and we got everyone settled around Weiss and I's beds. We knew Dr. Nadya had heard all this before, but there was still a thorough sweep of the whole ward just to be sure.

What followed was a few hours of explanations, questions, answers, and general disbelief. Can't blame them of course, this stuff is still so weird, and we've had an entire semester to wrap our heads around it.

"You know what?" Coco began after Jaune finished up the explanation. "I don't give a damn what Ozpin or anyone else thinks about this, I'm helping you guys."

Velvet stepped in before anyone could object. "Well, only if we're available and you need us. Much as we wish it, Grimm won't die on their own, so we'll do our best to make sure they don't interfere."

"We'll want in on the training though." Fox said with a big grin. "Can't let our juniors have such a big edge on us with the tournament on the horizon."

Yas smacked him over the head. "That's not all, Fox. We got put on the committee with them."

Coco practically lit up at the reminder and I took swift advantage. "Then we can leave you guys to come up with the decorations. In fact, now that we're here and on the same page, let's dole out tasks."

I pointed to Jaune and Ren. "You two know how to cook, so catering is your assigned task. Know that I demand at least two platters of chocolate chip cookies."

The two looked at each other and shrugged, apparently ok with the job.

Deciding I was on a roll, I pointed to Blake and Pyrrha. "You guys will handle organization. Weiss, no offense, but you're too meticulous about small details to get something this big done efficiently."

Weiss looked affronted, but I knew by the way she bit her lip I was right. With that victory, Blake and Pyrrha agreed to keep everyone on track. They did as much anyway, so it didn't change their schedules.

"Yang and Nora, you are entertainment." I continued, though it was followed by a glare at their gleeful cheers. "But, keep it tempered and appropriate, I don't want a repeat of that incident in the cafeteria."

The celebrating pair were rendered lambs by the reminder. I won't go over the whole incident, but it ended with Yang and Nora wrestling an enraged Ren to the ground while Jaune endured a march of shame to the dorm, his dignity held up by nothing more than a convenient trash-can lid.

Oh, Weiss and I ended up splattered with large amounts of ketchup while we discovered Blake reacts to catnip like its laughing gas. Fancy that.

Anyway, I then slapped Weiss's back with a big grin. "We will come up with a theme and advertising for the big day."

"That's a lot of work…" Yang sighed, the tease clear. "My baby sister continues to grow faster than I ever imagined, and it makes me so proud… though we all agree she gets no cookies without work, right?"

There was immediate and unanimous support, much to my immense horror. Weiss even promised that if I was slacking off, she'd freeze my feet to the ground while everyone else ate my cookies!

That was so cruel, I knew how important the darn thing was. It's just that I get distracted easily!

And bored easily…

…This wasn't going to be a fun couple of weeks was it?

-Two Weeks Later, Two Days Before Ball-

Why am I always right when it was about bad things?!

I mean, getting a theme down wasn't bad. It only took Weiss and I two hours to settle on 'Night of Stars' for the theme since we were all going to be stars in the tournament, if only for one round. Formal wear and such, but that was the easy part.

Advertising was a nightmare and a half though. No matter what I did or came up with, Weiss would just not be happy with it until she made major alterations. Those alterations ended up making the posters and notices sound super snooty and highfalutin (another twenty for me).

Mine weren't the best either, considering I can't draw worth a darn, but at least Blake and Pyrrha agreed that my ideas were more likely to draw in the average student. That led to several very stupid arguments with Weiss over who wasn't listening to who and that I was the dolt of all dolts.

We didn't speak for two days, even when we both knew it was dumb.

The decoration side of things was at least accomplished after we gave Coco a budget. Originally she wanted some of the gaudiest things I'd ever laid eyes on and lavish fabrics to cover everything, and that was with the theme. Giving her a budget that put those things out of reach at least made her have to work for it alongside her team, who are apparently talented interior decorators.

It really shouldn't have surprised me considering what Coco was like, but I've never been to their dorm before.

Catering ended up being the easiest thing to set up. With the theme decided, Jaune and Ren put in calls to the local restaurants in Vale to see if anyone would be interested in serving the Ball. Considering it was a prestigious gathering, as Weiss was always sure to remind me, they found three that covered all the bases within a few days.

Yang and Nora… were a handful. They kept trying to pull in all these big groups that were already booked despite Blake and Pyrrha trying to tell them a local DJ or orchestra would be the choice. Weiss was for the orchestra while I wanted the DJ, which set off another argument.

I don't know why, but me and her had just been testy over the whole thing. It was like we were back at the beginning again where we hated each other's guts.

I really didn't like it, but all the work on getting those posters and invitations made in addition to the regular workload never gave me the time to try and figure out what was going on. Either with myself or her.

Thankfully, we had the posters finished and printed two days before the Ball, the first batch of which I was running around the school posting.

My semblance was a big help, especially since we'd been smart enough to make the posters on adhesive paper. All I had to do was slap the thing on a wall and it stuck, though I made sure they were straight if only to avoid having to do it again.

It became almost an after-thought after the first dozen though. My mind was more concerned with the idea of having a date for the thing.

Yang has to run the table as punishment for trying to sneak into Port's class and take his Grimm, so she couldn't ask Blake. Why she thought setting up a gladiator arena was a good idea is still beyond me. Blake is going with Sun, though I think I heard her mention saving a dance for Yang. Wonder what they talked about last week?

The pair wouldn't say, though I hadn't had the time to ask. Ren and Nora were obviously going, but much to my shock and frustration, Jaune hadn't asked Pyrrha. Some crap about her getting swamped with guys and not having a chance.

I knew better of course. Before we came along, poor Pyrrha was isolated by her celebrity status, and still stood on a pedestal in the eyes of the student body at large. It was super frustrating for her that Jaune was acting like them again, despite the two being friends for months now.

I knew this because she came over to complain and drown her frustrations in orange juice alongside yours truly.

Anyway, I tried to make Jaune see the error of his mindset, but he was adamant. At the very least, knowing him, we'd be seeing him in a dress at the dance. He'd swore to wear one if Pyrrha didn't have a date for it, and she sure didn't have one last I checked.

Thing is… Weiss did have a date. Neptune, of all people, and I was kind of surprised. Well, he was surprisingly smooth when he wasn't putting his foot in his mouth, but he just didn't seem like the type someone like Weiss would want as her date.

Couldn't dance either, I walked in on him confessing as much to Jaune and Ren before asking them if they could teach him.

Why are you so hung up on dates? Coco's taking Velvet, to no one's surprise, while Fox and Yas have dates too, but that has nothing to do with you. Last I checked, the idea of dates and relationships and all that junk weren't in the least bit interesting.

It still frustrated me. I mean, I even went dress shopping with Yang last week and went with something I liked with the express expectation that I would not be dancing. Still had to be forced into the heels, which I can't even walk in.

Off topic, sorry. Believe it or not, I was going to ask Weiss to the dance as something of a peace treaty. While we were back to talking, the stress of getting this set up and something else I couldn't name were making us cross. I'd even heard her call me a buffoon right as I left to put up these posters.

What is her problem? I thought after slapping the last poster by the cafeteria doors. Sure, I could've been a little less blunt in my ideas, but she didn't have to laugh at my first few ideas. Maybe then I wouldn't have made fun of her ideas either, no matter how ridiculously snooty they sounded.

I sighed and wandered out to one of the courtyards. I just couldn't stop thinking about why Weiss and I had gone south in our relationship so darn fast. Before this Ball became a thing, we were having fun and laughing together, all while making heartfelt declarations of support!

"Ruby? What are you doing here, I thought you'd be back by now?"

I paused my musings and looked over to find Pyrrha, gear tucked away in her work-out bag. "Oh, hey. Did your period let out already?"

"It did, fought one of the Mistral students." Pyrrha said as she walked over to me. "He was holding back, same as me. No one wants to show their hand too soon."

Can't blame them. "Well, as for why I'm here, I just finished putting up the first batch. Personally, I don't think we need any more than that, but Yang has insisted we throw up at least one more."

Pyrrha looked over to the last one I posted and nodded. "At least it was the one with the timetable. It'll cut down on most of the last-minute questions, so I agree with you. Want me to put in a call to Blake or…?"

I shook my head at the offer. "It's fine. Besides, she's in class right now, Weiss and I are running this part since it's our last job."

Pyrrha frowned and looked around. Then she started the conversation I did not want to have. "Ruby, are you sure you don't want to talk about Weiss? You've been testy with her over the Ball, but it's been a lot worse since she told us she'd be going with Neptune."

I pouted and looked away. "She's just been prissy is all. I have no doubt we'll be back to normal after this whole mess is done with and I don't have to wear heels. Heck, how do you and Weiss fight in those things? I can barely walk."

Pyrrha chuckled. "It's practice, nothing more. Back on topic, this isn't just a spat if you ask me. You've been too vehement in your arguments, too much belief if I may be so bold. I've heard insults from you both over minor differences in the poster designs that at the beginning of this year would've stared a fight."

I cringed, knowing that was true. "There's no real spite behind it, Pyrrha, we apologize and move on."

"Yang and Blake paint a different picture." Pyrrha countered, her semblance holding me in place. The problem with wearing steel-toed boots. "Your apologies have been half-hearted at best and the room's been tense. I've seen it at our meetings and in training too, you're not working with her like usual."

I really wanted to leave but getting out of my boots would take too long. Pyrrha would just pin me and keep talking. "We're just having a rough patch, ok? We were going good for a while, but now we're just… a little distant. We'll figure out when this is over, ok?"

"You're jealous." Pyrrha stated without preamble (and twenty more for me). "The first week, sure, but you two became outright nasty after Weiss told us about Neptune. You're jealous she went to ask him, not you."

I looked right at her with what I hoped was a stoic face. "I'm not jealous. The very idea is just so… melodramatic, and I don't have a dramatic bone in my body!"

That was an abject lie and we both knew it.

"Ruby, it's not the end of the world." Pyrrha tried, taking on her role of 'Team Mom'. "If it's a spat like you say, then it'll blow over the moment you two sit down and talk out your differences. Or duel them out if you need to."

She kept going before I could latch onto that escape. "But, if you are jealous, then use the dance to confirm where that jealousy comes from. Trust me, I know jealousy better than most, and finding the source can help so much. Besides, Weiss is your partner."

"She wouldn't wreck the relationship you have over something like this, not when you've both gone feral for the other."

That… was true. Admittedly, when I went feral it was to save both our lives and was entirely unintentional. Weiss though… if I could infer anything from what she said after she calmed down from eviscerating the Najarala, it was she wanted me to be ok.

"I'll… give it some thought, Pyrrha. Thanks."

Pyrrha smiled and patted my shoulder. "Anytime, Ruby. You listened to me moan and groan over the past two weeks, it's only right I return the favor."

I couldn't help but giggle as we started back for the halls. "I'm glad we've reached the point we can mutually complain. Our partners are real handfuls."

"In more ways than one." Pyrrha agreed with a long-suffering sigh. "What do I need to do, Ruby? His self-confidence just comes and goes so much."

Well, considering our dear blonde boy got in on forged papers, that was bound to happen. Admittedly only Pyrrha and I knew that bit about Jaune, but it certainly explained why he was so green despite entering a Hunter's Academy.

"Maybe you should just flash him" I supplied, making Pyrrha flush. "You know, walk in there while he's showering, pretend you got the times mixed up-"

Pyrrha slapped a hand over my mouth. "Stop it, this isn't like Blake's novels. If I tried that, he'd hit a high C and run out of the bathroom before I could say 'surprise!'"

The image that conjured was enough to send me into a fit of giggles. "Oh, come on, Nora does it all the darn time to Ren! You're not the only who calls to complain to me."

"You're too deep in your cookies to actually respond, so it works." Pyrrha groaned, not wanting to hear that. "And she does that after training, not the dorm. Why do you think we go first unless Goodwitch works us to the bone that day?"

Oh, that's right, forgot about that. "Touché, my good friend. Anyway, I need to get back to Weiss before she starts hunting for me. Don't want her throwing a hissy fit over this."

Pyrrha shook her head and bid me goodbye. I did too before feeling her semblance fade and I zoomed away, petals marking my way per usual. As I ran back to the print-room, I gave myself a small pep-talk.

Alright Ruby, you got this! Just go in and ask Weiss if she wants to have a chat over lunch, that should work. If not, just annoy her into caving when we're back at the dorm. It hasn't failed you yet!


There was a first time for everything. Including failing to get Weiss to sit down and talk out our differences, no matter how I whined or begged. In fact, as we sat around the kitchen table, Weiss wouldn't even look at me.

"So, at least all the posters are up." Blake tried to start, annoyed by the tense silence. "All we need to worry about now is that no one gets any bright ideas about the decorations."

Yang shrugged, attention on her scroll where she was trying to beat my high-score. "I already warned off the obvious culprits. Sun at least wants to keep things running smoothly since we're in charge, but I had to crack Sky and Cardin's heads to get the point across."

I sighed and leaned back, not even my nightly snack able to raise my mood. "It's the students from the other academies we should be worried about then. They may be the best from their respective countries, but that doesn't mean there aren't ding-dongs."

Weiss glanced at me, no doubt with a snide remark on her tongue, but I wasn't willing to hear it after getting ignored most of the day. "I'm tired, so I'll take first shower. Yang, remember your promise for tomorrow or so help me I won't style your hair."

My sister almost fell out of her chair in shock. "No, Ruby, you can't do that! There's no way I could find a hairdresser in time for the dance if you don't do my hair!"

"Then remember your promise." I reminded, our partners looking at us suspiciously. "Now, I need a hot shower."

I left to do just that, though not before seeing Blake look at Weiss with a hard glare. Don't know what that was about, but I was out of the room and under a relaxing stream of steaming water before I could find out.

While showers were normally my 'forget the world' time, I couldn't help but notice a scar on my side. It was the lone memento of the Qurupeco we fought all those months ago, when its talons had nearly disemboweled me. My aura hadn't been strong enough at the time to heal it completely, even with Dr. Nadya's help, so now I had the line of discoloration as a permanent reminder.


I jumped with what I assure you was not a squeal and turned to see Weiss's ponytail just inside the door, her back to the bathroom. "…What did I do this time? Blake and Pyrrha don't have anything left for us to do and Professor Ozpin told us we've done better than the last two committees put together."

I had to shout over the water, but Weiss heard me all the same. "I know, I saw the message. I simply wished to inform you I will be going to the Ball separately. Neptune wishes to speak with me prior to the opening ceremonies."

Oh, that was it? "Ok… don't see why you'd want to tell me. No, wait, Blake put you up to this didn't she?"

I couldn't see it, but Weiss clenched her hands. I could hear the tension in her voice though. "Not… quite. She simply reminded me that I'd yet to tell you of my plans, that's all there is to it."

"I thought I was a nuisance to your every plan?" I shot back, poking at a particularly heated moment from last week. "Besides, I thought you'd go separately anyway. Everyone else is."

Weiss's growl was loud even with the running water. "Stop acting like I stole your cookies. It's not my fault I've had entire classes dedicate to advertising while this was your first time."

"And it's not my fault you're too stuck in formality." I retaliated, grabbing my shampoo while I was at it. "Yes, it's a Ball, capital letter and everything. But, few if any of the students are high-society, so they won't listen to something using that kind of language. I thought Oobleck covered that as one of the reasons Vacuo almost went to war with Haven a hundred years ago."

I could almost hear her teeth grinding. "It is as much experience as anything, and don't pretend you knew anything about exposure. You just wanted to plaster the notices on every stone in the school."

I snorted and washed the suds out of my hair. This was getting us nowhere and I didn't want another fight to start while I was easily freezable. "Look, whatever. You do your thing for the dance and I'll do mine. Then we can get back to business as usual."

"That's it?" Weiss called at me. "We just… go back to normal? Like nothing happened?"

I sighed and turned off the water, my hope for relaxation ruined. "That's what this is all about right? The Ball's been nothing but stress on top of everything else, it's a big reason I've been so short with you. Once this is done, well, I'll think of something to apologize."

"Oh," Weiss said in a small voice. "I… suppose the stress has made me quite short as well. We've been acting like children all over again with this over our heads."

I was glad to have her agree for once. "Exactly, so just enjoy the dance with Neptune. Jaune's probably going to end up in a dress and Coco's going to steal the show with whatever she shows up in, so don't mind me. I'll be doing my best to keep Yang from running off."

I didn't get a response, so I finished up my routine and changed before climbing into my bed. Weiss had obviously left, but I wasn't willing to seek her out at this point. The exhaustion from two weeks of never-ending work was finally catching up to me and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

When I did, it was to a whispered conversation happening below me, the moon shining into the room.

"You didn't apologize? Dammit Weiss, this was the best chance you had!"

That was Yang. What did this have to do with apologies?

"I couldn't! That dolt started talking about things going back to normal even after we've been nothing but scathing for two weeks, how could I even start?"

That was Weiss… she wanted to apologize? Big thing for her, she tended to stand by her opinions even after we'd gotten her to mellow somewhat in our time here. Only time she'd honestly apologized was when she figured out we were message pals.

"There's still a chance for you to fix this Weiss. Ruby may think the matter's settled and done the moment the Ball's over, but we all know she bottles things up."

Blake, how could you?! I told you that about Yang in confidence, you weren't supposed to have intuition strike and figure me out too!

"Ok-ok, I know already. Just, let me figure out what to do, I'll have it done before the dance is over."

I heard Yang and Blake mutter something before watching them go back to bed. All was quiet after that, but I was wide-awake. That conversation had actually happened, as a pinch had confirmed, but I didn't know what to do with it.

Why did my life have to be a soap-opera when it wasn't semi-normal?

-Dance Night-

I still didn't know what to do with it the day of the dance. Yang had kept her promise to me and smuggled Crescent Rose into a side room, so I could get away from the dance after mingling for a while, so I helped her with her hair.

Really, that's what the previous day and most of today had been, getting ready. Yang was in a pretty white number and matching heels that had made passerby stop dead in their tracks when she'd first tried it on. Blake was going in a purple dress with a short slit in the skirt and black mesh over the top and various black swirls in the fabric and black pumps.

I swear Yang drooled when Blake first walked out in it.

Weiss was going in a pure white dress with cutouts on her waist, showing off the results of her diligent training. She had some mesh over her shoulders as well along with white pumps, though Yang teased it was so she could compensate for her short stature.

Finally, I was going in a sleeveless dress with the top split and crossed with lace while the skirt fell around my normal knees. I still haven't let Yang live that down, so you know. I also had on stockings and pumps of my own, but I couldn't walk well in them.

Team JNPR had the boys in suits while Nora walked out in pink dress with white skirt that looked like a heart. I had to wonder if Ren picked up on the symbolism, but who knew with him. Pyrrha was in a long sleeveless red dress with a short slit for movement. She even kept her circlet and earrings.

I hadn't seen Coco yet, but Yas and Fox had shown up shortly after the doors opened with their dates, two of the girls from Team NDGO. I'd only met them briefly when Sun brought them by with his team, the two teams having met soon after their mutual arrivals.

That's how I spent most of my time, helping Yang with the guest book and directing people to the various tables around the refurbished cafeteria. If nothing else, I had to congratulate Yas and Fox on their work with the decorations, the whole place was lovely.

Coco and Velvet showed up shortly before Ozpin was due to give his opening spiel and boy did they draw a crowd. Coco was in a white mermaid-tail dress that practically shimmered in the light with a string of pearls around her throat. She'd even foregone the sunglasses and beret in favor of wavy locks and silver earrings.

"Wow, Coco." Yang drawled as she walked up, Velvet hiding behind her in a far more modest dress that went from red at the top to yellow at the bottom like a sunset. "Try not to blind the room."

Coco flashed her famous designer smile. "It's the night to look your best, but Velv here convinced me to go with one of my more understated ensembles. Believe me, I had a real show picked out before hand."

"I have no doubt." Yang laughed before showing them the guest book. "Just sign and leave your time, then you can have fun. I heard Ozpin's speech is supposed to be short and Nora told me the DJ's almost done setting up."

Coco nodded and signed for them both. While she did that, I had a quick chat with Velvet. "Tell me, how hard was it to get into the back rooms like we mentioned?"

"Not terrible, but Professor Oobleck is a real hawk." Velvet answered. "Seeing those skeletons though… that's a real shock. I didn't think anything that wasn't a Grimm could get so large."

I nodded in sympathy. "Try fighting one when you don't know what it is. We're lucky they've been quiet recently, but I still feel like there's more going on."

"Now's not the time to think on it, Red." Coco interjected as she reclaimed her date. "Especially since we're all going on missions tomorrow. Have fun, enjoy the food, and dance if you feel like it."

She winked at me and swept Velvet into the party. While I appreciated the vote of confidence, I was probably just going to slink out of here after seeing Jaune figure out he had to keep his word. That would make the night worth it if nothing else.

"Yo, Neptune! Where's Snowflake?"

I looked from Coco's wake to find Neptune standing there with an awkward smile, alone. "Well… about that. I confessed about being a terrible dancer, but I put my foot in my mouth again and she stalked off. Think I saw her by one of the balconies as I shuffled my way here in shame."

That was news to me, and I couldn't help but start scanning the second-floor. Yang noticed, being the hopeless romantic she was, and took her shot. "Well, if you want to avoid facing your team for a little longer, mind taking over the podium? I have a dance reserved for tonight and Ruby here is probably the best person to go find Snowflake and drag her back."

I did not appreciate getting volunteered for that duty as my glare showed, but Yang just gave me her winning smile that could convince anyone and I was jelly. "Alright, just let me grab something and I'll go see if I can find her. Make sure you don't bruise Blake's foot alright?"

Yang flashed me a grin and we bid Neptune goodbye. Ozpin was at the stage by this point, but I ignored his words in favor of not tripping over myself. Thankfully, my little tight-rope act across the cafeteria gave me the chance to look around, and I spotted a familiar plume of white hair on one of the balconies upstairs.

After grabbing and stowing my sweetheart in the tote bag Yang had used, I made my way to the second floor. I couldn't walk out on the balcony when I found Weiss though…

She just looked so sad, despite the moon making her freaking glow.

Reason did win eventually, and I opened the doors to the balcony and stepped into the cool air. "Hey, what's up Weiss? Neptune, uh, came without you and we never saw you come in."

Weiss didn't look away from the moon, the mood changing to very awkward faster than Zwei on sweets. There really wasn't much I could do except walk over and make sure she knew I was there.

Music started coming through the open doors, the DJ starting up at last, but we stayed silent. Weiss was obviously thinking about something and it wasn't my place to pry.

"I… I'm sorry, Ruby." Weiss said after what felt like hours. "I've been a terrible friend and partner these last two weeks, even when I promised to be the best. Um… it may not mean much, but will you hear me out?"

I smiled and nodded, more than willing.

Weiss looked at me with a sad smile. "I… received some news, after we started working on the Ball. As you know, I don't have the best home life, but my dear father had heard I was part of this committee and would be sending someone to make sure I did things 'properly'."

Well, that would certainly get my goat. I'd heard all about Jacques Schnee and his demanding abuse towards my partner over our years of messaging, though I didn't know his name at the time. It appeared he was trying to continue his influence over Weiss even a world away.

"That included my dress, the catering, the decorations, the advertising, and even my date." Weiss continued with a long-suffering sigh. "The last one he was particularly vehement about, something relating to a proper lady's appearance in public and the company's image. Neptune's a nice guy, but as he showed today, he can be surprisingly insensitive. Wasn't even my first choice either, but the first wasn't interested."

I felt an odd stirring at that, but I had to ask. "Who did he send? I haven't seen you meeting anyone."

"Klein, the butler." Weiss answered, sinking further onto the balcony's rail. "He's one of the nice ones at least, but he's very professional. Reports were sent to my father every day, so calling me stressed is making light of it."

I nodded along, understanding perfectly. "Makes all the sense in the world, partner mine. I'm sorry for not noticing and being a pain in the neck."

"And I'm sorry for being a… bitch." Weiss mumbled, though I heard her all the same. "I should've just told you what was going on, saved the grief."

She glanced at me and frowned. "Wipe that smile off your face. I may admit it, but you said a lot of things that you know hurt."

I had and there wouldn't be a better time to reveal what I'd originally wanted to do. "Yeah… I'm really sorry for that. I was actually thinking to ask you to this dance as a peace offering, but then you asked Neptune so I thought you still… thought I was a nuisance."

"We need to work on our communication." Weiss quipped, drawing a weak giggle out of me. "Now what's that racket I hear?"

I blinked and went back inside, only to grin my widest grin. "Oh, it's Jaune keeping his word. Have to admit, lavender looks good on him."

Weiss joined me and we mutually marveled at Jaune in a dress owning the dance floor with his team while the DJ just ran with it. Everyone was cheering them on and having a great time, though it did come to an end eventually and it turned to partner dancing.

"I actually wanted to ask you first." Weiss stated with no warning or ability for me to prepare. "Really, this dance is more for flaunting teams and partners to the other schools. I have the best in our year, so I thought it only right, but Klein was very clear that my father would be most… upset if I did that."

Thankfully she was looking away and couldn't see my blush. "Well… I can't dance either, so I wouldn't be much of a partner at this thing anyway."

Weiss laughed and held out a hand. "Here, I'll teach you. Just be careful not to trample my toes or I'll seriously not speak to you until we head out tomorrow."

"You're asking a lot." I laughed weakly, though I still took her hand. "I still stumble in these shoes like a newborn deer."

Weiss raised a brow and bent down to undo her shoe straps, stepping out of them with a smile. "Then we won't wear them, at least for now. A quick and private lesson's no big deal."

"Who are you and what have you done with my partner?" I asked with as straight a face as I could muster.

Weiss smacked me with one of her discarded shoes. "Dolt. Are you going to get out of those unwieldy pumps, or do you prefer to stumble about?"

I hastily got out of the evil heels and let Weiss lead me back to the balcony. The DJ was going with a waltz, which Weiss knew incredibly well, so we started with that. Nothing more than simple steps and me trampling on her poor toes, but she wasn't too biting with the criticisms this time.

It was nice, and honestly made my heart flutter in ways that just seemed right.

Then it hit me like a damn wrecking ball through a wall.

Holy crap… do I like girls?

It would certainly explain a lot of things if I were to be honest. I mean, Yang was comfortably lesbian, though she pretended to be bi so the guys would spoil her. It would also explain why I got so very uncomfortable and flushed when we showered after practice.

The revelation didn't have much time to revel in its spotlight before something on the rooftops caught my eye. It was a silhouette, nothing more, but it was being sneaky and heading towards the CCT tower.

"Weiss, something's heading for the tower."

My voice snapped Weiss from a daze, her eyes shooting to where I was looking. "You don't think it's one of the smaller Beasts, do you?"

"I'm not keen to leave it to chance." I answered, separating from her and opening the tote bag. As my sweetheart unfurled, Weiss gave me a flat look. "Really? Were you just going to work on that thing if I wasn't here?"

I didn't deign to answer that accusation, more focused on our new target. "Doesn't matter, we need to move. You can still use glyphs even without Myrtenaster right?"

She answered by conjuring several glyphs and we ran after the shadow. Much to our alarm, the guards around the tower were knocked out, which immediately ruled out the Beasts. Those guys killed, no exceptions, so this was another party.

Guards inside were knocked out too, and our only guess was that someone wanted access to the terminals upstairs. Guards were KO'd in the elevator too, though the weapon marks on the walls were fresh.

When we arrived at the top, we were both very wary and looking around. Our culprit was bound to be in here, I could hear the computers whirring like they'd just turned on.

"Hold it right there!"

Weiss's shout brought a woman in a form-fitting outfit into sight, a mask covering most of her face. That didn't mean squat to me, so I opened fire. She was obviously trained, so a few rounds from my sweetheart would bruise at worst.

She dodged al of them though and charged me, a flash of fire turning into twin swords. I turned the blows aside at every turn, giving wise enough time to conjure a few glyphs and box her in.

She responded with crystals of fire dust, the flames destroying Weiss's glyphs. It was enough of a distraction for her to fly in and land a punishing kick to the woman's gut, which I followed with a good smack from the stock of my sweetheart.

The woman was clearly surprised by our hits but wasn't terribly perturbed either. Before we could continue our assault, she flipped away and summoned a bow with three arrows that flew straight at us. We dodged, but the arrows exploded and obscured our view long enough that when it cleared, the woman was gone.

Weiss immediately went to the computers and worked her magic. "Ruby, keep an eye on the elevator, someone's bound to have heard the racket. I'll deep scan these computers and see if there's anything missing."

I nodded and set up watch, only for the doors to part and admit a tall man in a white suit with grey hair and a very serious look on his face.

"Uh… aren't you General Ironwood?" I sort-of asked. I mean, I recognized him from when Penny introduced him a few days ago, but what was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be Penny's date as her father?

"I heard a commotion here and came to investigate." He answered, gesturing to the blast marks our short fight had made. "Would you care to explain why the guards are unconscious and the main communication center of Vale is in such disarray?"

I looked to Weiss and the General before groaning. "Before we do that, can I just ask if we'll get to go back to the dance?"

Ironwood's raised brow said it all.

"Dammit, I knew I should've listened to Penny."

Ironwood's other brow rose to meet its twin. "And what does my daughter have to do with this?"

I groaned again and slinked towards Weiss. "Nothing just get your questions ready and we'll regale you with our tales. It'll be fun!"

Well, as much as we could have with an upcoming interrogation. Not to mention the peeved look Ironwood sported at my less than respectful tone.


Ch. End

Alright ladies and gents, there's another chapter out for you to enjoy. And with it, you now know the five Elders that make up the bulk of our current antagonists and singular ally.

After all, even with a unified set of species, there will always be dissenters, it's a product of free will. Now though, Mt. Glenn is going to be full of action and beasties and Zwei being a badass when he decides to arrive.

All hail the corgi!

Anyway, that's all I have. See you all next time!