Hello all and welcome to my first Harry Potter fic. As you can guess, this is crossed with Shadow of Mordor, but there will be some Lord of the Rings stuff throughout it as Harry's enemies are going to be other Wraiths, both ones you all may know and ones that you don't, and this will have minor crossovers such as a person from here or there or items from here and there such as maybe Poison Ivy will show up as some kind of forest spirit or maybe I'll have potions that are in Warcraft be mentioned and used; and there may be other minor items such as that throughout it. Any people brought in will have their talents from wherever they are from, but there will be a magical reason for their talents if they aren't natural talents. Please feel free to recommend things or people that you would like to see in this fic, just please explain why I should use them and, if it is a woman, don't say she is hot and should be paired with Harry.

Moving on, I don't have all the bashings planned out but these are what I have decided just so you all who dislike certain fics can be aware as we go: Ron (never gonna stop bashing until we get to a point where he's gonna have to die or be imprisoned); Draco Malfoy (gonna be bashed for a while before being forgiven); Crabbe and Goyle (same as Ron); Snape (same as Draco); Dumbledore (some but undecided to what extent it will go); Fudge (OH YEAH!); Umbridge (YUP… unless someone wants me to pair her with Harry which would need some good reasons but she may be good looking under that stupid sweater and other heavier clothes); and Lucius (Yup). The rest of the Weasleys are up for debate except the Twins since I won't be bashing them.

Now as for pairings, I have a few picked, but for now I'm only telling you all about Luna Lovegood, Susan Bones, and Fleur Delacour. I will say a couple of the ones picked are older women and some are not from Harry Potter nor are they human, but speculation is up to you guys till they are paired and you guys can recommend other girls/women for Harry. Now before anyone accuses me, I have nothing against Hermione and/or Ginny but they are used a lot so I figured I'd leave it up to you guys since some people feel strongly about whether they are in the harem or not. Regardless though, Hermione will be getting a little bashing later on, but nothing serious just a bit of guilt tripping.

Next, this is starting during the summer after Harry's Third Year. This was both because I needed a certain incident right before he began changing and I wanted him to be in the Triwizard Tournament, which partially has to do with him getting Fleur and partially because I want him to have an audience for an event I have planned.

Harry will be pretty OP since he doesn't need to collect Heirlooms since Talion's sword is bound to him and even though Harry will collect items they aren't all keyed to his Wraith powers as they will either give him brand new powers or help him physically with the exception of Acharn and Azkâr since they are keyed to his powers such as the long range attacks or the stealth manoeuvers. Plus, Talion is not like Celebrimbor; he remembers his life and continued living it while keeping his powers, both old and a few new, since his time in Mordor. So Harry will have the abilities from Talion and will gain new ones with some of the items or will be able to do some abilities once he gets a certain item.

If my timeline is off on some muggle items or events, as I never paid attention to when Harry Potter took place, then I apologize but I'm just gonna roll with it.

This is not gonna start immediately with him going back to Hogwarts once he gets his powers, but it isn't gonna be dragged on and on before he returns to Hogwarts either. Also there will be lemons in the future, but that is still a ways off like at least not till after the first task… which I have no idea how many chapter will be between now and then.

Also, I'm not British so I have no idea if at times I have Harry and others from Britain speak properly, so I am just going to drop all accents and such and use American English since I won't do British terms and such correctly and I don't want to try and do Fleur's, Krum's, or anyone's accent since I am 90% likely to butcher them.

Naturally, this is gonna have my own spin and ideas of what happened after Shadow of Mordor's story, which I look forward to the continuance of since there have been several rumors that there IS going to be a sequel and possible plans to give a reveal at E3 this year (2017), and what would have be interesting or cool to discover Talion did after the events of "The Return of the King."

Lastly, this chapter is going to be more of an explanation and setup chapter since it is the prologue/first chapter of the fic.

Anyway, that should be it, hope you all enjoy and please review at the end.

WARNING: This fic contains SPOILERS for Shadow of Mordor and will be altering the Lord of the Rings Canon slightly: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, Shadow of Mordor, or anything that isn't a custom item, which should be obvious at times. If I did own Harry Potter, he would have had an Animagus form that Sirius would train him in.

(Author's Notes)



"Language other than English"

'Mental speech'

"Wraith, Dragon, non-humanoid speech"

(Above's thoughts)

"Above in other language"

'Above's mental speech'



Chapter 1: To Become a Wraith

England: Number 4 Privet Drive: Harry's room

Harry lied in his bed tossing and turning in his sleep as he had for the past week. It had been a little under 2 weeks since he returned from Hogwarts after learning he had a godfather that was framed and sent to Azkaban , meeting said godfather, saved said godfather from an army of Dementors, and then had to say goodbye to him so he could hide from the Ministry of Magic. However, none of that was what was plaguing his sleep. Ever since those Dementors came close to sucking his soul out, before his future-self intervened with a Patronus, he had been plagued with dreams of another time and place and had realized a few days ago that they were memories of another person. He was having one such dream tonight: the night that would change everything.

The Dream

It was pouring rain as Harry felt pain in his body as he found himself forced to his knees by three dark individuals and hideous creatures while a woman and young man were near him and grunting/screaming before he heard a sword being drawn and the young man was forced to the ground as he spoke, "Father." He stated with gritted teeth and Harry could see the fear in his eyes.

Harry was then surprised when he heard a voice coming from himself, "Dirhael, look at me. I'm right here, son. I'm right here." The deep yet scared male voice stated as it tried to reassure his son.

However, it was for naught as a cloaked dark figure walked by and slit the boy's throat while speaking, "A sacrifice of blood and bone." The figure stated in another language as the woman screamed and Harry, or rather whoever Harry was seeing this through, grunted in rage as he struggled as the figure spoke again, "A bridge for you to follow." Thunder then struck as the woman was crying, "You will emerge a shadow."

The dark figure continued as Harry was forced up to look at the woman, who only possessed sadness, fear, and love in her eyes, "Ioreth." Harry heard from his body again as the woman cried and rain fell harder while Harry heard the woman cry, 'Talion', and the person Harry was seeing through struggled even more, "Ioreth." He stated through gritted teeth and the woman wept as the dark cloaked figure approached her.

"We'll be together my love! Soon! Forever!" She cried before she had her chin cupped and then she too had her throat slit and Harry wished he could look away, but he had no control over the body he was seeing through.

The dark figure then spoke the same words again, "A sacrifice of blood and bone, a bridge for you to follow, you will emerge a shadow." The body Harry was in grunted and struggled before his head was grasped and pulled back before his throat was slit slowly as Harry stared at the pale man with dark/evil eyes that made Voldemort's seem like nothing more than simple glare from a child, "A sacrifice of blood and bone, a bridge for you to follow, you will emerge a shadow." The figure stated again before stepping away and turned to the dark skies with his arms open, "Come back to me, Elf Lord." He stated in his dark and raspy voice as Harry felt the life drain from him.

He then saw nothing but darkness before blue fire blasted out and took the form of an eye with the pupil being a white outline of a person before it too blasted out and Harry found himself in a dark desolate place with winds howling everywhere. He then felt himself begin looking around, "What is this place?" He heard his body's voice say as it kept looking around before a white apparition appeared.

"See for yourself." It stated in a rather warped voice as it motioned to Harry's right before he shakily moved to the edge of some kind of platform and saw a barren desolate landscape of the normal world.

"Mordor…" His body stated as it moved away past the apparition that appeared like a decaying Elf.

"Now do you believe me, Ranger?" The Elf asked as Harry's body tried to walk and stumbled past some ghostly torch stand and an anvil.

"What's happened to me?" His body asked as it stared at his left hand that was glowing slightly through a puncture wound that went through it.

"You are banished from death: Cast adrift between the worlds of light and dark. A curse binds us together within the walls of Arda." The Elf stated making Harry's body look up at him with his hands lowering but felt the man's desire for answers.

"If what you say is true, then how do we break this curse?" The voice asked desperately and Harry could tell he hated being this way and not with the woman and his son.

"We find the one that cast it upon us… The Black Hand of Sauron." The Elf stated as the two stared at each other before Harry walked to the edge of the platform and Harry could see a large black, gothic, metal gate in the distance as a dusty wind raged throughout the area.

As he did, Harry suddenly went forward and floated in the air before he turned and saw the body he was in: The man was middle aged but clearly fit and wore light armor, a cloak that was torn and tattered along the bottom, a tunic was on his torso, his arms were bare between the tunic and the furred bracers on his wrists, some pockets and a canteen hung from him, boots, trousers, and had a sword and broken sword on his back. The man's face showed brunette hair and a beard/goatee with eyes showing he was no stranger to battle.

However, Harry got a surprise when the man seemed to stare at him right into his soul, "Awaken." He stated as it seemed to reverberate in the area before Harry saw nothing else.

Back in Harry's Room

Harry bolted up right sweating and gasping for breath in his bed even as Hedwig cooed slightly to ease her owner/friend while the night sky had yet to leave. Harry sighed as he wiped some sweat from his head and put his glasses on as he steadied himself since that dream was longer and seemed more real than any of the others. He had dreamed of fighting armies of creatures and beasts and tearing through them all and even brainwashing some to serve him; fighting an armored individual with a large mace before shoving the broken sword into his face and tore it out; fighting a different armored figure with two blades before stabbing him repeatedly with the broken sword that was reforged into an ornate knife; and then a hooded figure that changed into an armored figure of death before killing that figure as well.

He hadn't told anyone about his dreams: his few relatives would just chalk it up to being a freak: Sirius was going to contact him first before Harry was supposed try and contact him; Lupin was the same since he was also dealing with his Werewolf problem while trying to help Sirius; Dumbledore was out since at times Harry felt the man was keeping too many things from him along with some of the teachers and was trying to dictate parts of his life; Hagrid was busy helping the animals he watched over for pay in the Summer; and his so called friends Ron and Hermione hadn't written him once in the two weeks since School ended despite them claiming they'd write him every week.

Harry shook those depressing thoughts away and stood before heading downstairs quietly to grab a drink of water. However, as he moved he felt like someone was watching him and was glad he had his wand on him since he was using it to give some light as he got a glass of water and drank it in the kitchen before heading up stairs again. However, he paused when he heard a swoosh of air behind him and turned with his wand at the ready only to see no one there. Frowning to himself, he slowly climbed the stairs while looking up, down, and side to side as he went before he turned at hearing another swoosh.

Again, he found nothing and frowned further as he made his way back to his room and saw Hedwig dozing lightly since unlike normal owls, she was used to sleeping either at night or day depending on what her owner needed. Harry sighed slightly before he felt something near him and looked around and it seemed Hedwig felt the same thing as she awoke too.

Harry looked around the room intently before he widened his eyes as he began seeing that same darker world from the dream before a glowing figure appeared, "Do not fear me, boy." The figure stated and Harry recognized the voice as the man from his dreams only now his voice reverberated just at the Elf's did.

"Who are you?" Harry asked quietly since he didn't want his relatives to come in the room and the man smiled slightly.

"My name is Talion and if you remain calm, then I will explain some things to you." The now named Talion stated and Harry slowly lowered his wand, "Good, now as you saw from the dream, I and my family were killed in a ritual to summon a spirit. That spirit was an Elven king named Celebrimbor and he and I joined together with my body being physical and his being spiritual as he was a Wraith. We fought through countless enemies butchering any and all Orcs, those hideous creatures you've seen in your dreams, that got in our way as we fought our way to the one who killed my family and put me between the worlds as well as the one who ordered it. We did it when we faced his servant, the Hand of Sauron, and Sauron possessed him after imprisoning Celebrimbor within himself but Celebrimbor fought back and gave me the chance to destroy the Dark Lord's physical body resulting in a release of power and his pure hatred of being denied again. When it was over, Celebrimbor and I decided to remain among the living to stall the Dark Lord Sauron's forces and return to give the world time to prepare and counter him and we even took a page from our enemy's book and created a Ring of Power." Talion began as Harry listened to him tell the summarized version of his story and was interested in it.

"However, we discovered that Celebrimbor and I were affected by the Dark Lord's lingering influence and sought to remedy that, which we did by finally relinquishing our hatred of him and forgiving ourselves for the roles we played, whether real or imagined, in the deaths of our families and then created the ring in the way Celebrimbor had done for the Elves centuries before. We used the ring to grant us better control over our powers as well as bind Celebrimbor to my body unless he passed on to prevent the Dark Lord from tearing Celebrimbor from my body again and it helped increase our powers as we could interact and control all of the Uruk, that is the racial name for the main branch of Orc we killed, that we had branded, or brainwashed if you prefer, to fight for us with Celebrimbor's title of The Bright Lord being the name they declared they served and it didn't matter the distance from which we gave the orders." Talion continued seeing Harry enraptured by the story clearly pleased that he was now making sense of the dreams he had.

"We continued this for almost 60 years as we made our own army and had them scatter amongst the Dark Lord's forces sowing dissension, mistrust, paranoia, and in-fighting to keep the soldiers and the Dark Lord focused on us and it worked to a point. What we didn't know was that the Dark Lord had gained an ally outside of Mordor and he began using his own forces to attack while some of the Dark Lord's forces left Mordor and began to attack my home country of Gondor, but still we fought to contain the majority of his army and presence in Mordor especially since the Dark Lord was less than pleased with yet another Ring of Power from Celebrimbor that he did not possess or have control over." Talion stated before chuckling a little at the next part since it seemed ironic in a sense.

"Then the Dark Lord was defeated and not by some army, great hero, all powerful wizard or warrior, but by a Hobbit of all things. A being from a race considered so insignificant that many never even notice when they were in the room and it showed that courage and strength of Heart matter more than anything as the Hobbit had to carry Sauron's prized Ring of Power that was tainted by his soul and influence from the Hobbit's home in the Shire to the flames of the great Mountain in Mordor: a distance that was beyond 500 Leagues all the while having to resist the call of the Ring to give himself over to it and Sauron with the constant whispers of power." Talion stated and saw Harry was clearly impressed with the Hobbit since it sounded as if this Ring was like Voldemort's diary that possessed Ginny Weasley in his second year at Hogwarts only even more evil and cruel.

"After that, Celebrimbor was able to pass on to the next life, but I stayed with our powers intact as I felt there was still work for me to do in the world. So I traveled, stopped bandits, Goblins, Trolls, and Orcs when they rose up or caused problems and even reunited with three friends: A Dwarven Hunter named Torvin, a Human named Hirgon, and a Human woman named Lithariel. The first was a hunter that I aided and we became friends, the second was a Lieutenant of mine when I was a captain in charge of defending that large black gate you saw, and the last was a woman that came to get my aid against the Uruks and she and I became close and she became my second bride later on." Talion stated with a small smile on his face as he remembered his time with his wife and friends.

"Time passed and Torvin and Hirgon passed on, but Torvin gave me something as a sign of us being brothers: He gave me part of his soul that was turned into a Wraith and it fused with me giving me some new skills and abilities and Hirgon passed on all his knowledge of herbs and anything that may prove useful. Lithariel didn't die or pass on as she and I were bound together when we married since apparently when a Wraith swears something involving Life and Death, such as the part of the vows that say 'Till death do we part', then magic and death takes it very seriously especially since I couldn't depart when I died since I was still banished from death." Talion informed surprising Harry a lot, "So we wandered for almost three centuries before we discovered there were other Wraiths, the ones that served Sauron, out in the world and they were hunting us since we were considered a possible threat." Talion stated and Harry was shocked further by the statement since he figured they died when the Dark Lord did, but then again, that's what everyone thought of the Death Eaters too.

Talion sighed slightly before he continued, "Naturally, we were worried, even if they only had what we thought to be 8 members, but we were wrong. Apparently after the death of their Lord, who they were bound to serve, they lost control of their powers and went dormant for a time before they regained control and then began finding and converting others into Wraiths to make their own army. We fought and destroyed many of them, but we were unprepared for when their leader, the Witch King of Angmar, came after us as we thought he was destroyed in a great battle that took place in Gondor, but we forgot something very important: Their souls were bound to their own Rings of Power and so long as they existed then the Wraiths would return and all that happened at the battle was that he lost a great deal of power and had to take his time to reform since he did take a serious injury… just not from the person we thought. You see, there was a prophecy that stated that no man would kill him and at the battle it was a woman that struck him down with the help of a Halfling/Hobbit, but we misinterpreted the prophecy. It actually meant no one of mankind, in other words Human, could kill him since at the time we weren't called mankind or human, our race was just called man, but when the Halfling stabbed him he took a major injury because Halflings are only half Human so he was able to at least wound the bastard and that weakened him to the point he had to reform when the woman struck him and it also worked better because the blade used by the Halfling was blessed to fight against the darkness of Mordor."

Talion explained with Harry nodding since it made sense, "We both fought him together and were holding our own before he called more of his Wraiths to face us and we were slowly overwhelmed before Lithariel was brought down, but rather than be converted into his slave she smiled at me and released all her power in an explosion while telling me to run. I did as she asked once I realized that there was no stopping her and I continued to run and train for years even as my mortal body faded and I remained in the Wraith world more and more while developing my powers to their fullest extent while also keeping an eye on artifacts from my time in the world and time passed till here and now." Talion finished sadly while Harry nodded and felt bad for the man.

"So what does that have to do with me?" Harry asked curiously and Talion took a moment before answering.

"You are like me, Harry." He stated shocking Harry, "I have watched many people over the millennia and have kept an eye on anyone of my line since Lithariel and I did have children even if they didn't show to have powers. Your mother was of that line and I was there the night your parents died." He stated shocking Harry further since Talion had just stated that he was Harry's ancestor, "When Voldemort launched that killing curse at you, he didn't know that your mother placed an ancient form of magic over you that dated back to my time in the world and the curse partially rebounded on him and killed him. However, it also wounded your soul, which is evidenced by your eyes being the same color as the curse, and moved you right to the edge of becoming banished from death like I was. Then, *sigh*, then came the events of a few weeks ago, when you were attacked by those Dementors." He stated and Harry nodded while having a sinking feeling in his gut.

"Those Dementors weren't attracted to you because you were full of sadness and terrible memories; they were attracted to you because you were my descendant." He stated making Harry widen his eyes since that meant one thing, "What you call Dementors are in fact the modern day appearance of the Wraiths and that attack you survived with your godfather pushed you over the edge and allowed me to contact you since they will come for you now when you least suspect it since you know how to keep them away with your wand." Talion informed then warned and Harry was both shocked and confused.

"But I thought Dementors sucked out a soul and fed off it while the Patronus gave them something else to feed on so they would leave." Harry stated and Talion shook his head.

"They don't feed on the soul, they suck it out and then turn the soul into a Wraith to serve them when they are out of the view of anyone who could interfere and the Patronus doesn't make a shield they feed off of: It literally splits the Wraith World from the Mortal world within the bubble or shield thus making it so a Wraith cannot cross there as it is sealed off from the Wraith World where their souls truly reside. You are unaffected because you still have a tie to the mortal plain, which is your body, while the other Wraiths are either just souls or have allowed their bodies to be fully consumed by the Wraith world, which is also why I am slightly immune since I can be in the bubble but I have no powers while doing so." Talion explained shocking Harry as he had to steady himself slightly from the revelations he was getting.

"I'm here right now because you need training and some place safe to do it as well as gain access to your powers, which is where I will come in." Talion stated making Harry look at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he wondered how Talion was going to give him anything unless he was bound to Harry's body like Celebrimbor was to Talion.

"I will do a form of the magic Celebrimbor used to attach himself to my body, but this time once you're body is ready all my powers, skills, memories, and knowledge will be yours and I will pass on to be with my two wives and descendants that await me there." Talion stated before he approached ignoring the shocked face on Harry before he knelt and stared at Harry's scar, "I'll also purge that tainted soul from your body." He stated and Harry looked at him in confusion and shock.

"Wait, what?!" He stated as he didn't know that he was possessed or something along those lines.

"It would appear that when Voldemort hit you with that curse and it rebounded, he inadvertently tied a piece of his soul to you. If I recall correctly, your world began calling these types of items Horcruxes and they essentially are the exact same as the Rings of Power, so long as the items exist then the person will never truly be dead as death cannot claim them entirely." Talion stated shocking Harry before said boy went deep in thought.

"So… as long as I was alive then Voldemort was never going to die and there may be other items like Tom Riddle's Diary that I destroyed with the Basilisk tooth in my second year… even if the damn thing nearly killed me with its venom." He stated looking down intently and missed the surprised and happy expression on Talion's face.

"You faced a basilisk and survived its venom?!" Talion asked excitedly and Harry nodded with a frown as he looked at him, "My boy that is good news, thanks to your status before the Dementors, your body probably kept some of the venom within you and began magically altering it to your body and now that your fully between life and death it should be able to take completely. What this means is that your body will be immune to any poison or venom that isn't more potent than a Basilisk's and since they have one of the world's three most potent venoms, you're practically guaranteed to be protected from now on." Talion informed and Harry widened his eyes slightly as Talion composed himself, "To get back on track, tonight you need to rest up and in the morning you need to get one of your relatives to take you to the shopping district so you can get some money and a trunk to pack up as our bonding and the removal of that soul piece will cause quite a bit of damage to the surrounding area so you'll be leaving here and probably won't have to come back once we have begun the union as I can help with getting you free of any and all guardians you don't want." Talion stated and Harry widened his eyes in joy at the thought of leaving the Dursleys and not having to be brought back.

"Alright, is there anything specific I should bring with me to the shopping area?" He asked and Talion shook his head.

"No, but you should have that Elf Dobby come and help you pack and maybe work for you since he wouldn't mind helping you and you could pay him instead of binding him along with any other Elves that may want a master." Talion suggested and Harry smiled and nodded since he knew he could count on Dobby for help, "Good, now get some sleep. I'll keep watch." Talion stated and Harry nodded before going to sleep with a small smile on his face for the first time in a long time while Talion planned out a training regimen for Harry since the boy needed to get healthy and to get in shape to use a sword or other weapon since the only thing that can truly kill a Wraith, if they don't have an item binding them to the world, was another Wraith.

The next morning

Harry awoke a little early and dressed himself in the only clothes that actually fit him before taking his wand and let Hedwig out to get some fresh air, "Dobby." Harry called out before a moment later said House Elf popped in.

"Hello Harry Potter, what can Dobby do for you?" He asked excitedly since he was both bored and happy to help Harry. Harry smiled at his friend and looked at him.

"Can you get everything in here that belongs to me ready to be packed for when I come back here? I can pay you for the trouble." Harry asked then stated and Dobby smiled before shaking his head.

"No need sir, Dobby would be happy to help, where is Harry Potter going though?" Dobby asked confusedly and Harry smiled slightly.

"I am leaving here so I can get some training from an old ancestor who's a ghost." Harry stated and Dobby nodded before he surprised Harry by looking at Talion, who was leaning against the wall and showed he was surprised too.

"Is that him against the wall there sir?" Dobby asked and Harry looked confused before Dobby smiled, "I've seen many things sir, but I have come close to death once or twice so I can see him though he is not like any ghost I have seen before sir." Dobby explained and Harry saddened at Dobby nearly being killed at some point and he smiled before patting Dobby on the head.

"I'll tell you later, right now I have to go." Harry stated and Dobby nodded before he got to work while Harry and Talion went downstairs and saw the Dursleys already up and going about their day, "Uncle Vernon, can I ask you something?" Harry asked and Vernon sighed in annoyance while Petunia and Dudley looked at him.

"What is it boy?" He asked clearly annoyed and Harry sighed.

"Could you take me into London?" He asked and saw the confused looks before he elaborated, "I want to go and get something that comes from my world that will let me pack my things, and I do mean mine, since I'm going to be moving out. I don't need money, I just need a ride to and from where I need to go and then I'll be out of your hair once I pack." Harry stated surprising the three before Vernon cleared his throat slightly.

"I suppose I could give you a lift, but no funny business while in the car." He stated trying to contain his glee while Petunia and Dudley were happy as well and Harry nodded his thanks before he went to sit down in the living area since Petunia was in such a good mood she wasn't going to ask him to cook that morning.

2 hours later: Leaky Cauldron

Harry walked into the Leaky Cauldron while Vernon waited in the car with a fresh newspaper and he noticed that it was a little more packed than it was when he came here with Hagrid his first year. Naturally, many of the patrons gave acknowledgement to him as he went by and Harry gave some back before he entered Diagon Alley.

His first stop was to Gringotts where the Goblin Griphook took him to his vault and Harry took about 550 Galleons, which was a decent dent into his family vault, and put it into a charmed money bag that Griphook gave him to use before he went straight to a trunk store, "Good afternoon, how can I help… by Merlin, I never thought Harry Potter of all people would enter my shop." The shopkeeper, a man named Tobias, stated as he started saying before seeing Harry there.

Harry chuckled while shaking his head before he walked forward and shook the man's hand before getting down to business, "I'm looking for a large storage trunk that can be shrunk to fit inside say a coat pocket but can still hold a large number of items." He stated and the man smiled before taking him to the back where he had 5 large trunks there each had to be at least a foot and a half tall.

"Each of these could hold a two story house's worth of items, but the three ebony ones on the left are multi-tiered trunks that have at least 5 compartments and each can hold the same number of items. All of them can be shrunk to fit inside a pocket without harming them or the items they contain." He stated seeing Harry looking on approvingly, "Normally altogether I would fetch about 700 gold galleons if I sold them individually, but for you, and if you buy them all, I'll discount it to 400 galleons and even throw security and protection charms for only 50 Galleons." Tobias offered and Harry nodded before Tobias shrunk the trunks down to the size of some of those Lego blocks Dudley used to have and handed them to Harry before Harry paid the man and bid him good day.

As they left, Talion spoke, "You should get some extra writing instruments so you can practice the art of drawing and making runes since they will be invaluable to you from now on." He stated and Harry nodded before heading to a supply store and bought 10 inkwells and quills and several stacks of parchment, "Good, now you'll need some new clothes too since robes will not do for your training so I suggest something along the lines of a tunic, trousers, and boots for now and anything else you need we can get later." Talion instructed and Harry nodded before going to Madam Malkin's for the clothes.

The woman warmly welcomed Harry as she had been rather nice to him the first and third years he had come here and naturally this drew some people's interest that were in the shop and Harry noticed a Hufflepuff student named Susan Bones was there with her aunt, Amelia Bones if he recalled from the one other time he had bumped into Susan which was at the platform for the Hogwarts Express. Quickly glancing over the room, he noticed a girl he thought was cute for a time from Ravenclaw named Cho was there too along with one or two other girls from Slytherin, "Harry, dear, how are you? What can I get you today?" Madam Malkin greeted and asked and Harry chuckled at her friendly personality since he knew she could be scarier than a Basilisk if she got mad.

"Hello Madam Malkin, I was wondering if you perhaps had or could make me some specific clothes and boots, even if they are rather plain compared to your other wares." He stated and she raised a curious eyebrow while the mentioned girls and woman were also curious but hid it by pretending to look through the racks of items.

"I don't see why not, what are you looking for exactly?" She asked since she didn't like doing plain clothes, but Harry was always polite and respectful when he came in and didn't object if she offered her opinion on the clothes.

"A tunic, some trousers that could allow for movement but still keep me warm if it gets cold, a pair of boots, and if they could all have charms to either repair themselves or be sent here when I take them off so they could be repaired if they get damaged." He stated catching all of them by surprise and creating more interest.

"I can certainly do that since I used to make dueling tunics and travelers pants and boots before things got so easy to get around and dueling had lost popularity, but may I ask why you need them?" She stated then questioned and Harry chuckled a little.

"Just going to be doing a bit of training with a distant relative of mine and he said robes wouldn't work well for it and if the clothes get damaged by accident I don't want your hard work to go to waste." He stated and she nodded accepting the answer.

"Alright, wait here and I'll see if I still have any that may fit you, though I may need to resize you since you look like you grew a bit." She stated and Harry nodded before he realized he had felt a bit taller and his body filled out a bit more from what he could tell.

"It's being around me, my presence is making your inner Wraith awaken and it's fixing your body slowly while it will be fixed almost completely once we are bonded." Talion informed and Harry gave a brief nod while making it look like he was merely popping his neck.

Before long, Madam Malkin called him to a dressing room and he entered and changed into items which included a cloak since Malkin stated it went with the attire and changed before coming out and made the girls of Hogwarts stop dead in their tracks. The tunic was black with crimson accents with the area to button it and the thin collar were crimson as well, the trousers were a deep grey with silver linings, the boots were black hardened leather and the cloak was grey with the pin to hold it being a dragon's head. The part that made them stop was that the clothes hugged his body to show his now slightly lean body that showed he had some muscle to him and the items gave him a bit of a regal look.

Madam Malkin giggled at the girls' reaction, "I think that look suits you Harry." She stated and he nodded before going back to the changing room and came back in his earlier clothes with the others now neatly folded and Madam Malkin bundled them up for him.

"If you don't mind me asking Harry, why didn't your relative take you to train before now?" She asked since she wondered why now and not before his first year.

Harry looked down a little, "He didn't know about me until my godfather Sirius Black contacted him about me. I kinda wish Sirius were training me and he had wanted to, but since he has to run or be arrested for crimes he was framed for, he got ahold of the next person that could." He stated surprising people that Harry knew Sirius and the comment of him being framed made Amelia Bones, who was the head of the DMLE (Department of Magical Law Enforcement), frown slightly.

Malkin frowned herself, "Framed? I thought he was found guilty of murder of both Muggles and a man named Peter Pettigrew?" She stated and Harry snorted loudly.

"If by found guilty, you mean sentenced to Azkaban without a trial, lawyer, or any evidence to say he committed the crime, then yes he was found guilty." He stated shocking all of the people that came in the store, "And let's not forget that Pettigrew is alive and just hiding since he's an unregistered Animagus that can turn into a rat that was living with the Weasley Family for years." He stated shocking them further before Amelia came up to him and he looked at her curiously.

"Do you have anything to support these claims?" She asked seriously and Harry didn't bat an eyelash.

"The so called trial would be in the records and I have my own memories of the event and would even testify under magical oath that I saw Pettigrew and heard him admit to working for the Dark Lord." Harry stated before his eyes flashed with anger and his hands turned to fists, which everyone noticed, "There is also the case of the bastard admitting to betraying my parents to the Dark Lord thus resulting in their deaths." He stated with clear anger while everyone was further shocked and Amelia frowned since this could pose a problem.

"Could you meet me in a few days to have an interview and possibly convince your godfather to come in as well? I swear I won't let him be arrested until I am done looking into things." She asked then stated and Harry narrowed his eyes at her.

"And who exactly are you? I don't really care for reporters." He stated and a few were shocked that he didn't know her.

"She's the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Harry, how did you not know?" Madam Malkin asked and Harry snorted.

"I was raised by Muggles for most of my life and they kept my heritage hidden from me, which was due in no small part to the Ministry's railroading of my godfather since he was supposed to be my caretaker not my mother's sister's family." He stated with no small part of venom aimed at the Ministry for their treatment of Sirius and damning him to the Dursleys and Amelia had the decency to flinch since, if the boy's appearance was anything to go by, then the family wasn't all that caring.

"I see, well I will personally look into your godfather's case." She stated and Harry frowned before nodding.

"I'll see what I can do; it should be fine afterwards since ironically there is no law against breaking out of Azkaban, which is probably since no one thought it was possible." He stated since he had done a bit of research in the Library before the summer looking for ways to help Sirius' case.

Amelia made a note to look into that and if it was true then she would need to bring it up to be put into law with the stipulation that Sirius not be tried since he very well could be innocent, "Alright then, I'll owl you with a time and place." She stated and Harry nodded before he took his things and turned to leave before he paused.

"I read somewhere that you can literally pull memories from someone in order to view them yourself, can you do that?" He asked and Amelia nodded, "Bring whatever you need to do that since if someone doesn't want to take my word under oath or anything then they can't dispute my memories." He stated and she widened her eyes slightly before nodding, "Thank you." He stated before he left leaving several stunned and confused people behind.

Harry sighed slightly since he felt a little better after getting some of that weight off his chest and possibly get Sirius some help, "That was well played, Harry, should she prove to be corrupt, you have plenty of witnesses and your memory too should it be needed since with your powers growing it will be increasingly difficult to alter or interfere with your mind." Talion stated and Harry nodded before he stopped and put his clothes in one of his trunks before heading back to Vernon's car.

The ride home was silent as Vernon didn't ask any questions or make any comments and just drove. When they arrived back at the house, Harry went straight to his room and helped Dobby put his items into the trunk that held his newer clothes before he wrote a quick letter to Sirius: Dear Padfoot, I am writing you this letter as I may have found a way to get you cleared of the charges you are accused of. I went to Diagon Alley today to get a few items I needed for something that I would prefer to tell you about in person and met a woman named Amelia Bones, who is the head of the DMLE and at the time I was annoyed because of the Dursleys and I let it slip that I had seen Wormtail and that you had a crap excuse for a trial, if you even want to call it that, and she became very interested and as such wants to interview me.

This came about since I swore that I was willing to take a magical oath that I had seen Wormtail alive and that he confessed to his crimes and even offered to let her see my memories since I read that such a thing is possible. If you are worried about escaping Azkaban, don't be since I found out there isn't any law saying it's illegal to break out so they can't charge you for that. She requested to meet you, which I assume is to either have you swear an oath, view your memories, or some other way to see if you are telling the truth.

I am to meet her within the next couple of days to have my interview and will try to get her to let Moony and myself be present during yours if it helps. If this is a setup somehow and they try to use me to trap you, then Dobby will be our warning. I'll have him present every time I write a letter and he will be the one to deliver it to you. If he does not deliver it or has not seen me write a letter, then you will know it is a fake and should ignore it.

Stay safe Padfoot, I hope to hear from you soon.


P.S. How's Buckbeak?

"Dobby, do you know where Sirius is?" He asked as he finished writing the letter and figured Dobby would know since Harry had told Remus to contact Dobby if they needed any help and was sure they had done so and Dobby frowned before shaking his head slightly.

"No sir, but Dobby can find him quickly enough. Dobby saw him a week and a half ago before he had to leave quickly." He stated cheerily and Harry nodded before handing the letter to him.

"Give this to Sirius and only Sirius and tell him to write back and give it to you to bring to me." He stated and Dobby nodded before he popped away and Harry took his trunk and shrunk it down before pocketing it and leaving with the Dursleys waving goodbye with shit-eating grins on their faces. Harry merely rolled his eyes before calling for the Wizarding Bus and got a ride back to the Leaky Cauldron where Harry then got a private room and relaxed for a bit.

It was a couple hours later when Dobby popped back in and gave Harry Sirius' reply: Dear Harry, thank you for trying to get me free and I'm glad it was Amelia that you found. You see, she has always been one for justice, true justice not what the ministry considered justice at times. I'm glad that you've thought some of this through on how to deal with this if it is a trap for me and I would be more comfortable if you and Moony were there so let me know when and where and I'll see what I can do.

Also, another reason you can trust Amelia is that, unless things have changed, the Bones Family were allies with the Potter family so they should still be trustworthy since they bound themselves via a contract. I don't know the exact details so you may have to ask Amelia about it. Though try and keep it to just you two since your families didn't want others trying to butt into their alliance through marrying in.

I am interested in why you were at Diagon by yourself, but I will wait till we can talk face to face like you asked though to tease a dog with a bone is not always wise. Hehe. Anyway, if this does work out then I hope you will accept my previous offer of staying with me over your other relatives.

Also, for educational purposes of course and not because I want to train you to be a new Marauder *wink*, the ministry has a concoction called Veritaserum, which is a powerful truth serum that makes the user have to speak the truth. There are also mind arts called Legilimency and Occlumency with the former being an attack or invasion of someone's mind to learn their secrets, emotions, thoughts, and memories and the latter is the defense of such things. Now I would never directly tell you to do these things, but if you were I would worry about Occlumency first and foremost since people have said to be so skilled in Legilimency to the point that they could enter and look through a person's entire mind without them even being aware of the invasion as the person is so proficient that the invasion took less than a minute in real time.

If my beloved godson were to kindly request some material on it, not being practical work since it would be best if you were supervised when trying practical use, I suppose being the loving godfather that I am, I could find some materials as part of the birthday gifts I have missed out on giving for the past decade.

Ah, also if this works out then I can begin seeing if you're an Animagus since all the Marauders were with my own and Wormtail's already known to you, Moony is a wolf (I know, shocker there eh?), and your father turned into a stag, which was why we called him Prongs and your mother was able to change into a fawn. With your parents both being Animagi, there shouldn't be much doubt that you are one too. It may take a while to do it since you're supposed to start before you are 13, but I doubt it will take much longer than it did us since, if your Patronus is anything to go by, you're a natural at the practical aspects of magic and Moony has told me that you were excelling in most of the theoretical areas too. You really did get the best of both worlds from your parents since your father excelled in the practical use and your mother excelled in the theoretical.

I look forward to hearing from you again, pup.


P.S. He's doing fine, been feeding him plenty of rabbits and foxes that I catch as my dog form and was planning on keeping him around for a while unless you think we can safely return him to Hagrid? Let me know.

Harry smiled before thanking Dobby, who was about to pop away before Harry stopped him, "Dobby… could you put protection wards over one of my trunks? I'm going to become bonded with my ancestor and I don't want to damage anyone or anything." He asked then elaborated and Dobby nodded happily.

"Of course Harry Potter, sir, which trunk do you want to use?" He asked and Harry picked the smaller one that only had one compartment and Dobby opened it before jumping in and began humming a tune for a few minutes, "There you are Harry Potter, sir, Dobby would like to remain here in the room until you are done to ensure the wards hold." He stated and Harry nodded before Harry climbed in and Talion followed him.

"Alright Harry, this is going to hurt far worse than what happened with the Dementors because that putrid soul is attached to your own and it will have to be cleansed away and your own soul is, for lack of a better word, scrubbed clean. It will also hurt because your soul is naturally going to fight to keep me out and I'm going to have to power through it in order to gain access and show your soul that I'm not a threat. In all honesty, it is a good thing that your friend Dobby stayed as you may pass out in here and that wouldn't do very well if Amelia decided to send her message." Talion explained and Harry nodded with no fear evident in his eyes.

"Let's do it." Harry stated and Talion nodded before he walked forward and stood directly in front of Harry before he placed his hands on his chest and head and began to push in and his body began sinking into Harry's. Harry struggled to contain his scream of pain as it felt worse and worse with every inch that Talion pressed in before it finally reached its peak when Talion was fully within Harry and Harry screamed out as his eyes, mouth, and scar glowed an intense ghostly blue/white light and a large shockwave shot out and the Wards struggled to hold it in before it came surging back and slammed into Harry knocking him off his feet and into unconsciousness as his body continued to glow before it faded. Dobby quickly came down and moved Harry to his bed and put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door to let Harry rest. Dobby could only look on in wonder as he could feel Harry's power and knew his first friend was going to be even greater than he was before. He just had to wait and see how great.

Done! Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and sorry it isn't really action packed, but I had to set up everything for the future.

Next time will be the Amelia meetings, a visit to Gringotts, Sirius and Remus' entrance to the story, and maybe one or two other things.

Right now, I don't know how long the summer is going to last for the fic, but I think at least another 3-4 chapters will occur before Harry goes to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys. Yes he is still going to that as it will be a place where he shows a tiny bit of his skills and he'll have Sirius with him too.

Anyway, give any recommendations to the items listed at the top, give your opinions on things or input on any flaws or such that you see (no flaming), and I'll see y'all next time I post a chapter.

Later everyone.