Sorry for the time it took to post the final chapter. I had a few very busy weeks. Thanks to all who liked and commented on this story. It's really appreciated.

The sun shone into the valley, painting the trees in different shades of green. A warm breeze lightly rustled the leaves and tugged at the hair of the solitary rider who slowly made his way from the waterfalls back to the Last Homely House. Legolas had enjoyed a day out on his own. He had politely but firmly declined any offer of company and ridden out alone. It was a big step back to normalcy being out of the vicinity of the well meaning but stifling other elves for a whole day.

He understood that it had been a hard time on them too but it was time to stop hovering. His wounds were completely healed and with the help of his father, Elrond, Glorfindel and the twins he had been able to put what had happened behind him. There were no more nightmares or disturbed nights. He had experienced four more flashbacks. So far they had only occurred during times of inactivity and were triggered by something that reminded him of his time in captivity. The crackling of a log in the fireplace, a noise like the whistling of the whip, the flash of a blade in the firelight. The last one had been a few days ago and Legolas had the impression that the intensity of them seemed to decrease. It looked as if Glorfindel's prediction was right: They would fade with time. The memories of his ordeal were still unpleasant but they didn't haunt him any longer.

Baranon had needed the day out as much as Legolas. Too long had his stallion been stuck in the stables or paddocks. He enjoyed to run and on the way to their destination Legolas had let him. As they had reached the small glade near the waterfalls, Legolas had let him run free, knowing that he would come when called. Now, on their way back, he was moving at a sedate pace, as content as his rider after a long day of freedom.

As they emerged from the trees and moved in the direction of the stables, Legolas noticed someone coming from the paddocks.

Tall and impressive, Thranduil came to a halt near the entrance of the stables. He should have known that his father would be waiting for him. Thranduil understood his need for solitude but after nearly losing his son it was understandable that he felt the need to check on him.

Legolas smiled, glad that his father was there. Thranduil had been a rock through this ordeal, offering his love and support to his only son.

Baranon slowed as they neared the king and Legolas dismounted and came to stand before his father. He caught his appraising gaze and smiled. "Ada," he greeted.

The considering look changed as Thranduil smiled back, his eyes shining with warmth and affection. He took in his son's appearance, silently comparing it to how Legolas had looked upon his arrival in Imladris and felt a wave of relief and gratitude. He thanked the Valar that they had made it through this. He didn't care to remember the cold fist of dread that had gripped him as Gwaihir had relayed Elrond's message.

"My son, I see your day out went well."

"Yes, we had a good time." He moved in the direction of the stables, Baranon following him.

His father fell in step beside him. "I'm glad to hear that."

They entered the stables and Legolas took a brush and started currying Baranon. "We were at the waterfalls, it was great."

Thranduil leaned against the wall and watched his son care for his horse. Legolas moved with sure, graceful movements, there was no sign of any stiffness or discomfort left. He felt profound relief and contentment. It had been a hard time for both of them but finally things were on their way back to normal.

He went over to Berion, his stallion, which the warriors Feron had sent after him had brought with them, and stroked his muzzle. For a while there was companionable silence while father and son tended to their horses then Legolas finished with Baranon, patted his stallion affectionately on the shoulder and led him into his box. Baranon took a mouthful of hay and munched contentedly. Legolas closed the stable door and turned to his father.

"Please tell me you didn't wait all day long for me to return."

"No," Thranduil assured him. "I spent the afternoon with Elrond and Mithrandir. We had a few things to talk about."

Legolas nodded. "That's good." He came to stand beside Thranduil and stroked Berion for a moment. The stallion whickered softly and pushed his head against Legolas' chest. Finally they left the stables and slowly made their way to the house.

Elrond was standing on the balcony of his study, relaxing after a long day of work, and watched them approach. They were undeniably father and son. Thranduil was taller and slightly broader built than Legolas and Legolas' hair was a shade lighter than Thranduil's but the similarities in their features and their bearing were unmistakable. They seemed relaxed and were talking to each other, Thranduil smiling about something his son said. He took a deep breath and leaned on the railing, unable to suppress the smile on his face. Seeing both of them together he once more was thankful that they had made it through this latest crisis.

He heard steps behind him but didn't turn around, instead continuing to watch father and son.

"What are you smiling at?" came a voice from beside him and then Glorfindel leaned onto the railing next to him. Following Elrond's gaze he soon discovered the objects of his fascination. "Ah," he said in understanding. For a moment both elves watched silently, then Glorfindel commented softly: "Legolas looks well."

"Yes," Elrond confirmed with quiet satisfaction in his voice. He sobered as he thought about his latest vision. He had seen Legolas and somebody who seemed to be a mortal man (maybe Estel as an adult?) fighting against orcs and other creatures in front of a burning city. It seemed the Valar had still plans with the prince. Only time would tell if what his foresight showed him would become true so he decided to keep that bit of information to himself.

Thranduil and Legolas had nearly approached the house and Thranduil looked up, spotting the both of them. He waved in greeting and Elrond and Glorfindel returned the gesture.

Elrond straightened and turned towards his study. "Come, it's nearly time for the evening meal. I have to talk with Erestor about the latest message from Barwick."

Glorfindel groaned. "What do they want this time?"

Deep in discussion, the two elves left the balcony and went to talk with Erestor.

A few days later the Lord of Imladris and the King of Mirkwood walked through Elrond's private garden, enjoying the sunshine and a leisurely afternoon.

They sat down on a bench, stretching their legs out in front of them.

Thranduil leaned back, laying his head back and gazing into the sky. "We will have to leave soon. I can't stay away from Mirkwood for much longer, even if Feron and Angon assure me that everything is alright."

A lot of messages had passed between the two realms since Thranduil's departure to Imladris. A lot of them were updates on Legolas' condition, but Feron also kept Thranduil informed on the happenings in Mirkwood.

Elrond sighed. "I wish you could stay longer, but I understand the need to get back. Although I wish Legolas could stay for a few more months to make sure that he doesn't suffer any lasting effects." He lifted his hand before Thranduil could say anything. "I wouldn't be able to leave him behind, too. Not after what happened. I understand that you want to keep an eye on him."

The king nodded. "Call me selfish, but at the moment I want to have him safely at home." He frowned. "Even if Mirkwood and the term safe don't really fit together."

Elrond smiled sympathetically. "Elladan, Elrohir and Glorfindel have requested to accompany you when you return home. They would like to visit for a time."

Thranduil smiled wryly. "It looks as if we will travel with a small army. Normally Legolas and I shouldn't travel together but under these circumstances, I think we can risk it."

The Lord of Imladris nodded understandingly. The woodland realm couldn't afford to lose both, king and prince, so if an attack happened during the journey there was a risk if they both traveled in one group.

Laughter wafted over to them from where their sons had settled down and they realized that it was Legolas who was laughing. Thranduil looked over to them and saw Elrohir gesturing widely, obviously telling a story. Both Legolas and Estel were laughing merrily, while Elladan leaned against a tree with an expression of amused tolerance on his face. It seemed that whatever it was Elrohir was telling, Elladan was the source of the amusement.

Elrond and Thranduil exchanged a look and smiled. It was good to hear Legolas laugh again.

Thranduil was also astonished how fast his son had taken to Estel. He wasn't so sure what to make of it, after all Estel was mortal but since they would leave soon, he wasn't worried that Legolas would get too attached. There was a much bigger risk with his friendship with Elladan and Elrohir. The two hadn't made their choice yet so it was still possible that they would chose a mortal life. He knew that it would cause Legolas a fair amount of grief if that happened. For the moment he pushed the thought away and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of the valley.

He stretched lazily. "Come, it's time to tell them that we'll be leaving soon."

The elf lords stood and slowly walked over to their sons, watching their interaction.

"Estel will be disappointed that he has to stay behind," Thranduil commented softly.

Elrond sighed. "He will not be pleased, especially with Elladan, Elrohir and Glorfindel gone. He can visit when he is older."

Thranduil chuckled. "I'm glad that it's not us who have to bear his displeasure."

The Lord of Imladris huffed. "Thank you for your sympathy," he said sarcastically.

The king laughed heartily.

They were close to their sons now who had looked up at Thranduil's laughter. "Ada, Lord Elrond," Legolas greeted with a smile.

Elrond smiled back. "I see you are enjoying yourselves," he addressed the group.

Elladan scooted closer to Elrohir, freeing space on the blankets they were sitting on. "Come, join us," he invited.

Thranduil and Elrond exchanged a look, then they lowered themselves down to the ground.

Thranduil leaned back against a tree. "I just told Elrond that we have to leave soon." He looked over at Legolas. "We'll depart in two weeks. That gives you enough time to enjoy the valley a bit longer and to instruct one of Glorfindel's warriors in Estel's training lessons."

Legolas nodded silently. He had known that it was time to return to their home.

Estel pouted unhappily. "Do you have to leave so soon?"

Elrohir put his arm around Estel's shoulders. "Legolas and Thranduil have responsibilities. They have to return home to their people." He looked over at Elladan and then at his father.

Before he could say anything, Elrond nodded. "Yes, I told Thranduil that you want to visit for a while. You and Glorfindel may go." He looked over at Estel sternly. "Don't even try it. I told you that you may visit when you are older." Seeing that Estel was indeed more than unhappy he added: "Concentrate on your training for now. When you are better able to defend yourself, you may go."

Slightly mollified, Estel nodded.

Legolas clasped his shoulder encouragingly. "We still have two weeks. Let's make the best of it."

Estel smiled hesitantly. "Will you compete with Elrohir in archery before you leave?"

Legolas and Elrohir exchanged a look and Legolas couldn't suppress a smirk. "Of course, if he wishes to lose again."

Elrohir sputtered indignantly and slapped Legolas on the arm, much to the amusement of his brother and father.

Elrond sighed contentedly as he took in the relaxed atmosphere around him. It was good to be finally able to relax. They had come through a pretty hard time but in the end all was well. The past weeks had stirred up bad memories, making him think of his wife a lot and for a time he wasn't sure that Legolas would survive. So it was good to finally sit with his sons and guests and just enjoy the day.

Thranduil seemed to think similar thoughts. "As bad and unfortunate the circumstances have been that brought me here, it's good to be here and to have met you all again," looking at Estel, he added: "or for the first time."

Estel looked slightly surprised and pleased to be acknowledged by the king, who still intimidated him slightly.

Elladan smiled. "Even if it brought back bad memories, we are glad to have you here." He inclined his head at Thranduil and Legolas. "To friendships."

"To friendships," Thranduil replied.

"Yes," Legolas said, looking at the three brothers, two of them his longtime-friends, one just recently met. "To old and new friendships."