A.N: Heyyyy So this is the 1st of 4 stories. I'm also including a special character in the 4th part. I really hope you will like it!

It had taken months to make it to North Umbria. The wind and sea had been cruel, the wind hitting the ship and making them sway, making the waters uneasy. Anika was huddled under what she believed was about 20 pounds of fur blankets. She watched as Bjorn was looking out at the sea, hoping for land to show itself. Revenge had been boiling his blood but Anika hadn't pestered him once, she had given him his space but was waiting in case he wanted or needed to talk. He would join her at night and hold her, his body heat keeping her as warm as possible. The morning would then come and he would be gone, back to his position, hoping for land.

Soon they got to land, it was more or less cold now that they weren't on the water. They grabbed their weapons, getting ready to do a search for the anglo men. They found none luckily for them because the 5 brothers had gathered thousands, men and women, all of them worth their pound in gold. All of them armed to the teeth and capable of using them. It was a bad time to be King Aella. Anika fallowed the others, carrying her things to the site that would be used as their camp. She was starting to pitch her tent when Bjorn stopped her.

"You will be staying in my tent. With me." Was she even going to complain about that? This was great, she wanted to stay with him but hadn't wanted to bother him. She nodded her head, grabbed her things in a firm girl and fallowed him to his tent. She walked in, eyes widening when she noticed that it was a two parts tent. In one section, there was a large table for strategic discussion, while the other section was a room. A bed of pelts was on the ground, all his weapons lay on one side on the ground and a pit had been dug for a fire with an iron cauldron to make food with. Some branches has also been brought in with leaves and every respectable Viking never left on a raid without some flint and stone.

She dropped her things to the ground and walked around, looking completely amazed, this was nothing like what she was going to have for a tent, this was huge. She looked at Bjorn, then went to the bed, laying down and spreading out.

"This feels so great after that long boat ride. Oh gods!" She turned to her side and looked at him, he was staring, arms crossed, small smirk on his lips. She patted the furs for him to join her which he did, she curled up to him, smiling wide. "So? What's the plan?"

"Find Aella, make an example of him." His voice was dark when he said and she knew what he was thinking of when he said that he wanted to make an example out of him. She grinned, nodding her head against his chest.

"It's a perfect idea. I believe that you will need to be ready and relaxing is key." She straddled his hips which brought a growl out of him. Her lips briefly pressed against his, when she reached up and dug her hand in his hair only to pull his head back, he groaned in both pain and pleasure. "You are mine, just for tonight."

Her lips kissing his neck softly, her arms pinning his to his sides with the help of her legs, Bjorn wasn't moving though, he seemed almost curious to see where this was going. He wanted to touch her, every never in his body telling him to touch her but he also didn't want to hurt her. Her lips made their way lower, he had luckily removed his leathers and was left with just a cloth shirt. She moved the cloth aside as she kissed under it, his hips rocking a bit against her, trying to get to her. She could hear him growl deep in his throat, earning him a small nip to his adam's apple.

The heat between her legs was like a magnet to him, he wanted to reach it so much but couldn't move unless he over powered her, which would be simple and easy, but he also wanted her to keep her power. She kissed on his stomach, lowering herself, this time holding his arms only with her hands, she got his shirt off, his piercing blue eyes staring right at her. She bit her lip a little, kissing lower, under his belly button. He touched her onyx colored hair as she undid the lace of his pants. His hands automatically reached to her and pulled her up. His control had lost to his impulse. He started removing her shirt, kissing her chest, the grin that graced her face was one of amusement which fit her perfectly. She let him do what he wanted to do to her, his lips moving down her stomach as well, her hips moving around under him, he chuckled a bit.

"Greedy aren't we?" She chuckled at that too, nodding her head at him. "For me?" He asked even though he knew the answer, he wanted to mock her a bit. She nodded her head once more, a yes was gasped out of her mouth as her pulled her pants off in one fluid movement. His length was stiff as one of the branches laying on the ground, she knew it, they both knew it. The heat of her becoming almost unbearable to him, he kissed her as both his hands slipped in her hair, his length sliding inside of her, easily finding her and easily slipping in. She moaned, legs wrapping around his waist, he lifted himself up on his hands and started moving slowly, moving out only to slam back inside but taking his time moving back. He started speeding up but a little at a time, making her cry out in pleasure at each deep and hard thrust inside of her. She would clench him when he landed in the space he wanted to be in.

Her nails dug inside of his skin, leaving little red crescent marks where she dug in. She reached up and pulled his head down to kiss him hard. She could feel his hot skin, hard from all the muscles on his torso. She bit his lip softly as his hips kept working his prick inside of her. Her arms fell over her head, her face a mask of pure pleasure, her moans and cries fitting with his groans and growls. His braid had fell over his shoulder to rest on her breasts, marking her flesh with the blonde of his hair as well as the leather of the straps holding it together. As he felt she was on the verge of coming and so was he, he dipped his head down to her chest and where the tip of his braid met her breast he bit softly, getting a gasp and yelp out of her, she clenched him hard as he did this, he grinning and suckled the skin as she started shaking a bit and climaxed. His sucking had turned the skin red and blue, he loved his mark, his body tensed and he felt himself tip over the edge, he pulled out and climax. His big body fell over as he breathed in deeply, grinning in satisfaction. She chuckled a bit, looking at him, she kissed him softly.

"Relaxed yet?" she was looking at him, grinning, he chuckled and kissed her, his own way of saying yes. She kissed his chest on one of the tattoos that joined a scar. Then she suddenly got up and started getting dressed.

"Anika? Where are you going?" He looked genuinely confused. She patted her tummy meaning she was hungry and he started laughing, after getting dressed to a minimum she went outside, barefooted and went out looking for food. For some amazing reason, the men had found a boar and were cooking it on a spit. She went over and took a knife out, cutting some cooked slices into a plate made of bone. She had just fucked hair which Ivar made sure to comment on.

"Oh look at you. You almost look like a tree or maybe it's a bird's nest." Ivar said, looking at her.

"A very well fucked bird's nest." She nodded a bit and Ivar laughed a bit at that. "Want some?" She offered Ivar some of the meat she had sliced off and he happily grabbed some. She looked at his cart and grinned. "I have an idea and you are going to LOVE it." Ivar looked up at her, quirked an eyebrow and waited for the rest of the idea to come out.

They had gathered their armor and their weapons, Anika had moved forward to join the brothers, Ivar in his cart pulled by a horse was perfect and in a way very frightening if you thought about it. A cripple went through all this just to fight and all Vikings knew that he would also kill many of them. They had only sent about 1/10th of their army so that they could enjoy the look of pure terror and shock that would soon appear on the King's face. She stood waiting, between Bjorn and Ubbe, just at the moment King Aella showed up, his smirk was perfect, they would really enjoy watching it get wiped away by the sight of the rest of their troops. Bjorn whistled once and the rest of the Vikings showed up on the hill with them. Anika could not describe the grin that spread across her face as the look of horror and hopelessness gently slid into place over the King's face. Ivar chose this moment to ride over and look at the king, he yelled for a fight as all the other Vikings joined in.

Soon enough they were in motion, they were running towards the Anglo's, their shields, swords and axes clashing together making a horrible noise like some storm conceived by Odin. Bjorn and Anika stayed put for a little watching as the Vikings stormed the Anglo's who tried their best to fight back only to loose. The men crowded the Anglo like the plague did to human beings, they hacked and cut through limbs; arms, legs, torso, head. Soon the shiny metal of their swords and axes were dripping with red, the smell of iron tainting the air. The ground was littered by dead mangled bodies, horror spread for miles around them. Anika walked forward, her black hair catching the wind as her determined green eyes focused on what needed to be done. King Aella had tried to escape, leaving his men to die behind, that wouldn't do. Anika knew that it wouldn't do. The Anglo's called them savages but you would never see a Viking leave one of theirs behind, even the dead returned with them, either in ashes or as a full corpse.

Her boots would mush on the ground as the dirt and grass was wet with blood, her boot squished through making this horrid sucking noise as suction tried to keep her boots stuck in place. She thanked the gods and goddesses for not wearing white which would've been foolish. One of their men suddenly turned as the King was going to gallop passed and knocked him off his horse in one smooth movement of his sword. The sound was awful, the sword crashed against the armor leaving a dent in it but not cutting through, thankfully, as the King hit the ground he screamed in both pain and terror. That part was satisfying, soon Bjorn and Anika walked together almost as one warrior, just as they should be. They both reach King Aella, Anika smirking down at his face. Bjorn reached down and tied his feet and hands.

"Ivar, we need your cart here." Anika had already shared this part with both Ivar and Bjorn who found it a great idea. They tied King Aella, by his feet, to Ivar's cart and they dragged him for a bit before stopping and asking the same question over and over.

"Where did you kill our father?!" Bjorn was getting angry and he was yelling. The King didn't seem to understand one word that was coming out of Bjorn's mouth but soon he seemed to understand, putting 2 and 2 together. He then pointed out where Ragnar had died, they pushed him in the direction and before long they stood on the edge of a pit covered by 2 wooden slabs which they pulled opened. All brothers looked down into the pit as Ivar pronounced this place the site of their father's death. Anika only took hold of Bjorn's hand, hoping to give him enough comfort but by also making it seemed like she was the one needing it. Bjorn removed his hand from hers after a quick squeeze that she interpreted as him being alright, he grabbed the King and tied him up to a tree to wait for the sun to go down and the moon to rise.

While the moon rose above the tree line, all had sent Ragnar's spirit good wishes and peace to Valhalla, his sons mentioning that they will all meet again in the great hall for their never ending glorious fight. Anika stayed silent, watching each of them talk, the moon now being high in the skin, Bjorn turned to the King, ordering torches to be lit up close to a fallen tree they would be using for the punishment he was deserving of. Bjorn grabbed his sword, ready to take his head when Anika joined him with an axe, she shook her head at the sword.

"One who betrays our King must die by the eagle." She looked him in the eyes, he stabbed the ground with his sword, taking a hold of the axe, giving orders to his men to place the King in position for the eagle, Ubbe and Hvitserk grabbing hold of each of his arms while Sigurd stood aside watching. Ivar now on the ground, watched as the shirt was cut from his back, King Aella's face terrified.

"Now you know how my father felt, not knowing what would happen to him or how painful." as the words came out of Ivar's mouth, Bjorn sliced through the skin of his back with the axe, blood dripping down the King's skin, his confused face over Ivar's words changed to pure pain as he started screaming. Ivar crawled closer to look right in his face so that last thing he would see was the crippled Viking. Once Bjorn was done slicing his skin, tears sliding down Aella's face, Bjorn started to hack at the ribs holding the prized possessions they were trying to get to; his lungs. Blood splashed Bjorn on the face as he kept hacking, just as the ribs disconnected from his spine, the King died, Bjorn only cracked his ribs to open them up on his side like wings, he wiped at his face only getting more blood on his skin. Anika went over to him and nodded a bit, meaning 'finish the job'. He did finish the job, he pulled out the lungs and placed them on the dead King's shoulders and then proceeded to strung him up as a message to all the other Anglo who would dare pull something like that again.

Anika knew, just like everyone else that the next part would be the trickiest, they left to go back to their encampment to wash and drink, but mostly to prepare for the next battle to come.

The next day came quickly, most were ready before the other section was ready. It was time to march for Wessex and they had one small problem: the snoring Anika on Bjorn's bed who had no intention on waking up. In a way Bjorn thought it was so adorable and had tried to wake her up gently, she had only to turn around and go back to sleep. He had frowned only to shake her a bit, she slapped his hand away and went back to bed, the snores coming back around 5 minutes later. Bjorn went to get his brothers to get some backup just in case, after all Anika loved to sleep and hated to be woken up. The 4 older brothers walked in and looked at the sleeping Anika, black hair tangled and curly from drying, mouth slightly opened with probably some drool on the other side and she was covered up to her waist, wearing one of Bjorn's big shirts.

"See? This is the problem." Bjorn said, pointing at her. Ubbe chuckled and crossed his arms while Hvitserk went over and poked her with a stick, which she slapped away again.

"I don't see the problem. She is tired. So what?" Sigurd crossed his arms as well and looked at Bjorn.

"The longer we stay her, the more chances that we will get to get ambushed or to be the ones getting attacked instead of the other way." He raised his hand and went to Anika, shaking her again. "Wake up. We have to leave." she shook her head and turned around again.

Anika was way too comfortable in the bed, she didn't want to leave, honestly she would've wished for Bjorn to join her but that was a lost cause. He had his mind set on one thing and one thing only: revenge. That's when she heard it, the shuffling, the thudding on the ground, she knew that Ivar had come in, suddenly a bunch of liquid just landed on her face, she gasped and sputtered and sat up straight, Ivar had just dumped a glass of sea water on her.

"What the hell?" she raised her voice, Ivar looked at her with his determined stare.

"Lets go. We have things to do." she hated that he would use his leading voice for this, it was almost intimidating but she was a grown ass woman and she wasn't going to let him intimidate her, so of course she got up.

"All I wanted was an extra moment of sleep! That's all! I've fallowed all of you guys here without complaining, so I don't believe that an extra moment would've killed any of you!" She grabbed her clothing, she heard Bjorn snarl a bit but she couldn't care less at that moment, she started getting dressed, not caring that everyone was seeing her naked, not one minute. Once she was done, she braided her hair even some wet part and she was outside. Soon after she gathered supplies and gathered her things, she noticed the tent had been finally taken down. When it was time, she joined the guys and fallowed the way towards the ships, climbing on she placed herself in a corner to make it easier for herself to fall asleep. Bjorn sat with her, arm around her shoulder, she leaned her head down. "All this stress and this fighting, I need to sleep." He nodded and kissed her head.

Somewhere around morning, they arrived in Wessex, they climbed out of the ship with nothing but their weapons, once again doing the round to see if there was anyone around their encampment. Meanwhile they started getting ready for the journey to meet with their enemies, Ivar in his chariot sighed, exclaiming that they always do the same and that they would expect it. That while everyone is setting camp they should go see the terrain where they would be fighting, it was an amazing idea, very strategic.

"We have to expect what they will do or what they would expect from us then we have to do the opposite. They will expect us to come to them and go into shield wall position. Lets do the contrary… lets run." Bjorn was going to retort when Anika grabbed his arm.

"Let him explain what he means. Please." Bjorn nodded and made his way to the chariot.

"Alright, what do you think we should do?" Bjorn said as they made their way to the field that would be the site of the battle. Ivar explained, Anika's mouth hung opened in shock, nodding her head wildly.

"Bjorn! That could really work. Think about it! It could spare most of our lives. Not much of a fight but the Anglo always go for the weak spot… they will think that spot weak… so we reinforce it." Ivar leaned on his arms that were in shape of an X, he was grinning. "Brilliant! It is brilliant Ivar!" Anika ran over and raising herself she kissed his cheek and gave his hand a squeeze. She looked at Bjorn who was staring and was so relieved when he nodded his head. He went over to the chariot.

"Alright. If it works it will be brilliant, if it doesn't… everyone dying will be on you, brother." Ivar nodded in agreement to what Bjorn was saying but they all knew that the chances for it not to work were slim, the Anglo's would not see that coming. Anika grinned and clapped her hands wanting to do it and get it started. They checked out the field and from the outlook of it they set a plan in motion, one that hopefully wouldn't fail. Soon the army of Wessex would show up and would perish.

That night, Anika was lying down on the furs on the bed, staring at the ceiling of the tent. She heard the tent flap open and knew it was Bjorn showing up. He dropped on the bed next to her, taking off his shirt, she sat up and kissed his back, smiling a bit. He turned his head to stare at her , smirking a bit.

"So that kiss you gave my brother?" She laughed a bit and laid down on the bed again, laughing and chuckling at the side time, he got under the covers and turned to her, hand on her stomach.

"No. Ivar was brilliant, he deserved something in return and honestly he is the most sensitive of all of you. He's cripple and all most of you do is treat him like half a man. I know you are the leader but I believe it would be stupid to ignore Ivar's strategic skills." Bjorn nodded and chuckles.

"Alright. I'll do my best to lower the ego a bit." She smirked and kissed him. She loved when he was cooperating, it was a perfect combination in a man like Bjorn, sadly it wasn't always like that. He kissed her back, hand slipping in her pants, shoving them down as he went along with it. "Today was a good day. Let's end it on the same note." He said and rubbed between her legs, she gasped, nodding at him. She couldn't of agreed more than she did then.

She shoved his pants off, grabbing his ass she gave it a smack, grinning a bit, he grabbed her jaw and kissed her hard. She was glad both of them had had time for a bath before going to bed or else it would be an awful experience. He finished taking her clothing off, keeping one of his shirt close by for her afterwards. He moved back, grabbing her and flipping her over, raising her on her knees. "I'm going to enjoy this." He growled the words out making her shiver and look back at him.

He got on his back, sliding himself under her, his hands grabbed her ass while his mouth found its target between her legs, she moaned loudly at what he was doing. Her hips started moving on their own. They knew that there was still a chance tomorrow wouldn't be in their favor, they would enjoy each other just in case. Her hips grinded down on his mouth by themselves, her body moving by instinct, she raised herself like she was on his hips, her hands moved in her hair, moans coming out of her mouth. His hands moved up to grab her hips, his eyes were set on her, watching her every movement, loving every time her mouth opened. He was easily able to grab her and set her on his hips, his heels digging in the fur blankets under himself as he raised himself to get inside of her. She moaned loudly at the feel of him inside of her, her hands moved to his chest to keep her balance, his hips started moving up to her while she was trying to stay in position. She leaned down, her ass bouncing on him, chest pressed to his and placed a kiss to him lips in between two moans. He held her hips in place and kept moving hard and fast into her, she whined and moaned some more, they kept going, needing each other especially since it could be the last time they ever did. The held unto each other like their lives depended on it, her moans and cries getting louder and louder until her body tensed and quivered in his arms, he looked at her as his hips moved harder under he groaned and climaxed with her.

She was breathing hard, looking at him, she reached down and kissed him hard again when suddenly they heard whistling and clapping hands. She lifted her head and laughed a bit, she lay on her back off of him. "I guess we have a standing ovation?" She couldn't help laughing and covering her face. He had the most gorgeous smile on his face as he chuckled, pulling her close.

They were all on the hill when the Aethelwulf showed up, the plan was in motion, Anika could see everything from the trees, as the enemy ran for the Vikings, they ran away, then another group would show up behind them, they would turn and attack only for the Vikings to run again. It happened many times, Bjorn and Anika got the people with them to shoot at the Anglo's from the trees, then they made a run for it to get into position. Anika on one side of the way while Bjorn was on the other, from time to time they would look at each other, hoping it would work and that they wouldn't die.

Ivar saw it first as they stopped to look back at the enemy, they turned and ran towards where the beach was, towards the ships. Floki was in shock, eyebrows up, waiting for them to disappear, he looked at Ivar.

"Where are they going?" He asked, Ivar looked down.

"It looks like they are going towards the boats." Ivar lifted his head and grinned. Floki freaked out.

"You were right! Your genius bastard!" He ran over and kissed him, making Ivar laugh a bit at that. The enemy ran for the opening, Anika grinned as she saw them fall for the ambush. She gave the signal when she knew they were in the right position and the arrows went flying, they suddenly came out, surrounding and crushing the enemy. Aethelwulf was rounding on his horse when he figured out that it had been their plan from the beginning. Anika hacked and maimed as many as she could, she was the cause of many who fell. As soon as it had started, they ended up leaving quickly, retreating. The Vikings started cheering, Bjorn knew it wasn't over yet. He knew there was more to come. Anika was worried about where the end was for all this fighting.

It had been a over a month since they had taken Wessex, they had gotten the deed to the lands and most were excited to get farming again. Bjorn wanted to go to the Mediterranean and Anika would fallow. Ubbe wanted to stay with Hvitserk once they came back with more people. Ivar wanted to bring men with him to conquer more of England and maybe further, no one knew yet since there was no map, no plan yet. Sigurd sadly did the one thing he was warned all his life, he insulted Ivar publicly and as a result, Ivar lost his temper and control over himself, throwing an axe into his chest and instantly killing him. They had mourned, all of them, Ivar feeling horrible for his death but nothing could be done of that.

Anika was just standing there, on the wall, staring at the ocean hoping to see the boats return with more of their people so that the could start farming the lands. She felt someone making their way behind her and knew inside herself it was Bjorn, she turned to look at him and smiled. He smiled back and then pointed out at sea, she turned back to notice that the boats were coming back. She was so happy to have them back so she went to run for it but Bjorn stopped her.

"I want to make you my wife, Anika. Just you, not Torvi, not Astrid but you." He was looking at her, hopefully. "I will cut my braid and be the man that you need." She sighed and touched his face, shaking her head.

"Bjorn… no." She said, she was going to say more but a girl named Helr showed up quickly.

"Bjorn! Their here! They have arrived!" She turned quickly and left, fallowed closely by Bjorn. Anika sighed again and joined them all to greet Ubbe and Hvitserk.

Ubbe came down with two children in his arms, Anika frowned, one was his complete copy with dirty blonde hair, with green eyes, while the other had a bit of ginger hair with dark blue eyes. He presented them as his children, he was closely fallowed by Margheret and one of their ex slaves Keira. She welcomed them and brought everyone to the celebration that was happening on the camp site.

Annika stared around but couldn't find Bjorn, so she asked many who pointed her in the right direction, towards the forest. She finally found him after a bit of tracking. "Bjorn! Let me explain myself here. It's not fair for you not to." He turned to her, looking angry, he nodded a bit letting her talk. "I don't need you to cut your hair or to marry me. Just promise to be mine and only mine, I'll do the same. That's all that matters. I'll give you children, I'll give you a home." She touched his cheek and kissed him softly. "You are not the kind of man to marry, so you do not need to."

He sighed but nodded a bit, he kissed her "Alright. I promise to be yours and only yours. I won't cut my braid. Now come, lets join the celebrations." She smiled, taking his hand and walking back with him, she frowned when she noticed that the music wasn't playing anymore, instead she heard cries and screams, they looked at each other and ran for the camp quickly. Arriving on site, Anika's eyes widen, Ubbe and Hvitserk were ready to fight even though no one was there, Keira and Margheret were holding their children closely. Ivar was covered in blood, in his chariot.

Anika grabbed Bjorns hand tightly as they both stood watching the dead, bleeding and mutilated bodies lying around the ground.

A.N: Alright! This is the first part with Bjorn and Anika, they technically have a good ending. For those wondering, Floki is still alive. ;) Anyways, Reviews are always welcome, send me messages I love those.