ok, *sniff* this...this is the last chapter of one in the same! *blows nose* i know it's a sucky chapter, but you don't ahve to read it if you don't want to. please read and review!

Donnie paced back and forth agitatedly, Raph wasn't back yet, but April had texted them, he had been at her house for a while before he left.

"Can't you just ask him to come back?" Leo asked in annoyance, watching the genius pace.

"Not if he's blocking me Leo, why is he blocking me?"

"Whoa. Dude. Chill." Mikey said, "he'll be back." Donnie threw up his hands.

"What if he doesn't? I didn't read his mind but I know he feels guilty about something!"

"Donnie." leo said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "he will come back."

"Glad you have so much faith in me." A voice mumbled, "where was that five hours ago?"

"What are you talking about?" Leo asked, Donnie winced, here comes the argument.

"Nothing." Raph mumbled, but.

Is he saying he didn't realize what he did? The hot head though angrily

And….what did he do? Donnie responded, searching his brothers face, which quickly contorted with rage, to the purple masked turtle's surprise, he felt a flame of anger build in his own chest, this was leo, of course he'd done something.

You mean even you don't know don?!

Well, i don't know...specifically, but i assume it's important.

Shell right it's important!

"Well," Leo said, stepping between them and breaking their eye connection, not that it halted the flow of angry thoughts coming into Donnie's head. "I love the fact that you two seem so connected." he seemed annoyed, "but would you like to share with the class what you're talking about?" Donnie frowned.


"What?" leo asked, offended, "i just want to know what's bothering you!" he pointed a finger at Raph with the word 'you'. Raph scowled. "You said i didn't have faith in you five hours ago or something!"

"You mean you forgot?" Raph did air quotes when he said the word, "that you hate me?" Donnie gasped at the emotions pouring into his head, hurt, betrayal, fear, guilt.

"I hate you." leo repeated, "how many times, Raphael! I do not hate you!" Donnie's vision shifted, he was...seeing through Raph's eyes? This was new. Only, this was earlier...he was focused on leo's face, his eyes blazed with hatred and his expression contorted in fury as he yelled from the ground for him to stop this...for Raph to stop this. Then his vision returned to the present where the two eldest turtles stood staring at each other, Raph's face was a mask of anger, but Donnie could sense the emotions underneath.

"Raph-" he began, but the hothead ignored him, instead continuing on.

"Isn't that funny Don? He 'doesn't hate me'" the red masked turtle sneered, "isn't that funny Donatello?"

"But-" Raph ignored Donnie yet again and as he continued, Donatello's panic grew, and his mind became more swamped with his angry brother's thoughts and emotions.

"Well let me remind you leo," the turtle spread his hands as if showing something, "do you really think i didn't see the look on your face when you glared at me? Do you think i noticed you didn't even try to reason with me until DOnnie was ok? You think i didn't notice that?"

"Raph!" Leo seemed alarmed now, surprised by the sudden outburst that had, in the last few days, become rare, "i don't-" But Raph wasn't going to back down, not yet. He shook as he threw his hands in the air.

"Don't what leonardo? Do you think i wanted to attack you guys?" Donnie gasped as the guilt crashed through, making his heart pound, "do you think i wanted to almost kill Mikey? Huh?"


"Well here's a news flash for you Leo! I didn't! I still don't so you can just take your hatred and Direct it somewhere else because-" Raph stopped as Donnie placed a hand on his shoulder, tears flowing freely past the purple mask on his face. Donnie focused, praying he was doing the right thing and forced every ounce of emotion he had received back to his brother.

"uh...Don? Raph?"

What are you...please stop donnie i don't want it back. Raphael though pleadingly, please-

It's yours. Donnie responded, however much it pained him. If his studies on the mind were correct Raph couldn't stay angry for very long with so much guilt and sorrow mixed in, if he was wrong, goodbye new york.

I don't want it. The red masked turtle insisted, trying to push it out, i don't-

"Augh!" he shouted, driving his fist into the ground. Leo was standing over them, shocked, as Donnie fell to his knees as well.

"You don't need to hide it Raph." he insisted, "i saw it, i understand so you don't have to hide it anymore."


"Raph! Are you ok?" mikey's voice shouted from the door of the kitchen, "what's going on?"

"Mikey." Raph stuttered weakly, "i didn't mean to- i didn't want to- it was-" the he shook his head, "leo's right."

"I am. I am?" Leo sounded thoroughly confused by this point. "Can anyone here tell me what just happened?" for once, Donatello felt sorry for his oldest brother, he didn't respond to sound smart, as he so often did, but to ease the confusion and pain that must be in Leo's heart.

"Raph hides his emotions, which we already know, and he feels guilty for everything and he thinks you hated him for it, he pushes every emotion except anger out so he can focus on something remotely stable, and those other emotions got pushed into me this time, because of the link, and i pushed them back so he wouldn't do anything he regrets." he was smart enough not to say, 'again'.

"Ooook." though leo still sounded confused, "Raph, are you ok?"

"So now he's a wise guy." Raph muttered, flexing his bruised knuckles. "Geez i dunno leo, would you be ok if-?" he stopped. "No."

"TIME OUT!" Mikey shouted as he jumped into the pit, "why does anyone feel guilty? We know it was all that avon thingy right?" Donnie frowned, Raph met his gaze.

Not all of it, at least for me.

Me too. Donnie felt Raph's surprise and then looked at his knees.

"Guys, zarr narron doesn't control you completely, even with april she did not. April has a very caring heart, she told me that she had somehow believed she was helping us when she tried to cleanse us, but when she realized what it did she started to snap out of it, raph helped that along too."


"With me, she told me i could finally be as powerful, if not more, as all of you." Donnie couldn't lift his gaze from his knees to meet his brothers. "I've always felt weak next to you, but as soon as i understood what was happening i panicked and that's when april managed to hijack my head."

"Ok." Mikey said, spreading his hands, "to recap all that stuff, you kindof wanted to kill us?"

"Yes?" Donnie frowned. "Now i'm confused." Mikey grinned.

"I think we all get it." leo interrupted, "but that's no reason to say i hate Raph!" Donnie sighed, he hated being the voice.


"Zarr narron," Raph interrupted, "clouded my vision to help funnel my anger. She made you look like you hated me, though you can't brush past the fact that you only tried to convince don until he was healed." Leo winced.

"I...thought he'd be easier." the blue clad leader admitted, "and that with his help i could get to you easier."

"See?" Mikey said, folding his legs into his 'master of everything' sit. "Everything works out perfectly in the end."

"Perfectly." Donnie and Raph repeated in unison. "Right."

"That wasn't creepy at all." Leo remarked, Raph smiled.

"So, what now?"

"What now." the blue clad leader repeated, "good question, i suggest we catch up on our morning training tomorrow." that made the red masked turtle smile wider.

"Good plan." he agreed. "But...then what?"

"Then you get mad at me and we have an argument." Leo decided, his smile spreading wider. "And then MIkey does something stupid and-"

"Hey!" the youngest turtle protested, "that is totally not fair!"

"How so?" Donnie asked, turning to mikey.

"Why can't you do something stupid for once?" Mikey protested, "i always get stuck doing it!" with that they all laughed.

"Fine." leo said, "then donnie will do something stupid-"

"What?" Donnie yelped, "why can't master splinter do something stupid?"

"Alright, master splinter will-" that was when they all broke into laughter.

Things took a weird turn for us.

No, not at all

That was sarcasm, wasn't it?

Me? Sarcastic? Raph you should know better.

Sure…...i know better, i'm sorry please forgive my sin.

Hmmm, i'll think about it.

I will too.

dawwww, tender moment at the end! sorry aboutthis bad ending, i just am really bad at ending things. anyway...thanks for reading this far and please review! au revoir!