Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Everything belongs to their rightful owners and I am not making any profit from this.




AN1: So, I just watched White Collar, and I really liked it, I also kept thinking about how it would fit perfectly with Suits characters, so I came up with this idea. I'm going to take elements from both universes and combine them together, something which is actually easier than I thought it would be. I haven't completely decided on couples but will be EVENTUAL MARVEY.

Mike Ross and Neal Caffrey are brothers. When Neal and his mother were put into Witness Protection she was nine weeks pregnant. Mike was born in Witness protection. As their Mother wasn't exactly very capable of being a parent Neal basically raised Mike, a lot like Dean raising his brother Sam in the show Supernatural, and he is extremely protective of his little brother.

After Ellen told Neal the truth about their father when Neal was eighteen, he took Mike and the two of them ran to New York. They both changed their names to Caffrey and while Neal went back to his birth name Neal Mike was born as Mike so he kept that name. The story of Mike's parents being killed in a car crash when he was eleven is the story that Mike and Neal came up with to tell people when they moved to the city.

As time went on Neal tried to protect Mike as much as possible from what he was doing, he made sure Mike wasn't a part of his cons. No matter where he was, or what he was doing, even when he was on the run, Neal made sure to keep in contact with Mike. Mozzie sees Mike as a little brother too, and protects/looks out for him, but Peter doesn't know about Mike. Kate and Alex both do, but they both knew to keep Mike away from the con life or face Neal's wrath.

As Mike got older he reached out to his and Neal's Maternal grandmother, Edith. As a way to protect Mike, and because Mike wanted nothing to do with their mother, Neal suggested that Mike change his last name to Ross, (their maternal grandmother's maiden name) but when he is around Neal's friends and people he knows he goes by Caffrey too, and if needed Neal goes by Ross when around people Mike are close too.

So, I know this is a long explanation, but I felt that it was needed. Hopefully other questions will be answered. The first chapter of this story is set after the first episode of White Collar and after Inside Track of Suits.

October 2009

It has been a month since Mike Ross, also known as Mike Caffrey to some, started to work at Pearson Hardman. When he found out that he needed money for his grandmother's care Mike knew he could have contacted Neal, who was in jail, or even ask a man named Mozzie who is like a second brother too Mike, but instead he called Trevor, someone his brother never liked him being friends with.

Mike knew it wasn't a good idea, but helping his grandmother is something that Mike felt the need to do on his own, without Neal or Mozzie's help; he needed to prove to himself that he could. After getting the job with Harvey, and pretending to be a Lawyer even though he doesn't have a degree, Mike has become thankful for all the things he learnt from his brother over the years, even though Neal didn't intend to teach him a lot of it, and he has come to realise how similar to his brother he really is.

It has been a very long day for Mike, a day that ended with him kissing the girlfriend of his ex-best friend. As he arrives back at his apartment Mike closes and locks his door behind him and then just leans against it, with his eyes closed, honestly planning on drinking all the beer he has in his apartment.

"Mike Caffrey in a suit, I never thought I'd see the day." A voice says from the couch and Mike opens his eyes to see his brothers best friend, and the person who has been like a second brother to him, Mozzie, sitting on the couch of the apartment that was locked when he arrived.

"I don't really go by Caffrey, Moz, you know that." Mike says, opening his eyes, and pushing himself away from the door and heading over to the couch, as Mozzie stands up, Mike's face not betraying what he is thinking, "It's good to see you." Mike says, once he is standing right in front of Mozzie, his face breaking out into a grin.

"It's good to see you too Kid." Mozzie says, returning the hug, "So, what's with the suit?" he asks, as they break apart.

"That's a really long story." Mike admits, "Though I'm pretty sure you'd approve." He realises as while he suspects Neal won't if he were to ever find out it is definitely the kind of thing Mozzie would love.

"Good to know." Mozzie says, with a smirk, "Your wine collections sucks."

"That's because I don't drink often wine, you know that." Mike tells him as the only times he drinks wine is when he is with his brother or Mozzie, "I'm always happy to see you, Moz, but what are you doing here?"

"Neal." Mozzie says simply.

"What happened? Is he okay? I thought he was still in jail, that his sentence got extended." Mike says, sounding worried.

"He's okay." Mozzie quickly says, knowing that Mike will likely be worrying, "He's out."

"Did he escape again?" Mike asks, honestly that wouldn't surprise him one bit.

"No. You remember Peter Burke?" Mozzie asks, knowing all about Mike's memory so he knows that Mike probably will.

"The FBI agent that was hunting Neal?" Mike asks, "The one that Neal made sure never found out about me?"

"That's the suit. Neal made a deal with him. Neal has been released, on the condition that he helps the FBI solve cases, he's a Criminal Consultant for the New York White Collar Division. He's got a tracking anklet on and he can't go more than two miles from his new place when he's not working." Mozzie explains to Mike.

"So he's really okay?" Mike asks, as in the last four years the only times he and Neal have been able to contact one another is through Kate.

"Yes." Mozzie confirms, "He asked me to come get you, bring you to where he's staying so that you can see him, if you want." Mozzie explains.

"Of course I want. Let's go." Mike says, looking excited and so much like the fourteen-year-old kid Mozzie first met.

"Let's go." Mozzie says, and the two of them head out of the apartment.

A while after leaving Mike's apartment he and Mozzie arrive at an incredible four story mansion.

"How the hell is Neal living here?" Mike asks, sounding shocked, as even for his brother this is impressive.

"He's renting the studio apartment on the fourth floor." Mozzie explains, as they head to the door.

"Does whoever he's renting from know?" Mike asks, as he doesn't think so.

"Oh yeah. June knows, and well, she has a lot of experience with people like me and Neal." Mozzie explains as they walk in the front door, "June?" Mozzie calls as they walk in and June walks out from what looks to be, at least to Mike, the living room.

"Hello." June greats.

"June I would like you to meet Neal's little brother Mike. Mike this is June, the lovely woman who Neal is renting an apartment from." Mozzie explains.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ma'am. Thanks for taking in my brother." Mike greats, smiling at June.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you too." June greats, looking thrilled to meet Mike, "I expect I'll be seeing a lot of you. You're always welcome here."

"Thank you Ma'am." Mike says.

"No Ma'am, it's just June." June informs Mike.

"Let's go see Neal. He been waiting to see you for a long time." Mozzie reveals.

"I figured. It was nice to meet you June." Mike says and he and Mozzie head upstairs.

A couple of minutes later, after a lot of stairs, Mike and Mozzie walk into the studio apartment. As soon as they walk in the find Neal waiting, and pacing back and forth.

"Neal." Mike says, as Neal is looking away from the door.

"Mikey." Neal says, looking thrilled to see his little brother, before racing over and hugging him, "I've missed you so much."

"Missed you too." Mike says, as he hugs his brother for the first time in four years, and for a while the two of them just cling to one another.

As the two brothers hug Mozzie walks over to Neal's wine collection and grabs one of Neal's best bottles and three glasses.

"Are you okay? Are you good?" Neal asks as the brothers break apart.

"Yeah, I am." Mike assures his brother, "How about you?"

"I'm better." Neal admits.

"Good." Mike says, clearly relieved, as Mozzie walks over with three glasses of wine.

"To being reunited." Mozzie says once everyone has wine.

"To being reunited." Neal and Mike both say, and the three of them toast.

"So, what are you doing these days?" Neal ask as the three of them sit down at the table.

"That's a long story." Mike admits, honestly not sure how his brother is going to react to what he's been doing as Neal always tried to keep him away from the criminal world, which is partly why Neal hates Trevor so much.

"Why'd you think I'd approve?" Mozzie asks curious.

"I've got a job, a really good job." Mike reveals, looking between Neal and Mozzie, though his eyes linger on Mozzie, as he doesn't want to see the look on his brothers' face, "I'm an associate at a Law Firm."

"I'm so proud." Mozzie says, with a smirk.

"Mike you don't have a Law Degree." Neal reminds his brother, ignoring Mozzie, as he knows that if Mike had managed to get a Law Degree while he was in prison he'd know.

"That wouldn't stop you, that doesn't stop you, from doing what you love." Mike points out, looking at his brother.

"You're not me." Neal says, "Mike, if you get caught, you'll got jail and trust me when I say that's not a place you want to be." Neal says as he has spent Mike's entire life looking out for him and the last thing he wants is for Mike to end up in Jail.

"I know all that, Neal." Mike says sounding annoyed, "My boss knows that I don't have a degree and he hired me anyway, because he was impressed, because he sees how good I am." Mike reveals, "Look, I love my job Neal. I'm not going to quit." Mike says, his voice full of determination, "I finally feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and honestly I need the money." He reveals.

"Why? What's going on?" Neal asks, looking his brother up and down, trying to look for any sign that something is wrong.

"Grammy's getting worse, getting sicker." Mike reveals, as even though his brother isn't as close to Edith as he is he knows Neal will care, "I needed twenty-five thousand dollars to pay for the extra care she needs so I called Trevor."

"You did what?" Neal asks shocked, knowing that that wouldn't have ended well.

"Why didn't you call me?" Mozzie asks, "I told you that I'd always help if you needed it." he says, as he can practically feel the look that Neal is giving him, the look which says, "why didn't you look out for my little brother."

"I needed to do this on my own." Mike explains, "I needed to prove to myself that I could handle this on my own; that I could look after Grammy without help."

"What did Trevor make you do in exchange for the money?" Neal asks, knowing that Trevor would have made his brother do something, and Mike avoids answering by taking a drink knowing that the kind of criminal his brother is is completely different from the crime Trevor tried to get him to commit, "Michael." Neal says in a warning tone of voice.

"Wow, you haven't lost that voice." Mike says, sounding slightly amused as he heard that tone of voice a lot when he was growing up, especially after he and Neal ran to New York.

"And you're avoiding." Neal says as Mozzie just drinks his wine and watches the brothers go back and forth, as that is something that he's always enjoyed, "What'd he make you do, Mikey?" his voice kinder, and calmer, than it was a few seconds ago as he learnt a long time ago that that's the best way to get through to Mike.

"He asked me to make a deal for him at the Chilton Hotel." Mike explains.

"When you say a deal, you mean a drug deal." Neal says, looking less than happy.

"I had to, Neal! I needed to help Grammy." Mike says, in his defence.

"You didn't have to. You could have contacted me, or Mozzie, I would have made sure you had the money." Neal says, sounding angry as he's always tried to protect his brother from exactly this kind of thing.

Hearing the anger in his brother's voice Mike looks down as he always hated disappointing his brother. As he knows that the anger in his voice will just remind Mike of their mother Neal takes a couple of deep breaths, to calm him down, before asking, in a much kinder tone, "What happened?"

"I was meant to exchange a briefcase of pot for one of cash, but when I approached the room I saw two guys who I realised were police, so I asked one of them the time, then calmly walked away before running." Mike explains.

"You asked a cop the time while holding a briefcase of pot?" Mozzie asks, sounding shocked.

"I thought it would throw him off." Mike explains, with a shrug.

"Impressive." Mozzie says and knowing what his friend is thinking Neal glares at him, and Mozzie just shrugs.

"I ran to the bathroom. I knew that I couldn't just leave the hotel, so I stumbled into where New Associate interviews for a law firm were taking place. I didn't really have a plan, but I talked my way into the actual interview and when I shook hands with Harvey the case opened spilling the pot all over the floor." Mike explains.

"How the hell did you get out of that?"' Neal asks shocked, and it's also clear that he is worried.

"Harvey." Mike says simply, "My boss." He explains, "We talked. I told him some of my story, the part of getting kicked out and how I've passed the bar, and then we competed, and I bet him. He hired me, on a couple of conditions."

"What kind of conditions?" Mozzie asks.

"I have to stop smoking pot, and I have to stop being friends with Trevor." Mike explains.

"Both of them are very good conditions if you ask me." Neal says, as he's never been overly happy with Mike doing drugs, and he's made his feelings about Trevor perfectly clear.

"I thought you'd think so." Mike admits, though he thought it would be a while before he would be able to talk to Neal about all this.

"So your boss knows that you don't have a law degree, he knows that you take tests for other people, that you were kicked out of college, that you smoke pot, and that you were about to make a drug deal and he hired you anyway?" Neal ask, wanting to be sure he understands.

"Yep." Mike confirms with a nod, taking a drink of his wine.

"What Law firm?" Mozzie asks curious.

"Pearson Hardman." Mike answers, "Harvey's the only one who knows the truth, everyone else thinks I'm a Harvard Educated Lawyer like every other associate at the firm." He explains.

"Wow, guess somethings have rubbed off on you after all these years." Mozzie comments, giving Mike a slightly impressed look.

"Is this really what you want to be doing?" Neal asks his brother, "There is a good chance that this could go south, and soon."

"I know, Neal, but for the first time I'm doing something I truly love, something that truly challenges me. I'm happy, and will face the consequences if it comes to that." Mike admits.

"Okay." Neal says, with sigh, before turning to Mozzie, "We're going to treat this like a long con, and we're going to teach Mike everything he might need to know to play the part of Harvard Graduate and qualified Lawyer."

"Seriously?" Mike asks shocked, as he was half expecting it to be a long fight before Neal realised that he wasn't going to be able to stop Mike.

"If you're going to do this, you're going to do it right." Neal informs his brother.

"Thank you, Neal." Mike says, looking grateful.

"You never have to thank me for this." Neal says, as he really doesn't want Mike's thanks as he never wanted to teach Mike these kinds of things, he always did his best to avoid it. He only taught Mike a few basic tricks, or cons more specifically, to help him when he was younger, but he never wanted Mike to be a part of his world.

"I'm really glad you're out." Mike says to his brother, with a smile.

"I'm really glad too." Neal says, retuning his brothers smile.

"Same." Mozzie adds, and the two brothers, and their old friend, enjoy their wine before Neal and Mozzie get started on teaching Mike some things he needs to know.