Hi everyone! So last episode! First of all, MIKE SHIPPER ROSS! What a line! And then THE DONNA! I'm so curious to see where that will go, and I kind hope for a scene between Harvey and the Donna. I think it could be hilarious and that was the inspiration for this fic. It's gonna be a short multi chapter.. either two or three parts. Here is the first, I hope you like it and please leave a review.

The Donna. – PART I

She turns the little black device over in her hand, studying the new and improved version of 'The Donna' for a moment. Her fingers trace the edge and a chuckle escapes her lips. She always thought she was good, but it turns out that Benjamin is good too. It only being two days after she told him she would only be part of this if he adjusted the little device.

He studies her for a moment, the way she almost aimlessly walks around her cubicle. He notices she's deep in thought. The way she's looking at the unknown object in her hand not the only thing giving it away, it's the little frown spread across her face and the way her nose twitches. That much he's learned over the past twelve years, but he's also learned he's looking at her more. Especially lately, like his eyes are magnets and they always seem to find her. He closes the papers on his desk again, not being able to focus on them even if he wanted to, but she's stepping closer to his office with every second. His lips twitch a little when he realises she isn't even fully aware she walked herself over to his office. He shifts in his chair, slowly lifting his head he waits for her to realise he's there, but when she doesn't he decides to greet her instead. "Hey."

Her gaze instantly lifts from the black box in her hand to him and she didn't do it on purpose, walk over to his office that is, but she can't help but notice their eyes lock for a moment and it throws her more of her game than realising where she actually is. "Hey," she whispers back, looking away when his gaze becomes too much. She focusses on the object in hand again. "Sorry. I was a little... distracted."

He hums, so much he'd realised. His gaze drops to her hands now too and he frowns again when the object lights up red but nothing else happens. "What's that?"

"Ooh Uhm.." She looks back and forth between him and the device. "Remember the other day.. when Benjamin stopped by my cubicle?" she asks and he nods, biting his tongue. Still amused by the conversation he overheard and the conclusions he drew from it, but he isn't sure yet. Not entirely.

"Yeah," he answers.

"Well.." Donna starts again. "Benjamin asked me to help him develop this," she holds up her hand, signalling the object. She steps closer to his desk then and places it right in front of him. "It's The Donna," she tells him before he can ask.

His eyebrows raise in surprise and he looks at the strange object. "The Donna," he repeats intrigued, his gaze landing on her again. "And what is The Donna?"

"It's Uhm.. a device that comments on what you say," she answers, trying to formulate the answer in her mind, because to be brutally honest she wasn't entirely sure about it either. "And at first it was just filled with these witty comebacks. Things I apparently have said these last two years and that's why it's named after me," she mumbles. "But uhm –"

"That's not all you are," he fills in her sentence and it takes her off guard for a moment.

She presses her lips into a thin line and smiles at him. "Exactly," she whispers, "so… that's what I told Benjamin. That it's a fun joke, but I am, and that should be, more than just sassy remarks for it to have my name. It misses… or missed my intuition, my empathy and my… heart," she adds after a moment, her eyes meeting his again and he nods, giving her a soft smile.

She swallows, looking away again. "Anyway… Apparently two days is enough for the IT wonder boy to make all that happen," she laughs pointing at 'The Donna' again. "And in the meantime Benjamin and I had been sparring about how to develop it further, you know. What sort of advice or comments it should give and how to ever bring it on the market if it becomes a thing, but first we'd actually need an investor to make the development happen."

He hums, listening to her explain what happened for a moment and he notices how for the first time in over a decade she's nervous about something business related. He realises then the project must be more important to her than she lets on to make her act like this. "What's the problem?"

She bites her lip, letting out a breath. She sometimes forgets he can read her too and it always throws her off her game when he does. She turns on her heel, pacing up and down his office for a moment, trying to find her words, she turns to face him when she's right in front of his desk again. "I tried to call investors. Set up a meeting. You know the usual," she explains and he nods. She's set up meetings like that for his clients more than he can count. "But when they ask who it's for this time... They won't come when I say my name. I'm just a secretary," she mumbles, brushing her hand through the air to wave the comment away as if it was nothing. But her tone of voice betrays her gestures and he swallows, seeing right through her. It hurt.

"You're not just a secretary," he answers instantly, emphasizing the just.

She looks back up again. Her eyes meeting his and if she hadn't already believed him on his word, she could read it in his eyes. She doesn't comment on the sincerity of his words though. "I know," she answers instead standing tall again, "but those -"

"You want me to set the meeting." His words more a suggest than a question.

She looks away, thinking over her options for a moment. Swallowing, she faces him again. "Yes," she admits then, letting out a breath. "But only," she counters. "Only if you think this," she points at the little box on his desk, "is a good idea."

"It's called The Donna, how can it not be a good idea."

She chuckles when she hears his words. The smile spread across his face making her more nervous then she likes to admit and she breaks his gaze by focussing on the chairs right in front of her for a moment. "Harvey I'm serious," she whispers then, glancing back up again.

He swallows, taking the redhead in for a moment. The look in her eyes confirming she was and he doesn't pronounce the "so am I," because as much as he believed it to be true, he knows the comment wouldn't help at the moment. "Ok," he says instead. "Tell me how it works."

She smiles, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. But his behaviour so far is calming her down, she's learnt over the last decade that if he didn't see the potential in something he wouldn't even give it a second thought. She leans forward, extending her hand towards the little black object on his desk. "Okay, so all you have to do is talk to it and it will comment right back. Give motivation," she explains, pushing the button and a red light lights up.

"Okay," he mumbles, still confused about how this would work. He repeats her words in his mind. Just talk to it. And suddenly he's never had such a hard task as right in this second.

"Come on," she motions when he stays quiet. "Just say something."

He looks at her again, taking in the hopeful look on her face and he nods. Simultaneously opening his mouth to speak, but there are no words leaving his lips. He closes his mouth again, biting his tongue for a moment. He's the one to look away now, shifting in his chair.

She frowns at his hesitation. One eyebrow starting to raise, she crooks her head and studies his face. "Are you… nervous?" she states then, almost unsure of her choice of words.

He feels her gaze narrow in on him even more and suddenly his throat feels dry. He places his left hand over his right. Fighting the urge to fidget with the cuff. "No," he counters when he finds his voice again. Looking up at her as a way of showing her he's not. "I'm not. I'm just…" he pauses biting his tongue. "It's a bit weird."

"But it's me!" she counters, signalling the little box on his desk. "I'm not weird."

"That's right, nothing weird about me."

His eyes widen at the sudden appearance of a voice in the room, but he didn't see her lips move and it was her voice. A bit more robotic, but her. His gaze drops to the little box and if anything he feels a little bit more uncomfortable now. "Yeah, exactly.." he mumbles, shaking his head as he now tries to wrap his brain around the fact that 'The Donna' apparently not only had her wit, but her voice. It was her in that little box on his desk. He had her on his desk, but in a completely different way than he'd dreamt of. He shakes his head, pushing the thoughts away, suddenly worried the machine might have the same ability of reading him like the real life version has. "It's just…" he stutters, facing her again. "I'm outnumbered now. There's two of you."

"Twice as awesome."

Donna chuckles. Grinning at the remark her digital self made and she notices his face turn more and more flustered by the second, she breaks the silence again. "Just say something," she encourages him, bobbing her head towards the little black box again.

He lets out another breath, knowing all too well he has to say something now or she'll never shut up about how a device with her voice got the better of him. He just doesn't have a clue on what to say exactly. "Thank... You... Donna," he mumbles unsure, looking up at the redhead for approval. She frowns a little, but he can see the corners of her lips starting to tug up in a soft smile.

"Thank you, Donna?! What day is it? Are you okay?"

His eyes widen now, the machine scaringly accurate to what the redhead herself would have said to him years ago. Not knowing what to say or what to do, he just hits the button again to turn the little device off and he looks back up at her. Noticing the way she's waiting in anticipation for his reaction, he takes one deep breath. "I guess it's pretty accurate," he states, not willing to let her know it freaks him out a little.

She grins in return, standing taller again as she takes in his words, but she also notices he's still not entirely convinced either. In a way maybe like herself and maybe that's also why she asked him. "Okay. Well I'm going back to work," she continues, pressing the button on the little device again. It lights back up. "If you need anything you can ask The Donna."

He doesn't comment, but watches how she walks away again and leaves the mysterious object behind on his desk. He waits for her to sit down in her chair before he turns around in his chair. Biting the inside of his cheek, he looks at the Manhattan skyline for a moment before he faces his desk again. The bright red light coming from the object catching his attention once more. "This is weird," he mutters shaking his head and he reaches for his files again.

"You have got to stop calling me weird. That's not the way to impress a woman, mister."

His fingers cling onto the piece of paper and he groans in return. Still too flustered this is a device and not the actual redhead. The last word reminding him of his dream and a shiver runs down his spine.

"What did you just say?"

"Ooh God," he mumbles, letting out a breath. Knowing all too well the redhead can see the entire spectacle from her desk, probably hear it too and he's not about to turn the little gadget off in front of her again. He pulls the files closer instead and forcefully opens them up.

"It's The Donna, actually."

He rolls his eyes now, trying his best not to look in her direction, just in case she really is listening over the intercom. The small black box on his desk exactly responding like the real life version sitting outside his office would and he can't help but grin a little too. "Stop it," he counters then.

"Actually, I'm just getting started."

He opens his mouth again to comment, but decides it might be for the best if he doesn't. Not entirely sure he can handle the sassiness of this device, the real thing almost being too much already and the resemblance is uncanny and freaks him out more than he'd like to admit. He lets out a sigh, and closes his mouth again. Biting his tongue, he silently continues reading the files.

His hands behind his back, he turns the little device over with his fingers. His head turning from left to right. He observes the floor he's only visited a hand full of time. He lifts his gaze from the bullpen-like assemblage of desks with computers to an office in the back and he recognises the man behind the desk as the one he so recently saw his secretary joke around with. He takes another few steps forward, knocking on the glass twice before he steps inside.

Benjamin notices the appearance of a figure in his office. Slowly looking up he takes in the dark suit, the grey tie and finally the face it belonged too, but he could have guessed it. "Ooh it's you," he stutters, swallowing thickly.

Harvey frowns, not having expected that particular answer from the younger man. He merely crooks his head and it's enough for Benjamin to start talking again, or stuttering as the words leave the younger man's lips with a sudden lack of confidence. "You know.. I uhm.. She .. Uhm.. Was just joking. There's... nothing going..."

Harvey grins a little, deciding to let the IT guy out of his misery even if this was almost as entertaining as the conversation he overheard earlier that week. "I know, Benjamin," he interrupts the man with a small smile.

It's Benjamin's time to frown in surprise now. "You… You know my name?"

Harvey lets out a sigh, wondering what it was with everyone always assuming he didn't know names. Surely he'd remember the names of the six people that stayed at the firm in the hardest of times, it's the least he could do. "Of course," he confirms, swallowing because he didn't show up here for a random conversation. "But that's not why I'm here," he admits, bringing his hand from behind his back. He quietly places 'The Donna' on Benjamin's desk.

Benjamin's gaze drops to the object, frowning again. He didn't expect the man in front of him to know about, let alone even have that object in his possession. He looks up again, questions written all over his face.

"I think I broke it."