Voight was thoroughly pissed although Ruzek managed to convince him that this was a good thing. Yes, perhaps things got a little out of control but it was pretty well established that JB and Ditch hated each other and wasn't that one of the goals?

"What did Voight say?" Kim chased him from the Bullpen after she had been asked to leave his office. Adam emerged twenty minutes later and disappeared straight into the locker room and he looked far from happy. Talking to her probably was low on his list right now but she had to know. Something had shifted in them, they let Adam and Kim come out on the trip home and it was comforting and familiar and then they hit Chicago and everything reverted back to normal, whatever that was. Certainly that night in the hotel it was all their alter egos; it was just less painful lying in each other's arms that way. No one could get hurt, yet they were both suffering. Spending the whole night together, just sleeping was about as painful as it gets because it felt so right.

"Well he's not happy that you almost got 'raped' and he blames me." Kim had never used those words with him so obviously Voight had filled him in.

"It wasn't your fault."

He stood with his hands on his hips trying to rein his anger in. This was slipping away from him and he was stuffing up his one chance to run his own show. He doubted he'd get another chance if they lost this. "No, but Voight doesn't care. I should never have let you come along. It was a mistake." Pushing past her Adam needed air and a shit load of space between them. Kim slammed her hand into the nearest locker. She briefly contemplated going to see Voight but that would have pissed Adam off even more and there was always the chance that she would say more than she should or give away their secret, which could make Voight all the more determined to shut this down. She had to hold her tongue and her nerve because this needed to go right for Adam. He deserved to crack this because he'd worked so hard and only a fool could miss how much it meant to him. Despite the huge mistake they made by bringing sex into the equation.

To say that Adam spent the next days walking around like a bear with a sore head would have been an understatement. Not only was he still hurting from his beating he was getting impatient that the case was slipping away from him. He'd caught up with Walt, full of rage and breathing fire about JB trying to 'rape' his girlfriend and that he needed to be taken out of the equation. Walt filled in the gaps but said nothing Adam was pissed off that he may have misread all the signals and that Walt wasn't the guy and then they were back to square one and Voight was bound to yank this out from under him so quick his head would spin.

"He called." Adam almost sounded giddy. Kim had to double-check the name flashing on her phone. Every contact so far had been by text message so she was a little surprised that he actually called. "He took the bait. He wants $20K by Saturday."

"Adam, that's great."

"You think you can do this one more time?"

"Absolutely." Then she pushed him a little hard. "Once this is over perhaps we can talk about us." It was stupid; she should never have gone there, not right now. Neither of them needed the distraction.

"Us? There is no us." He barked at her before hanging up. That was the last time he called.

So the deal was Mila would basically ignore him all night, hopefully JB would be there so she could crawl back over to him and apologise for the 'misunderstanding' which would mean Ditch would stew and cough up the $20K to Walt. Once he took the cash the Unit would move in and arrest both of them. It was the first time Adam would be wearing a wire on this job, which he was grateful for, no one needed to hear all the details of everything that had gone on. His daily notes had been a little less verbose since Kim had been working with him and he kept details of his interactions with Mila succinct. His phone calls had been tapped also so they had Adam asking Walt if he'd ever done this before. "Well of course I have, this is a walk in the park. Guys so dumb he won't see it coming." One thing he made sure that Voight knew was that Kim was doing a great job and hadn't missed a beat.

Erin's job was to get Kim out unhurt, a fact that Adam had clearly pointed out to her on numerous occasions.

"Anyway, I thought you liked my slutty biker chick look at least I get that impression every time you want a screw anyway." Kim slid her leg over the bike and settled in behind him. Again her thighs pressing into his was excruciating. He would be glad when this was over….and he possibly was lying.

He grabbed her hand and rested it on his groin. "And you seem to like this."

"You know, you are a fucking asshole." Kim hissed in his ear. "Ditch is a prick."

"And Mila is a slut. What's your point? I think they are perfectly matched."

She couldn't help herself, she laughed. "Well the sex is pretty good I will give you that."

"Haven't had sex this good in a long time." Although she could only see a small part of his face she knew he was smiling. It was the way that his ear lifted just a little as his smile reached the very corners of his eyes.

Before they got off the bike he held her hands around his waist for just a moment. "Just so you know. I think you've done a great job. I'm proud of you, I always have been." That got to her; despite everything she had done to him he had always believed in her ability to do this job.

Kim stood on the pavement waiting for him and when she looked at him she noticed that Adam had already disappeared again and her asshole boyfriend had replaced her bitter ex-fiancé. Jesus she could pick 'em.

It went off like clockwork. Walt was face down on the carpet before he could blink, Ditch beside him and unappreciative of Atwater's size 13 boot on his face before he was hauled outside and shoved in a patrol car and driven back to the District.

In all the chaos the one person he didn't see was Kim. "Where's Mila?" he asked as soon as they got into the car. "Is she okay?" The Patrol officer shrugged. "Don't know."

"Well you need to fucking find out."

"You need to shut it." And he quickly figured out that these Patrol Officer's, whom he had never seen before had no idea who he was. They looked a little green and potentially terrified of giving anything up and getting on Intelligence's bad side. Voight had kept this tightly in-house. He was taken back to the 21st and released. Walt was processed and as Adam watched him be interviewed he was relieved to find out that the guy wasn't that bright and couldn't quite get a grip on who ratted him out. He put two and two together and came up with six, convinced that JB was the mole although he was a little rattled that he also thought that Mila was in on it. Ditch, nah he was a mate, he was played by that bitch too. "Is he okay? Where is he?"

"He's been charged. You never know he might see you again. He seems to think you are working with us." Adam smirked at the mortified look on Walt's face; the guy certainly wasn't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.

"Is Kim okay?" He turned his head away from the Walt show as Erin came into the viewing room.

"She is, I took her home. She was a little rattled and cold and worried about you." Erin really had to emphasise that last word? The feeling was mutual. Erin had been a little surprised by the outfit Kim was wearing. Kim was far more conservative and wouldn't be caught dead in something like that so bringing her back here for everyone to gawk at wasn't fair. Erin had found her desperately trying to get away from the guy she assumed was JB. He flipped out at seeing the place raided and had her up against a wall with a hand on her throat demanding to know what the hell was going on. Kim didn't break character and was just screaming 'Ditch's' name. He buckled and let go of her as Voight's foot took out the backs of his knees and he surrendered when he felt the cold steel of Voight's muzzle against his temple.

"What the fuck is going on?" she spat at Erin as she hauled her ass out the door. "Where's Ditch?" It wasn't until she was safely in the car and pulling away from the house that Erin assured her that Adam was fine.

Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket he pulled out his personal phone, having already handed over his UC one. 'Please let me know you are okay..Mila.'

He rolled his shoulders and resting his hands on the window ledge he pressed his forehead against the glass. Could he slip back into this guys' skin for just a few hours more? Of course he could do it because this guy had something he couldn't get his hands on.

Should he do it? That was a whole other question. Yes he should've walked away, yes he could've let sleeping dogs lie, yes it would've been the smart thing to do….but he was never one for the should've, could've, would've game so he didn't.

Kim rested her palms against the door. "Who is it?" the knocking had been soft but she had been sitting in the quiet dark of her apartment waiting for it and she would have sat there all night.

"Mila, open up. It's Ditch."

She let him in; she let him into her world one more time. Instantly his hands were on her neck, his mouth on hers and his tongue begging to be let in and she denied him nothing. In one swift motion he picked her up in one arm and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to the bedroom. He remembered the way. Whereas there had been a roughness to their sex over the past few weeks, something almost impersonal this was so much more than that but neither of them said a word. Talking would shatter the hard shell they had built around themselves.

Again she got up to use the bathroom and heard him getting dressed; quietly she followed him down the short hallway. The only reason he was here was because they were still playing their roles, playing their little game and playing with each other's hearts. She didn't speak until his hand was on the doorknob.

"Adam." He stopped and Kim took a few steps towards him while he didn't move but his head sagged a fraction. Tension, hurt, confusion and love smashing around in his head and heart.

"Tell me not to go." Turning slowly she saw his lip quiver as he said her name. "Kim."

"Adam, don't go."

A/N: Well there you go. Remind me never to take on a challenge of 5 chapters in 5 days again, my head hurts and it did go a little darker than I anticipated but it is what it is...….I look forward to hearing the collective sigh around the #Ruzek loving world when he shows his face again. And hope it's a long time before we have to endure something like this again.