It was the third weekend of the month which meant the couple had to wake up earlier than usual to attend to their quarterly housekeeping duties as per Caitlin's insistence. Ever since they settled in their own house, she wanted them to be independent enough not to rely on helpers in keeping their manor suitable for actual people to live in.

Barry didn't have any problems with it at first but considering how big their home is, he managed to coax Caitlin into using some of Cisco's gadgets to help them up with the cleaning. He was on his way to the second floor when the alluring sight of his wife scrubbing the stairs had him rooted on his spot.

Cleaning isn't one of the activities he'd considered to be exciting but seeing his wife - all sweaty and adorably focused on her work as per usual - has managed to get him excited for some reason.

He revelled in the sight before him, taking in the way her tank top clung tightly on her body, how her short shorts had ridden up slightly on her long legs, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head leaving nothing to obscure his view as his eyes focused intently at that single drop of sweat rolling on the side of her face to her neck down to her collarbone and-

"Ow!" His daydreaming has been momentarily interrupted by the wet sensation of something hitting his face. He immediately grabbed the thing, frowning when he realized that it was in her hands just a moment ago.

"Did you just throw the rug-this dirty rug on my face?!" He snarled, making his way towards the bottom of the stairs where she was now standing in front of.

"Well, you would have seen it coming if you weren't so busy staring at me." She quipped, crossing her arms confidently on top of her chest.

His anger quickly dissipated knowing she has caught him red-handed. He wanted to play it cool, act as if the obvious effect his wife has on him isn't as intense as it was in their teenage years although he knew that would be a total lie. He's pretty much sure she'll have the same effect on him even if they were both eighty but still, sometimes he wished he could prevent himself from burying himself deeper than he already had.

"Babe, I need you to focus, okay? We have to stick to our schedule so by lunch time, we've already finished cleaning, took our respective baths and-" She frowned upon seeing the blank expression on his face, "You're not listening to me are you?"

"Wh-what? Of course I am!" Of course, he's not. He's been distracted with his newfound amusement towards that one specific activity of the human body - perspiration.

"Really? What did I say then?" She asked, cocking her head to one side as she raised her brows at him.

"You...well, uh you said something about cleaning and-"

"Oops, wrong answer." She narrowed her eyes at him, taking slow, intimidating steps towards him closing the gap between their bodies. "Bartholomew Henry Allen, I am so disappointed in you. If you're thinking I would clean this whole house on my own then you are clearly mistaken. You-"

He silenced her with a bruising kiss, slamming her in a nearby wall as his desire took over. Seeing her in all her sweating glory almost made him want to take her right on the stairs but when her I'm-hot-when-I'm-furious look was added up to the equation, well, that's more than enough to drive him crazy.

His lips immediately left hers as he went to trail kisses down her glistening neck. He knew he would have to face a good scolding after this knowing he has ruined her 'schedule' so when he heard her say something in contrast to that, he couldn't help but release an amused chuckle.

"Babe, I'm all sweaty." She moaned as his lips sucked on that sensitive spot on her neck.

His reply came with a chuckle, "What, no accusing me of ruining your cleaning schedule?"

She giggled against his body, making him all the more excited if that was even possible. "Well, let's just say that seeing my half naked husband, wearing his shirt as a makeshift bandana with sweat glistening over his body was a huge turn on for me."

The wink she sent him almost made him want to tear her tank top he did. She initially gasped but then, she was yanking off the shirt he wrapped around his head rather brutally.

"Well, I could say the same for me."

He replied with his own teasing wink before attacking her neck with kisses again. His hands were everywhere, roughly shoving her body to his making any rational thought flee her normally uptight brain.

Cleaning schedule be damned indeed.

It's a bit over three in the afternoon when they decided to have a well-deserved nap. Normally, Caitlin wouldn't take her chance of rest since she always insisted to cook for dinner as Henry's coming over but due to a change in schedule and the fatigue they got from cleaning (and doing other activities), they settled in ordering takeout instead.

They lay cuddled up on their sofa waiting for the food, both of them spent but satisfied with how their day turned out to be.

A couple of minutes later, the familiar ding of their doorbell rang across their living room. Barry insisted on picking up the food, earning him a kiss of appreciation from his wife. Not long after, a second ding went, signaling Henry's arrival.

"Hey, slugger." Henry greeted, engulfing his son in a huge bear hug.

"Hey, Dad. It's good seeing you again." He replied as he pulled away from his father.

"Where's your lovely wife?"

"She's in the dining room preparing the food." He said, returning the smile his dad sent him. "Shall we?"

"Of course."

They made their way to the dinner table, drawing Caitlin's attention to the pair. Her face immediately lit up seeing their visitor, someone who insisted to be treated as her second father much to her delight.

"Henry!" She exclaimed, going around the table to welcome him with a tight hug.

Henry instantly returned the hug, smiling at his daughter-in-law. Pulling away he said, "If you call me Henry again, I'm gonna have to ignore you Dr. Allen - how lovely you may be."

That earned a heartfelt laugh from the young couple although there was something more that Caitlin felt within her heart. She didn't know whether it was because she'll get to call someone 'Dad' again or that Henry had gotten so comfortable by calling her 'Dr. Allen', a name she knew he held dear for almost all of his life.

"I assure you it won't happen again, Dad." She smiled at him and out of the corner of her eye, she could see Barry in the verge of tears.

What a sap.

She gestured for him to come over and soon enough, he was hugging her tightly from behind as he nodded his appreciation to his dad.

Deciding to delay the drama until much much later (mostly on his part), Barry had taken the two most important people in his life in each of his arm and announced, "Let's eat!"

The dinner had gone so well so far, filled with heartwarming stories from Henry's side and more of adorable banters from the couple. They were already having dessert when Henry suddenly brought up something that the couple hadn't really been discussing as of late, well, not in an official manner at that.

"So, Joe was just ecstatic about Iris and Eddie's daughter. I remember when I visited him last week and all he could talk about is his one-year old granddaughter Maddie." He said, taking a sip of his hot tea.

"Yeah. They actually visited us the week before that and I can proudly say that my niece has been blessed with such adorableness from his favorite uncle." Barry stated confidently, a huge smile plastered on his face until he heard an amused chuckle coming from his wife.

"What?" He asked, turning to face her trying his best to look offended.

"Nothing. I just don't think that a one-year old baby has concept of favorites already, honey. And to think that her supposedly favorite uncle has almost dropped her twice." She said, trying to stop herself from laughing at his face.

"That's supposed to be our secret Cait!" He hissed, crossing his arms on top of his chest.

"Oops, sorry." She tried sounding sincere but the traitorous giggles had already come out of her mouth.

It wasn't long until Henry is laughing at the two of them acting like adorable dorks fighting over a silly title as the Best Babysitter for their niece but he knew he had to ask the question he'd been dying to ask since he arrived.

"Alright kids, that's enough." He stated, making the couple stop with their banter. "We all know how much you both love that kid so I guess I wouldn't be asking for too much if I'm expecting you to have your own sooner or later?"

The question made the couple look at each other, knowing that this is one of the things they really need to discuss after they decided to get married. After talking with just their eyes, they decided to say their opinions at the same time.

"Of course we-"

"We're not sure if-"

A cloud of silence fell upon the couple after hearing the opposite response of the other. They knew that they have discussed it in the past and has arrived at a mutual decision of having kids but there's always this sketchy part that should supposedly answer the question of when.

Taking his wife's hand in his, he turned to his father and said, "Cait and I already decided to have kids but we haven't really talked about it lately so I guess we're still working on the matter of when we're actually going to have them."

"Well, that's great news. I'm just hoping you two will speed things up since Grandpa Henry isn't getting any younger." He smiled fondly at the couple which they wholeheartedly returned knowing Henry would much likely spoil their future kids.

"I promise you, you'd be the first to know if anything comes up." Caitlin said, squeezing her husband's hand gently.

"I'll hold you to that, Caitlin." He smiled, standing up from his seat to go around the table and approach the couple. "Thanks for having me. I've had a wonderful time once again."

"You can visit us anytime you like." Caitlin stood up and gave him a hug.

"You sure you don't want to spend the weekend, Dad?" Barry asked, taking his turn for a goodbye embrace.

"I'm sure, slugger. I have to be going now it's getting late."

"Let us escort you outside then."

After Henry left, Barry and Caitlin settled on their couch, both of them trying to find the right timing to speak.

"About the-"

"I think-"

They started at the same time, laughing a little making the nervous atmosphere dissipate instantly.

"You go first." Barry said, turning on his side to scoot closer to Caitlin's sitting form.

She took one of his hand in hers, entwining their fingers together and said, "I know how excited you are when it comes to having kids but don't you think it's too early for us? I mean, do you think we're ready?"

"Honestly Cait, I don't know. We may or may not be ready but I believe that being a parent isn't something you can truly be ready for." He took a deep breath, gathering Caitlin in his arms so she was perched on top of his lap. "What I do know is that we'll be okay as long as we do anything together."

He smiled sincerely at her, making her do the same and said, "I think so too. But just to be clear, how about we list the pros and cons of this?"

"Sure. Let's start we the cons first. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, not much really. I just thought having a baby would take too much of our time especially on my part and considering we both manage our respective companies, I just don't know how are we going to deal with all that."

"You have a point. It's not like we can just magically disappear from all our responsibilities. Anything else?"

"Nope, that's just about it. Pros?"

"Well, we could have our own bundle of joy just like Iris and Eddie has." He said, his eyes twinkling with pure happiness.

"And we'll get to shop for little cute dresses and small pink animal-printed socks." She replied, running a hand through his hair.

He pouted at her answer and quipped, "How'd you know it'll be a girl?"

"Of course I don't. I'm just hoping it would be."

"But I want it to be a boy. Five of them so I can have my personal basketball team." He smirked, making her eyes widen in surprise.

She playfully hit his arm and exclaimed, "Babe, I'm not a pig!"

"I know, I know. But if you ever are, I'm pretty sure you'd be the prettiest, sexiest one of them." He said, taking the opportunity to kiss the exposed column of her neck.

"When will you ever learn that sweet talk will get you nowhere especially with me."

"Please, we both know how far I've gone with those. I know you secretly love them."

She could feel him smirk against her skin, making her let out a contented sigh. "Maybe. So going back, we can tell her stories before going to sleep."

"Or we could sing him our song."

"You can sing her our song but I'll just probably be there listening with our child. I don't want to risk giving her nightmares with my voice." She chuckled, making Barry do the same.

"Honey, your voice isn't all that bad. I really-"

"I won't finish that sentence if I were you, Allen."

That made him chuckle even harder, wrapping his arms around her tightly as he buried his face on the crook of her neck.

"Babe?" He asked, nudging her cheek gently with his own.


"You know what's the greatest pro in having kids?"


"We'd get to be the loving parents we both dreamed of becoming one day."

She smiled at him, taking his face in her hands as she slowly leaned in to give him a sweet kiss.

"You're right."

"So what do you say?"

"I say..." She slowly turned on his lap until she was fully straddling him, running her hands up and down his chest rather teasingly. He let out a low groan, making her smirk. She inched closer to him but before her lips could touch his he held her by the shoulders.

"Wait." He gently picked her up and put her down on the couch as he stood up.

"What?" She asked, confused as to what her husband is up to.

"If we're actually trying right now, I wanted it to be special." There was the familiar glint in his eyes that Caitlin knew all too well. Even though she wanted to do it right there and then, she knew she could never take the sappy romantic in Barry Allen.

She sighed, "What are you up to now, mister?"

"It's a surprise. Meet me at our bedroom ten minutes after, okay babe?"

"Ten minutes? Do I get to say no to that?"


And before she knew it, he's running up the stairs doing what professional sappy romantics would do.

After the longest ten minutes of her life, Caitlin made her way upstairs. She wouldn't be surprised to see candles and rose petals scattered around their room for she had a lot of experience when it comes to his sweet gestures. What she didn't know was that he pulled off something she would never dare to imagine in her whole life.

Taking a tentative turn on the doorknob, she made her way slowly to their room, smiling inwardly for she knew she got it right with the rose petals and candles. Where he got those stuff, she doesn't even have a clue although she's pretty much sure he had a stock of those hiding somewhere in their house.

As she rounded the corner to where their bed lay, her breath was caught in her throat seeing her husband's naked upper body with only a shiny red bowtie in contrast to his pale skin complexion. He had his hand on the back of his head while the other held the single-stemmed rose that had found a place between his teeth.

She always found Barry sexy in her eyes but never had he done something to purposefully look like one. She wasn't complaining though, she always had a soft spot for his romantic gestures but if she's being honest, she'll say that he actually looked irresistibly adorable rather than incredibly hot.

That's until he slowly sat up and made the blanket fall dangerously low on his hips, confirming her suspicion that he does have nothing but the bowtie as an article of clothing.


She's biting her lip hard, almost to the point of drawing blood as the tension between them has become palpable. He gestured for her to come over and as a compromise for his efforts, she managed to loose articles of clothing in her way.

He instantly grabbed her by the waist as soon as she's within arm's reach. Her hands were entangled in his hair, massaging it in a way that she knew would drive him crazy. He started kissing her jaw down to her neck and back to her ear and whispered, "Be professional with me, Dr. Allen?"

She smiled slyly at their deeper meaning of being professional. It started a few years back when they almost always ended up making out in their workplace when she insisted them to be professional as they were supposed to be.

A warmth started filling her from the inside as she thought of the things they had done together in the past and to the more amazing things she's sure they'll do in the near future - having kids and starting their own family as a beginning.

She kissed him deeply and pulled away a moment too short and answered,

"Gladly, Mr. Allen. Let's be professional."