
Chapter 3


Author's Note: Again, you guys cease to amaze me! Thank you so much for all the views, reviews, follows and favs! It really means a lot to me that this is going over so well! Considering that my birthday's right around the corner (hellooooo Feb 23rd ;D), this is more than enough for a gift!

Okies, now some of you asked about the others. Without spoiling it, I will say that the other RFA members WILL get some attention in this story. Not gonna say how or when, but they will. Don't worry, I love all of them too, so I couldn't bear the thought of not including them in SOME way! :D

Another note for convenience purposes! Obviously you can substitute any name for the generic MC name this fandom uses if you so wish, but other characters in this story (those not from the game) will refer to our character as MC as well. This isn't a big deal, but I just wanted to make it known. :)

Alright, are we ready for the next chapter? It starts REALLY getting interesting now! Enjoy, my children! xD

PS: Hope you love chatroom-format writing here. There is a TON of it! hehe ;D

"You have your dress ready, right!? You know it needs to be perfect for Saturday! We can't afford any mistakes at this stage of the game! NONE!"

"Yes, yes! I told you a hundred times that it's fine! I sent a picture and everything when it came back from alterations. Did it somehow look off?"

"No, not at all! I just...I need to be certain that it's alright and ready to go. I mean, you're my bridesmaid so you'll be right there with me when the photos are being done. Can you blame me for freaking the hell out?"

"...I guess not, huh? Well don't worry, it's all safely tucked inside the garment bag in my closet, awaiting the day when it escapes its nylon prison and graces us with its presence at your wedding."

"The snark, I am sensing it strongly there, MC."

"Whaaa? Nah, there's no snark to be found! You're hearing things, Ashleigh. Now what time is the flight again?"

"Uh, I don't have the papers in front of me, but if I recall your flight gets in Friday afternoon, just in time to get situated at home and get ready for the rehearsal and dinner afterwards. YOU ARE NOT SKIPPING THE REHEARSAL!"

"Who said I was skipping? Also...why are you yelling?"

"NO ONE SA-...I mean, I'm just...paranoid is all. I'm sorry. It's Monday, and my wedding is on Saturday. It's five days, only five days away! I need this all to work out, so please cut me some slack."

"It's fine, it'll all be fine! Besides, I got your back when I get there. How can your special day go wrong when you've been taking such good care of it all this time? Your wedding will be amazing, I'm sure of it."

"Thank you so much, MC. I needed to hear that today."

"Not a problem. Now if you don't mind, I'm about to get home and need to take care of a few things. Promise me that you'll not freak out for at least another twenty four hours before calling me again, okay?"

"I...promise. Yes. I promise to be in the best of spirits as I finalize everything for the happiest day of my life. Oh man, hearing me say that is getting me anxious again. ALRIGHT, I'm hanging up now, don't mind me. I'm better now."

"Good. I'll talk to you later!"

"Later, MC! Thanks again!"


You hung up the phone, giggling to yourself at the situation of your cousin's sanity going haywire over her upcoming nuptials. This was almost two years in the making, but of course it's when it's less than a week away when she decided to royally freak out. Typical, you thought to yourself as you unlocked your apartment and entered, turning the light on and immediately taking your shoes off. Normally at this point, you'd take your time settling down. Change into comfy clothes, get some food, something to drink, see what was on TV, things of that nature.

That is, that's what would've happened if this had been a normal day.

Instead of your routine, you just decided to stay in your work attire and landed on the couch with a soft thud. You opened the app you had waited all day to see once again, and within seconds you were on the main screen. You guided yourself right to the makeshift-chatroom Seven had concocted and entered it without a second thought.

MC has entered the chatoom.


Saeyoung: She

Saeyoung: is


Saeyoung: Welcome back, Princess of the RFA!

MC: Wow, you managed to treat me like royalty AND compare me to Frankenstein's monster...all in one greeting!

Saeyoung:Impressive, huh?

MC: I guess that's one way to put it. We'll just leave it at that. ^^'

Saeyoung: Okie, report on how your work day was, STAT!

MC: Uh...well, it was...work? lolol

MC: Honestly it was boring, and tedious considering I had this to come back to. All your fault, y'know!

Saeyoung: Playing the blame game, are we?

Saeyoung: I see how it is!

Saeyoung: Just you wait! When the time is right...

MC: What's that?

Saeyoung: Oh, nothing...nothing at all. QuQ

MC: Say...why isn't there any music playing in this chatroom?

Saeyoung: Hmm?

Saeyoung: Oh! I forgot to mention!

Saeyoung: I wasn't able to get the music to work right.

Saeyoung: I mean, I tried!

Saeyoung: However I didn't think you wanted to listen to the devil's spawn in the form of music notes. TmT

MC: WHAAA? That bad, huh?

Saeyoung: Oh, my mind needed cleansing after hearing that. OnO

Saeyoung: My poor virgin ears!

MC: PFFFFT! Virgin ears?! lolol

MC: Besides, if you listened to some of the bands I recommended to you, I can guarantee that your ears aren't virgins hehe.

Saeyoung: AHH I wanted to ask you about that!

MC: ?

Saeyoung:So I tried looking up those bands, right?

MC: Yeah? What did you think?

Saeyoung: Well here's the thing.

Saeyoung: I couldn't find A THING about any of them in my searches.

MC: ...wut?

Saeyoung: I KNOW! My powers are useless in this melodic endeavor!

Saeyoung: I mean it! Look, I took a screenshot!

Seven proceeded to upload a picture from his search, showing that every band you had told him to check out seemed to not exist in his world. The search page showed a bold "0 results". This, frankly, had you stumped.

MC: Uhhhh...

Saeyoung: Right?

MC: This is making me look like I'm lying to you, huh?

Saeyoung: Nah, don't beat yourself up over it.

Saeyoung: I assume it must be the same reason why I can't hack anything about you on my end.

Saeyoung: Still, I found some similar ones...at least I think?

MC: Similar? Consider me intrigued.


Saeyoung: ahem

Saeyoung: Soooo in my searches, this band called "Party Foul" kept showing up instead of what you had suggested.

MC: p-party foul?

MC: Weeeiiirrrdddd...

Saeyoung: What's even weirder is,

Saeyoung: ...well, I mean weird for ME even lololol...

Saeyoung: ...but yeah, I listened to their music, right?

Saeyoung: They sound JUST LIKE the band you had described. Similar sound, instruments, song titles, everything.

MC: Really?

Saeyoung: Yup. One of the band members even does those backflip flippy things during performances, just like the band you told me about.

MC: Oh?! Huh, that's str-


Saeyoung: HUH? O-OKAY

Saeyoung: (is waiting)

MC: No no I mean...

MC: I think I get it now...why everything is so different.

Saeyoung: Really, now?

Saeyoung: Please enlighten me with your glorious knowledge, dearest MC. QwQ

MC: Well frankly, I think your world is a knock-off haven.

Saeyoung: EXCUSE ME, M'LADY!?

MC: Hang on! Lemme explain...

Saeyoung: Oh I can't wait to hear this.

Saeyoung: Do you think I should get some snackages for this development?

Saeyoung: I think the classic combo of Honey Buddha Chips and Ph.D. Pepper is in order, don't you?

MC: What my world calls one thing, yours calls it another.

MC: For example, that Grandpa Lamsay? In my world he's really Gordon Ramsay.

Saeyoung: ...

Saeyoung: Noooo, you're playing, right?

MC: Absolutely not. Doesn't it perfectly explain the band issue?

Saeyoung: Well what if there actually ARE bands named Party Foul and...Your Synthetic Love?

MC: ...S-Synthetic...Love? What in the-OH, yeah that name is a knock-off too.

Saeyoung: So you're telling me...

Saeyoung: ...that pretty much everything that's left in my life at this point...

Saeyoung: ...is essentially a lie.

MC: Um...well I wouldn't put it like that. They just...

MC: ...have different names? Take your Ph.D. Pepper for example...

Saeyoung: Wait what? No. That is perfect as is!

Saeyoung: They didn't need to change the name.

Saeyoung: Nope.

MC: Well in my world it's said the same, but it's just Dr. Pepper.

Saeyoung: That's not too bad, I guess.

MC: Your Honey Buddha Chips aren't even safe.

Saeyoung: NO


MC: ...Honey Butter Chips.


Saeyoung: HOW CAN THIS BE?

Saeyoung: WHAT DO I DO NOW?

MC: Uh...nothing? It's not a huge deal, really. I still get what you're talking about when you reference things. No biggie.

Saeyoung: ...but the chips!

MC: The chips will endure. They're stronger than you think.

Saeyoung: Well, if you say so.

Saeyoung: I'll take comfort in the fact that you think so.

For the next hour or so, you continued to chat with Seven, the conversation flowing just as randomly as before, except this time the constant sound of your texting keyboard filled the air instead of your voice. It was already well into dinner time hours when your stomach grumbled something fierce.

Saeyoung: Oh MC, it's dinner time! Did you eat?

MC: Seriously, Saeyoung? Even after the game I'm getting this question lolol

Saeyoung: Aww, don't confuse my genuine sincerity for the game's repetitious lines!

Saeyoung: My poor digital heart can only take so much!

Saeyoung: It's true, we all did ask a biiiiiiiit too much about your eating habits.

MC: A bit? The question itself practically turned into a meme!

Saeyoung: But we all do care whether you're eating regular meals or not.

Saeyoung: ...and what do you mean a meme? How bad is it?

MC: Well I'm actually gonna go get food now, so you can stop worrying, you goof. ^^

MC: And you don't wanna know. Best to leave the memes alone.

MC: That's a world we wanna leave be. There's no escaping once you enter that realm. O_O''

Saeyoung: Ahhh, I detect words of caution!

Saeyoung: I have no choice but to heed MC's warning!

MC: ...you know, I have to admit something.

MC: For as much as I love talking to you, I still feel like this place is...

MC: ...idk.

Saeyoung: ...empty?

MC: ...yeah. Empty.

Saeyoung: It's the other RFA members we need, isn't it?

MC: Probably, but...

MC: There's no way for that, is there?

MC: Speaking of, are you even able to speak to them at this point? Can you go and see them, call them?

Saeyoung: You know, I never thought of that.

Saeyoung: I've been here since this whole thing started.

MC: You mean you haven't left that room at all?

Saeyoung: I am still very much a hermit, surprise surprise! hehe

Saeyoung: So I haven't called or left to see what would happen.

MC: If I were you, I'd be worried that something would happen to me if I left that place. Not even gonna lie.

Saeyoung: True, you bring a valid point there, MC!

Saeyoung: Leaving my abode right now might prove disasterous!

MC: Yes, we don't need anything happening to you with all that's going on!

Saeyoung: Hmm...

Saeyoung: While I shouldn't leave...

Saeyoung: There might be something else.

MC: Uh...Saeyoung? What are you saying?

Saeyoung: Oh, it's nothing! u

Saeyoung: Go get some food and relax a little bit!

Saeyoung: I gotta go check something, so I need to log off for a little while.

MC: ...oh, uh...alright. I guess I'll talk to you later then?

Saeyoung: Yes! Laterz, MC!

Saeyoung: WHOOSH!

Saeyoung has left the chatroom.

Curious as to what Seven was talking about, you reluctantly left the chatroom, leaving your phone on the coffee table to go and get some food. Wanting to finish as fast as you could, you settled for just making a sandwich and having a little soup on the side. You tried focusing on other things as you ate, like the news in the world, your emails, the rest of your social media. No matter what though, you kept thinking back to the chatroom. Not even looking out into the busy city from your apartment window could help calm your mind, and that was your fail-safe go-to solution for anything troubling you mentally. Something just kept nagging you, even though nothing was really wrong at all.

As soon as you finished your meal, you logged right back into the app and into the chatroom. True, Seven had told you to relax a bit, but that was next to impossible right now. You saw that you were still the only one logged in at the moment, so you leaned back into the chair in your dining nook, staring off into space and waiting for when Seven would return. It took a few minutes, and by that time your phone screen had turned off, so when you heard the familiar ding of the app, you knew all too well what it meant. You unlocked your phone and instantly resumed your chatroom residency.

However, you looked and saw that Seven was in fact not in the chatroom. Despite the alert on your phone, his name did not appear in the chatroom list. Suddenly, as if the app heard your silent question, a name appeared and took its place in the void next to your username.

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.

Not just your body, but your mind also froze as well as you saw the new name appear. Did Seven do this? He had to have done this. It was the only logical explanation that made any sort of sense in this crazy predicament you all were in. After a quick moment, your head snapped out of its pause and you went to type something out.

MC: ...Jumin?

Jumin Han has left the chatroom.

"Oh, okay? That was...quick." you said out loud. "Welp, so much for that..."

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.

"Whaaaat? Alright, let's try this again." you spoke to yourself once more. You went to start typing another greeting.

Jumin Han has left the chatroom.

"OH COME ON! I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING!" you practically shouted, now starting to get a littled pissed off. You could only hope this was a glitch of some sort.

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.

AGAIN! This time you were determined to say something before he rushed off for the third time. You frantically texted your greeting, ignoring all the typos you knew you were making.

MC: Juminn! Wiat up a sec!1

Jumin Han has left the chatroom.

"Oh what, did my typos scare him off this time?" you joked to yourself, rolling your eyes and huffing in frustration. This guy, if this was really him...he was something else.

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.

Screw it, you went straight for the kill.





Instead of the instant logging off, there was only a pause. He didn't leave this time, luckily.

MC: So...hello. :)

There was no response. He still didn't leave, but the silence was glaringly painful. You almost wanted him to log off again just so that something would happen. You sighed with determination and tried once more.

MC: You can speak, you know. Hello! :)

Jumin Han: ...

Jumin Han: Is Luciel here? I need to speak to him.

A RESPONSE! Albeit a bit rude in terms of not even acknowledging your greeting, you were just happy that he even said anything at all.

MC: Oh he should be back shortly. He said he had to check something and left a little bit ago.

Jumin Han: ...

MC: So, Jumin...

Jumin Han has left the chatroom.

"...WOW." you said in complete shock. While this all looked incredibly rude, you had the feeling that Jumin was just as confused as you and Seven were.

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.

MC: Okay, Jumin. I understand you're confused.

MC: But PLEASE don't leave again. He WILL be back soon.

Jumin Han: ...I...I really need to speak with him immediately.

Jumin Han: It's an urgent matter, I do hope you understand.

MC: If it's about the fact that you know you two are in a game, I've known that for a while.

Jumin Han: ...

Jumin Han: ...I'm sorry, what are you talking about?

Saeyoung has entered the chatroom.

MC: See! I told you he'd return!

Saeyoung: Ohhh, I see I'm a popular topic of discussion here!

Saeyoung: Looks as though my experiement is successful! I had wondered if this was a possibility!

Jumin Han: Luciel, I need to speak with you privately. Is now a good time?

Saeyoung: Jumin? Why not just say it through here? MC is up to speed on what we know.

Jumin Han: ...what we know?

Saeyoung: Jumin...you don't need to keep the oblivious-act up anymore.

Saeyoung: This isn't the game now! Don't worry, MC knows it all.

Jumin Han: But...I am confused. How is this happening?

MC: Nobody knows. The game just...didn't end the way it normally does last night...

MC: ...and Saeyoung managed to contact me and well, here we are! Welcome to the World of Confusion! Population: 3

Jumin Han: Why thank you MC, but...

Saeyoung: Dude, I know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it!

Jumin Han: I was expecting a full reset at this point.

Jumin Han: Luciel, I don't know if you're aware of this, but, the world here is at a complete standstill after the game finishes a route.

Saeyoung: Huh?! What are you talking about?

Jumin Han: After MC finishes, everything literally stops here. No business, no traffic outside. No people walking the streets or animals amongst nature.

Jumin Han: It's incredibly unsettling every time it happens.

MC: So...no one is around at all?

Jumin Han: Only Elizabeth the 3rd is still around and acting normal. Everyone else around here just seem to vanish.

Saeyoung: Interesting.

Saeyoung: I didn't expect something like this to come about!

Jumin Han: Of course not. You never leave that computer station of yours between resets.

Jumin Han: I don't think I've ever seen you set foot outside your home when not in the story.

MC: Well, he IS a self-proclaimed hermit. He mentioned it just a while ago, actually lolol.

Jumin Han: Then this shouldn't be a shock to you either then, MC.

Saeyoung: Hmph! Five minutes and already you two are ganging up on me! I'm offended!

MC: Are you really?

Saeyoung: I find that most offensive!

Jumin Han: I find that highly unlikely.

Saeyoung: Ugh, okay you got me.

Saeyoung: My plans, dashed again thanks to the likes of Jumin and MC.

MC: Well I always thought we made a good team.

Jumin Han: That is true. I must admit we are an unstoppable force when you choose my route.

MC: Right? I always enjoy it when you start being less cold to my character.

Saeyoung: Uh, guys? I'm still here, you know.

MC: Yes, Saeyoung. Don't you worry. You know I won't forget you. ;)


Jumin Han: Such a simple man, won over with a simple phrase.

MC: Again, self-proclaimed he is...

Saeyoung: Yeah!

Saeyoung: At least I acknowledged it before you called me out on it!

Jumin Han: That isn't something I'd be rushing to tell the world, though.

Saeyoung: Well that's you. Every fiber in my being tells me to scream out, especially even my shortcomings in life!

Jumin Han: Good for you then, perhaps.

Saeyoung: Dude, seriously. Learn to use the "!" Your poor texting keyboard has so many unused keys, all that wasted potential! -_-

Jumin Han: Why use keys that have no significance to me? It makes no sense to go out of my way to use those which I have no interest in.

MC: Man, you really are just like in the game, Jumin. lolol

Jumin Han: I do hope this is a good thing, MC.

MC: ...it might be. The jury's still out on that one. :)

Jumin Han: Fair enough.

MC: As long as you're just as honest as you were in the game, you'll do just fine in my eyes, Jumin.

Jumin Han: Of course! Nothing but honesty on my part. ;)


Jumin Han: What are you talking about?

Saeyoung: ! ! !

MC: Oh dear...

Within the course of a few moments, your night had changed completely yet again. With Jumin now in the picture, you wondered what else Seven could manage to pull up from his part of the world. Only time would tell, but more and more you were becoming anxious to see how far this whole simulation could go. If it went too far however, you were afraid it'd become too real to you, although in some ways, it already was. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, though.