And so it ends, welcome to the final story:

I'll love you tomorrow too

Sunlight spilled through the open curtains. A light-skinned figure lay in the bed, barely covered by the thin blanket brought out for the warming weather. The disturbing light pierced his eyelids, and he slowly awakened.

Kuroko lay still, letting the world slowly enter his vision. He felt the cold on his skin, and gently moved his hand up his arm to try and warm it up. When he was awake enough to function, he wrapped himself up in the blanket and hid away from the light.

He'd been having some weird dreams last night. Lasers, jealousy, magic and aliens, it was a cacophony of odd romance and mixed memory. But, he didn't mind at all. In fact he was happy. He even found himself smiling, almost grinning, feeling the light feeling rise in his chest. It was because in all of those dreams, he'd felt the love of his significant other – Kagami Taiga.


The pitter-pattering of dog feet filled the quiet kitchen as Nigou stepped in with a big yawn.

Kuroko set out the bowl for him, and the big dog welcomed the 'good morning' pets with sleepy enthusiasm. Kuroko left Nigou to eat while he made himself breakfast. Come to think of it, Nigou had gotten quite a bit bigger since back then, it was good that they could take him in instead of leaving Nigou with his parents like he did when he was in university.

On that train of thought, it had been, what, two years since he and Kagami had gotten a place together? Though it still seemed so recently, and yet he was so comfortable with it already.

Kuroko let his mind wonder off as he made a simple breakfast. It was a day off for him, but Kagami was out at work today. Before he'd left…

"Get ready to go out when I get back, we're going somewhere nice."

Kagami had said that to him with a grin. Thinking about something like that, Kuroko felt like his heart could beat faster. It wasn't any special occasion he thought, but Kagami proved himself an exciting boyfriend more than one would think. The only thing that annoyed him was that he didn't know if he should make food for the trip or not – if Kagami ended up being hungry it would be his own fault.

Kuroko ate breakfast while continuing to watch the movie they had fallen asleep watching last night, an American comedy Kagami had suggested. Not only could Kuroko not completely follow it without subtitles, he didn't really get it either. Didn't mean to say he didn't enjoy it, though. When he was finished eating, he heard Nigou playing with a toy behind the couch and looked at the time.

"Nigou~" He turned around and rested his arms on the couching, smiling when he saw the dog staring up at him like he was caught red-handed. "Do you want to go for a morning walk?"

Nigou immediately got it, and bounded up with a big dog grin. Kuroko chuckled lightly and went to get the dog lead.

"Yes yes, good boy. Wait for me a moment, okay?"


With Spring coming, the cherry trees were slowly starting to blossom. It made the walk down to the park extremely relaxing, although Kuroko had to wear a jacket to stay warm.

It wasn't a busy day, but people could be seen having fun and playing about. A gardener watering flowers, children running down the empty road, old friends chatting on a bench. Kuroko felt revitalised.

When he could finally let Nigou off the leash, the dog ran off to explore the immediate area of the park. Kuroko found a place to sit on a log, watching Nigou closely as he attempted to pick up a stick far too big for him. The space beside him felt empty.

A memory crossed his mind – the first time they had come here. It was so similar to today, Nigou was the same as ever. He had taken a sandwich out and fed it to the red-head, and wiped a crumb from his lip. Thinking about it, it made Kuroko smile.

He wondered if Kagami was thinking about him too. It had been strange lately, Kagami seemed distracted, but he'd also been closer to Kuroko. They had spent so much time together for the last week that the space beside Kuroko was missing that shape.

A light bark from Nigou caught his attention. The dog had brought back a stick more realistic to his side. Kuroko took it with a smile, and tossed it.

Play time made everything go faster, and Kuroko waited patiently for the time when Kagami would come home.


By the time Kuroko had made it back it was much later than he expected, and so he'd made a meal expecting Kagami to come home soon. When it came to his boyfriend, Kuroko had learned that taste was a factor but amount was a necessity, so he didn't mind cooking a lot at once and reheating it later.

But even though he cooked, ate, and waited some more, Kagami had yet to come home.

Kuroko lay down, flipping through a new book, pretending he was paying attention to the words.

He wondered what was taking Kagami so long. He wondered if Kagami knew that he had given him an expectation, that he would come home on time and they would leave then and there. He wondered if Kagami felt bad about that.

Thinking back to it, Kagami usually had really good reasons to be late meeting up with him. Like that time they were going on a date, and Kagami had helped an old lady off the train and gotten himself stuck at the station. Or when he was really late coming back from walking Nigou because they had met another dog who wanted to play for a long time.

Thinking about it, Kuroko's heart ached. Kagami was so kind, and so stupid. Why didn't he come home already?

Just as he thought that, the latch on the door unlocked and somebody stepped inside. Kuroko jumped, closing his book quickly and tossing it on the table. He sat up and looked over, seeing the tired Kagami taking off his shoes.

"Where were you?" Kuroko sighed, standing up. "I thought you would be on time after what you told me."

"Sorry…" Kagami moaned, "I thought I was on time, I got caught up."

The red-head took off his bag and rubbed his eyes. Then, with a stretch, he walked towards Kuroko, only to envelope him completely with his long arms. Kuroko huffed lightly, but held him back, feeling the warmth around him as Kagami pressed his lips into his shoulder.

"I've been distracted all day thanks to what you said. Now you have extra responsibility to take care of."

"Hmph, can't say I feel too bad." Kagami smiled. He loosened his grip on Kuroko and stepped back just a bit, grinning down to him. "Don't worry, either this is gonna make it up to you or you're allowed to beat me up later."

"If you mix those two together, it would be perfect."

"Heheh, did I really make you that upset?"

"Of course not." Kuroko sighed, letting Kagami go to walk towards the kitchen. "I'm just sure that it's what you deserve."

"Whatever you say." Kagami shoved his hands into his pockets and followed after.

On the way, Nigou stepped out of a room to boop Kagami's leg with his nose. Kagami stopped in place, looking down, and then bent down to sit on his heels to pet the dog.

"Heya buddy, you look sleepy." Kagami laughed as Nigou licked his hand.

Kuroko watched them fondly.

"It really is a miracle, you used to hate Nigou when we first found him."

"Well, it's not like I'm totally over my fear, but if I'm living with him then I've got to get used to him at some point."

"It would be rather worrying if you didn't. Anyway, there's a lot of food in the fridge, you don't mind it do you?"

"Actually, I'll leave that for tomorrow." Kagaami stood back up. He smirked at Kuroko with a strong stare. "I'm feeling like Maji burger's tonight."


Where they lived wasn't exactly conveniently close to where they used to live, so whenever it was time for Maji burger it was time to head to one about 10 minutes away.

That's why when Kagami had said that, Kuroko only assumed it was going to be the same as usual. So when they headed in the opposite direction, got a train ticket and started to head in a familiar direction, Kuroko was immensely confused. All the while Kagami carried a bag with mystery contents in it, just making the whole thing more confusing.

"I thought you said we're going to maji's?"

"We are."

"But we're heading back to our old houses."


It didn't really help that that was the most information he'd gotten out of the red-head. Kuroko had gotten a clue, it wasn't that hard, but he didn't really get why.

Was this what Kagami had meant by 'going somewhere nice'? The sentiment was certainly nice, though he had expected something that wasn't a fast food joint…

They were greeted with the usual welcome when they entered the establishment and went to get their meal. Kuroko usually didn't get anything from that place anymore, but since they were back where they started Kuroko decided to get his usual vanilla milkshake. Kagami got his usual too – a mountain.

To Kuroko's further surprise, Kagami told the person behind the counter that it was to go, and Kuroko questioned Kagami's sanity if he was going to say that they were heading back now.

Thankfully for Kagami's health, they did not head straight back on the train to their house. Instead, Kagami started leading him off down yet another familiar road. By the time they arrived the sun was already beginning to set.

It created a familiar scene.

There they were, back at the court they had spent time at from the first day they'd met. He remembered seeing Kagami in the dimming sun, shining like the light he was.


The shorter turned just in time to see Kagami toss a ball at him, which he caught with slight difficulty due to the drink in his hand. He frowned lightly at Kagami, but seeing the happy look on his face, he couldn't help but smile back.

"Taking me somewhere nice, you are certainly thoughtful Kagami-kun."

The two decided to eat a bit before their food went bad, and Kagami patted himself on the back for convincing Kuroko to have two of his burgers instead of one. They'd finished half of each of their meals before they both grew impatient. Put together with a basketball and a hoop, it never took long before they found a way on the court.

It was a nostalgic display, neither of them had lost their touch. Of course Kuroko couldn't bring out his patented 'misdirection' and Kagami hadn't practiced his jumps in a while, but it felt just like old times. With the cool air brushing their skin, the light and shadow duo took their fill of nostalgia.

But somehow, it was found cut short.

"Hey, Kuroko." Kagami tossed the ball back to their things all of a sudden. "Let's take a break."

Kuroko, curious as to why now of all times, stared at Kagami. But, he still oblidged.

"If you want to, I don't really mind."

The sun was still setting, but it was almost night time now. Come to think of it, they should probably factor in the time it would take for them to go home. Kuroko wondered if that was why Kagami had stopped, but then felt down that they would cut this time short.

Kuroko followed Kagami on his way back to the bench, watching the red-head's back like he was a moving sculpture. Once there, Kagami simply stared through the fence at the dimming skyline. Kuroko stopped behind him, waiting.

It was so… simple. So quiet, and yet it was beautiful.

Kuroko closed his eyes, and embraced it.

"It's really been a long time." Kagami smiled to himself. "Things were seriously crazy back then. Everything was always changing."

"Do you miss it?" Kuroko came to his side, watching his expression.

Kagami shook his head.

"Not really. You?"

"Not as much as I would without you."

Kagami chuckled with a smirk.

"Yeah. To think none of that would've happened if I never met you. Or if I'd just passed you off as some weirdo. Things really do just fall into place."

Kuroko hummed to himself and stared into the sunset as well.

"I like to think, even without that, we would have been able to understand each other the way we do."

"Well it's not like everything was because of basketball. We were still weirdly in-sync."

"Were we? I never noticed?"

"Wait, seriously?"

"I'm joking." Kuroko smiled. "Besides, basketball is just one of your many attractive features."

"Why thank you." Kagami jokingly over-dramatized his gratefulness, making Kuroko supress a laugh.

The shorter approached the fence closer, lightly grasping the cold metal with his hand. He watched, and spoke with some kind of longing.

"I think, even if we had never met, I would have been able to be like this with you. At least, if I had the chance, I hope I would have been smart enough to take it."

"Or dumb enough."

Kuroko chuckled.

"That too." Kuroko clasped the chains tighter. "I… want to do things like this, forever. It's so simple, but I worry sometimes that anything could take it away. I don't know… I suppose, I'm just so happy that I met you."

He spoke from as deep into his soul as he could gather, but he still felt like he wasn't quite making sense. He didn't even know where it came from. He just… wanted to stay like this, with Kagami, forever. If nothing changed, if everything but those two changed, it would still be perfect. That's what he felt.

It was greeted with silence, for at least a few moments. Kuroko was glad, because he was expecting Kagami to reflect on his own answer, or even just be happy to take in his words. That's why when he felt Kagami wrap his arms around him, he felt a little surprised.

Kagami held him tight, he could feel the red-head's heartbeat in his back. He held his cold hands in his bigger ones, and stared off into the same sunset.

He was sure that Kagami felt the same way.

"I won't ever let it end." He reassured Kuroko with a soft voice, but with his usual confidence. "One way or another, I'll love you until the end of time."

Although it was a little cheesy, Kuroko found himself blushing anyway. Somehow, with that voice, he knew Kagami really meant it. That was when he felt it, Kagami's hand moving oddly, and something warm covering his finger. He blinked and looked down.

And the world seemed to freeze.

Every drop of focus moved to it like a gravitational force, no sound nor sight mattered apart from every aspect of it.

A ring.

It glimmered in the fading light, so beautiful that it didn't even seem real. Without even thinking, Kuroko pinched himself to make sure it was all still real.

It took far too long to realise that his heart was beating unstoppably loud in his chest, so much that Kagami must have heard it through his chest. Kuroko covered his mouth, unable to make a sound but unable to contain his breath that wanted to leap out of his lungs. He glanced round to see Kagami watching him, with a smile.

Kuroko snapped himself out of it.

He turned around, his back touching the fence, the two of them still so close as Kagami towered over him. He could only see Kagami, and it was so bright that Kuroko felt his eyes stinging.


His voice wasn't like his own. It was shy and graceful and awkward, but it was unmistakably his. He looked at it again, at the jewellery on his ring finger. He closed his hand and felt it still there.

It was so unreal, he couldn't even comprehend what he could possibly do with himself. Luckily, Kagami was there to help him.

"I know we're a perfect fit, I'm sure of it." Kagami reached up a hand to Kuroko's cheek, gently holding him as though he were sugar glass. "I don't ever want to believe that we can break so easily, and I don't want you to believe that either. Tetsuya, please, be mine."

Those words swelled something up in Kuroko. Emotions, tears, anything and everything, Kuroko felt it poring forth. He clasped onto Kagami, bringing himself close as if to try and keep it all in.

"I will." He choked out, trying to speak clearly. "I'll be yours, and I want you to be mine forever, Taiga. I love you."

Kagami held Kuroko close, taking a deep breath that shook from the tension that had finally been released.

"I love you too." He laughed, bringing the other as close as physics would allow. "I love you."

The two held each other close, the ghost so happy he could die, and the red-head so relieved he was laughing and grinning so much his mouth could have fallen off.

On that early spring evening, two people embraced the future as a destined pair for love to follow them on wherever they may go.

Phew! After all of that work, I propose I take a nap u (Get it? Get it?)

Aaaaaaanyway, KagaKuro 7 is finished! This was the last planned one-shot, though I'm gonna go back and edit all of the chapters to be better and then aaaaaaaafterwards I'm planning on releasing an 8th chapter with extra stuff like other ideas I had and extra bits I didn't end up including~

I'm pretty happy with this, though even though I'm the one writing it I still thought "but what if he accidentally said 'Tatsuya' instead :I" But naaaaaah I wouldn't do that XD (not in the final day anyway)

I hope you have enjoyed my shot at one-shots, please tell me what you thought about them as a review if you feel like it and thank you so much for reading!