I'm going to give up putting a heading and stuff here. I'm kind of sick of it and I keep changing it and blah blah blah. So here you go. After a long wait, the next chapter of Everlasting Dream is here. I hate the quickedit thing and my scenebreaks are totally killed now. The line thing doesn't even work anymore…

H a p p i n e s s I s N e v e r R e a l

Chapter 3

Meet the Brother



"What?" asked InuYasha, a little surprised at her tone.

Kagome didn't hear him and didn't bother hiding her astonished tone of voice. She just kept on staring ahead of her. This was a frigging mansion! This guy that she practically ran over must have been a damn billionaire! She thought back to when she had almost run him over. His car wasn't that great. But the house…now that was a different story. It looked like one of the castles she imagined living in when she had been too young to know that dreams didn't come true.

"You didn't tell me you were like, the richest guy on the planet!" exclaimed Kagome with a practiced nonchalance as she whacked him lightly on the shoulder.

"Did you ask?"

"Was I supposed to?" countered Kagome hotly. Not only was she getting annoyed, she was going to have to put up with this guy and his brother until she could find a way to get home. At first it seemed okay to go see his house but that wouldn't have been true if she knew he was RICH. She couldn't spend the rest of what was left of her day with a stuck up freak.

"Stop being so stereotypical. You liked me just fine before you found out I had money, didn't you?"

She hated to admit he was right. He just didn't seem like your average rich guy. They stopped abruptly and Kagome hopped off without a word.

"Um…would you like something to eat?"

Kagome eyed him suspiciously and nodded reluctantly. He had stolen all of her food earlier and all the extra weight she had carried sure worked up an appetite. "Sure, why not? I'm never one to turn down free food."

InuYasha ignored the fact that her response was exactly what he would have said if he had been offered food. He signaled for her to follow him and heard her mutter something about how he owed her anyway. He blushed a bit, thinking about how he had eaten all of her food and how he hadn't told her when he was healed just because he liked to smell her hair.

About half an hour later, they finally found themselves in the right room. InuYasha had gotten lost several times and had already apologized several times but Kagome wasn't hearing any of it. She was too focused on the refrigerator. She opened it and it was full of basically every flavor of ice cream that existed. She was in heaven.

The room was almost too good to be true. The kitchen was spotless and was almost too beautiful to be real. No one could have a kitchen this clean. There had to be something wrong with it. She kept looking for a flaw. From the wonderfully homey shelves and drawers, the chrome plated sink and beautifully designed tiles on the floor, it seemed to be perfect.

After numerous scoops of ice cream, Kagome sat on the counter of their enormous kitchen and ate blissfully. From across the room, InuYasha asked, "Want some chocolate syrup on that?"

She could nearly have died of pleasure from that one question. "Yes, please!" She sighed happily. "I think I'm in love."

The chocolate syrup nearly fell out of his hands as he approached her but he managed to hand it to her without his hand shaking. "What did you just say?"

"What?" she asked, oblivious to the fact that InuYasha was glaring at her. She was pouring the syrup on her ice cream and it was a difficult task that required her full attention. She had at least one scoop of every flavor of ice cream they had and it was going to give her a major stomachache later but at the moment, all was good.

She hopped off of the counter and stood back, admiring her masterpiece. Grabbing two spoons from a drawer, she handed one to InuYasha and started digging in.

"What's this for?" he asked dumbly, holding the spoon in front of him. Kagome grunted and took her spoon out of her mouth long enough to demonstrate eating to him.


"You mean, eat with you?" InuYasha questioned suspiciously.

"Of course!" she replied with a muffled voice like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "A girl needs to watch her figure, you know."

"But you're not fat."

"I will be if I eat all of this. Jesus, do I need to explain everything to you?" She rolled her eyes for emphasis.

"Keh. Girls," he said before stuffing his face.

The two continued eating until the gigantic bowl was empty and they sat there for a few moments, holding their stomachs. "I think I'm going to puke."

"I need something to distract me. Uhh…tell me about your pain in the ass brother," said Kagome.

InuYasha glared at her before returning to holding his stomach. "His name is Sesshoumaru. Yamada Sesshoumaru and he is the most arrogant, stubborn, pig-headed—"

"That's funny," said a voice from behind the pair, "I could almost say exactly the same thing about you."

They turned around and tried to stifle a couple of groans from moving too fast. Kagome tried to look up at whoever it was but there was only a silhouette of a figure and there was a blinding light from behind it. "You know," said Kagome in the same condescending tone, "you should really get a halo to go with that. I expect an angel to come flying from behind you any second now."

"Are you delirious?" slurred InuYasha. It seemed as if both Kagome and InuYasha were having a few side effects from the ice cream.

"Isn't this the pain in the ass?"

"Excuse me?" He narrowed his eyes in revulsion. They were obviously high off of something. InuYasha seemed like his natural crazy self and the other girl…he had never seen her before. It was strange, really. InuYasha always brought over his friends for his brother's approval before allowing them into the house.

From her clothing, he could tell that his brother knew she wouldn't be approved so he didn't bother asking. What could she have done to make InuYasha forget all the rules and just invite her in like this? Wouldn't she be more content robbing a convenience store or something?

"Ah, Sesshoumaru, this is…uhh…"

He doesn't even know her name, Sesshoumaru thought in disgust. He doesn't even know her name and he just brings her home.

"I'm the girl that just saved your brother's life!" she called out in amusement. She didn't realize that she hadn't told him her name yet and it hardly mattered at the moment.

Sesshoumaru arched a brow and was slightly amused. He always made fun of the fact that InuYasha was merely a hanyou while he was a full blooded demon but this was just too much. A human saving a hanyou? It was unheard of!

"Yea, well, she's the one who started it in the first place," snorted InuYasha.

Ah. That explained it.

Kagome glared at InuYasha and retorted, "Well, I could have been heartless and left you there but I saved you from yourself!"

"I'm tired of your games. Speak clearly, woman," Sesshoumaru said monotonously.

"You would have been stuck in that car and you would have started healing without your bones being in the proper place. In other words, you would have been crippled without me," she continued, obliging Sesshoumaru and ignoring him at the same time.

"No," said Sesshoumaru thoughtfully. "There is another way to fix that."

Kagome turned her attention towards Sesshoumaru and glared. He was ruining her teasing!

"He means that after I healed with my bones all screwed up, I could have come home and he would have re-broken them and put them in the right place for me because he's just that kind of a brother," glowered InuYasha.

Being the only girl in the room and no real tolerance for pain, she winced. That really had to hurt. "Well, you're lucky I was there to save you lots of pain then, right?"

The hanyou grinned at that. "Right."

"Wow!" exclaimed Kagome as she started to walk to the doorway. "I feel all better now! I think I'll just take my leave."

Sesshoumaru stepped in front of her, blocking her exit. "I beg your pardon, but—"

"No need to beg, you're pardoned!" she said dryly.

"Excuse me?" Sesshoumaru gave her a fierce look.

"You're excused," she muttered as she tried to side step him. He just came back full force.

"Okay, it seems there is no use in being polite any longer," growled Sesshoumaru. He turned his anger to InuYasha. "You're lucky that no one saw you come in earlier otherwise they would have reported it to me."

Kagome stepped back to be next to InuYasha. "Sheesh, you weren't kidding about him being a pain in the ass, were you?"

"Because," Sesshoumaru continued as he ignored the comment, "I would not have let her into the house dressed like that. You will simply have to find her something more appropriate."

Meanwhile, the mentioned girl was gaping at him and looking over her "inappropriate" clothing. "What the--! You…I…" She apparently lost the ability to form coherent sentences.

Moments later, she found herself in a large room with multiple closets and drawers. It was as big as her damn foster home.

"What is this place?" It was a beautiful room but far too feminine for her tastes. Everywhere she turned, there was lace and silk in every shade of red and pink and purple. There was a canopy over the bed and even that was dripping with lace.

"It…used to be my mother's room. She's gone now but we haven't had the heart to remove anything from this place. My mom was about your size so her clothes would probably fit."

She didn't say how much it touched her that he would let her wear something that used to belong to his mother but she was tempted to. Instead of shedding a few tears, she covered it up with sarcasm and wit. "She wasn't like…old-fashioned, was she?"

"She was more of a fashion icon," replied InuYasha unwaveringly. He didn't like to talk about his mother.


"Not particularly. After she married my father, she was noticed a bit more."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I solemnly swear not to steal anything from you or her ever. Now, please leave."

"What?" he said in a surprised voice.

"I need to change, don't I?"

"Oh." InuYasha blushed hotly and closed the door with a soft click.

Kagome wandered around the room, noting that it was kept very clean though no one had moved anything in a while. She also noticed that when he was home, InuYasha was very unlike the InuYasha she had met out on the road. He was more subdued and quiet, less arrogant and angry. It was weird.

The room had about four other doors other than the one InuYasha had just stepped out of and it was very suspicious. Who the hell would need that many rooms? She opened one and found out.

Her jaw dropped. "Christ!"

It was a closet full of clothes. A lot of clothes. It was basically another room. There were elegant dresses on one side, skirts on the other side, jeans on another, and shorts on the other. She staggered into the large room and blindly grabbed a black skirt with a slit that went up halfway. She didn't notice it.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the next door. "Jesus!"

Unfortunately for Kagome, it was yet another closet. This time it was filled to the top with SHOES. Lots and lots of shoes. There were sneakers, high heels, platform shoes, Converse chucks, boots, and every kind of shoe she could imagine. She grabbed a pair of white boots with a small heel that required much lacing but she didn't mind.

"I hope this isn't a closet…" she murmured as she opened the last door. She stumbled back a step and angry at herself for that one step, she took two more forward. There were tank tops, t-shirts, blouses, sweaters, conservative halter tops, and more. "This woman must have been crazy."

Kagome took a white cashmere sleeveless turtleneck sweater and slowly stepped out. When she put on the skirt, it had fit surprisingly well and the boots were just her size. Freaky, she thought to herself. She put on the sweater and it was a bit tight around her upper chest but other than that, everything was great. InuYasha's mother must have been a dainty woman; otherwise the sweater would have fit her just right.

She cautiously opened the last door and was relieved to find a bathroom. She walked over to the large mirror and looked at her reflection. Her dark makeup just didn't look right with her new outfit so she scrubbed it away. When Kagome looked back into the mirror, she caught a glimpse of her old self. A glimpse of the girl she would have been if her family hadn't…

The door to the bathroom swung open violently as she walked briskly to the exit. She was about to turn the knob when the door opened by itself. In the doorway was none other than Sesshoumaru.


"Did you pick her up off of the streets, InuYasha?" asked Sesshoumaru icily.

"No, she kind of…crashed into me," replied InuYasha meekly under Sesshoumaru's piercing gaze.

The elder brother inquired in a callous voice, "Which car was it?"

"Dafuhwawee," mumbled InuYasha.

"The what?"

"The Ferrari," he repeated clearly in the arrogant tone he was known for.

"The what?" growled Sesshoumaru. "No, don't repeat it. I can't believe even you would do something this idiotic."

"What'd I do?" snarled InuYasha, countering Sesshoumaru's growl. "I had no choice. It was either that or run into another car with a lesser-looking girl."

"You had enough time to check out a girl but not enough time to move out of the way?"

"Well…" He was back to his quiet self again.

"Enough. Father will just buy you another one, like he always does." There was resentment in that sentence but it went unnoticed by the younger brother. "There is no harm done to either of you and it doesn't seem as if the girl is planning to sue anytime soon."

InuYasha coughed beneath his fisted hand and muttered, "It wasn't her car."

"Wasn't her…" Sesshoumaru arched a brow.

"I don't know whose car it was. I just know it wasn't hers. She told me."

"What else did she tell you?"

"Not much."

"Apparently." He said wryly. "You don't even know her name, for God's sake."

"She won't tell me."

"Is that supposed to mean anything to me? If she won't volunteer the information, force it out of her."

InuYasha glared at his brother in repugnance. "She's not afraid of me. I made sure of that. I told her I was a hanyou and she didn't run away screaming. She stayed by my side, even when I was injured. She helped carry me most of the way home and I just returned the favor. No, don't lie to me, Sesshoumaru; it doesn't suit your holier-than-thou image that you've painted for yourself," he said when he saw that his older brother was about to interrupt. "I know you've been thinking that we've done something that could stain our family name. I know you've been itching to yell and bitch at me for carrying her scent and flaunting it around. She's not afraid of me and you can't possibly make her."

"We'll just see about that," retorted Sesshoumaru simply. Despite his earlier feelings, he had earned a small respect for the unnamed girl residing in his brother's mother's room. There weren't many people out there these days that tolerated a demon, much less half of one. If she wasn't scared of InuYasha, then he'd just have to make damn sure that she was scared of him. "She's taken long enough to get dressed."


"Or maybe it's just impossible for her to get herself to look half decent."

He opened the door just as Kagome was about to turn the knob and they stared at each other for a second before they each took a step back. Kagome stepped back in surprise and Sesshoumaru had just stepped back in complete and utter shock. Kagome didn't look half decent at all. She looked downright beautiful. It was probably an exaggeration but at that moment, it was all InuYasha or Sesshoumaru could think. In one of their rare moments, InuYasha and Sesshoumaru thought in unison.

"What?" Kagome was a bit taken aback by their reactions. Did she look that bad? Mentally, she swore at herself for becoming so self conscious about her looks. Damn the two brothers. Damn them and their big house, their nice clothes, and their stupid lives.

InuYasha just continued staring. This was not the same girl that he had met before. This wasn't the same girl that had crashed into his nice new Ferrari. This was…hot damn. He tried to not notice the fact that her eyes were bright and her face was just a bit flushed. Her natural look was much better than when she was a punk. He tried even harder not to notice that although everything seemed to fit, the shirt seemed a bit…tight. He smothered a small whimper and slapped her on the back.

"You clean up good for a goth chick."

Kagome looked up and finally smiled. She was relieved. At last, here was the InuYasha that she had met and instantly liked. The meek timid InuYasha that came with the big house didn't appeal to her at all. "Yea, well, you should see me again when I'm warmed up."

The astonishing thing was, InuYasha did want to see her again. "Yea, well, do you want to go home now?"

"Yes!" Relief was instantaneous.

"Well, Sesshoumaru? What do you think?" asked Kagome with a hint of mischief. "How do I look?"

"Not bad for a girl like you." Sesshoumaru finally snapped out of the trancelike state he was in and mentally scolded himself for thinking with his…lower area rather than with his brain. The instant spark of lust was normal for a guy like him, he told himself. He was always attracted to pretty women. Why should she be an exception?

InuYasha snorted and Kagome sneered. "He just doesn't want to admit that he thinks you're gorgeous." Sesshoumaru glared at him at this.

"I am?"

"Uhh…" He couldn't believe that he had just said what the two Yamada brothers were thinking aloud! "You look nice," he finished lamely.

"Thanks!" laughed Kagome. "You don't look half-bad yourself. Now, if I was interested in guys, then I wouldn't stand a chance against you two."

"You're…not…into guys?" InuYasha's eyes almost bulged out of his sockets.


"You're a lesbian?"

This time, it was her turn to be shocked. "Oh, no! Are you crazy? I'm just not interested in guys at this point in my life. Now, which one of you is going to have the honor of driving me home tonight?"

"What makes you think that you'll have another chance?" Sesshoumaru demanded.

The boisterous girl resisted the urge to pat his cheek and settled for folding her arms together. "We'll just see. C'mon InuYasha, I want to go home."

"You have no right to call him by his first name."

She just stuck her tongue out at him and started to walk down the hall. "Come on Yamada-san! I might be late for my curfew! By now, the school will have called my foster family to tell them that I…" she trailed off, realizing that she might have said too much. "Let's just go."

Before InuYasha could walk up to her, Sesshoumaru held out an arm and stopped him. "I'll go with her. Think with your brain instead of your glands," he advised, thinking of what he had told himself earlier.

InuYasha shouted, "Hey! Before you go, can you tell me your name?"

Kagome turned around and starting walking backwards. "I take it Sesshoumaru-sama is the one taking me home then?" When she saw InuYasha nod, she saw no harm in telling him her name. It wasn't like they could figure anything out about her with just her name. She, on the other hand, was going to find out everything about them.

"So are you going to tell him?" questioned Sesshoumaru from beside her. She blinked up at him and saw that he looked faintly amused. She scowled.

"Kagome," she shouted, "Higurashi, Kagome!"


Well, that was certainly weird. haha this chapter had nothing to do with anything and well, it kinda sucks. I hope you liked it. It was mostly for entertainment and the more important stuff will start happening soon. This was just a chapter full of introductions.