I know I probably shouldn't post a new story when I'm already working on two, both of them will be updated within the next three days, but I just had to get this idea out. Let me know if there's any interest in a continuation of this story. If you have any questions feel free to leave a review and/or send me a PM. This story is set a 2 weeks after 12x13 "Spencer"


It had been a relatively easy morning, meaning we had no case and we're just 'working' on our paperwork. Stephen and Luke are listening to a story Rossi is telling them, Pen, Tara and I are talking about how we're going to convince Em to go out for lunch with us. Since we don't have a case, Em has locked herself in her office like she has done every day we don't have a case ever since Spence was arrested. Even when we're home, she spends some time with Henry and Michael before going to our office and continues working. At least she still listens to me when I tell her to come to bed and I'm glad that she doesn't sneak out of bed at night and continues working. Pen, Tara and I have worked out that we'll just continue to pester Em until she agrees to come with us. We're just going up the stairs to Em's office when a SWAT team, dressed with full gear, comes into the bullpen. Em comes out of her office. She walks over to the SWAT team leader, with Rossi close behind her, the rest of us steps back letting Em and Rossi handle this.

"What can I do for you?" Em asks.

The SWAT team leader looks at her security card, he sees what he's looking for and instead of answering Em's question, he asks "Are you Supervisory Special Agent Emily Prentiss, Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Quantico Virginia?"

Em looks surprised for a second, but schools her face very quickly and I think that the SWAT guys didn't even notice it "I am, although I prefer to be called Agent Prentiss and my friends call me Prentiss or Emily, but what can I do for you?" she asks, repeating her earlier question.

The SWAT leader once again ignores her question and asks her instead "And you are the Emily Prentiss who has been part of the Central Intelligence Agency, part of Joint Taskforce dash Twelve and the Chief of the London office of the International Criminal Police Organization?"

Em answers "Yes, but why are you here?" just like the rest of us she is starting to get annoyed by the guys not answering her questions. I look around and notice that Luke, Stephen and Tara all look a bit surprised; I guess it's from hearing about the CIA and JTF-12, as Em hasn't told them about that since she doesn't talk about it at all, she only talks about it when Rossi or I force her to.

The SWAT leader gets a stern look on his face and says "Emily Prentiss you are under arrest for withholding and deleting evidence for the case against Supervisory Special Agent Spencer Reid. Agent Rossi please go and stand by the rest of your team" Rossi takes a few steps back standing in line with us. The SWAT leader continues "Agent Prentiss please remove your sidearm with two fingers and set it on the ground" Em does as told, but a bit too fast for the SWAT leader his liking who barks "Slowly"

Although only two Agents have their weapon pointed at Em at the moments, the rest of them do have their weapons in their hands and are ready to use it if necessary. After setting her gun on the ground Em stands up.

"Do you have any other weapons on you?" the SWAT leader asks.

Em nods and answers "I still have a backup piece and a knife"

"Remove them, slowly" the SWAT leader orders. Em does as told, when she is once again standing, he says "Take two steps back and assume position" Em complies and takes two steps back before lowering herself to her knees, crossing her ankles and interlacing her fingers behind her head. The SWAT leader nods to two off his Agents who walk forward and cuff Em before hauling her on her feet.

Before they get a chance to leave, Em asks the SWAT leader "Can I appoint my second-in-command since I'll be gone?"

"Go ahead" he says, understanding the need of having a second-in-command for a team.

"I have talked with all of you over whom you think would be the best second-in-command. One name was said by almost all of you. Not all of you said that particular name, since that person themselves didn't say their own name" we all smile at Em's little joke, typically her still making jokes even it his sort situations. It does make me miss Morgan more, because he would have had the perfect response and they always continued with their banter until they were scolded by Hotch, Rossi or me and then they would gang up on Spence, who became better and better at joking back. Every time he made a good joke both Em and Morgan would give him either an applause or a high-five. I'm shaken out of my thoughts by Em saying "Well, Jen, it looks like you're my second-in-command if you'll accept"

I'm flattered and flabbergasted at the same time, I had told Em to make Rossi second-in-command and I had expected that the others would do the same. "Well if you guys are absolutely sure you want me as second-in-command, I'll do it"

"We're sure, JJ" Tara says and the others nod.

The SWAT leader asks "Agent Prentiss?"


"I'm sorry for arresting you, because everyone on my team and me included know that both you and Agent Reid are innocent"

"No problem, you're just doing your job and I'm glad to hear we've got some support in the building even if we don't have it by the brass" Em answers.

"I'm also sorry for having to arrest you here, but the only other option we were given was to arrest you at your house and that would most likely be in front of your and Agent Jareau's children"

"Wait, what, in front of your and JJ's kids?" both Luke and Stephen ask. We haven't told them yet that Em and I are married to each other. When we got married we decided to wait with telling any new team members, until we have worked with them for three to four months and only when they'll stick around we tell them. Our reason to wait with telling new members to our team is to make sure they know we can work together and not put any lives in jeopardy while doing it. Because we can both understand that you're a bit hesitant to work in a team were members are together, but this way we show them there's nothing to worry about.

Emily P.O.V.

When the SWAT leader starts checking that I'm really the person their looking for, I'm pretty sure that it'll be about withholding evidence and 'deleting' evidence. Although there's still a difference between 'deleting' and deleting and I'm sure that the team will figure it out, especially with PG on our side. I'm glad that I already talked to the team of who they think is the best second-in-command and I'm one-hundred percent sure that Jen will nail this. Now I'll have to figure out how to get out of this mess without making things worse for Reid, but thanks to my contacts from my undercover days I already have a lawyer. When I make the call, she'll be there. The only problem is that she still knows me as Lauren Reynolds, but I'll figure that out when the time comes.

Let me know if you want me to continue this and if you see any mistakes, please let me know. Also, if enough people want me to continue this, how should Alvez and Walker react to JJ and Emily being married and what should Emily tell her lawyer if she uses her?