Eight years ago Ginger Hale lost everything. Her cousin betrayed his family by telling Kate Argent what their family was. It was Kate Argent and her father that burned Ginger's childhood home. It was The Argents they burned every one of Ginger's family alive. The only ones who weren't in the fire were her cousin, the one who betrayed them, and his sister. Ginger and her father were the only survivors, but Peter Hale has been in a coma ever since the fire.

Ginger hasn't truly healed from the fire. She still wears the burns from the fire over her back and on her arms, from her wrists to her elbows, and she still has nightmares of the day of the fire. She lived with Derek and Laura, her cousins who weren't in the fire, and neither of them truly knew what Ginger had went through. Laura and Derek lost everything, but they could move on, they didn't have the memories or burns that Ginger must carry for her entire life.

Before the fire, when Ginger was just a little girl, her father would take her to Forks to visit his old friend, Charlie Swan. Charlie and Ginger's father had met when her father went to college near Forks. It was because of Charlie that Ginger's father met her mother. Charlie was Ginger's godfather and in every way like an uncle.

When Ginger called him after the long time has passed Charlie was more than happy to allow her to move in with him. Moving away from the only she had left and moving in with Charlie has been a difficult choice, but it has been one that she had to make.

If there was anything Ginger hated it was flying. Plane crashes aren't a common thing, but the fear is enough to almost always keep her off the crazy dangerous things. Unfortunately Ginger had no choice but to get on a plane and fly to Washington, so here was Ginger, sitting in a plane seat, praying she wouldn't die. "We will be starting to take our descendant." Ginger took in a deep breath as she closed her eyes, praying that the plane doesn't crash.

"Deep breaths, Ginger. Deep breaths." She breathes as the plane begins to lower and lower, Ginger's ears popped as the plane goes lower, but she simply closes her eyes and keep repeating hopeful words into her mind.

The lights came back on and the tire slid against the pathway. As soon as the seat belt light comes off Ginger grabs her carry on, which was simply her backpack, and hurries off the plane. Only once she is off the plane can she breath again. She makes her way to baggage claim and grabs her green suitcases. She had a dragging suitcase and a duffle bag suitcase style. She grabs the two bags and heads for the exit. Charlie was picking her up, Bella was flying down today. Bella is Charlie's daughter. Charlie and Bella's mother got a divorce many years ago and Bella spent most of her life living with her mother. It has been years since Charlie has last saw his daughter and she was now coming to live with him. Ginger never really met Bella, due to her living most of her life in Phoenix. Ginger is actually looking forward to meeting Bella, she misses Laura and her sisterly attitude towards Ginger. Ginger hopes Bella and her can hit off, maybe become close like Laura and Ginger had been.

The thing Ginger loves most about Forks is that it has the same weather as Beacon Hills, the place where she was born and raised for her first 8 years of life. She loves Beacon Hills, but memories in her hometown are not ones she wants to remember. Forks is a promise of a fresh start over. When Ginger walked out of the airport the chilly air hit her like a blast of wind. She was smart enough to dress in a a grey warm zip up under her leather jacket, she also had a warm grey beanie on her head, her usual matching fingerless gloves, the ones that went past her elbows to cover her burns, and she has her boots on with warm socks, her dark jeans covering the black boots.

Ginger found Charlie right away, he was the sheriff of Forks, so his car was his police cruiser, it wasn't hard to miss it. She saw Charlie standing talking to a dark haired girl. The girl was thin and frail, her brown hair was dull and held a bit of a curl to it. She looked pale, almost sickly pale. Ginger was determined to make friends with her, she straightened her back and walked confidently over. "Hi, Charlie." Charlie eyes widen as he saw Ginger. Ginger hasn't seen Charlie since she was a little girl and she has changed a lot. Her eyes were still a startling blue, the same eyes that belong to her father. Her hair was blood red and now fell to her mid back. She has grown tall and skinny, having curves in all the right places. Ginger is very beautiful, just like her mother.

"Ginger." Charlie smiles. "You have grown so beautiful." He says before taking her into his arms. Ginger smiles and wraps her arms around him and taking a deep calming breath. Since the fire she has felt as if she wasn't able to breath, but now being in Charlie's arms she feels a calmness that only her father ever managed to give her.

"I missed you so much, Charlie." Ginger says as she pulls away from Charlie.

"I missed you too Gin." Bella clears her throat causing her father and Ginger to look at her. "Right, this is my daughter, Bella. Bella this my goddaughter, Ginger Hale, that I told you about." Bella smiled, but Ginger could see it was fake. She could tell that it didn't hold any warmth or happiness, but instead held anger and a hint of anger. Ginger figures it might just be because of how close Ginger and Charlie are, so Ginger decides to step back from Charlie and smile at Bella.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Bella nods.

"You too." Her voice was the same as her smile, but Ginger decides to give Bella her space.

"Right, so are we going to head to your home, Charlie." Charlie nods, unaware of his daughter's feels as he opens the passenger door. Ginger smiles and goes and take a seat in the back, allowing Bella to sit up front with her father. "So, Bella how old are you now?" Ginger asks as Charlie starts the car.

"17." She says sharply.

"I'm 16, I'll be 17 soon. I'm in my sophomore year." Ginger tells her. "So what was like Arizona like."


"That sounds nice. I'm originally from Beacon Hills, California and the weather there is a lot like here. This place reminds me of home." Ginger smiles, remembering the good memories of Beacon Hills, before the fire.

"I got a headache starting, can we just continue in silence?" Ginger falls silent as she looks at Bella.

"Sure." Ginger says quietly and her eyes goes to window. The car falls silent as the drove through the streets. The silence is stiff and tense, awkward. As Charlie stops at a stoplight in town, and he looks at Bella.

"You're hair's longer." Charlie says, breaking the silence. Bella looks down at her and frowns.

"Hmm... I cut it since the last time I saw you." She says, which was rather rude in Ginger's mind.

"Oh. Guess it grew out again." Charlie says as he shifts in his spot. Silence fills the car again and Ginger shifts awkwardly in her seat.

"So, Charlie how have work been?" She asks, causing him to look back at her.

"Good. What about school for you?" Ginger frowns and rubs her burned flesh.

"Hard." Charlie frowns and once again the car falls silent.

"I'm sorry. It must have been hard. Laura tells me you are still having nightmares." Ginger nods and look out at the passing cars.

"Yes." She says quietly.

"Did the doctors give you any medicine?" He asks, but Ginger sighs.

"Yes, but it doesn't work. It runs out of my system to fast. I'm hoping for just a fresh start here." Charlie nods in understanding.

"No more questions from me." Charlie says, causing Ginger to smile.

"Thanks Charlie, for everything."

"Of course, Ginger, you're my goddaughter, anything for you." With that Charlie falls silent once more. He pulls into the driveway of his home and everyone gets out. Charlie helps Bella with her things, but Ginger takes her things on her own and head into the house.

"I cleared some shelves off in the bathroom, for you girls." Charlie tells them.

"Oh, right one bathroom." Ginger frowns and turns to Charlie.

"I'm fine with that. I'm not really the type to take long in the bathroom." She tells him. "Do I still have the bedroom I have when I stay here?" Ginger asks, causing Charlie to nod.

"Yes, I changed a few things for you, but kept it mostly the same." Ginger smiles as she walks into her bedroom, which was right across Bella's. Her room was painted as if it was the woods, the carpet was a forest pattern. Her bed was a canopy bed, the bed posts were like logs with a deep green forest curtain surrounding the bed. The sheets were a matching green, while the furniture around the room all had the same natural woodsy making.

Ginger walks to her closet and begins to hang her clothes up. As she finishes Charlie walks in. "You still like it?"

"I love it." She smiles and looks at Charlie. "You know I love the woods and this is the best you can ever do for me when it comes to my room." She tells him before going to her dresser and putting her pjs and delicates in there. She places her extra shoes at the floor of her closet.

"You all set? Need any more help with packing?"

"No, I got it, but thanks Charlie." He nods and gives her a smile before leaving her the room. When she finishes unpacking her clothes and shoes she goes and puts her suitcase and duffel bag in her closet. She places her backpack by her desk and places her reading material on its bookshelf. She places her laptop on her desk and she then heads out of her room once more.

Ginger walks out in time to see a truck pulling into the driveway. It honks and seconds later Charlie walks out of the house. "Ginger this is my good friend Billy Black and his son Jacob." Charlie says as he places a hand on her back and leads her over to them. "Billy, Jacob, this is my goddaughter Ginger Hale, she'll be staying with me for awhile."

"Right, you were telling me about her." Billy says as he smiles.

"It's great to meet you." Billy tells Ginger.

"You too Mr. Black." Billy chuckles.

"Please, no need to formalities, call me Billy." Ginger smiles and shakes his hand.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Billy and you too Jacob." Jacob smiles and shakes her hand too. Soon Bella comes out of the house and walks over.

"Bella, you remember Billy Black." Charlie says as he leans against the truck.

"Yeah. Wow, you're looking good." Bella says, forcing a smile as she shakes Billy's hand.

"Well, I'm still dancing." Ginger smiles and leans against Charlie some as she leans on the truck also. "Well, I'm glad you both are finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you both told him you were coming." Ginger giggles, while Jacob smiles.

"Alright, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud."

"After I ram you in the ankles." Billy turns and starts towards Charlie, the two dancing around and pretending to fight. Ginger smiles before looking at Charlie.

"Hey, Charlie, since you're busy having fun with your buddy, would you mind if I walk around and get a sense of the place." Charlie smiles.

"As long as you're back before dark." Charlie tells her before dodging an attack from Billy. Ginger giggles before nodding.

Ginger heads down the road, deciding she wants to take a nice walk. The town is very nice, small and quaint like Beacon Hills had been like before the fire. Ginger rubs her hand over her burned arm. She has so many different gloves for different seasons and occasions just so that her arms always covered. She hated the memories the burns brought her, the nightmares, the insecurities. Ginger didn't want to have these burns, but there was nothing she could really do about it.

She walks for a quite awhile, just trying to get herself used to the town. It didn't take her long to find the La Push Reservation sign. She normally would never go on a place such as this without permission, but something in her told she had to. It was as if her wolf was slowly telling that she needed to be on the reservation. For what she didn't know.

So despite her mind telling her to turn back, she followed her wolf's orders and headed into the reservation. She didn't know where she was going or what she was looking for, but she simply followed where her wolf wanted her to go.

Soon she came to a beach. It had no body on it except for four people, three guys and a girl. The waves crashed against a large rock and the smell of the ocean air hit her like a slap to the face. She took a deep breath of the ocean air in and let out a sigh escape her lips, a smile grace her lips. Beacon Hills was great, but it never had an ocean. You had to drive three towns over in order to go to a beach and it was always so crowded and crazy.

"You know this beach is for the reservation only right? The public beach is down there." Ginger opens her eyes and looked over to see one of the guys now standing before her. He had light brown hair and honey brown eyes. He was tall and thin, but had a muscular frame. He was dressed in only brown cargo pants, brown sneakers, and a grey zip up sweatshirt that had no sleeves. When Ginger's blue eyes met the boy's brown ones time itself stopped.

Everything around them just seemed to blur out until the two of them saw nothing but each other. Only one word could express what they were feeling, love.