Tina went on a mission for too long for Newt tastes. Fortunately for him, she has a promise to keep.
Angst/Hurt/confort/Non-graphic smut

Big thank you for my beta, SleepingReader. She's awesome!

Slumped into the armchair by the fireplace, a glass of Firewhisky in his hand, Newt Scamander was staring absently at the flames. It had been more than a month since Tina went on a mission abroad and, despite his wonderful creatures and his myriad of new obligations as a successful author, he didn't feel so alone for a very long time. Tina… She was so far away. Too far! Where was she? What was she doing right now? Was she ok? Was she safe? Of course not. Working as an Auror was extremely dangerous, how could she be safe? Newt took a deep breath then downed what remained in his glass in one go. The fire danced before his drowsy eyes and then, he finally fell asleep, beat by the sorrow and fatigue.

However, his rest was short-lived: a loud crash followed by a resounding "Mercy Lewis !" woke him up suddenly. He needed a moment to realize that the tall silhouette, hunched and covered by soot, whom exited carefully from the now extinguished fireplace was…


She smiled, with the smile that illuminated her face and for which he had fallen in love. He jumped from his seat in no time and rushed towards her arms.

'My Tina.'

After many weeks of loneliness, he had to restrain his urgent desire to hug her firmly tight.

'Hello Newt". she whispered in the crook of his neck.

'You're back. I can't believe it…'

'Yes, I am.'

'You're back. You're back…

Newt last words died in his throat now too tightened by emotion and happiness to articulate properly. He was crying and laughing and kissing Tina, all at once, and switched from desperate embraces to feverish kisses. Tina's joy, although equal to Newt's, was much less exuberant. After a umpteenth kiss, she couldn't help but laugh against his lips and gently push him back in the hope he'd come to his senses.

'I'm really here Newt, I'm back.'

Standing forehead to forehead, he felt her shiver from head to toe and then noticed her soaked coat.

'You must be frozen. Come have a seat.'

He relieved her of her case and helped to set her at ease. This was the moment he saw the scarf around her neck.

'You still have it…'

'You seem surprised.'

'A bit, yes. I mean…'

With a smile, Tina untied the scarf and brought it to her nose one last time before holding it out to him.

'I'm sorry, it's a bit dirty but… it… it helped me make it through you know?'

Newt took Tina's hands in his with the piece of knitted wool.


'Yes', Tina answered, and now her voice were not louder than a whisper. 'A simple charm provided the smell to be kept. Your smell. And… You know…'

Uncomfortable, she looked down while laughing soflty. It was more than Newt can bear. Determined, he made her look at him with a finger under her chin. It felt like his heart was about to explode from happiness. He caught her lips in a long and tender kiss, full of the love he felt for her at this exact moment but thought he was unable to express with words. She answered with the same tenderness but the kiss was stopped when Newt felt Tina's tears on his cheeks.

'Tina, love, what…'

'I've missed you so much', she sobbed. 'The mission… Oh Newt, the children, all the children…'

Obviously unaware of the content of her mission, Newt could only guess and the thoughts crossing his mind were anything but pleasant. However, he had the thoughtfulness not to ask questions, aware that Tina would talk when she'd feel able to. All she needed now was his full support so he hugged her again.

'If only we arrived in time, if only…' she stammered. 'We failed, we failed to save them all. I felt so powerless, so useless. I thought I'd lose control. We stopped the monsters who did this. I nearly killed one of them Newt, I swear, nearly…'

Newt started caressing her hair in a way he hoped was comforting and understanding.

'Percival stopped me of course. I don't think I'll be sanctioned this time.'

She tried but miserably failed to laugh at her attempt at a joke.

'At that point, I thought about Credence, in the New York subway. Another failure. I've not been able to save him either.'

She stepped back and looked at him. Regardless of her eyes looking red because of the tears, Newt couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she looked.

'And your scarf, when I saw it, it reminded me… the promise I made. To bring it back to you, in person. And, if I wanted to fulfill my promise, I needed t-to stand and… stay strong.'

She was the one who took the initiative for embracing him this time. She also was the one who deepened the kisses, strolled her hands in his hair and started to undo the buttons of his shirt. It was Tina, his sweet Tina, who pushed him into the armchair all of a sudden, almost ripping his clothes off and climbing in his lap in anything but an innocent attitude. Not that Newt was complaining, quite the opposite. If she needed to love him to feel better, he would certainly love her in return. All night long and several times if needed. Their clothes now lay on the floor ; the warmth of their skin together, their breath mingled with one another and their adventurous hands were all that mattered actually. And also the delightful sensation they share when he sunk inside her. A delightful sensation that lasted and grew with the pace of their rough moves that had them panting after their own release.

They lay there, entwined on the armchair which had been the only witness of their carnal interaction. Newt was watching the flames reflecting on Tina skin. It was an adorable, mesmerizing sight, added to the fact that she was stroking her fingers in his hair, that soothed him and it didn't last long before he closed his eyes, exhausted. He placed his head on her shoulder.

'Wake me up if you need anything alright?' He breathed.

As a response, she placed a soft kiss on his forehead and he fell asleep.

As usual, give me your feedback and bring me some ideas. ^^