So I just randomly got this idea for a WhiteRose fic and decided to go with it I guess. This will be a two shot maybe more, depends. By the way, if you're following Our Forgiven Lies that will be updated likely Monday, and this will be finished probably Tuesday. I shouldn't hold promises I can't keep but whatever. So, I hope you all enjoy and have a goodnight

Weiss sighed, her eyes staring out into the night. She sat still in the chair, having not moved since the morning. It had been eight months since the fall of Beacon, and she was forced to stay in this hellhole called home… or… was it even her home anymore? No, this place was never her home… these people were never her family. The only family she had was Klein… Winter and team RWBY. Only they knew the real Weiss Schnee; her real smile, her real laugh, her real everything.

But at this home she wasn't real, she was a prisoner to her father. Her father practically held her as his prisoner, having guards spend time outside her door roaming the hallway, making sure she never left. Only her butler Klein being allowed in or out. Rarely however, her father didn't trust her anymore. She was no longer the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, and all her life she believed that she could change the company name to be good again, before her father. But now, none of that mattered, no. After she met that little energetic bundle of joy called her leader, she started to see the world in a different light.

The real world, the horrible side of the world and she wanted nothing to do with the Schnee family name. So after her father changed her status of heiress to her brother being heir, she was happy. Being heiress was just a silly little title, a title that meant nothing to her anymore.

Looking down at her hands Weiss gave a small sigh. But like before, she was trapped. Slowly the girl rose from her chair going over to Myrtenasters' case, popping it open. This was a family weapon, passed down from her mother to her and many people before her they didn't have a choice but to carry such weapon. But Weiss had come to terms to enjoy the weapon, she ran a finger over the blade before sitting on the small space next to the case. Could she escape? How would she be able to though, it wasn't like she could just walk out the front door. Even if she wanted to.

The guards would find her even before she set a foot out her bedroom door, her father made sure that they had a tight eye on her. She wanted her… she wanted Ruby. She wanted to be with the girl, not at home. She should've fought her father back at Vale insisting that she'd stay, she didn't want to leave that redhead. The redhead she fell in love with… yes Weiss Schnee fell in love with Ruby Rose.

She realized too late that she did, having realized that being away from that girl everyday took a toll on her mental state. Could Ruby… could one person really do this to her? Ruby was the only person that had shown her that this world after all could have been a fairytale. That they could make it one, if they just tried. But one little thought pushed its way to the front of Weiss' mind.

Did Ruby love her the way she did? Over and over again she thought that, would running away to her be such a good idea? What if she found Ruby and the girl had someone else, would Weiss be able to live with herself? Knowing that she was too late, to oblivious to her own feelings. Weiss produced another sigh looking back at the weapons case, it was neat. Dust to the top, weapon down below. Clean as the day is was made. Not a single… wait what was that?

Weiss raised an eyebrow, when she caught what looked like something sticking out of the corner of the weapons case. Was that… a piece of paper? The girl slowly reached forward, slipping the paper out. How long had it been tucked in there? It was folded up neatly having been tucked in that small spot. The girl slowly unfolded it, her eyes catching small numbers on the top before anything else.


This was the fall? Not too long ago, just a few months before the fall of Beacon. Weiss raised an eyebrow before reading the paper.

Dear Weiss,

I don't know if you'll ever find this, I'm kind of hoping you don't. But, I guess I'm hoping you do. I know we've only known each other for a few months now, and I don't even know if you like me as a friend but, I guess what I'm trying to say is that… I like you Weiss. I guess more than a friend, it's weird I get it. We're both girls, and yeah. If you do find this letter, just throw it away, I guess. I don't even know why I'm writing this in a letter anym

Weiss frowned, as it was cut off there. But her heart pounded against her chest as she read it over and over again. Ruby… did like her? Did… did… did. Would Ruby still like her, even after she stayed with her father? Weiss took a deep breath pulling the note to her chest, the paper smelt like roses. Just like her.

"You dolt." Weiss whispered looking out the window, as she slowly closed her eyes. Falling asleep in her spot.

So I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this two shot, maybe not. Leave a like and a review if you'd like and I guess I'll catch you all next time. Stay shiny my friends.