A/N: So I'm making another story for this movie. And I am yet to update my other stories for another movies. So anyway, I'm really torn if I should make this a oneshot or should I continue and make other chapters for it? Please read and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, just my imagination working

"Branchy!" a little pink voice called as she reached for the blue troll and embraced him in a tight hug. The blue troll was not surprised, though. In fact, he likes being hugged by the little pink troll who is two or three years younger than him.

"Hey there Poppy" he said as they broke from their hug. They love hug time, it is one of the many things that makes a troll, a troll. Their home won't be called the Happiest Tree if not for the sing, dance and hug. Well, except for the giant cage that encloses their tree.

"Hey guys, look!" a child's voice called. Branch knows exactly what is going to happen next after hearing that voice. "Poppy and Branch are sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" the voice sang. And after that, all of the other Troll kids started to sing along. Poppy, however, continued to cling on the blue troll's arm. He glared at the other kids, while trying his best to hide his blush. He glanced at Poppy and met her little pink eyes, she's too young to understand what the other kids are doing to them; although both of them are still young.

He has always liked Poppy. Ever since his Grandma Rosiepuff brought her to their pod when King Peppy asked her to watch over his little Princess, he started to feel something weird inside himself that a troll his age is yet to understand. He would always watch over her when his grandma is busy doing chores or babysitting other Troll children. He has always treated Poppy different, he'd give her flowers, sing her a song and even let her hug him.

"Look, he's blushing!" a sparkly Troll said in an auto tune voice. The other kids started to laugh, which made him shy.

"Come on, Poppy" he said walking away while holding the princess's hand. He could hear the other kids laugh even more.

"Oh, come on Branch, we're just kidding" the little red troll named Suki said.

"Yeah, Branch, we're just playing" said a troll named Cooper, who looks like a giraffe.

"Well, it's not funny" the blue troll replied with a bit of annoyance in his voice. The other kids started to laugh again as they began to approach him and the princess. Poppy ran towards her other friends and gave them each a hug.

"See, Poppy is not taking it seriously because she knows we're just playing" two girl trolls said in unison. They are also a bit odd because their hairs are joined at the ends.

"Because, she's still a kid—" he began

"And so are we" the other troll kids replied. Branch tried to think of a rebuttal to that, but to his dismay he had none. They were right, they are all kids. And he's acting crazy because he did have a crush on the little princess.

"Unless, he does have a crush on Princess Poppy" the chubby blue troll they call Biggie said. The other kids all looked at him with a wide grin on their faces. Just when Branch was about to protest again. A purple troll descended from above, well technically a firefly was holding his hair, and joined the conversation.

"Loosen up mate" he started. He is that purple troll that always makes fun of him. "Have some positivity in you. Cybil said that if let negativity in us, we'll turn gray"

"Ha ha as if I'd turn gray" Branch said rolling his eyes. He doesn't like this troll. He likes to show off a lot and he loves to steal the spotlight with his positivity talk, his meditation, his words of wisdom, and so on.

"Creek! You're finally here!" the other kids said.

"Just finished our morning meditation." The purple troll answered.

"Okay, so now that we're all here. Let's have some fun!" Suki said, which all of them agreed to.

"Let's play!" Poppy shouted. All of them cooed at her because she's so darn adorable. Even Branch, who completely forgot his annoyance of the other kids smiled because of her.

"What do you wanna play Princess Poppy" Branch asked. Everyone was supposed to tease him again, but they were more focused on what the little Princess would answer.

"Hide 'n Seek!" she answered. Again, everybody cooed at her cuteness. They all went down the Troll Tree and decided to play Hide 'n Seek at the roots of the tree where there are lots of places to hide like the huge mushrooms, tall blades of grass, the roots of the tree and there are huge rocks around too.

"Branch, you're it!" Guy Diamond said. Everyone agreed with him and that made Branch really annoyed.

"What!? Why am I going to be the 'it'?" he asked as if he was being cheated on. Everyone giggled, he was about to protest again.

"Too much negativity will make you gray mate" Creek said. He frowned again and watched the other kids giggle.

"Go Branchy!" Poppy encouraged. Somehow, Branch's annoyance disappeared. His frown suddenly disappeared when he heard the little pink troll speak.

"Fine, I'll be 'it'" he mumbled, the other kids were about to tease him again. "I'm gonna start counting! 1! 2! 3…"

The other kids scrambled to find their hiding places right away. They hid underneath mushrooms, behind the blades of grass and behind the rocks. Some even used their hair to blend in. "10! Ready or not, here I come!" Branch called. One by one he searched for his friends. He checked under the nearby rocks, grass and mushroom because it was so obvious that that is where they'll hide. Branch was also smart that he remembered the placement of rocks around them, so he easily found those that blended to their surroundings. "Okay, Creek's going to be 'it'" he said.

"Fine. Alright mates, you better hide 1! 2! 3—" he was suddenly cut off by the sound of clanging metal. They all looked at the gate of the huge cage that surrounds their tree and saw a huge Bergen wearing chef outfit.

"A Bergen" they all whispered. The creature opened the gate and stepped inside. Each step shook the earth beneath the feet of the children. They all froze in fear.

"Come on, hide" Branch said, pushing everyone behind the exposed root of the tree. He tried his best to shush everyone especially Biggie. They were only there for a few seconds, but for them, it felt like an eternity. Branch glanced upon the Bergen and saw it looking around. Branch hid quickly when it turned to their direction. He tried his best to keep everyone calm when the creature bowed down and inspected the roots of the tree. Thankfully it searched for a different spot. Everyone was starting to cry, only Branch and Creek were the only ones who tried to keep everyone calm. But things got more difficult, when they heard a Troll screaming for help, Branch looked at his friends and hugged them tight as the screams for help grew louder. "Shh, it's just a bad dream" he said.

The scream became spine tingling, until it slowly faded along with the sound of the clanging of the gates as it was locked up once again. "Shh shh, it's just a bad dream. Just a bad dream" Branch said once again.

He rose from his bed and saw only the cold walls of his bunker. "Just a bad dream"

A/N: So, should I keep up? Or should I leave it be? Please help me decide. Anyway, hoped you enjoy it. Please feel free to review. And do give me some suggestions. And again, help me decide.