So here is part two. It's longer so prepare yourselves for a whole lot of fluff. Also the first part is the memory of the date that Queenie is reading from Tina's mind, which is why it's all in the past tense.

Again I don't own anything but the plot.

Hope you enjoy!

They'd been sat opposite each other in the bar/restaurant, and the live music had changed to a slow jazz number. He'd gazed at her, smiling. He'd taken her hand and asked her, somewhat shyly, "May I have this dance?"

Tina was surprised. She didn't have him down as a dancer. She wasn't much of one either, but slow dance she could just about manage. She'd composed herself quickly to stop herself becoming a giggling wreck. She'd smiled what she'd hoped was a coquettish smile, and said, "You may." In a way that she'd hoped reflected the smile. Next she knew, she was on the dancefloor with him, and he had one hand on her waist and the other holding her hand. She'd put her free hand on his chest just below his shoulder and they'd just swayed gently in time with the music. It was very romantic, and there were several other couples on the dancefloor at the time, but neither were focussed on that. Their heads were so close together they could feel each other's breath on their faces. After a few beautiful moments she'd murmured without looking at him, "You didn't tell me you could dance."

He'd laughed then. A soft, very attractive sounding laugh that would've made her weak at the knees if he hadn't been holding her up. "You never asked." When she momentarily looked up at him questioningly he'd added, "Hogwarts graduation ball. I learned."


"Theseus. Unfortunately, my brother is the perfect example of an English gentleman."

Tina had had an idea of who this graduation ball dance was with, but hadn't asked. She'd turned her gaze away from his again and giggled at the image of Theseus teaching Newt to dance, before saying, "You're not bad, though."

He'd smiled again. She'd seen it out of the corner of her eye. "I try. Where did you learn?"

"Dance lessons at school. Also for the graduation ball."

He'd smiled again, but hadn't said anything. They'd continued to dance for a few more moments, as if they were the only people in the room. Then he'd spoken again, his hand releasing hers and moving to gently caress her jaw, making her look up at him. His voice had been soft, romantic, smooth. "Miss Goldstein…I would very much like to kiss you now."

She'd laughed. "You say it like we haven't kissed before."

His smile had almost been too much for her, "We're in public. It's the gentlemanly thing to do. May I?"

She'd rolled her eyes, still smiling, and moved her now free hand to briefly cup his jaw. "Of course. But not here."

The song slowly faded out and as it did she'd linked her hand with his and led him to a back corridor. When the door had swung shut behind them and they were no longer in public view, she'd laced her arms around his neck and murmured, "Now you can kiss me."

His voice had been even lower. "It would be my pleasure."

It must have been something about the fact they weren't in public view, because what started as a gentle kiss, his hand cupping her jawline and guiding her mouth to his, ended up being a searing passionate encounter; her pinned against the wall and him pushing up against her, absolutely no space between their two bodies. His hands had circled her waist, occasionally tracing their way up to her shoulders and back down again. Her hands had gotten lost in his auburn curls, meaning he couldn't move more than a few inches away from her. She'd let a few soft murmurs escape her lips between and during kisses, and she'd felt him smile into the next searing kiss every time she did so.

They'd carried on like this for several minutes, relishing the closeness of one another. But they did eventually have to come up for air. Tina broke away first, slowly lingering on the last kiss before finally pulling away to lean her head back against the wall. She was utterly breathless. The first time a man had ever made her so. Eventually she'd breathed a single word, "Wow." With a soft laugh.

He'd said nothing, just dropped his head to press kisses to her neck and her collarbone, on full show because of the dress' off-the-shoulder straps. She'd kept her head leant back to allow more space for him, and giggled as his lips pressed against her bare skin. Then he'd looked up at her from her shoulder, his breath tickling her skin. He'd moved his head so his forehead was pressed against hers, and looked her right in the eyes. "Tina…there's something I've been meaning to tell you." His voice was low, clearly he was still out of breath, and she couldn't blame him. So was she.


"I've come to realise something over the past month or so…" he started but Tina interrupted him.

"Just spit it out, Newt." she was grinning though.

He'd blushed slightly and seemed to mentally reprimand himself for waffling. "I believe that I have fallen in love with you, Tina Goldstein."

She'd almost breathed a sigh of relief. There she was thinking she'd have to say it first. She'd smiled. "I do believe that I have fallen in love with you too, Newt Scamander."

What happened after that was rather fuzzy, and Queenie couldn't quite get past the ultra-clear memory of a hot make-out session in a back corridor at a bar. She was surprised and delighted at the same time. For one, Newt hadn't seemed the type to instigate that sort of thing, and Tina most certainly wasn't the type to go along with it. And then there was the matter of Newt's confession of love for Tina. Completely ignore my advice, why don't you? Was Queenie's first thought, but then she strongly suspected that he'd panicked and forgotten her advice, only remembering it when he'd gone to confess his love. But she was over the moon for the pair of them. It had been painful to watch him when he returned, knowing he was completely head over heels for her sister but not feeling able to tell her.

The memory of the night's main event slowly went fuzzy too as Tina finally drifted off to sleep. And Queenie, not fancying reading what Tina was dreaming about after what had happened at the bar, went back to sleep as well.

At around ten the next morning Queenie awoke to find Tina still asleep. She must be hungover if she's not up before me she thought smirking, and left the bedroom to make a late breakfast. She proceeded, giggling to herself, to make as much noise in the kitchen as she could, short of actually breaking things. This, as she suspected, drew Tina out of the bedroom, bleary-eyed and her hair all over the place. She dropped into the nearest seat at the dining table.

"Can you keep it down?" her voice was laced with exhaustion.

Queenie laughed. "Hungover, are we?"

"No." Yes. A little.

Still laughing, Queenie continued, "Sounds like you two had quite the evening."

Tina went red. "You read my mind. When I got back."

Queenie turned to her sister, putting two mugs of strong black coffee on the table and sitting next to her. "I did. I must say, a back corridor is a pretty clichéd place to have a hot make-out session."

Tina went even more red, if that was possible. She didn't say anything so Queenie jumped in before she could. "You remember that bit quite clearly." She was trying so hard not to just burst into peals of hysterical laughter at the expression on Tina's face.

"Shut up." Tina dropped her gaze to stare at the table. Seriously Queenie, leave it.

"Why? Don't want to face up to the fact that Tina Goldstein, cold-hearted professional Auror of MACUSA, had a slightly drunken make-out session, in a back corridor of a bar, on Valentines evening, with a British magizoologist?" Queenie was still giggling. She was enjoying this.

"I am not cold-hearted!" Tina was indignant.

"Oh so that's what you're most bothered about? That I called you cold-hearted?" Queenie could not stop laughing. She'd never had the chance to embarrass her sister, so now she was making the most of it. She looked her sister right in the eye. "Admit it, you enjoyed it."


"The make-out session, silly. What else?"

Tina sighed, she might as well admit it, Queenie would only read her mind otherwise. "Of course I did."

"I don't blame you. From your memory of it he seems like quite the kisser. And you seemed to be really enjoying his hands on you." Queenie smirked as she said this, already reading her sister's reaction.

"Just. Stop. Right there. Stop."

"I won't repeat what you were thinking while making out." That ridiculous smirk was still on Queenie's face and she knew it too.

Tina remembered what she'd been thinking and her face continued to burn. "Please don't." she pleaded before adding, "We did do other things, you know." Then she realised how that sounded and froze for a moment. "Not like that! Hell no! I mean I wouldn't…I'm just gonna stop talking." She went back to staring at the table.

Queenie knew what her sister was going to say. I mean I wouldn't mind if we got married. She put a hand over Tina's, still stifling laughter. "Hey. I know what you mean. You ate a rather delicious meal, had several conversations about several different topics, danced together and drank a fair bit."

Tina seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She knew Queenie knew what she meant, but she was glad she'd actually said so. Queenie continued, "The dancing was cute, though."

"Yes, I did enjoy that, actually." Tina looked at her sister again, slightly less embarrassed. Her blush was disappearing.

Queenie had already read this, but asked anyway. "So you remember it all clearly now?"

"Yeah. Just about."

"Then you can tell me how much you had to drink."

"But you've probably already read that…"

"Just tell me, Teenie."

Tina sighed, "I had a glass of wine with the meal, about seven or eight shots of gigglewater and a couple of firewhiskies."

Queenie seemed impressed. "And you're only slightly hungover? After all that?"

"Yeah. I was a little tipsy. Newt on the other hand…" now Tina started to laugh before continuing, "He can't hold his liquor to save his life."

"Really?" Obviously Queenie had read this in Tina's thoughts but wanted to hear her sister talk about it.

"Nope. He's such a lightweight. He had a glass of wine with the meal, but then he only had two or three shots of gigglewater and a firewhisky. He didn't even have half as much as I did but he was hammered. I had to Apparate home. And I'd had more to drink."

"I did think you'd have a high alcohol tolerance, especially after your 21st. When you had far too much and challenged Graves to a drinking contest." Queenie laughed.

"Oh Mercy Lewis, don't go there. Just. Don't." Tina shook her head in embarrassment – Graves had occasionally reminded her of that incident when he'd felt like it – but she was laughing.

"You stood on the bar and you announced that you could drink everyone in the room under the table." Queenie continued, grinning.

"Stop!" Tina laughed to cover her embarrassment.

"I remember you were really hungover the next day. You were lying in your bed and you said…"

"I am never drinking again." Both the sisters finished at the same time. And then laughed.

"Look how well that turned out." Queenie remarked, "You kept that promise for four years, Teenie. What changed?" Then she read her mind. "Of course. He turned up."

"And turned me into a wreck of a woman." Tina finished before she could stop herself.

"That's what happens when you're in love, big sister. Oh and by the way, your confession of your feelings for one another…so cute."

Before her sister could think of a reply, Queenie stood from the table and strode over to the case, lying in the centre of the lounge where either of the sisters could've tripped over it. But then she figured, he was drunk, he probably hadn't cared. "Anyway, we have a hungover British magizoologist to wake up." she said, a cheeky grin on her face and her eyes glinting mischievously.

"Queenie, whatever you're planning, it's not a good idea." Tina half-mirrored her sister's grin, sipping her still-warm coffee.

Queenie ignored this statement, reading that her sister wanted to wake him up too. "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if I was a Metamorphagus instead of a Legilimens, then I could transform into his mother and walk right on in," she put on an older female British accent, "Newton! What time do you call this?"

Tina couldn't help but crack up laughing. "I'd pay good money to see that."

"I know you would. So how shall we wake him? Shall we be nice to him?"

Tina shrugged. "I think we probably should. It might be a sensitive operation."

Queenie laughed. "You think? He's so hungover I can feel his headache." Tina rolled her eyes and Queenie knocked on the case. Loudly. Tina winced. He wasn't going to like that.

After a few moments of silence they heard an exhausted groaning coming from the case and eventually it opened. Newt put his arms on the outside of the case and put his forehead on top of them. "Can you please not?" his voice was muffled. He'd clearly just thrown on a shirt, as it was wide open. His curls were a complete mess, and Tina quickly decided that this was the most attractive she'd ever seen him, and her face reddened a little. Just as her blush had gone. Queenie looked back at her sister quickly, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face. Tina glared at her over her mug.

"Aw, are you hungover?" Queenie turned back to Newt, mocking a sympathetic voice. Tina chuckled to herself. At this Newt looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. Tina shrugged, smiling at him. Queenie waved her wand, a strong cup of tea brewing itself in the kitchen before floating towards her. She handed it to him, and he looked up, accepting it gratefully.

"I'll tell you what, something I've learned about Newton Scamander, famous and highly intelligent magizoologist…" Queenie started conversationally, knowing he hated compliments.

"Stop." Newt interrupted her.

Queenie continued as if he hadn't spoken. "Is that he can't hold his liquor. Seriously, you had half as much as Teenie and she had to Apparate home because you were hammered."

Newt looked at Tina. He had a vague fuzzy memory of her Apparating the two of them home in the early hours. You told her. Tina read what his expression was saying and shrugged again.

"Of course she told me, honey. She didn't have to, really." Queenie really was enjoying teasing the couple.

Tina stood from the table, draining the last of her coffee. "You know, I'm starting to believe the saying that younger siblings were put on this earth to annoy their older siblings." She strode over to where Queenie was stood, next to the case. Queenie looked at her sister with an exaggerated innocent look on her face. Tina continued, but she wasn't overly annoyed. "Let him alone, Queenie. You've had your fun."

Queenie read what Tina was going to do and smiled, "Sure. You two want anything to eat?"

Oh hell no was the exact same thought she got from both of them. She laughed. "Fine, go into the case. I'll be here if you need me."

The couple sat on the cot inside Newt's shed. Newt was cradling the cup of tea in his hands, and Tina had an arm around his shoulder. She was trying, mostly unsuccessfully, not to focus on his open shirt and his toned, yet scarred chest that was blatantly on display. Clearly he was too hungover to notice. Eventually she watched him cradling the tea instead and laughed, "You really need to man up."

"To be honest, I've never been much of a man's man." he replied, sipping the tea and glancing at her. She had bed hair and was in her pyjamas. She was still so beautiful. It was then he realised his shirt was open. But she hadn't made a comment; she didn't seem to care. And right now, neither did he.

"I noticed." She laughed again and began twirling a lock of his hair between two of her fingers. "Please tell me you remember what transpired between us last night?" Tina wasn't sure she could take it if he didn't remember.

He paused for a moment, and as he gazed into her eyes he remembered those same eyes blazing with a fiery passion the previous night. Then he remembered the feel of her lips on his in the back corridor, and he remembered confessing his love for her. "Of course." he murmured, and quickly placed the teacup on the desk without breaking his gaze on her.

The back of his hand gently traced her jawline. Her hand on his shoulder slid off and landed on the edge of the bed. Her hand in his hair did the same thing. His hand felt calloused yet warm, and she wanted to clutch it against her face. Eventually he actually placed his hand on that side of her face, the tips of his fingers in her hair.

After a few moments he spoke again. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" She was surprised, and hoped he didn't regret what happened.

"I was too forward. I shouldn't have pushed you…" but Tina placed a finger to his lips before he could continue.

"No." she drew out the word before continuing, "You asked my permission, and then I lead you out and told you that you could kiss me."

"But still, I…"

"No buts. I actually enjoyed it, truth be told." she admitted, blushing and wanting to look at the floor but not being able to tear her eyes away from his.

He blushed. "You…you did?"

"Yes, I did. Of course I did! Do you really think I would've gone along with it if I hadn't?"

He made to look away, but found he couldn't take his eyes off her. He shrugged. "Fair point."

There was a pause before he placed his forehead to hers and murmured, "I meant every word I said, Tina. I love you. I love you for you and I don't care what anyone else thinks."

She laced her arms around his neck. "And I meant every word I said. I love you too. You are a wonderful man just as you are, and anyone who thinks otherwise can deal with me."

He couldn't think of anything to say to that, so he just gazed at her adoringly. Then he said, "You know, I'm immensely glad you enjoyed it. Because there's a lot more where that came from." He wasn't embarrassed now. His face was still so close to hers; she could feel his breath on her face. She remembered the same feeling from the night before.

She giggled. "Whatever happened to the hangover?"

"Something in the tea." He murmured back, making her giggle again. Before she could utter another word lips collided once more, her fingers intertwining with his unruly curls and his hand that wasn't in her hair on the small of her back. Unlike the night before, they weren't desperately touching each other's faces and necks and shoulders, nor were they rapidly kissing each other like the world was about to end. Instead it was slower; they were taking more time to enjoy the moment and each other. This time it was Newt who pulled away first, lingering on the last kiss, and then simply leaning on her forehead, gazing at her. Both were breathing fairly heavily. "Why'd you stop?" Tina giggled, her voice a little breathless.

"I wanted to look at you. Because you're so beautiful." he murmured back, his voice breathless too.

"Most men think Queenie's the beautiful one. I've always thought of myself as the ugly older sister, but I guess I've been too focused on my career to care much." Her voice was also a murmur.

It pained him to hear that she thought of herself like that. "No. You're not the ugly one. You are the most incredibly beautiful witch I've ever had the fortune to come across. Yes, your sister is lovely, but she's not you."

Tears pricked at her eyes and threatened to spill over. He was so sincere, and he was telling the truth. "You're not bad yourself." Was all she could think of to say, and she could hear that her voice was choked up. "Now just shut up and kiss me." she mock-demanded.

"Demanding already?" he grinned.

"You bet." she grinned back and the pair of them smiled into the kiss that followed. This was where the relationship really started.

So there we are. There's my (late) Valentines story. Hope you enjoyed it, and please leave your (hopefully positive) reviews, I greatly appreciate them!

Also the poll on my bio page is still open, so head there to vote for the next Newtina oneshot you want to see me upload! Though I do have an idea for another fic inspired by Chapter 8/9 of Rapunzel24's fic 'Making Memories' here on FanFiction. So I might write that first. Let me know!
