Here is the long awaited—or I hope long awaited—epilogue to 'Sentient.' Enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own.

It was a nice evening. It was wonderful, in fact. It was always wonderful when she had the chance to hang out with her cousin, her cousin's fiancé, and her best friend. Nothing felt more perfect than when the four of them got together. Well, maybe except when she had some one-on-one time with her best friend. Those moments were her happiest because now he wasn't just her best friend, he was the love of her life. He knew her every mood, every expression, every flaw, and yet he was always by her side, loving her without fault. Those moments truly were the best.

But this wasn't one of those moments. Her mind was wandering. No, this moment was one filled with drinks, laughs, and lots of flirty banter. She was with the people she loved the most and nothing could ruin her mood.

At least she thought so until she walked in.

She just finished whispering something rather naughty in Clark's ear, causing him to clench his jaw and grip her left thigh—which was already in his grasp—just a little tighter when Chloe gasped.


Lois's head whipped around in the direction of her cousin's gaze and was immensely grateful she'd already set her glass down, otherwise she'd have shards piercing her skin. "No," she breathed in disbelief.

Clark swiveled around towards the entrance of the bar and caught sight of who everyone was staring at. There, just inside the doorway, stood the beautiful dark-haired woman in a dark blue dress, black pea coat, and stiletto heels.

All eyes turned back to Clark as she stood up from his seat. "Lana?"

The petite brunette turned and spotted him, her face breaking out into a look of surprise and delight. He moved through the throng of people, practically gliding across the floor, toward him. Clark moved past strangers in his quest to get to her and when he finally reached her, he took her in his arms and hauled her off the floor, gripping her in a tight hug.

"Lana!" he grinned. Her arms came around his neck.

Lois watched the scene take place. Fear and hurt began swirling in her gut, the feeling unpleasant pulling her heart down into her stomach. The sensation stole her breath and she couldn't stop the dread from bleeding into her chest. Her eyes were rooted to Clark. The two finally broke apart and Clark led Lana towards the group.

Oliver leaned into Chloe. "Am I the only one finding this eerily familiar?" he whispered, causing her to flash back to the night two months ago when Lois's friend Will showed up at the same bar.

"Lana, it's so good to see you again!" Chloe said, standing and embracing her when she was close enough.

"It's so good to see you, too!" Lana smiled. "Though I didn't expect to run into you guys here."

"We have drinks here almost twice a month. It's a thing we started about a year ago," Chloe said.

"Oh, well. It's really nice to see you all are still close."

"Yes, although closer than when you last saw us," Chloe beamed, holding out her hand to Oliver, who took it with pride.

"Oh," Lana smirked. "Very nice."

Oliver chuckled and pulled Chloe back down into her seat and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"Why don't you join us?" Clark asked.

"Oh, no, I don't want to intrude."

"You're not. Sit." He gestured to his vacated chair.

Lois finally found her voice once Lana was seated beside her. "How are you, Lana? What have you been doing this past year?"

"Oh, um, after I left Smallville, I traveled across Europe for about six months before settling in Paris. I've been really good."

"So, this was clearly overlooked earlier, but you've come across a cure for the suit it seems. Otherwise Clark would be in agony," Chloe said.

The man in question had settled in on the other side of Lois and was nursing a beer. Lana looked over at him before her eyes caught Lois's. "Oh, don't worry. It's fine. I know all about Clark."

The surprise on Lana's face was evident, but she smiled. "Well, in that case, yes. I found a cure. All traces of kryptonite are gone. It took several months to drain the suit. That's when I decided to stay in Paris, once I was cleared."

"And now you're back for Clark?" Lois asked, to which Clark promptly choked on a mouthful of beer.

"Uh, no," Lana chuckled. "I mean, yes, in a way, I suppose I am."

"Well, that's great," Lois smiled, though it was strained. "Umm, why don't we give them some space then?" She looked over at her cousin and Oliver.

"Uh, Lois," Clark began.

"It's all good, Smallville," she said, catching his eyes briefly. "All good."

Clark understood what she was trying to say without actually saying it. She stood up with Chloe and Oliver and the three proceeded to the bar, giving him and Lana room to talk. Once they were standing at the bar, Lois looked back at the table forlornly.

"You're just going to let him go, aren't you?" Chloe asked.

"Clark deserves to be happy. More than anyone I know."

"But, Lois. You love him."

She sighed. "Very much." She turned to Oliver and smiled sadly. "I need a drink."

In the time it took Clark to speak with Lana, Lois downed a glass of scotch and six shots of silver tequila. It had only been about ten minutes. Lois was bracing against the bar top, spinning a shot glass between her fingers. Chloe looked on in concern while Oliver tried to pull the glasses away from her. "Lois, stop. This won't make you feel any better."

"'M not trying to feel better," she grumbled.

"Well, this won't help anything."

"Not true," she replied in a sing-song manner.

"Hey, guys." Clark walked up to the three at the bar.

"Where's Lana?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, uh, she stepped out to take a call," he answered, then paused. "Lois, what are you doing?"

"Drinking, duh," she rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I see this." He took the shot glass from her hands. "Why so much?"

"Drinking contest," she said.

"With whom?"


Clark laughed. "Lois."

"Where's Lana?" she asked.

"Right here." The petite brunette stopped beside Clark. "Sorry, I had to step out. I haven't spoken to Vincent since this morning. He gets pretty preoccupied at the hospital and he was just returning my call. He'll be coming in tomorrow afternoon. We should all meet up for dinner."

Lois blinked. "Vincent?"

"My fiancé. We met in London and he's the one who suggested we move to Paris. He's really great. You guys are gonna love him."

"Well I can't wait to meet him." Chloe smiled brightly. "Shall I give you my number?"

"Oh, yes, I'll call you tomorrow morning about dinner." She proceeded to log Chloe's number in her cell phone and gave her a tight hug. "I should get going. See you all soon."

"Bye, Lana," Oliver waved.

"See you," said Clark.

Lois nodded feebly. Lana exited the bar and Chloe grabbed Oliver's hand to lead him back to their table.

Lois groaned. "Ohhh, I'm such an idiot."

"You certainly are," Clark replied. Lois twisted her face up at him. "Did you honestly think I would leave you for Lana?"

Lois licked her lips. "She's cured."

"And engaged."

"Ah, but not married. You've still got a shot."

"You stubborn, iron-willed woman," Clark shook his head.

"Look, Clark. We've only been dating a few months. I know why you and Lana broke up. It was because her suit made you sick. But now that she's cured, there's nothing stopping you from being with her."

"Oh, yes, there is," he retorted. "And you know it. I love you and no matter what Lana does—or anyone else for that matter—that will never change."

"But Clark, she was the one you've always wanted."

He shook his head. "You're the one I've always needed. And this past year, I've realized how much I want you. I thought I've been doing a good job at showing you that. Clearly, I should try harder."

He pulled Lois into him, his hands running down her back to her butt, giving it a brief squeeze. She grunted softly and bit her lip. "I wouldn't mind you trying a bit harder."

He chuckled huskily and kissed her so thoroughly that her toes curled and her sex clenched. She gripped him tightly. "Let's go home, Smallville. You've got hard work to do."

He growled. "You gonna do that thing you whispered in my ear earlier."

"Multiple times…if you do your job well."

"Well, according to your screams, I must be doing better than well."

"Shut up, Smallville. Now, let's go."

"Whatever you say, Lois."


"Oh, God," Lois moaned.

Clark grunted in her ear as he thrust up into her deeply. He kept her pressed tightly to the wall by the stairs and latched his mouth to her neck. They hadn't even made it to his bedroom. Lois was just about to run up the stairs once they'd entered the farmhouse, intent on him chasing after her, but he'd grabbed her around the waist and thrown her against the wall. Clothes were quickly shed and he was sheathed in her heat in no time.

"Harder, Clark," she groaned, catching his earlobe between her teeth.

"I might break you," he taunted.

"Then break me," she gasped.

Clark quickly pulled her away from the wall and took her to the living room couch where he lay her down without disconnecting from her. Once she was on her back, he pulled her legs from around his waist and settled her calves against his chest. This allowed him to penetrate deeper and caused Lois to open her mouth on a silent cry. He gently pressed forward, bringing her knees into her chest and pumped his hips faster.

"Feel me, Lois. Feel how much I love you," he growled.

"Yes, Clark," she moaned.

"Tell me, baby."

"I feel you, so deep. Love it."

"I love you. No one else." He moved even faster and she cried out. "Say it."

"I love you, Clark."

He pressed even closer to capture her mouth. He drank from her lips and kept up his rhythm. Her climax was fast approaching. He could feel it, for his wasn't far behind.

"Look at me, baby." Her eyes opened and found his in the dim lighting. "I love you."

She let out a cry, one that started deep in her chest, as she came. Clark groaned darkly as he followed suit. He let her legs fall from his shoulders and she wrapped it around his waist again.

"Damn," she gasped.

"Hard enough?" he panted.

"More than," she smiled lazily. "That was wonderful." She ran her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly.

He moaned softly and rest his head on her chest. "Bedtime?"

"Worn out already?"

"No. I need more room."

Lois shivered, then smiled. "You're my heart."

He lifted his head and gazed into her hazel orbs. "And you're mine."

Lois didn't need to worry. She knew that now. No matter what happened or who crossed their paths, Clark was hers, wholeheartedly. Just as she was his.

To her, that was all that mattered.


Thanks for reading! I always enjoy when Clark reaffirms his love for Lois, especially when Lana comes around. I hope you guys liked the ending to this story. I hope to write more soon. Much love.