It was common knowledge that on the night of any witch's or wizard's seventeenth birthday, they received two names on both wrists. One was their worst enemy's, the other was their soulmate's. The difficult part of this, was figuring out who was who.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), Harry was escaping Voldemort on the night of his seventeenth birthday, so he wasn't exactly able to look at the names. In fact, he didn't look at the names until weeks had passed, as he had completely forgotten they existed. Moody's death and George's lost ear were too distracting, and he wasn't used to these magic things anyway. It wasn't till Ron had asked, "What name's do you have?" that he remembered.

Immediately he thought of Ginny, as she would probably be on one wrist, Voldemort, or maybe even Malfoy, on the other.

Raising one sleeve, he spotted Malfoy's name, printed in blocky letters. "I guess Malfoy's my worst enemy," he said to the red head.

Ron laughed, "I'm not surprised."

Harry quickly pulled up his sleeve, waiting to see Ginny's name. "No," he muttered to himself, seeing the name on his wrist.

The ginger leaned over, trying to see what was on Harry's wrist, "What? I don't mind if it's my sister's... that much."

The brunet felt faint, this wasn't supposed to be possible, "This isn't possible," he whimpered.

"What isn't possible?"

Harry looked back down at the name on his wrist, hoping it somehow magically changed; nope, still there. Harry quickly tugged down his sleeve, nearly tearing it in the process.

Ron grabbed his arm, and as much as Harry struggled, Ron over powered him. "I hope you know that if I hadn't just been at my uncle's and aunt's house, I would have won!"

"That doesn't make me feel better," responded Ron, before pushing up his sleeve. Ron jumped back in surprise, "No," he whispered, "That's not possible."

"I know!" cried Harry, "What do I do?!"

Ron looked up at his friend, "Hermione?"

"No!" Harry screeched, "I don't want anyone else to know!"

"What do we do then?" Ron questioned.

"I have no idea."


"Is this him? Draco?" Narcissa Malfoy asked her son. Harry looked up at the blond, challenging him with his eyes, tell them, he urged, just fucking tell them.

The Slytherin looked down at Harry, anxious, "I don't... I can't tell," Malfoy scratched his wrist, both of them, and one sleeve pushed up, Harry was barely able to suppress his shock when he saw his own name there.

He didn't know why he was shocked, after all, he had Malfoy's name too. "Please Draco... Please tell me it's him." Lucius pleaded, "We can't call the Dark Lord, unless it's him!"

Malfoy's pale face turned even paler, and his eyes were red and puffy. "I'm sorry, I just don't know..."

Still looking defiantly at the Malfoy's, he heard the elder male Malfoy say, "Move closer, look closer. Please Draco, imagine the reward if it's him-"

Greymark interrupted, "Remember who found him, Lucius!"

Malfoy Sr waved a hand dismissively, "Of course," he then pushed his son forwards, "Look closer, my son."

Suddenly Malfoy's face was right there, right in front of him, observing every puffy detail of Harry's face and body. The Gryffindor could tell other boy knew who he was, and wasn't completely confident that Malfoy wouldn't turn him in.

Then, an idea hit him. Malfoy was observing him, including his wrists, so he casually tugged up both sleeves. The Slytherin gasped sharply, before looking down at his own wrists.

"No..." Malfoy turned to his parents, "I can't tell... but... I don't think it's him."

Suddenly Bellatrix appeared, her hair mad and wild, "Is that Potter!?" she screeched.

"We don't know," the female Malfoy said to her sister, "Draco can't tell."

The insane woman rushed over to her nephew, "Darling," she whispered, "Are you suurre you can't tell?"

Malfoy's posture turned rigid, "I'm sure Aunt Bella."

Suddenly, the crazy haired woman cackled, "Why look! It's Potter's mudblood!" Both Malfoy's turned to Hermione, who kneeled defiantly strong.

"It is..." Lucius muttered, "I saw it's picture in the daily prophet!"

Bellatrix skipped over to Ron and slowly rubbed a hand on his shoulder. Hermione growled softly. "And the blood traitor," cackled Bellatrix, she then skipped over to Harry, "So this must... be Potter! What happened to his face?"

"Stinging charm," Narcissa answered, before being interrupted by her sister;

"We must call him!" She shouted, "We must call the Dark Lord!"

Harry saw Malfoy flinch, however subtle it was. No one else saw Malfoy flinch, but then again, no one knew Malfoy like Harry did. Over the years, Harry observed and noted down every detail about the other boy. It was only natural, as Malfoy was his worst enemy (The name on his wrist quite obviously proved), know thy enemy after all.

Suddenly Harry and Ron were being forced down some stairs (Harry had been too busy looking at the blond to pay attention to what was happening). "TAKE ME INSTEAD!" Ron screamed, Hermione's name blatantly visible as he reached out and struggled, "PLEASE! NO!"

The two boys were pushed into a dungeon, and Ron continued to bang on the cage doors, "HERMIONE!" he screamed, "NO! HERMIONE!"

Now Harry was paying attention, as he could hear his best friend's screams echoing from upstairs. "Harry?" a whimsical voice asked, "Ron?"


"How did you get here?" she asked softly.

At the same time, Harry asked, "Who else is here?"

Before either could reply, Malfoy appeared at the dungeon door. "Potter?" he questioned softly.

"Malfoy," breathed Harry, rushing to the door.

Ron continued screaming up to Hermione, ignoring the blond, "Shut up Weasley, or they're going to come down here!"

As if summoned, Peter Pettigrew's heavy shape appeared from the shadows, "Wha?"

There was no where for Malfoy to hide, "Die Potter!" he yelled, trying to cover up why he was down here.

The Rat looked between the two boys, "Wha's going on here?"

"Nothing!" snarked Malfoy, "Scum."

Harry tried a different approach, "You were friends with my Father," said the Gryffindor, "Please... help us!"

"I... I... can't" stammered Pettigrew.

"Because of you, he's dead! You have to help us!" he whisper shouted.

"I... I.. Fine," Pettigrew whimpered. Suddenly the fat man's silver hand seemingly came alive. "Ah... AHHHHH!" The hand tightened around Pettigrew's throat, "H... he-" suddenly his voice cut off, and the silver hand dropped, along the Pettigrew.

"Harry?" Whimpered Malfoy. Harry reached out and gripped the other boy's hand.

"Why did you come down here?" He asked, as much as Harry wanted to comfort the Slytherin, to maybe even hug him, they didn't have much time.

The blond snapped himself back to calm, although Harry could tell he was still panicking, "I have your wands," he gave the collection of wands to him, "I'm going to shut down the wards in five minutes, after I let you go, and I'll call dobby to get you out of here," Harry found himself stroking the back of Malfoy's hand with his thumb, "That's all I can do, I'm sorry."

Harry forced himself into business mode, "Thank you." He hits Ron in the shoulder, "Malfoy brought us our wands. Mate!"

Ron stopped screaming, "Our wands? Are you sure they're safe?" Harry then looked at his wrists, and Ron nodded, "Oh." The ginger grabbed his wand, and then Luna grabbed one as well.

"Lets go," said Malfoy softly, "We have to go now," He unlocked the dungeon door quickly. The others rushed up the stairs, particularly Ron who bolted as fast as possible. After all, it was his soulmate who was being tortured.

Harry stayed behind with Malfoy, "Thank you," he breathed, "Come with us."

Malfoy looked up at him, eyes puffy again, "I can't, I'm sorry."

"I know," Harry pulled up Malfoy's sleeves, confirming the two names written there, his, "I just wish you could."

The two boys were still holding hands, "That would be nice wouldn't it," sighed the blond.

Suddenly Harry can't resist anymore, and he practically lunged forwards. Pressing his lips harshly against the other boys, Harry was filled fire. Their tongues were mashed together, their bony bodies rubbed uncomfortably. They didn't care though, they didn't care at all. The Gryffindor pressed the other boy against the wall, and it's all fire.

All those years at Hogwarts, Harry hadn't imagined this at all (Liar, 3rd year and above), and it just felt so good. Harry wanted to never stop. Kissing Draco Malfoy for all eternity seemed like a good idea.

Then Harry was kissing air, "You need to go now," Malfoy murmured.

Harry backed up reluctantly, releasing the Slytherin, "I know." He didn't want to say goodbye, so he pressed his lips against Malfoy's again (Fire), and ran up the stairs to join the others.

The rest was a blur, until Bellatrix screamed, and threw that knife. Harry saw Malfoy, right before the world disappeared in a flash, saw him mouthing some thing, he just couldn't tell what it was.

And then Dobby, that stupid, self sacrificing elf.

He didn't know what to say.

So he didn't say anything.

He screamed.
