Author Note: So, yes this is the third Skip Beat story that I'm writing (I'm really getting back into the fandom now) which means I'll be updating in rotation (unless there's a ton of reviews on a particular one) with alternating Skip Beat and another fandom.

Anyway, please enjoy and thank you for giving it a chance.

Just Like a Fairy Tale

Kyoko blinked in shock as she saw the water fairy emerge from the lake.

She had always believed in fairies, in fact her boyfriend was a fairy prince, but she hadn't actually thought she would witness one like this. She blushed as she thought about Corn. Only a few months ago she had confessed to Ren that she liked him and he had told her that he was attracted to her as well. He had then said that he would only become her boyfriend if she could accept the fact that his real name wasn't Ren Tsuruga at all and that it was Kuon Hizuri and he was also Corn.

She had run away at that, but a few days later she had called him and told him that she loved him even more. She had been embarrassed at that word, but hearing him laugh and repeat that he loved her was a relief. Now she was in a very private relationship with an amazing guy and that had given her the strength to accept her current acting role.

She had come to this shrine to research the part of a young maiden who worked here. She was getting all of the formalities down perfectly. She had been praised by the director and even though it was a small drama, she was happy to have the leading role. She had also been beyond excited when Ren had come to watch her. If only she had been raised as a rich young lady then things would be perfect.

If only she had had a different lifestyle then maybe she would be happier, but then she probably wouldn't have been with Ren. She had tried to relax and feel the strength from within her.

At least, she had felt that way until seeing the water fairy before her.

"Miss Kyoko," the small fairy smiled, "I am Sui, the prince of the water fairies. I am so happy after all of this time to make your acquaintance." The fairy bowed as Kyoko grinned widely.

"Oh my gosh," she giggled, "Fairies are real," she grinned. "It's so nice to meet you," she said as she scrambled to her feet, her face showing how overjoyed she was by all of this. "Can you wait here? Someone very special to me is around here, let me go get him, he'd love to meet you," she said as she started gathering flowers that were around as a gift to the fairy kingdom.

"My apologies, miss Kyoko," Sui squeaked, "This is only to grant your wish. I can not meet any of your friends," he said.

Kyoko paused and then looked down, "It's alright, Ren-kun is already…" she froze as she felt water come up and cover her body, before she had realized anything all she could see were the blue gems of the water and a twinkling light. After all of this time believing in fairies, Kyoko was being granted a wish by them.

The problem was she didn't know which one of her wishes they were granting.

Hopefully Kuon would be here soon to help her figure it all out.

Chapter One - It Begins

Sui really had done quite a lot of work on this spell because all Kyoko could see was darkness. It wasn't the darkness though that had surprised her. She could smell perfume, not the type of perfume that you would be given free samples of but a designer product. The rich scents of vanilla and coconut made her smile and she stretched out. For a river bank, this sure was soft. She felt silk beneath her and something very warm and heavy on top of her. Maybe she was in the grass and still under the spell.

Or maybe she was in some kind of rabbit hole like Alice and had to crawl out of it.

Smiling softly she stretched and grabbed hold of something hard. She pulled herself out of the darkness to reveal a four pillar princess bed in a room she had no memory of.

This room was impressive. With the furniture so sleek and elegant, with the gold, red, blue, and diamonds it made her think of a room that a princess would have. It was very spacious and as she touched the pillar of the bed, she realized that that was gold too with diamonds forming stars.

Where on earth was she?

Trying to steady herself, she stood and noticed that she was wearing a beautiful, ivory, nightgown. She stretched and her eyes widened to see long, silky, black hair cascading over her shoulders. She paled as she reached for her hair and pulled it, feeling the sharp pinch in her head she realized it was hers.

Nervously, she took deep breaths in as she tried to steady herself. Around the walls of this room were beautiful paintings depicting fairytales, ballet, famous plays, and princesses. All of them seemed like original pieces instead of reproductions. There was a vanity table and a walk in closet and a wonderful golden mirror that reminded Kyoko of the one Snow White's evil step mother had.

She gasped as she saw photographs around the room and went towards them. On them she paled as she saw herself in elegant clothing as a child, her in the top school's uniform as a preteen, her with a smiling family she didn't remember as a teenager. Then there was a picture of her with a guy's arm wrapped around what she suspected was her…if she was eighteen.

She paled and looked for the guy, but for some reason the photograph was clouded. She felt slightly relieved to see he was a bit taller than her with blonde hair. Hopefully it was Kuon, it would be far too cruel for it to be anyone else.

She spun again as she noticed small gifts, flowers in vases, cards talking about how loved she was, but these were in different writing styles, different people had sent them to her.

As Kyoko tried to investigate what was going on she unexpectedly caught sight of herself in the mirror.

She paled slightly and stepped towards it, she was gorgeous. Her hair was long and she had bangs that brought out her face, her skin was well polished and she was as thin and elegant as she imagined rich young women should be. What on earth kind of gift had Sui given her? She closed her eyes, she didn't feel like an actress anymore, she felt like a princess.

Hearing a knock on the door, Kyoko stared at it frightened. Who on earth was on the other side?

"Miss Kyoko," a man asked, "Your fiancee is here for your weekend trip,"

Kyoko took a deep breath in, she was going on a trip. She paled. How on earth could she be ready for any trip? How on earth could she be ready to blend into this life when she wasn't even sure who she was. She took another breath in and nodded. She would have to be ready for this.

"Tell him I'm getting ready," she squeaked. Maybe she could look at what clothes and makeup she had. She wanted to be her best when she saw Kuon, "How is he today?" she asked. Maybe if he wasn't feeling well she would dress more casual, the last thing that she wanted to do was push him to go somewhere or do something he didn't feel well for.

"I'd say he's pretty thrilled at being named the top star in Japan for another year running," the man said as Kyoko giggled.

So it was Kuon! She spun a little, she would really have to find a cute outfit to impress him. Sui had really come through for her and they were engaged, she would have to demand to know how he proposed to her.

"I'll be ready in just a moment," she repeated before going to the shower in the attached bathroom. She had never seen a bathroom so high class and elegant. This was wonderful.

Half an hour later, Kyoko descended the stairs. She was wearing a cream colored blouse, and brown and pink plaid skirt. She also had white stockings on and cute, flat, pink shoes with a butterfly on them. She had even clipped a pink flower clip in her hair.

As she walked down the impressive marble staircase, her eyes went to the blond hair and she smiled gently. She was so happy to be with him, the top talent in all of Japan. "So where are we going again?" she asked as she saw some suitcases waiting for her. Were those packed for her before she woke up here?

She grinned as she waited for him to turn around.

As he did so, her smile dropped completely and her eyes widened in terror. This wasn't Kuon. She felt cold chills throughout her body as she saw one of the people she disliked most. She noticed that everyone was now watching her as she backed away.

"Hey, you doing okay?" her fiancé asked as Kyoko squirmed.

This was Shoutaro. Her eyes widened in fear and she heard the words 'top star in Japan.' Wasn't Kuon here in Japan? Had he gone back to America?

"Everything okay, miss Kyoko?" one of the maids asked as Shou walked forward and put his hand to her cheek. She flinched as he did so.

"Where is Kuon Hizuri?" she asked as her heart sank to the bottom of her chest.

Her eyes widened as she saw the lack of recognition his name brought to them, "Ren Tsuruga?" she asked only to be greeted with the same confusion. They didn't know Ren. Well, maybe if Kuon was still in America then he wouldn't be a famous Japanese superstar. She looked down, her heart beating hard and echoing in her ears.

"I'm sorry," she said as she watched them all horrified, "I have to go get something," she froze before grabbing the handle of the front door and running out before anyone could stop her. She felt tears in her eyes as she ran out of the grounds and noticed signs to the nearest city. She took another look at the estate before her but she couldn't deny the pain in her furiously beating heart.

She had spent so much time denying love, rejecting the idea that she could ever feel it and then she had found it in Ren. She hadn't wanted to admit to it but her relationship had become the most important thing in her life. Now it had just seemed to disappear.

"Kuon," she whispered, "Kuon, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she whispered over and over.

She needed to get to the LME agency, she needed to get to Lory Takarada. He would know about Kuon or at least Kuu. If she got information about Kuu then she would be able to find Kuon, Ren, whoever he was.

Blinded by her thoughts, Kyoko hadn't noticed that she was in the middle of the road in the shopping district. She hadn't noticed how people were staring at her. She hadn't noticed the fright in their eyes and she definitely hadn't heard the honking of the taxi as a warning until it was too late.

It didn't hit her…

It should have hit her. Instead she saw the back of the Moz Burger uniform and a man crouching down in front of her. She opened her mouth and mentally kicked herself. This man had saved her from getting hit and she should apologize to him. Was he hurt at all or was the taxi really not going that fast?

She took a deep breath before getting to her feet, she dropped into a bow and felt the tears fill her eyes. How was she supposed to apologize for her stupidity? How was she supposed to make it up to him if he got hurt? She had acted foolishly and someone had protected her. Tears in her eyes, she saw as he got up, rubbing his arm a little.

Her heart paused as she looked at his very long legs, she mentally measured them and felt her stomach churn.

"Hey, miss" the Moz burger worker said as he looked at her concerned. "Are you doing okay? You hurt anywhere?" he asked as she paled seeing his familiar face, his blonde hair, his gorgeous green eyes.

"Kuon…" she gasped as she took in the clothes that would have come from a thrift store or at least at a huge sale and the Moz burger uniform. Seriously? Why would Sui do this to her? She sniffed again.

"Hey," Kuon asked as he lent down to her, "Are you hurt? Come on, I've taken some med classes, I'll take a look at it,"

"Kuon…" Kyoko shivered again as he stared at her.

"See, you must be okay," he tried to say gently, "You keep reading my badge," he pointed as she looked at him terrified. She shivered as she looked at him horrified, what on earth had happened to him? "Sorry," he shrugged. "I should have known that someone from your circle would be too proud to accept help from mine. There's a hospital down the street, but you look okay. Just try to pay attention next time you're running down a busy street, okay?" he asked.

Kyoko felt her body stiffen as she watched him go back to work. She put her hand up to her mouth trying to hold back her sobs, "Kuon…" she whispered as tears fell down her cheeks.

Why on earth had Sui done this to them?