Okay, so I left you guys as question-marks. I'm not going to say I'm sorry… Cause I'm not… *evil grin*

Danny kept his eyes on the brace keeping his leg immobile, it was the perfect place to keep his eyes if he wanted to talk without tearing up. Well, without tearing up too much.

"It's gonna be a while before I get to go out on a board again now, huh?"

"Yeah, three or four months…" Grace answered.

Danny let go of a heavy sigh. "You know what?"

Grace shook her head.

"I could really use a trip out on the waves right about now…"

Grace giggled, "Because that would take your mind off your leg?"


"That sucks…" Grace sighed, looking at her father. His eyes were still glued to the brace.

"You know… For a moment today, I even forgot she was gone…" Danny confessed. "I forgot that we lost her, I forgot that she never will get to see either of you guys get married, or have kids of your own…"

Okay, not tearing up was out of the question. But he could still avoid bawling.


"I forgot she got killed!" And there came the first sob. And another… And, okay… He was bawling too… In front of his teenage daughter.

"Danno…" Grace had to bite her cheek to keep her voice from cracking. "You didn't know John Hurst knew about us. You were only doing your job."

"My job put you, your brother and your mom in danger! I should have quit my job long ago… I should have known this would happen!"


"No… Anyone can do it…" Danny sighed, completely deflated.

"Think about how many people you have saved, think about how much safer you make this island. You four have saved everyone on this rock, literally!"

"Nah… That's not true…"

"You and uncle Steve flew an atomic bomb out over the ocean and dropped it there. That combined with all the other crazy 007 kinda things you do… I bet you've saved all the lives at this place at least twice or so… -And you made it back for Kono's wedding…"

Okay, Danny had to give in to the smile tugging at his lips, even though tears were making their way down his cheeks.

"And besides, you'd go crazy if you didn't have this job…"

"No. I wouldn't!" Danny argued, the force creeping back to his voice.

"Oh, yeah… You'd do…" Grace smirked, "Because no matter how much you hate to admit it, you like the thrill of working with Steve. You've had this regular adrenaline rush for so long, you'd go into withdrawal without it!"

"You-you-you…" Danny started grasping for a good argument, but couldn't find any, "Okay, you might be right…"

"You know I am…" Grace shot back a little triumphantly.

"But I should quit. You and Charlie, you need a dad who is guaranteed to come back home once he leaves for work… There's no such guarantee with Five-0…"

"How long have you worked there? What? Ten, eleven years…? You're still alive, I think it's safe enough."

"What if I want to quit for your sake?"

"Then I say, that you're not allowed to quit unless it is because of a serious injury!" Grace said as she folded her arms over her chest.

"You're not allowing me to quit?" Danny repeated, "Are you serious? When did you get so strict?"

"Since I obviously had to, five minutes ago…"

"Monkey… Me doing what I do… It puts you and Charlie in danger, there could be more men like Hurst."

"I know, Danno…" Grace sighed, "But there are a lot of bad people out there, people who do such things without it being personal. People get killed for picking the wrong parking lot, or wearing pricy-looking clothing. You stop guys stop those bad people who choose victims at near random. Mom, she was killed. I know that… I know John Hurst had a personal vendetta, I know that… But, it could also have happened in any other way. She could have smiled a little too friendly to some secret stalker guy. That would have been just as likely…"

Grace used the palm of her hand to wipe away her own tears, and trapped her lower lip between her teeth.

"But she wasn't killed at random! She was because of me, because of who I am! Because WE were closing in on him!"

"Hey, dad… How about we talk about this another time instead."


"Because you're hooked up to an IV, with some strong painkillers…" Grace reasoned as she cast a glance up at the bag hanging above the bed. "I just remembered how that stuff can mess you up…"

"Mess me up? I'm not messed up! Well, except my leg." Danny said and took a deep breath.

"Just… Give it a few days…" Grace shrugged, "Give it a few days…"

Okay, so… I know Grace might seem a little too grown up for her age (17), but losing a parent… You're often forced to grow up faster.