Disclaimer: I own nothing except my imagination.

A/N:I just want to thank everyone for being so damn patience with me because I was stuck so bad in this story so I hope you guys will like this one.

Adam was drumming his pencil against his desk and suddenly Kim snapped.

"CUT IT!" He looked at her sheepishly and set it down.

"Sorry." He knew her stress level was high seeing that they had no lead on the kid's family so far.

"Come on, I doubt they're so hard to find." Voight came out of his office. "Find every family member that kid's got, someone's got to know where they are."

Platt still hadn't found anything, and everyone was starting to be on edge. Jay had started to piece together a few relatives and they checked it out, Adam and Kim taking kid's house while the others took the rest.

"Are you okay?" He looked at Kim sideways as they drove.

"I'd feel much better when we find them."

"We will." He reached across the middle console and linked his fingers through hers.

"Yeah." She sighed. She just wanted to put all of it behind her and get on with her life.

"When this is all over, we are going to get married and I'm going to bring your sexy ass on a beach under the sun." He announced as he parked in front of the house.

"Okay." Who was she to argue with him over that? "Come on, let's get this done." She stepped out of the passenger side as he walked around the front of the car to walk next to her.

"Anywhere you want to go?" He asked as he made it to the sidewalk but one look at the front door and he took a step, placing himself in front of Kim. "I'll go in first."

"Adam it's fine." Kim didn't want to get coddled and was never one to shy away from the action.

"Don't." He looked over his shoulder to Kim nodding. Adam had been more protective of her since they had found her and she knew that it wouldn't change until they were in the all clear. Adam raised his gun as he pushed the front door open. It had traces of forced entry and Adam prayed to god that this wouldn't be a recovery. They cleared the front of the house but once in the kitchen, a shot rang out and Kim's fears materialized as Adam dropped on the floor. "Shit." He cursed, blinking rapidly through the pain. Kim shot once through the kitchen before she turned her attention to Adam.

"Adam. She applied pressure to his shoulder and picked her radio out of her belt. "5021 Eddie. Requesting an ambo at ?%& St. Offender shot but in the wind." She dropped her radio on the floor and gave Adam all of her attention. "Adam, babe, stay with me."

"Hurts." He groaned as she pressed harder on his right shoulder.

"I know but hold on, ambo's almost there." The blood was pooling around her fingers but she didn't know if the bullet was still in there or if it had gone through. Kim could hear the sirens in the distance but the fact that Adam's eyes were still opened and trained on her helped her heart to slow down ever so slightly.

"Chicago Fire Department, call out?"

"In the kitchen." Kim called over her shoulder and was happy to see Brett and Foster come in. "GSW to the shoulder, not sure about the bullet."

"We've got him Kim, you can let go." Kim stood, Adam's blood on her hands as she watched the girls from 51 pack the wound.

"It's a through and through but we're taking him to Med."

"I'll be right behind you." She leaned down and kissed Adam before the girls took him away. Voight made it with the rest of the team as the ambulance pulled away.

"What happened?"

"The door was ajar with signs of forced entry so we went in to check it out. Looks like we're not the only one looking for them because the offender shot at us and caught Adam in the shoulder."

"Alright. Atwater, Halstead clear the rest of the house." The boys went in as Voight's two way came to life. "Go for Voight." We've got the mom and brother out of town but no one knows where. "I want a BOLO on their plates and we have an offender in the wind. Check all the ED's for anyone with a possible bullet wound injury." He relayed to Erin.

"Where do you want me Sarge?" Kim slipped her hands inside her vest.

"I want you at Med with Adam. We'll update you with what we find."

"Okay." She was thankful that she had a spare key to his car so she drove it towards Med where she was greeted by Maggie.

"He's in trauma 3."

"Thanks Maggie." She walked into the room as Adam was being prepped for stitches.

"Hey." She smiled at Adam and gave Rhodes a nod. "What is the verdict?" She sat on the side of the bed and waited.

"It was a through and through. We took x-rays and it didn't hit anything major so I'm going to stitch it up and he'll be good for desk duty for a few weeks while it heals."

"Come on doc, I have to be able to do more than that." Adam protested.

"Just be happy it's not your shooting arm." She laughed. She knew how much Adam hated doing nothing, being a cop the biggest part of who he was.

"You'll still be able to get some action." Connor chuckled. "I'll let you take it up with Voight." He knew how much Voight was.

"Good luck with that." He grumbled.

"I'll just ask you to step outside Kim, it won't be too long."

"Sure, I'll just be outside updating Voight." She walked out of the room to find Voight and Kevin waiting for her.

"So, what's the verdict?" Voight shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Through and through, he's getting stitched up."

"Desk duty, someone save us." Kevin sighed. "Partner me up with Burgess Sarge, please."

"Get back to the district and I'll bring Ruzek back." Voight wanted them to be on top of the case, needing to move forward as soon as possible. He made two phone calls while he waited for Ruzek to re-immerge from the room. He also had a plan to get ahead of it and he couldn't lose the chance to make it happen. Rhodes came out of the room, removing his gloves.

"He's all yours Sargent."

"Thanks doc." Voight went into the room while Adam tried to adjust the sling around his shoulder.

"Where's Burgess?" He grabbed his jacket from the bed.

"I sent her back to the 21st, you and I are going for a ride."

"Sure thing boss." Adam wasn't one to argue and if he was riding with Voight, it was bound to be something interesting. "Where to?"

"Paying someone a visit." Adam rode shotgun and didn't question it any further. When Voight took the turn for the jail, Adam knew what they were doing.

They went through security and were guided in the visiting area while they brought Malcolm Brown through.

"Did you find my moms and my brother?" He asked as he sat down only to be cuffed to the table.

"Not yet but we're working on it." Adam updated him.

"What happened to your shoulder?" He noticed the sling.

"It's nothing." He assured him.

"Why am I back here?"

"That's what I want to know too." Voigt had told him nothing on the way there.

"I'm sorry I'm late." They turned as the door closed and ADA Stone came walking in.

"Thanks for doing this." He and Voight shook hands.

"It's my please." He nodded. "So, I understand you're willing to make a deal?" Malcolm looked around the three men, not knowing what was going on.

"Listen Malcolm." Voight sat in front of him at the table. "I know that you're scared but we can set you up in protective custody with new identities." Voight told him.

"And if you help us put them away, we'll take your sentence into consideration." Stone told him. Adam wasn't sure he liked what he was hearing. They were making it sound like they would take this to trial which meant that Kim would have to testify but right now he had to reign it in. He needed to let it play out until he could ask his own questions later. He listened to the whole conversation, his good hand tensing in his jean pocket.

"Find my moms and brother and keep them safe and I'll do it." Adam couldn't dispute that the kid had heart though. All he wanted was for his family to be safe.

"Alright. I'm still working on locating your mother and brother but as soon as we have them, we'll get them set up and we'll go from there."

"I'll get the ball rolling on my side and the trial date will be set."

"Thank you."

"Anytime kid." The guards came to bring him back to his cell, leaving the three together for a few minutes.

"Thanks for doing this Peter."

"Anything for you Voight." They shook hands.

"Let me get something straight, if this goes to trial."

"Kim will have to testify, yes." Stone confirmed Adam's fears.

"And nobody thought it was a good idea to loop her in?"

"I already have, while you were being stitched up." Voight kept his eyes on Adam, knowing that it's a conversation they they'd have to have back at the district.

"I'll keep you updated." Stone clapped Adam's back and left the two to get back to the 21st.

"We're going to talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about." Voight took the liberty of making his way out, Adam heaving a sigh of frustration, following his Sargent back to the truck. The drive back was quiet, Adam trying not to blow up. They went up the stairs and Adam found Kim in the break room, pouring herself a coffee.

"Darling?" He leaned against the doorframe.

"Hey." She turned around and smiled at him. "You okay?" She leaned against the counter.

"Still stings but I'm okay. You?" He took a few steps inside the break room.

"Yeah why?"

"I just found out that you're going to testify."

"I know you don't agree with my decision." She looked on the floor.

"I'm just worried because you'll have to relive all of it." He took her hand in his.

"I'll be fine babe." She smiled at him. "I'll have you by my side the whole way right?"

"The whole way." He played with her engagement ring. "For better or for worst started when I put this ring on your finger."

"Glad to know." Her smiled widened.

"Hey guys, we have a hit on the mom and brother."

"Where?" Adam was the first out of the break room.

"On a highway coming from Iowa." Erin read her notes.

"Alright. Lindsay, Halstead. I want the two of you to pick them up and bring them back here." The two left right away. "The rest of you, I want you back here in the morning." There was nothing else to do there for the day and having an officer injured was less than ideal. Everyone agreed and Adam and Kim were out the door and heading home.

"I know you want to talk about me testifying." Kim threw her keys on the table.

"I just want to make sure that you're okay. They'll press for details and you'll have to live through the whole abduction again."

"I promise I'll be fine. Are you going to be okay with me reliving it?" She pulled him to their room.

"Hell no I'm not okay with it but you are one of the most kick ass woman I know so I know that we'll be okay."

"Faith, that's what I like." She smiled at him. "How about I take care of that shoulder of yours?"

"I think you have the best idea I've heard all day." He smirked and they spend the rest of their evening cuddled in bed, knowing that their next obstacle was yet to come.

A/N: SO they are going to go to trial and Kim will have to testify. How will that affect her relationship with him? I really hope you guys liked it and please take a few seconds to review before you go, your thoughts are always appreciated. - Sarra