It was night time and Kate went out shopping to find a perfect dress for Humphrey. It's the time where she finally had the chance to dance with Humphrey.

Kate feels like she is making up to him because last dance; she didn't had the chance to dance with him. All thanks to Garth for ruining Humphrey's precious heart and almost making him leave Jasper. Kate didn't know what to do without him if he did. She probably just kept screaming at Garth's face if it happens.

Kate shook her head and continue walking around the mall. Looking every store that fits perfectly for her. "Oh man. I should've brought Humphrey with me" she pouted. She hope that Humphrey isn't too busy or so. Kate was not sure, but she decided to text him.

Lucky for her, Humphrey is in the same mall with her. He told his parents to keep a secret if Kate visited at his house. Zach and Ashley were just gobsmacked to see their son marrying a girl already. They just accepted it since it is his life. Humphrey felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled out and saw Kate texted him. He smiled and told her that he is busy.

When Kate got the text, she pouted and put her phone away. She continue looking around to find the best dress she can find at any store. It feels like hours and hours to her. Humphrey enter the jewelry store and look through the glass. He then spotted a ring that is perfect for him and Kate.

A ring with a diamond heart. By the look of it, Humphrey already know that he needed to buy it. He was about to walk up to the employee of the store until he spotted Kate across the hallway. "Oh shit" he said to himself. He hide behind the pillar and look at the reflection of his phone. He saw Kate looking around before walking away.

He peek around the corner and see where Kate headed to before coming out of his hiding spot. 'That was close' he said in his mind.

Humphrey went over to the cashier and told her what he wanted and gave her the money. "Yes" he said before walking out.

Meanwhile, Kate was still looking around. She look at the time and let out a relieved sigh. When she looked up, she spotted something beautiful that caught her attention real good. "Perfect."

After Kate and Humphrey buy an item that they want, almost every senior in Jasper High school heard what is going to happen at the prom. Apparently, Lee told Humphrey's secret and they were excited about this moment.

Some of them wanted to post it on social media while others keep it for themselves because they know it's going to happen to them.

Humphrey walked into the building that holds the prom and he looked around to see students dancing on the dance floor or hanging out. He then saw Lee with Lilly walking around. "Lee, what are you doing here" he asked curiously.

Lee laughed at this. "You've already forget it don't you. Seniors are allowed to invite other students up to three people."

Humphrey smacked himself in the face. "Of course" he said chuckling.

Every students began to notice that Humphrey was there, and they had been staring at Humphrey with a smile on their faces. Humphrey want to know what is going on because it feels like he is being watch as if he is going to do something.

He then heard the door open and looked over to see his beautiful soon to be wife standing there, wearing a beautiful red sparkling dress. It really showed her all the curves of her body, but Humphrey knows that it is not the time.

He slowly approached her and Kate smiled at this. "Hey Humphrey, you look handsome today" she said looking up and down at his suit.

"Thank you, and you look freaking beautiful my lady" he replied smiling. Kate widen her smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Come with me" she said dragging him to the dance floor. Humphrey let her take control and she stood right in front of him, holding one of his hand, and the other one on his back. Humphrey did the same thing to her and they start dancing around.

Kate's heart is filled with happiness. She finally got the chance to dance with Humphrey, the one she loves and the only person that she need the most. The one that completes her life. Humphrey had the same feeling as well. It feels like they actually fix the missing piece of their relationship.

They had no idea what is stronger than love, but this is it.

They had been dancing for several minutes. "Kate, stop for a second" he said smiling. Kate stopped dancing and waited.

Humphrey put his hand in his pocket and got down on his one of his knee. Kate gasped and know what he is going to do. Tears began to appear underneath her eyes. "Oh Humphrey."

Humphrey widen his smile and pulled out a case. He opened it and Kate saw the most beautiful thing in her life. "Oh my god Humphrey."

Students began watching them with a smile on their faces. "Will you marry me Kate" he asked happily. Kate squealed. "Yes Humphrey. A million times, yes I will."

Humphrey stood up and Kate began crashing her lips against his. Everyone began clapping their hands and whistled to see the couple getting married.

Kate broke the kiss and Humphrey put the ring on. "I love you Humphrey" Kate cried in tears of joy. "I love you too Kate" he said back. They both leaned in and connected their lips once again. The love that they felt is stronger than before and it will continue on on their life to make it better.


This is it. Sorry for the short assy ass chapter. I told you guys that I am not used to this story. And if you haven't check out my other stories, especially Student's Dream and Fight for my Love. CHECK IT OUT NOW BECAUSE IT IS EPIIIIC! WHAAAT! So, I had nothing to say, but hope you guys have fun finishing this story. I'm the RavenMocker, be brave. *Look at the story cover* Stay wild. We'll see you on the next adventure.