A couple of years late, I don't know who will read this. To whoever decides to read it I welcome you to my story.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Nurarihyon no mago characters. I only own my OC




A child

All I want is a child

I want a child

I need a child




Stones of disappointment sunk deep in her stomach as she stared at her bloodied fingers. She was sure that this time she was pregnant, but she was harshly pulled back into reality when she felt a familiar cramp in her abdomen earlier that morning. She felt a wave of embarrassment swallow her whole as she realized that she had to tell Rihan-sama.

How many times did she had to tell him it was a false alarm? 20 times? Will this be the 21st time she would have to tell him?

Tears stained her pale cheeks as she tried to clean herself up. Her fingers were clumsily and her movements slow. All the energy she had in her body was completely gone. She was making a bigger mess. She inhaled deeply as she tried to calm herself down. She didn't want to cry. She didn't want anyone to know.

In all honestly Otome couldn't understand why she couldn't give Rihan-sama a child. She regularly got her menstruation every month. That meant that she was able to carry children.

She is supposed to be able to carry. Or…is Rihan-sama the one who ca-!" She stopped her train of thought before she shook her head. She couldn't think badly of Rihan-sama. There was no way this was his fault.

"Otome-chan?" Setsura's voice called to her outside the door. She gasped loudly before she quickly tried to cover herself up. She banged her elbow against the wall loudly. A small curse left her lips as she tried in vain to hide her blood.

"I'm coming in!" Setsura sounded worried.

"No, it's ah-it's fine!" She knew the Yuki-onna meant well, but in all honestly she just wanted to be left alone. She wanted to clean up her mess as quickly as possible. She couldn't bare to see her bloodied clothes.

The blood that stained her garments were a symbol of her failure as a woman.

Setsura quickly opened the door and stepped in. Closing the door gently behind her as to not alert anyone. She had a feeling that something was up with Otome.

As soon as her gaze landed on the bloodied clothes and the half-naked crying Otome she knew immediately what was wrong.

A horrible sob tore through Otome's lips before she sunk to the ground in a heaping mess of tears.

"I-…I honestly thought that this time..I'm so sorry" Otome apologized as Setsura gently embraced her crying form.



Various clan heads were currently visiting the main Nura household. They were loud as their voices echoed all the way down the hallway. They were there to discuss about matters that at the moment Otome didn't care about. She was standing outside in the hallway. Her back pressed against the wall. Her head hanging low as their words sunk deep into her core.

"When will you give us an heir?" one of the heads asked. He sounded casual, but Otome knew that he was frustrated that she has yet to bare Rihan-sama a child. It is not like it is any of his concern she thought bitterly. Her cheeks burn red at her own un lady like thoughts.

"It's been 20 years already, huh?" another commented. Their voice sounded almost sarcastic to her ears. Maybe she was wrong, but to her it felt like they were taking jabs at her.

"Can your wife even carry a child?" One asked. Otome shut her eyes in pain as another cramp hit her full force. She held her hand to her mouth to stifle the groan that threatens to leave her lips.

She felt the others in the other room freeze in apprehension. Otome waited for what seemed a century for Rihan-sama's answer, but it never came.

Shame washed over her as she quietly steps away from the wall and leave for her room. She couldn't handle to whispers about her anymore.

She couldn't handle the way the clan heads would glance at her with pity. They pitied her.

She doesn't need their pity. It wasn't like she didn't feel bad already.




The thought of her just getting up and leaving had been haunting her for the pass few days. Every time Rihan-sama was with her she felt her heart beating a mile a minute. She was afraid that he could read her mind and find out what she was thinking. She never wants to hurt him. She never wants to be the cause of his pain.

She loves Rihan-sama to her core, but she knew that he was suffering as much as she was. He wants a child, but she cannot give him the child he so desires. He doesn't say anything to her, but she could see it in his eyes. Every time when they would find out that she was not pregnant he would always try his best to cheer her up. He would smile and take her out on dates, but his eyes would shine with hurt that yet again she was not able to give him a child.

Even though her menstruation was late this time she didn't tell Rihan-sama immediately like she would usually do. She didn't want to get his hopes up and she was glad she didn't. He has no idea of what transpired a couple of days ago when Setsura found her. She never wants him to know.

Currently she was alone sitting on the porch with a hot cup of tea in her hand. A note was tucked into her sleeve and it felt like it weight a thousand pounds. She wrote the note on the night of the meeting. She poured her thoughts into the short poem. It was short and simple, but it clearly put her emotions on display.

If she left she had no idea where she would go, but what she knows for sure is that she will never love another man as much as she loves Rihan-sama. She put the cup down and went to her room. She hid the note in her secret hiding spot before she quickly went to the front gate.

She greeted Rihan-sama with her usual smile. When he hugged her she deeply inhaled his scent as a way to forever sketch it into her memory.




That night she had decided that she would leave the next day. When everyone was distracted with their own chores and worries she would slip out of the house. She was deathly of afraid of leaving and didn't know if she would even be able to go through with it. She sighed deeply as her thoughts ran wild.

She laid her head on Rihan-sama's naked chest. She closed her eyes and carefully listened to his heartbeat. He was out cold. Normally Rihan-sama was a light sleeper, but he always falls into deep sleep right after sex. She snuggled closer to him as a wave of exhaustion washed over her. Her body felt heavy like stones. Her eyelids began to droop as her mind slowly became silent.

Suddenly a blinding white light flashed in the room rending her entirely stiff. Her senses were on high alert as she tried to move, but her body wouldn't cooperate with her. Her heart hammers against her chest as she began to hyperventilate.

The second you show fear is the second you lose she heard Rihan-sama's voice echo in her head. She inwardly cusses herself out. She was deathly afraid and she knew that whoever was causing this knew it to. The only thing you could hear was her labored breathing echoing through the eerie silent room. She couldn't even hear Rihan-sama breathing.

The light enveloped the entire room to a point where she couldn't even see Rihan-sama anymore. How did he not wake up yet? Her voice was stuck in her throat as she desperately tries to call out to her husband.

"A child is all I want…" she heard a voice whisper in her ear. She closed her eyes tightly as she tried to not show any fear.

"Why can't I carry a child.." the voice sounded like it was in incredible pain. Otome's chest tightened as the familiar feeling of shame coursed through her body. She knew exactly how they feel.

"Do you truly know how I feel…" It asked.

Can it read her mind? She thought in panic as she willed her body to move. Nothing! Why can't she move!?

" I need a child.." the voice continued "You're perfect" the voice whispered in her ear.

What on earth was it even talking about? Otome thought before she gasped in shock. Her body violently jerked forward. She felt the air leave her lungs as her body lifted itself from the ground. It was like she was a puppet being controlled. She could feel herself move, but she wasn't the one moving. She felt completely hopeless.

"Do not fret, I will take care of you" the voice echoed in her mind.

"a-a…Ah..Ri.." She tried so desperately to cry out to Rihan-sama, but her words came out as jumbled murmurs and gasps. Her eyes were still glued shut as her body was spirited away by an unknown assailant.

What kind of youkai was this?

Otome was terrified.




To be continued…..



Thank you for the read. Remember to read a review!

They really motivate me!

I hope you enjoyed my 3 a.m writing.