
"I'm proud, to call you my son" the voice of Stoick chanted along with "you're not my son". Hiccup clenched his teeth and howled as the words replayed, twisting around his throat and squeezing his eyes. The words would never fade. The past had become so intertwined that he could not remember the chronological order in which it was supposed to be in. But no. He could not go back, he wouldn't go back. "Useless, screw-up, boar headed" no. No. No. This is why you never returned. They hated you. They disowned you. Never, never, never go back.


Jari woke with a start. Sweat beaded his face, but the reason why? ...he could not remember, the dream was fading . "Jari. Cuyler. Wake up NOW" A voice bellowed below him. Carr had always enjoyed attempting to wake his friend early. Hiccup or 'Jari' as he was now known, always disappointed him with his reply of "I'm already awake".

A rumble of dissatisfaction echoed around the small wooden room. Small that is because of the giant black dragon who hogged half the floor space. "It's nice to see you up and ready for a change (!)" Sarcasm practically drawled from the human's mouth. The dragon just grumbled and hid his head under his wing. "Now, now Mr Bossy" he continued "the cod will get warm..." Toothless' head shot up and knocked down the poor door in the process of bounding down the stairs. Jari chuckled as he too then took to the stairs.

"Bless my skivvies!" Carr dramatically announced "you have honoured me with your presence" Jari glared at him and sighed "I had that dream again". Slumping down near Toothless he pulled out his journal and pointed at a picture of a large man with an enormous, partly plaited beard. "I saw him again"

"Oh, the guy who says 'I'm proud, you're not my son' "

"Yes but not anymore." Jari allowed Carr to lean in before retelling the over-told story of bits of dream mixed with memory. "This time it was clearer" and he smiled.

"Why are you smiling about a guy who practically roasted your butt off!" Carr protested, and then stopped "that sounds a bit wrong actually"

"He said..." Jari practically bouncing in his chair "I'm proud, to call you my son".

"Well that changes everything" And Jari agreed.


Hey pepes! Yup so just as a heads up Hiccup (Jari) is 18 at the beginning of this!
