The night was slowly engulfing the world in its dark veil, and the stars began to appear on the dark sky as a small, grey car parked in front of an equally small house in suburbs with a small, well kept front garden. Not a second after the car's engine turned off, a tall, brown haired girl dressed in graduation cap and gown shot out of it, hollering cheerfully. A middle-aged man with brown and grey hair, and a nice looking, blonde-haired woman came out of the car as well, but at the calmer manner than their daughter did. Nevertheless, both of them were smiling widely as their child ran up to the front door of the house, waving a diploma, a visible evidence of her freedom.

"I did it! I finally graduated!" she exclaimed in delight, twirling around with happy laughter. Her parents joined in joyous atmosphere, as proud of their daughter as they could ever be.

"Yeah, we know, Thea. As probably half the city by now." Her father teased, rolling his eyes playfully at the girl'santics. She beamed happily at him with a twinkle in her blue eyes, not fazed in the slightest by his words. She was used to it by now. "I know, I know. But, I'm just so happy I'm finally free from school until college! Plus, my eighteenth birthday's coming in two days, which totally rocks! I'm gonna be an adult!"

"That you are, sweetheart." Thea's mother smiled up at her, opening the front door to their house. "I can help you set up for the party, if you want, that is."

"Really? That'd be awesome!"

Thea stepped into the house along with her parents, all three of them making a cheerful noise, before it subsided as the door slammed shut. No one appeared to notice a black Cadillac with dimmed windows pull up to the side just a few meters away. If anyone would be perceptive enough, they'd notice the car had no driver, and a strange, bird-like insignia carved into the metal of front door handles.

Meanwhile, far away from the place, in a military hangar, a man dressed in a suit with a peculiar badge on his arm made his way towards a high platform where was a station filled with computers, monitors, and all sorts of similar machinery. He quickly went up the stairs, greeted his teammates with a curt nod, and examined images and readings popping up at the monitors. After a short amount of time the man spoke up.

"Are you absolutely sure it's not a false alarm?"

"Yes, sir." A soldier confirmed confidently. "We checked everything twice. There's no doubt about it."

"Well, guess we have a job to do, then." The man answered before he went to the side, punching a call button in his earplug. There was a moment of silence before a deep, slightly static baritone rang on the other end of the line.

.:What is it, major Lennox?:.

"We've got something, Prime. Get Sideswipe and meet me at the entrance in an hour."

:Understood. We will be there.:

"Great. See you then." Major Lennox then hung up. He glanced one more time at a black Cadillac, parked in suburbs, before he yelled to a crowd of soldiers swimming down below like the ocean.

"Get ready, people, we're going on a Decepticon hunt!"

A/N: Hey guys, Sheena here~ Here's another Transformers fanfiction for you guys, from Bayverse, cuz why not. This time, with an OC! Say hello to Thea~

Just please, take note English isn't my first language, so I can make a ton of grammar mistakes and don't even know about it, so every help in that matter would be greatly appreciated. :)