Chapter 16



"No I can't marry you Christian I am sorry."

My whole world is crumbling before me. Ana told me she doesn't want to marry me.

"Baby why don't you want to marry me? We are going to be a family me, you, and the little one."

I place my hand on her stomach and she moves away from me. I can't understand what is happening. I thought she loved me and she would want this for us.

"Christian please do not make this any harder. I should have told you this sooner but I am in love with Mia. We both have decided that we are going to be together and raise the baby together."

Mia appears from nowhere and puts her arm around Ana. They start to kiss right in front of me what sort of sick shit is this?

"Christian honey wake up we are here." Huh what the hell is going on?

My eyes open to see my beautiful girl next to me in the car. I look out of the window and realize we are outside my parents' home.

"When did we get here baby?"

"About 5 minutes ago, you fell asleep on the way. It's not like you to nap so I knew you must have been tired."

Fuck me it was all a dream. I have not proposed yet, Ana is not running off with Mia and taking our baby. Of all the nightmares a person could have that shit had to be up there with the worst of them. We both get out of the car where Taylor gives me the let's talk look. I tell Ana to go on inside while I talk to Taylor.

"Sir everything is set up what would you like me to do with the ring?"

"I will take it Taylor and keep it on me. Thanks for all your help."

"Your welcome sir and congratulations."

I was going to reply to Taylor and tell him not to speak too soon, but I am not going to allow a stupid dream ruin tonight. I get inside and see Mia telling everyone that her and Ros are official. Well I feel sick my dream is coming true. Don't get me wrong I am happy for my sister and Ros as they both deserve to be happy. I just don't want the rest of my dream to be real. My mother tells us that dinner will be at least another half an hour so I build up the courage to ask Ana to come for a walk with me. We head to the boat house and I tell Ana to go on ahead and walk in front of me.

"Wow Christian this is amazing." While she is looking at the transformation of the room I have a chance to get down on one knee, and take her ring out of my pocket. Ana turns around and gasps when she sees me.

"Anastasia Rose Steele. I have loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you. You have brought so much happiness and love into my life, and soon you will be giving me the best gift there is our baby. Will you marry me?"

"Yes" She says while crying uncontrollably.

I put the ring on Ana's finger and she is in awe of the ring or of the proposal am not sure which one but I am so happy right now.

"Wait can I ask you something?" Oh fuck she has changed her mind.

"Anything baby."

"You didn't propose because of the baby did you?"

"No baby I had everything planned before the baby was even conceived."

" I am so happy Christian can we skip dinner and go home. I am horny and seeing this ring on my finger does something to me."

"Trust me baby It does the same to me. I think our family is waiting for us outside so I think we won't be able to make a quick exit."

Just as I thought, I nearly knock Elliot flying when I open the door I guess that will teach him not to listen in on other people's conversations. Everyone hugs and congratulates us and my mother god love her she's an emotional mess. Elliot gives everyone a glass of champagne. When he passes a glass to Ana I can sense her panic, and everyone is looking at us suspiciously.

"Come on Ana down it." Elliot says.

"I can't El but thanks."

"Oh you're not knocked up are you Ana?"

Ana's face is now bright red and I am ready to punch Elliot in the face. Well I guess the cat is out of the bag now.

"Yes everyone Ana and I are four weeks pregnant. We wanted to wait until the 12-week mark but I guess Elliot just hates secrets."

There are more hugs and kisses going around and my mother is worse than she was before. I think I even saw my dad tear up and Elliot is just balling like a baby. We all head back inside as I rush Ana in as I know our little one will need feeding.

"So when is the wedding and where are you two thinking of having it?" I know my mother will try and go overboard with this as I will be the first of her children to get married.

"Mother we have only just got engaged. Ana and I will decide what we want when Ana is ready."

"Christian I would like to get married as soon as possible. I would love to be your wife before the baby is born so we can all have the same surname. We can just get the marriage license and just say our I do's at city hall."

Absolutely not I am giving my bride a wedding with all the stuff that comes along with it.

"How about baby if we have the wedding here. We could have the ceremony outside. I want us to have a proper wedding and city hall does not do it for me."

"I would like that. Do you think we could plan a wedding for like a month's time as I want to be your wife like now?"

"Baby I am Christian Grey I can make anything happen."

Well the month came and went and now I am standing in my parent's backyard waiting for my beautiful bride. We decided on a night time wedding. Ana liked the idea of having lights and candles and she said the pictures would look amazing. I have to admit my soon to be wife was right. We had a pretty hard month with all the planning as it took its toll on both of us especially Ana. Ana has been calling me possessive and extremely bossy lately, but she has no idea how worse I am going to get. She will soon be my wife and she is the mother of my child so I will go to any lengths to take care of her and protect her. We are now two months pregnant. You couldn't tell as Ana still looks the same as her body has not started to change yet. I can't wait for her to get a bump. I am looking forward to all the stages of the pregnancy. I am most looking forward to finding out the sex of our child.

I can feel a tear fall from my eye as I see Ana walking down the aisle towards me. I feel Elliot grab my arm as a sign of support. El has took his best man duties to an extreme. I went away on business the first week of planning and Ana did not want to fly with me. Elliot became the new Christian so he says. I got rather jealous and angry of the time Ana and El spent together. I felt like they were playing house together. Ana explained that he wanted to be there for her and the baby as he wanted to make me proud of him. EL has always been a good brother but this past month he has outdone himself. Mia and Ros are still together and happy they are planning to get married next year. Ros has said she won't be giving into Mia's idea of a million-dollar wedding. I find it entertaining watching
Ros put her foot down to Mia.

Ana finally reaches me and Ray lets go of her hand and places it in mine he tells me to take care of both of them and he knows I will. The ceremony was beautiful and there was not a dry eye in sight. Me and Ana where a bit naughty as we left the reception as early as we could so we could begin our honeymoon. Ana decide that she wanted to go the Maldives and stay in one of the luxury huts on the water. Taylor said it was a security nightmare but he has quickly learned that I will Ana anything she wants at any cost.