Warning: Contains extreme anthrophiobia, memory loss, and mentions of torture.

England was disappointed in himself for not figuring out what had been going on sooner, and America had to suffer because of how oblivious he'd been. Sure, there were many times when he would worry about his former colony's absence; he knew things might not have been going too well for the other, but to the point of non-stop torture for a couple years? This was definitely not something he expected. Even if the boss America once had, who was now rightfully dead, did speak as a tyrant would at times, and there had been some fear clouding some minds of the nation's citizens, he'd still been under the impression that everything was going well for his former colony. That maybe he was only over thinking things. There were no mass genocides, no pushes to make absolute sure certain groups were 'put in their place', and people were still allowed to speak their minds. However, it did seem as if basic freedoms were being taken away, as months passed on. Yet the Americans, for the most part, still appeared to be oblivious to what was going on. Even if the country was turning more isolated over time. Fortunately, before anything drastic could happen, the rest of the nations were eventually able to put two and two together. No matter how many excuses his boss attempted to use, in order to explain America's absence, there was no reason for him to have not communicated with any other nations for two years straight. The young nation simply wouldn't have found that acceptable, unless he was the one to share a valid explanation as to why he was isolating himself.

It wasn't easy for the nations who volunteered to save America to go through with doing so. They had to find a way to steal information and do so undetected (as being caught would only result in disaster), so they could find out where he was in the first place. It was a mission that required much guile and a lot of planning, before they could even consider going through with it. Only certain nations were allowed to participate in this operation, due to the fact that most nations were either untrustworthy, incompetent in any skills required to complete the task at hand, or did not receive enough support from their boss to do so. Even if England wanted them to go through with the mission right away, as he couldn't bare spending any time sitting there while America continued to suffer through whatever his boss was forcing him to endure (if anything at all), he was aware of the fact that they would have to wait until they were sure their plan might work.

After their plan for figuring out what was going on with America was formulated, they were quick to go about doing some vigorous searching, in order to collect vital information. It'd taken a while for them to do this, but they'd eventually found out everything that was happening, and what the president planned on doing.

What they discovered was enough to make some of them sick to their stomachs. The tyrant just wanted control over America, and he'd found the right people to help him and an almost flawless way of going about this. There was no denying the fact that he was a clever man, after viewing his elaborate plans.

What disturbed England most was the fact that the ex-president was very interested in trying to 'cleanse' America. By doing so, he wanted a group of scientists to wipe away all his memories, in hopes that this would influence the citizens of America to become less educated, and according to the documents they found during their search, they were successful in doing so. They'd also conducted experiments on him, since the tyrant wanted the scientists to find out what was making America resistant to aging, so that he could be immortal as well. If the scientists wanted to, they were allowed to conduct other experiments on the young nation, in order to explore his other impressive features. There was no limit to how cruel the experiments could be. They could even amputate limbs if they wanted to, just to figure out how the nation was able to grow them back. Drugs to ease the pain and keeping him well fed were not requirements either. If they wanted some entertainment from the young nation's suffering, they could have it.

Most of this mess was over now. The scientists would never be able to lay a finger on the poor nation again, as justice had put them in their place, and he was able to be brought back to the safety of his home. Though it came as a shock, at first, to England, that the house was complete a mess. One chair had been tipped over at the table in the kitchen, while another one laid on the floor in pieces; a sign that someone strong must have thrown it at full force. There was a hole in the living room wall, and some of the young nation's belongings were scattered about on the floor. America must have put up quite a fight, when his own government tried to take advantage of him. England was still willing to try and fix the house up, and at least make it look as familiar as possible to his former colony. Perhaps this would help him regain some of his memory. Since the damage that was done wasn't too terrible, though, he figured it would be best to try and help America recover from his critical condition as his main priority, and focus on the house when he was confident the American wouldn't need him. He was becoming thin to a dangerous extent. Though he was not quite a skeleton, a few of his ribs were still prominent. There were bruises and cuts all over his body as well, and while he laid on his bed, in his current unconscious state, he would sometimes twitch; a sign he was still under the effects of a substance the scientists shouldn't have injected into him.

Hours had passed when America finally stirred, and at first, England couldn't help but grow a bit elated. He was sure whatever substance was still inside his former colony's body was still in affect, but he'd hoped that most of it had passed through by now, and that the young nation would be able to function better than he had in the half-conscious state he'd found him in. The Brit's hope, however, ebbed away when it became more apparent that his former colony was still out of. Even after fifteen minutes of him groggily blinking at what in his surroundings he could still see with his messed up vision, the American showed no signs of wanting to move. Despite his disappointment, however, England was still more than willing to try and make him as comfortable as possible, so he stroked his ex-colony's wheat-colored hair, and wrapped another blanket over the poor nation's shivering form. The comfort provided to him had been enough to lull America back into a deep slumber within minutes.

When America fell asleep again, England figured there was no point in sitting there and watching the young nation any longer, as it wasn't likely that he would wake up any time soon; so he waited until Canada returned from his trip to the store with some groceries. There was hardly any edible food in the house when they first arrived, as most of it was way past its expiration date, so they had to rid the fridge and the cupboards of the spoilt food. Which resulted in a few containers and boxes of stale, yet edible sustenance remaining on the shelves.

While the the two waited for America to wake up again, after having taken care of the groceries, they busied themselves with cleaning up some of the mess that had been left behind in the somewhat damaged house. Four o'clock rolled by when they decided to stop working for the day; figuring they made a lot of progress in the amount of time they worked and deserved some rest. While they allowed themselves to relax a bit, they set to checking on the unconscious American once every twenty minutes. After around a couple of hours of them doing this, America finally woke up.

At first, the young nation appeared to still be out of it, but it wasn't long until he grew more cautious of his surroundings. If anyone else had viewed the world as he did through his eyes, they would've found everything to be quite blurry. Though this was not what worried America most. This was how he believed the world was supposed to appear to everyone. It was the only way he ever was able to observe it. The only way he could tell where he was and if anyone was near by was if their blurry figure (if they weren't in the two feet radius in front of his face) was moving, or depending on the blurry mess of colors that surrounded him. If it was dark in his surroundings, it meant he wasn't in the bright secret lair where the odd men who wore white and had a strange obsession towards hurting him, lived. There were also small, furry, white creatures trapped with those men. He was sometimes forced to watch these animals through the same torture as he did on a daily basis. Dark meant he was safe for a while, and that he was allowed to sleep, and eat whatever the strange men gave him. However, it was sometimes risky to eat, as there were times when they would hide a drug in the food to weaken him, but sometimes, his hunger outweighed any cogent judgments, as food wasn't something he could always rely on being provided with, which was why he couldn't afford take the sustenance that was harmless for granted. Dark only became frightening when the strange men vocalized random noises at him. There was a certain rhythm to them; ones no animal nor himself could produce. He could tell each sound was unique, and meant something different from the previous one uttered. Yet they were so complicated, and he was unable to remember or figure out what most of them meant. He had to be taught a few commands in order to have any hope of understanding what the men told him.

The mysterious room he was in now wasn't dark or white, but instead had dark cream colored walls, with strange blurry objects he could almost immediately tell, despite his horrible vision, were objects he was incapable of discerning, due to his limited experience. To add to his fear, which was caused by the unfamiliarity of his surroundings, a strange figure sat next to the bed he was laying in. Appearance wise, he was different from the men in strange white suits (at first glance, anyways), and instead wore a shirt that was blue. America examined the figure next to him more closely, and jumped when he found that whatever was sitting next to him, in fact, did shared some physical features similar to the scientists; he must have been a human!

America furrowed his eyebrows in an attempt to hide his fear, and make himself come off as more hostile. Did the human really believe he was going to fall for whatever trick he was trying to pull on him, or that he was going to allow him to take advantage of him? The men who wore white may have been able to manage such, but he still wasn't going to let this human do the same. He had to make it clear, the moment he met this human, that he was not a force to mess with, and that he best stay away from him. He figured he was most definitely in a different place from where the cruel experiments happened, which must have meant he was being given a second chance, by some higher power, to prevent further suffering in his future. He couldn't have cared less for what caused those men who hurt him to scream out in agony, though. He only wanted for those same people who 'saved' him to realize he was not going to suffer through the same things the scientists forced him to endure. That was, if it was their intention to steal him and perform the same tortures on him; which he figured was going to most definitely be the case. Since when did he ever meet a human who cared for his well being?

Another human soon entered the room, and upon arriving, communicated to the one who was right next to him with those sounds he was unable to understand. This, of course, only caused him to grow even more uneasy.

It was when the human next to him reached out his hand towards him when America attacked. He'd shot up from where he laid on his new bed, and punched the human on his cheek. He proceeded to strike a few more times towards his stomach, before the other human attempted to grab his wrists and pin him to the bed. Too distracted to start fending off the human in the blue shirt now, he focused his energy into fighting off the one who was trying to restrain him. This human was definitely stronger than the one he'd just hit, as he was still able to try and keep fending America off after being struck a few times, but he was eventually able to throw him off as well. At least for a few seconds, anyways. The two humans continued to try and make him stop hitting them. Sure, never at one point during the fight did it become their intention to hurt him in the process, but he still didn't keep his guard down. Even when they surrendered and fled the room.

When he deemed it safe, America tried to search for a way out, but it was to no avail. Before the fight, he'd already been a bit shaky, but now his legs were hardly able to keep him standing. Besides, his horrible eyesight would only make it difficult to navigate around the house, let alone, the room he'd been sleeping in.

Meanwhile, England and Canada were in the living room, trying to catch their breaths after making sure they were far away from America and receiving quite a few ugly bruises that would definitely make their appearances soon, due to the hits from the fight. When they figured it wasn't probable the young nation would be coming after them, Matthew stated, "I wasn't expecting him to still be so strong. I thought that he'd still be very weak from being starved and abused by the scientists."

"Well, he's still not as strong as he usually is right now, though it may be hard to believe," England replied to Canada's statement, and continued with something he deemed more relevant to their current situation, "I knew that he was probably going to be mistrusting of other humans, since his memory was erased and all he can remember now is how poorly he'd been treated by them, but I wasn't expecting him to be so aggressive towards us. Though, I guess this shouldn't have really come to me as a surprise. I just wonder what we're supposed to do when he's acting all feral like this. Clearly, we're not strong enough to keep him from hurting us, and what if he ends up hurting himself because of his fear and confusion? How are we supposed to take care of him and potentially recover his memory if he's not even going to let us go near him, and we can't do anything about that? It's not like any other nation is going to be willing to help us. Most of them believe he's a lost cause now. Some don't think it's even any of their business whether or not he gets better. And it would be too risky to have any nations who didn't share that awful opinion to come over and help. I simply don't trust any of them. Besides, the only nation strong enough to even stand a chance against America's strength is Russia, but it would be bloody stupid to let him anywhere near Alfred, when he's still weak from what the scientists did to him."

Canada pondered what England had stated, as an eerie silence expanded throughout the atmosphere of the room. At first, he couldn't help but become hopeless, as he couldn't detect anything but truth in the words the Brit had spoken. Though, as he continued to think things over, he found himself coming to the conclusion that perhaps it wouldn't be such a stupid idea to let Russia help them out after all. He wasn't sure if England would be willing to try and understand where he was coming from with this, since the idea sounded crazy, but he figured that it was at least worth a shot, and it wasn't as of they had any other choice, "I actually don't think that would be a bad idea."

"What do you mean," the Brit glared at Canada, as if he believe the nation in front of him was the stupidest person he ever set his eyes on, "Of course it would be a bad idea. If we weren't able to stop America from hurting us, but he is able to take advantage of him with ease, then how are we going to be able to stop him if he decides to turn against us?"

"W-well, it's not as if Alfred's weak state is necessarily unknown to him, or to the rest of the world. Maybe the personification of America is still weak, and the government is still trying to fix itself now, but that still doesn't mean that the people and his military won't try to stop another nation from attempting to conquer his country. Besides, the other nations won't allow it either. After all, if Russia tries conquering other countries, the world won't be too happy with him, and they probably won't stand by and let him do as he pleases. I mean, if he's trying to conquer America, and we do nothing about it, what if he ends up obtaining the power to conquer a large portion of the world? Russia knows that this would be stupid. Otherwise, he would probably be taking over countries right now. So why don't we just give him a chance? I realize that he's not the gentlest nation out there, but do we really have any other choice? I'll just make sure to tell him to not hurt Alfred."

England considered what Canada told him for a moment before stating, "Okay, I guess you're right. Fine, he can come over to help. But you're going to have to be the one to call him. People usually don't remember who you are anyways, so it's not very likely that he has a grudge against you."

The comment about people not being capable of recalling his existence stung, but he was still more than willing to comply as he replied, "Alright."

It wasn't too long after the call when Russia arrived at the house (a lot of the nations were still near where America lived, since most of them were either a part of the mission to save him, or were debating on whether or not they should help and what they could do if they did). Fortunately, he didn't seem to mind being asked to do this, in fact, Canada received an impression that he was even a bit eager. As if the Russian viewed this as the perfect opportunity to achieve some goal of his. He didn't question this strange enthusiasm, though, as he still had in mind the fact that Russia was their only hope that moment, and it wasn't very probable for him to try anything, due to how the world might react to any wrong-doings from him.

Russia climbed the stairs to the second floor, where Canada guessed was most definitely the place where America still lingered. Fortunately, he didn't have any trouble trying to find the young nation, as he was sitting against a wall in the bedroom; giving off a vibe that he was exhausted, but still alert. He tried his best to be slow and quiet, while striding towards the feral nation. He didn't want to startle the scared American.

It was when Russia was only two feet in front of him when America noticed a blurry figure in front of him. Upon noticing another presence in the room, he whimpered and scooted as far away across the soft carpeted floor as his shaky limbs would let him. While he did this, the human spoke to him in a soft tone, but he wasn't going to let himself fall for it.

His back hit a corner in the room, and the figure seemed to have him trapped there. More panic clawed at his gut, and made his heart flutter at a rate that would make anyone think the organ was going to burst. The human didn't back off, though, as he knelt down so his face was level with America's. This caused the frightened nation to punch Russia's face. Although the hit caused him much pain, the Russian refused to let the agony, now clustered throughout his nose, distract him as he grabbed the young nation's wrists. This caused the American to start flailing around in the hold, but after spending a few minutes to try and stop him from struggling, he was eventually able to keep both of America's arms pinned with one arm, and his legs pinned with his own. Due to his desperation, the feral nation tried to bite the hand that was now stoking his hair, but when Russia caught sight of him attempting to do this, he forced the young nation's mouth shut by applying pressure to and holding his jaw.

America clenched his eyes shut and whimpered at the pain, which was now spreading through the joints of his jaw. Russia seemed to immediately realize, after hearing him whimper, that he was holding America's jaw much too tight, and freed the young nation's face of his hand as he said in a soft voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push so hard on your jaw."

The soft tone still didn't do anything to reassure the American, as it wasn't long until sobs poured from his mouth, due to his desperation. Russia continued to try and reassure the nation, and eventually loosened his hold on him when it was apparent America no longer had any fight left in him. He cried in the Russian's arms for what seemed to be an eternity; until he was too exhausted to continue doing so. Soon after he was over his distress, he fell asleep in the warm embrace. He couldn't recall another time he felt so comfortable around another human being, but it was obvious his intense exhaustion was the only reason he'd forgotten about his fear in the last few moments he was conscious.

A/N: Before anyone says anything, the ex-president in this story is 100% fictional; meaning that he is in no way a reference to our current or past presidents. This story takes place probably a few decades into the future (don't worry though, most things still look the same as they do today). The reason why is that I highly doubt scientists have found a way, yet, to erase someone's memory without causing any brain damage, if that makes any sense.