What if Diego had a sister how are those have affected how the events of Ice Age played out? Blah blah it's an OC story I'm sure it's been done before but I'm sick and bored so here you have it. Idk if I'm going to go through all the movies or just this one so don't hold me to anything.

Please forgive any mistakes. I'm going off of a script because I haven't seen it in a year or so. Tell me any inaccuracies and I'll try to fix them.

I do not own ice age, only Tora and any characters I may add in later.

Honestly I'm sorry I haven't been posting but I've had things going on in my life (mostly bad things) and I have been stressed so this is the first time I've gotten to write.

Word count: 1,007 (honestly this is just an introduction. Hopefully the next chapter will be more)

Diego could see Soto standing on the bluff. He padded over to join him and looked down at the human camp.

"Look at the cute little baby Diego!" Soto snarled.

"Do you think he'll be joining us for breakfast?" Diego asked, cruel amusement ringing in his voice.

"It wouldn't be breakfast without him. Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm." Soto was practically growling now and Diego couldn't blame him. The humans had ruined everything, tearing apart the very fabric of the pack.

"Alert the troops, we attack at dawn. Diego, bring me that baby alive. If I'm going to enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh." (Yes I know I skipped a little dialogue here, I didn't think it was truly important for this story)

A sudden commotion made the two turn. A female tiger with fur slightly lighter than diegos with a white stomach and paws stood over Oscar with Zeke and Lenny backing away from her. She snatched a bone off the ground, obviously one that Oscar had, and stepped away from him. Soto smiled at Diego as the female lay down and begin chewing on the bone.

"Your sister sure is something" he said watching the female. Diego eyed Soto before turning his gaze to his sister.

"I guess." He said warily. He was well aware of Sotos feelings for his sister. Even before the pack was destroyed he had followed her but she had always declined. Now Soto had gotten it in his head that she would help him rebuild the pack.

"Tora!" Soto called. The female dropped the bone and kicked it away before padding over to them.

"Yes Soto?" She questioned, meeting his eyes confidently. If any saber besides her or Diego tried this, they would be dead before they could blink. Diego and Tora were at the top of the pack, under only Soto.

"You and Diego will go for the baby. We leave at dawn." Tora nodded as Soto padded away. She moved to stand beside her brother and look down at the settlement. Diego sat down beside her and watched with his sister.

"Is this going to work?" She questioned and Diego shrugged. "Let's hope so." They sat in silence for a few moments before Tora stretched and Diego followed her example. As they padded to the base of the rock, Diego noticed Soto's eyes following them. He resisted the urge to growl but relaxed when Soto turned his head to sleep. Tora lay down and Diego beside her. She placed her head on his back and they drifted into sleep.

It was well before dawn when the tigers awoke. Tora and Diego stood at the hill before the raid, preparing for their mission. Soto gave the signal and they raced down the hill. The weight of several tigers caused pebbles to fall, waking the wolves, who growled and barked. Tora heard the humans before she saw them, emerging from their caves with weapons. The others lunged at the humans, distracting them, while Diego crept around one side of the fight and Tora, the other. They reached the human cave at the same time and entered, growling. Her brother was about to grab the baby when a female grabbed the baby.

Tora mentally hit herself for not noticing the female before hand. They gave chase as the human raced away from the fight with the baby in her hands. Tora, having always been faster than her brother, went around the human, allowing her brother the follow straight out. When they reached the river, Diego followed the human onto the rock as Tora hid under it, waiting. He reached for the baby, only to grab a necklace. The human tried to hide under the rock, only to be face to face with Tora. Never taking their eyes off the baby, they followed her across the water. In the seconds that it took, Tora was surprised her brother was willing to follow in water. The woman scrambled up onto a rock over the falls and Tora smirked.

Trapped! She thought, thankful that the chase was over. As the two tigers advanced on the woman, she looked around desperately before hugging the baby to her chest. Only then did Tora realize what was going to happen. As she jumped, Tora cursed under her breathe. Idiot! She scolded herself. Never underestimate what a mother will do for a child. They raced back to the camp as the wolves were released on their packmates. Soto glanced up and stopped fighting.

"There Diego and Tora!" He called to the others. "Fall back!" The other tigers followed his lead and and met up with the siblings. When he didn't see the baby in either of their mouths he snarled, "Where's the baby?"

Diego lowered his head, as did Tora as he said, "We lost it over the falls."

"You lost it?" The started racing away as human spears rained down on them. "I want that baby!" Soto snapped when they stopped.

"We'all get it!" Tora snapped at the leader before realizing her mistake. She didn't shrink away, however, because she knew he could kill her if she did.

"You better." Soto snarled. "If you don't, you'll serve as a replacement Diego." He turned his gaze back to Tora and snapped, "As for you, I'll stop ASKING you and have my way with you!" He paused again We'll go up to half peak, meet us there. It had better be alive." He turned and bounded away, leaving the siblings staring after him.

"Can we trust you with that?" Oscar taunted, before following Soto. They watched the backs of their packmates for a moment before Diego nudged his sister. They raced off down the river, hoping to catch the baby before it drowned. They heard the humans follow their packmates but thought little of it, more focused on the baby. Little did they know, a certain mammoth and sloth were about to find just that.